
Movie Buff - 159 Film Ratings
Member Since: 01 Sep 2007

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70 58% Battle of Britain (1969) - Rated 19 Nov 2007
"A well-done film about what might have been THE most important battle of WWII. Churchill's praise, of those who won the skies over Britain and prevented the German invasion, from the hindsight of history was pretty accurate. {A quote worth looking up}"
80 84% Battle Cry (1955) - Rated 19 Nov 2007
"One of the best war novels well-crafted for the screen. The plot devices of coming of age, war and difficult romances are intertwined smoothly. It's a very satisfying film."
80 84% Basic Instinct (1992) - Rated 19 Nov 2007
"Another modern day fly & the spider movie [Double Indemnity and Body Heat are excellent alternatives]. One of Stone's best efforts and Douglas plays the highly defective cop well. Good plot and some twists."
80 84% The Bank Dick (1940) - Rated 19 Nov 2007
"One of my favorite Fields movies. It has all the usual Field comedic scenes plus a good car chase scene. A couple of Fields movies, beer and a tub of popcorn make a great Saturday night."
70 58% Back to School (1986) - Rated 19 Nov 2007
"OK, so it deserves a lower rating, sue me! I am a fan of Dangerfield and I'm giving him a little respect. Lots of laughs - especially if you like Rodney."
70 58% Back to Bataan (1945) - Rated 19 Nov 2007
"A pretty good WWII film. The plot, roughly based on actual events & people, is a fairly stock story but the acting is good and it avoids delving too far into the realm of war propaganda. {It's a lot better than the soapy original Bataan starring Robert Taylor.}"
70 58% The Aviator (1985) - Rated 19 Nov 2007
"This may be Christopher Reeve's best movie. Based on a Gann novel, this story uses an old plot device - the forced interaction of people who are not alike and maybe would never even meet otherwise. Arquette oversells her role a bit but the plot works. The scenery and earlier aviation backdrop both add to the enjoyment factor."
80 84% Airplane! (1980) - Rated 19 Nov 2007
"One of my all-time favorite farce comedies [Caddyshack, Amazon Women on the Moon are also on the list]. Big laughs and lots of things you notice on subsequent viewings. {No tern unstoned in this one!}"
70 58% The Arrival (1996) - Rated 19 Nov 2007
"A pretty fair sci-fi drama. {If Al Gore wants to see real golobal warming, he ought to check this one out!} The plot is pretty strong for a sci-fier and the special effects are good. Pass the popcorn please."
80 84% Arabesque (1966) - Rated 19 Nov 2007
"This Hitchcock style drama/comedy serves as a good vehicle for Peck & Loren to showcase their talents. The plot is good and the dialog sparkling and entertaining. The interspersed comedy and action is well-balanced. Worth seeing again."