Guest in the House

Guest in the House

2h 1m
A young woman, who is emotionally unstable, stays at the home of her physician where she ends up meeting his brother. The woman becomes obsessed with the man, in spite of the fact that he is happily married, and decides to do everything in her power to win him over and prove her love. The dangerous actions of the young woman leads to some tragic consequences for those involved. (
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Guest in the House

2h 1m
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Avg Percentile 46.24% from 20 total ratings

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Rated 14 Jun 2012
Baxter is a over-the-top as the pretty psychopath, but enjoyable nonetheless, and Bellamy, Warrick, AMacMahon, Cowan, Kilbride, Hamilton and Marie ("The Body") McDonald make a fine supporting cast. The ending is silly, and seems tacked-on, but there are a lot of good atmospheric shots of shadows and moonlight, storms and the roiling oceans. Pity the movie hasn't been restored. so we could see them as they were intended to be seen--photographer Garmes and Brahm both being good at such things.
Rated 29 Nov 2015
This should be good, the writing seems fine and the plot, while not particularly original, is intriguing enough and Baxter's performance is rather enjoyable, but it never gets into gear. The rest of the women are bland, and the men even more so, and so everything just plods alone. And the ending is absurd, and not in a fun way.
Rated 02 Nov 2011
Baxter, several years before ALL ABOUT EVE, is great as another manipulative, conniving and unstable femme fatale. The first two acts are a bit sluggish, but things really ramp up for the finale, as the residence gets more claustrophobic and ruled by shadows. There's some wonderful framing technique, emphasizing Baxter's control over the household. Supporting performances are generally quite good. The film could use some higher stakes and a little more zip, but it has some mighty fine elements.
Rated 01 Nov 2019
Psychological drama which was interesting on paper, but didn't translate to the gripping drama it's supposed to be on screen. Something about uneven tone of everything, almost transmitting the wrong impressions during it's key scenes. Just about the only one that worked effectively was the end, but even that felt rushed and a bit too much compared to the tone of the rest of the movie. At least they tried.


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