Mister America
Mister America
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Mister America

Mister America

1h 29m
Mister America follows Heidecker's attempt to enter the world of politics. After beating a murder charge for selling faulty e-cigarettes at an EDM festival, Tim seeks revenge by running a campaign to unseat the San Bernardino District Attorney. Fueled by ego and ignorance, he tries to surmount a lack of experience, funds and likability by personally connecting with unsuspecting constituents. It does not go well. (imdb)

Mister America

1h 29m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 43.88% from 60 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 20 Jan 2020
As a standalone title, it's a so-so portrait of a shitty person with unrealistic goals. As part of the by now impressively large On Cinema performance piece, it's a solid portrait of Tim Heidecker just Tim Heideckering all over the place.
Rated 12 Oct 2019
An offshoot from the genius On Cinema universe that unfortunately lacks momentum. I laughed a couple times and there were some interesting subtle bits of humour but it just pales in comparison to all their other work, especially "The Trial of Tim Heidecker" which leads into this film. Disappointed but who can complain when there is a new season of On Cinema on right now!
Rated 17 Apr 2020
Surely impenetrable for all but the devotees of this bizarre universe that's been stewing for nine years at this point, it's a decent showcase of Heidecker's talents, as well as a solid parody of political docs.
Rated 17 Oct 2022
I'm going to rank this separately from all the other On Cinema releases because it seems to be partly targeted at an unfamiliar general audience. Everything else (the trial, oscar specials, Decker) is incorporated into my "On Cinema" ranking.
Rated 12 Dec 2021
For for fans who already dug deeper into the On Cinema-lore. The deadpan humor from the series is even more boiled down here. What's incredible though is that "Mister America" manages to have a dramatical arc despite not really going anywhere, really. Some scenes where hilarious, but I would lie if I said it completely blew me away.
Rated 23 Jul 2020
Tim's mixed-reality derangement shines. Probably would have enjoyed this more if i was more engaged with 'On Cinema'
Rated 15 Apr 2020
If you can't tell, I kind of went on a Tim and Eric binge recently. Mister America is boring, for the quality of the usual Tim Heidecker performance piece. There's a lot here to love, or hate in the same breath, but too much of it just falls flat or resorts to cheap chuckles rather than bust-outs.
Rated 02 Dec 2019
on cinema is great and everything but this is like nathan fielder by way of armando iannucci if they were both at their most basic and lazy.


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