Volki i ovtsy. Khod sviney
Volki i ovtsy. Khod sviney
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Volki i ovtsy. Khod sviney

Volki i ovtsy. Khod sviney

Comedy, Family/Kids
1h 26m
The united town of sheep and wolves lives a peaceful and quiet life until two unexpected guests turn up - a polar fox and a tiny ewe. No one ever expected them to bring a deadly danger, which can be overcome only if they work together. Only teamwork can solve big problems and deal with serious challenges - as there is strength in unity.

Volki i ovtsy. Khod sviney

Comedy, Family/Kids
1h 26m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 24.55% from 4 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 29 Oct 2023
one of the rare animation movie that improves over the first one. But that was due to the first one being complete shit. They worked a bit on the designs and world building, but did not fix all that was wrong
Rated 28 Sep 2020
Kuzuları koruyan ve Vegan olan kurtlar, diğer rakip kara kurtlar tarafından isyan eder. Kara kurtların tehdidine karşı kuzu köyüne kale inşaat ederler. Kısa süreli fakat sıkılan çocuklar olur. Çok fazla eğitici derken banal olmuş. Sempatik değil. Bu arada kurt çizimleri çok cılız. Vasat. Filmin sonunda, savaş olmadan anlaşıp kazanıyorlar. Bana yaklaşma bende domuz gribi var.
Rated 04 Sep 2019
I thought it worked alright getting the family in a good mood. It's like just about every animation film which comes out these days. Happy and fast paced. Nothing deeper than that. For me, better than the first one in the series. Be warned, this one might be considered discriminating towards pigs.


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