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The Truth About Cats & Dogs
A successful veternarian & radio show host with low self-esteem asks her model friend to impersonate her when a handsome man wants to see her. (imdb)
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The Hurricane Heist
Thieves attempt a massive heist against the U.S. Treasury as a Category 5 hurricane approaches one of its Mint facilities.
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Schwarzfahrer (1993) - Short Film
A young black man is verbally harassed by an older woman on a streetcar, while the other passengers remain silent. He finally extracts his revenge. (imdb)
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That Darn Cat!
A woman is kidnapped. While in captivity, she manages to send a message out with a wandering cat. The cat's owner calls the FBI. The FBI tries to follow the cat. Jealous boyfriends and nosy neighbours also get in the act. (imdb)
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The Mummy
A full-scale re-imagining of Universal Pictures' seminal 1932 film, The Mummy is a rousing, suspenseful and horrifying epic about an expedition of treasure-seeking explorers in the Sahara Desert in 1925. (Universal Pictures)
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Open Grave
A man wakes up in the wilderness, in a pit full of dead bodies, with no memory and must determine if the murderer is one of the strangers who rescued him, or if he himself is the killer. (imdb)
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Dirty Mary Crazy Larry
Mary and Larry are two lovers who, with Larry's ace mechanic, kidnap the daughter of a grocery story owner, and make off with the ransom. They are chased over hill, over vale by the cops, who deploy everything from 426 Hemis to helicopters to stop Larry's Dodge Charger. Except Mary was not with them when the kidnap took place. (imdb)
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A successful businessman leaves his wife and family after a visit to a fortune teller. He embarks on a journey of self-discovery and redemption heading into New York's underworld where he kills a pimp and a wanna-be actress that lands him in jail.
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The massive labyrinthine netherworld that is the Budapest subway system, provides the stunning setting for Kontroll, a high-style, high-speed romantic thriller in which the lives of assorted outcasts, lovers and dreamers intersect and collide. (ThinkFilm)
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Wrath of the Titans
Perseus embarks on a treacherous quest into the underworld to rescue Zeus, who has been targeted for capture by his traitorous son, Ares, and his brother, Hades. (imdb)
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