
Flick Fan - 60 Film Ratings
Member Since: 29 Oct 2011
Location: Victoria, BC, Canada, Canada
Bio: I work at a video store and buy movies. Sweet. Also book hardcore punk shows.

more Recent Ratings

94 97% Fish Tank (2009) - Rated 29 Oct 2011
"Incredible film. It's use of lighting in so many scenes was amazing. Fassbender and Jarvis are amazing in this."
90 92% The Virgin Suicides (2000) - Rated 29 Oct 2011
"Such a strong and close adaptation of the book. There were obviously somethings left out but that can be expected."
78 65% CQ (2001) - Rated 29 Oct 2011
"Solid film. Enjoyed the concept and the jumping between multiple films that were happening within."
97 99% Lost in Translation (2003) - Rated 29 Oct 2011
"This movie started a trend of me getting / developing my own taste in movies. Some of it has moved away from this but overall I can always come back to this movie and fall in love again."
85 79% Marie Antoinette (2006) - Rated 29 Oct 2011
"This film is such a great period piece to perceive. I love the fact that the narrative has little impact on any of the mundane things that happen throughout."
91 95% Somewhere (2010) - Rated 29 Oct 2011
"I absolutely love Sofia's movies. Can't get enough of this film."
87 83% Drive (2011) - Rated 29 Oct 2011
"Strong neo-noir type film. Great pacing. Great scenes. Strong dialogue."
65 34% The Lost Boys (1987) - Rated 29 Oct 2011
82 76% Full Metal Jacket (1987) - Rated 29 Oct 2011
79 68% Aliens (1986) - Rated 29 Oct 2011