Lost in Translation

Lost in Translation

1h 42m
Unable to sleep, Bob and Charlotte, two Americans in Tokyo, cross paths one night in the luxury hotel bar. This chance meeting soon becomes a surprising friendship. Charlotte and Bob venture through Tokyo, having often hilarious encounters with its citizens, and ultimately discover a new belief in life's possibilities.
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Lost in Translation

1h 42m
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Avg Percentile 61.3% from 17364 total ratings

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Rated 14 Aug 2007
I love it. It's just nice to look at all the beautiful scenery, very dreamy. I can always pop this in if I'm having a bad day and feel infinitely better. Also, the soundtrack is perfect and Kevin Shields should be forced to work on more films. Bill Murray is always immensely watchable and it's no different here. One of my favorites.
Rated 21 May 2007
Visual poetry. What is truly refreshing about Lost in Translation is the honesty. An honest romance film that doesn't pander to the audience and cop out with the ending. Stated as overrated in many circles, I strongly disagree. There have been few (if any) greater American love stories on film in the last decade. Very few films can simultaneously make you feel happy inside, while also making you weep. Murray was robbed.
Rated 09 Mar 2022
Writer-director Sofia Coppola's personality is so engrained in this picture that it's no wonder it's often included in "Films for INFJs" lists. The photography & dreampop music create a looming atmosphere for these characters to live in. And as a story it avoids being a simplistic melodrama about an older man & young woman. It loses some points as the jokes on Japanese locals & the Anna Faris character can be mean spirited. But it's recommended for the moral of finding hope in depression.
Rated 15 Oct 2009
(after repeat viewings) Seen it a lot recently, evokes a warm and melancholic feeling every time. Coppola does wonders with a small budget and a talented cast and creates moments that are both sweet and refreshing. I can't help but connect and enjoy. Not being a big fan of her acting - *clearing throat* - I can honestly say her film has moved me. Murray should be in every film yet to be made.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
This film seems to suffer from trying too hard to be "cool". Unfortunately, for me, it just seemed empty and interminable.
Rated 06 Feb 2016
A melancholy reverie of the world's most chaste romance, all stolen glances and shy touches (head on a shoulder, fingers grazing her outstretched foot). The soundtrack is as big a key as any as to Sofia Coppola's influences: shoegaze is the music of lonely people trying to find beauty buried beneath the surface. It doesn't matter what Bob said to Charlotte, what matters is that he returned to her to say it: an incantation to give their relationship meaning at the moment of closure.
Rated 10 Jan 2010
Scarlett Johansson's ass + racism = sublime.
Rated 09 Sep 2015
to ensure nothing is lost in translation, Coppala makes explicit the theme in the title, as well as in the film itself, repeatedly, and in the same way, in often rapid succession.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The only thing that kept me watching was the anticipation that it just had to get better, it just had to, but alas it never did.
Rated 29 Sep 2008
I really couldn't pick a single flaw in this. Beautifully shot, perfectly acted and has an atmosphere unlike any other. One of those rare films that feel like a gift.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
If Lost in Translation ended after the slow introductory shot of Scarlett Johanssen's scantily clad rear end, this movie would rate 100. However, this movie continues on for two more hours lacking continuity within scenes, likable characters, a compelling plot or respectable pacing, showing why Sofia Coppola should be forced to change her last name before completely disgracing her father's legacy.
Rated 30 May 2012
I wish Bill Murray would come to Tokyo and flirt with me.
Rated 31 Jul 2009
Nothing happens... beautifully.
Rated 21 May 2021
Graced by an excellent soundtrack with key cuts from My Bloody Valentine, Air, and Squarepusher that drive the film's best moments, and it's those untranslatable moods that leave a lasting impact. The actual romance would be entirely forgettable if not for the awkward age gap between an 18-year old and a 52-year old. I like that Bill Murray's character has to be famous because why would Scarlett Johansson even look at him twice if he wasn't famous?
Rated 30 Dec 2008
A rambling, self indulgent Facebook-status-update of a movie. SEE the usually gorgeous Johanssen as a spoiled brat, the usually brilliant BIll Murray as a hangdog mope. HEAR them whine because nobody understands them. FEEL their boredom despite being in one of the most vibrant cities on Earth. The soundtrack and brain-dead mumbling ending reek of director Sophia Coppola's yearning for indie cred. See it, if only to understand why all the people who rave about it are wrong.
Rated 06 Jan 2012
Probably one of my favorite movies of all time. I keep watching it over and over and cannot get enough of the mood Coppola evokes so effortlessly. Bill Murray and Johansson had such great, understated chemistry. Will go down as one of the best films of the previous decade, and will definitely be remembered in years to come.
Rated 18 May 2009
Character studies of uninteresting people aren't interesting
Rated 21 Apr 2018
Beautiful city, beautiful and minimal script. Perhaps the melancholy of two lonely individuals stuck in what should be fulfilling lives, makes for a moving and realistic connection.
Rated 19 Apr 2009
This is one of the most boring films I have ever seen in my life. NOTHING ACTUALLY HAPPENS.
Rated 28 Dec 2014
Never understood why this movie is being considered as one of the best relationship stories. In fact, it's one of the most boring and overrated movies ever.
Rated 18 Oct 2007
Thoroughly unlikable people who don't know who they are or what they want and just wallow in their unsatisfactory lives. Even if that is exactly what the filmmaker set out to create... I'm not the audience who finds that entertaining.
Rated 02 Jan 2008
Yea, I guess I'm in the minority on this one. I just don't see what the big deal is. It kept my attention, but I wouldn't call it terribly interesting either. Theres certainly appreciable qualities to the movie, it's well acted and shot, and can be very atmospheric, but when it comes down to it, I just didn't find enough here to really wow me. It's not bad, but I wouldn't go anywhere near calling it great either. I don't know, maybe I'm missing something here.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
There is something about this movie that just floors me completely. Brilliant performances by Scarlett Johansen and Bill Murray. One of my all-time favourites.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Everything about this film is perfect, but the reason it gets 100 is because of the atmosphere that breathes in every scene. The images, soundtrack, story everything works together to create what seems not just a foreign but alien world.
Rated 23 Oct 2010
Incredibly boring story, forgettable characters and dull script go together to create yet another ridiculously overrated Oscar winner. I'm sure the snippets of Tokyo culture are quite well-observed and the cinematography of the city is certainly nice, but aside from a couple of semi-amusing scenes involving Bob 'at work' there's nothing memorable here whatsoever. Perhaps when I'm in the midst of my mid-life crisis and fantasising about beautiful 20 year-olds I'll appreciate it more.
Rated 03 Jan 2009
I love me some Bill Murray! Dare I say that he is my favorite actor? Yes. I'm not a particularly big fan of Scarlett Johansson's acting, but I felt she did a very good job here. A
Rated 09 Jun 2009
Sofia Coppola is millions of miles better behind the camera than in front, both this one and The Virgin Suicides are brilliant. Wish I never found out what Murray whispered, though...
Rated 15 Dec 2011
Bill Murray gives an outstanding performance in this film. He has a great mixture of funny and serious scenes. Scarlett Johansson is also great in this movie. I think the ending really suits this film.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Obvious, navel-gazing waste of time, involving two self-absorbed characters and a series of ciphers designed to explicate thematic points and make external what should be internal. Pretty to look at, but ugly in it's reductive racism.
Rated 21 Jan 2010
A movie about loneliness and fleeting connections between people. I don't quite understand the accusations of racism, because I think this is also an affectionate homage to not-entirely-inauthetic Japanese weirdness and nightlife. Some of it is clichéd, but let's just imagine this as the inverse of two people from abroad meeting in the strange place that is America; point being, cultural caricature is not necessarily "racist." It is used here simply to emphasize alienation and longing.
Rated 31 Oct 2010
Earlier I have thought that some of the japanese jokes and the irritating actress Kelly were too cliché but on my third viewing it all seemed to click. Everything worked for me, and the relationship between Bob and Charlotte must be one of the best romances in film history. It is so subtle and slowly developed that it just feels so real and honest. And of course, Johansson and Murray have never been better. The direction is top-notch, smoothly packing every moment with subtle emotions. Go watch!
Rated 23 Mar 2022
I enjoyed a lot of scenes and the acting was amazing, but the message didn't really resonate with me. I think I'll rewatch it 3-5 years once I've been out of college for a few years.
Rated 20 Jul 2009
I thought that this critically revered film, sucked. I tried to fall asleep.
Rated 19 Feb 2007
Bill murrey at his very very best.
Rated 22 May 2021
Sofia Coppola has a different sense of humor and a unique style in filming.
Rated 15 Aug 2007
It may have been the mood I was in when I watched it, but this just blew me away. A fantastic sense of loneliness when surrounded by millions of people, and the blossoming friendship between Bob and Charlotte are incredible. One of my new favourites.
Rated 30 Dec 2010
No thanks. Whiny, self-absorbed, worthless.
Rated 12 Dec 2008
The most boring film ever.
Rated 24 Aug 2008
Poetry in its purest and most precision-based form.
Rated 24 Jul 2009
A great performance by Murray and, as always, Johansson is totally hot. Throughout the movie, I couldn't help but be reminded of the Pink Floyd song "Wish You Were Here." It really fit with the theme of the movie, you know? "We're just two lost souls swimmin' in a fish bowl..."
Rated 04 Nov 2015
Creates an interesting tonal dynamic between intimate & relaxed character drama & distant absurdist comedy. Acting is subtly physical and Murray's effortless prostration plays wonderfully against Johansson's naive perplexity. At times Coppola doesn't quite know how to fill the space and puts in some trivial shots with moody music added in for atmosphere. Mostly however it does build a fantastic setting to contextualize the drama. A very enjoyable work but too thin to quite be called brilliant.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A long drawn out bore. Slow, quiet, and odd film editing make for a nice nap time movie.
Rated 02 May 2011
Gorgeous to look at. It helps when you see wonderful scenery and the stars in front of said scenery are Murray and Johansson. Uniquely appealing.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
no action, not really funny, no thrill but beautiful and bill murray as good as in groundhog day
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The worst movie ever made. Dull, self involved characters in a story where NOTHING EVER HAPPENS! No one ever says anything interesting, insightful or creative. Worst of all is the cinematography, trying to tell of the emtiness that is their existance through the use of big empty shots. Effective perhaps, but about as interesting as listening to your grandma talk about bowel movements and not half as fun. To see a good execution of what Coppola was trying to do, watch Garden State.
Rated 21 Nov 2009
Rated 05 Nov 2009
didn't see what all the fuss was about
Rated 02 Nov 2018
Three very good ingredients: Bill Murray, a young Scarlett Johansson, and Tokyo's night. It makes for a good recipe? maybe not worth a Michelin star, but it's tasteful.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Subtle, slow, sensuous romantic drama with a wonderful performance from Bill Murray, whose performance should have won the Oscar. Beautifully filmed - a successful look at culture shock and loneliness far away from home.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A really cute movie that became trendy to like for some reason, and it is really good, but not great. Or maybe I'm just being hard on it because so many people love it. Those that hate it will do so because the relationships aren't clearly defined, and it's slow-paced, and, well, people like being told what to think.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
LostIT keeps on intriguing me. The movie sends out an atmosphere which is so compelling to me, that I've already seen the movie a dozen times. Not only the acting, the dialogues & the cinematography are amazing, but the 2factors that make me keep on watching, are the soundtrack and one of the best on-screen tensions in history. S. Coppola is luckily that clever, that she doens't fall in the trap of turning it into something sexual. ... A movie which makes me feel numb every time I watch it !!!!!
Rated 04 Feb 2011
First bored me almost to tears, then left me with an unsatisfying ending.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Lost in Translation is not an event film, its not even a movie that makes a statment. Simply put, its about a chance meeting between two people, and how it an instance can make their lives a little more meaningful. It speaks to our senses and emotions without manipulation, making Lost in Translation The greatest movie of the decade.
Rated 05 Jul 2009
The ultimate friendship; Middle aged stuck in a rut actor meets beautiful twenty-something girl in Japan. They're both lost in some way and understand each other almost perfectly. The karaoke scene is my favourite scene from any movie ever. Amazing scenery, amazing soundtrack, amazing peformances. Amazing.
Rated 16 Oct 2013
Tokyo as seen through the eyes of the privileged (5* hotels, taxis not trains, even in Tokyo which is basically defined by its train network) and listless. Many people who have been to Tokyo, will likely feel alientated by the protags apparent unending bordem in Tokyo. They were completely apathetic. Bill Murray moments of hilarity make the movie what it is, without him would plod far more. Murray steals the show. Title should be "Tokyo Lost on Snobby Rich Girl (Coppola)".
Rated 07 Dec 2016
Scarlett Johansson and Bill Murray give excellent, nuanced performances, deftly handling turns in a script that evolves from culture-shock comedy into a comic melancholic meditation on loneliness. Unexpectedly moving, poetic and rather beautiful
Rated 05 Jun 2011
One of those movies that has had a profound effect shaping me as a person. The first time I saw this I had to sit and think about my own life for awhile.
Rated 12 Apr 2010
Just found this boring as hell. Not a bad movie by any means, but didn't appeal to me at all.
Rated 19 Dec 2008
Bill murray is brilliant. Scarlett Johnanson is ridiculously hot in this movie.
Rated 12 Aug 2021
Host ratings: 71 / 98 / 86. (Top 5) Podcast review link:
Rated 19 Jan 2008
Wasn't a big fan.
Rated 06 Mar 2007
This film has it all; the soundtrack is fabulous, it's moving, funny and the acting is incredible. Made me love Bill Murray more than I already did.
Rated 27 Oct 2018
Probably one of those films that the more I watch the more I would fall in love with. And honestly I can't find a single element that I don't love: the brutally comic depiction of depression, the heartfelt and honest portrayal of the relationship between the main characters unfolding and sprouting up in beautiful and true colours, the pretty and colourful imagery, the music and the emotion invoked, all in a light and seemingly carefree way until the striking finale. Beautiful piece of cinema.
Rated 17 Jan 2008
Don't ever die, Bill Murray.
Rated 11 Feb 2009
I kept falling asleep
Rated 22 Dec 2009
A delicate, ineffable film. It is better and means more than you think it should. Which is always the result of excellent direction.
Rated 29 May 2013
Needs a rewatch at this point. It’s been too long, but I remember loving it. Acting was great and it served as a wonderful character piece. A tad slow, but never boring.
Rated 04 Aug 2009
Hard to sit through, honestly, but very well-acted.
Rated 24 Dec 2021
I watched this during the period in my life where I started to refer to movies as capital-F Films. It really does hold up. It captures the driftless feeling in life, both as a young and middle-aged person. I spent a lot of time searching "what does Bill Murray say at the end of Lost in Translation?" in my youth.
Rated 05 Dec 2009
Another one of those "mature" films about being lost in life. Not bad, and Murray is at a career best. Just not _that_ brilliant either.
Rated 02 Oct 2014
Kind of boring. It's a film about two people who don't really have any goal in life. Then they meet and they go out and talk a bit. Unfortunately none of this is interesting or thought provoking. The themes could have been handled a lot better. The few points it's trying to make fall flat and so does the humour. The pacing is very slow and there is no satisfying end or change of events. I almost gave up watching about halfway in. I was hoping for some major turnaround but it never came.
Rated 22 Sep 2007
One of my all time favourites. The interaction between Bill and Scarlett is touching and warm with none of the feeling of wrong that you might expect between two people of such differing ages. Both are in Tokyo, lost and essentially alone and find friendship in each other.
Rated 05 Apr 2021
the filmic equivalent of kim gordon, sadly
Rated 26 Nov 2009
Beautifully shot and photographed but still a very pretentious effort.
Rated 20 Feb 2010
Bill Murray gives a stunningly accurate take on a man facing a mid life crisis with a romantic interlude with a woman half his age. Japan has never looked more enticing.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
It's realistic in an almost bad way. It's a very well made film, but because it's so realistic some parts are boring. That's just how it is, and I am happy it is boring and realistic at some parts.
Rated 03 Jun 2024
perks of being a cynic. it's easy to feel alone in a room or a city full of people if you think everyone else is a goofy robot
Rated 02 Jul 2009
I like the late performances of Bill Murray. He became more modest and economic in his way of acting. He's definetly a better actor than before.
Rated 07 Nov 2020
Technically this movie is flawless. The plot is great too. It brings true feelings of existential angst. The only thing I could poke on is that the connection between the two main characters is a bit too perfect, specially for people who are otherwise clearly lost and depressed. But hey, what else can you do in under two hours? Great movie.
Rated 13 Dec 2020
I don't know whether this didn't age well or the performances of the actors aren't as surprising as they once were but I found this very meh. Successfully meh. Couldn't empathize with the characters or with the story, maybe it's simply a personal thing.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
You know, when you're telling these little stories? Here's a good idea: have a point. It makes it so much more enjoyable for the listener.
Rated 12 Jun 2008
Except for the brilliant acting of Bill Murray, this film underperforms in every possible way. Starting off with stale "japanese can't discern r and l" and "japanese are crazy pop!" bits that we've seen a million times, it drags on for about half an hour before the actual story begins. It could have been something nice to talk about between friends in real life, but falls flat in the silver screen. On the plus side, Johannson is delightfully chubby and looks really attractive in a pink wig.
Rated 06 Aug 2009
Weird; but really good. Strange, but with a hell lot of truth in it. Romantical but tragical, and comical but yet so dramatical. This film is a perfect mix of so many things that you just have to love it! It's also one of those movies which make you think because of all the truth in it.
Rated 23 Jun 2010
although slightly boring at times, bill murray gives a great performance.
Rated 13 Feb 2009
The best non-romance Romance film of all time. Also possibly the best Tokyo movie.
Rated 17 Apr 2015
Sympathetic film with good pacing and relaxed character roles. Not enough substance or philosophical stress to make it special.
Rated 18 Dec 2010
On urban alienation, the breakdown of communication, and more simply an ode to a beautiful city. Sullen and melancholic, but with a sly sense of humor that makes it fun to watch. Murray and Johansson are both wonderful. Coppola keeps us anticipating their embrace with subtlety and taste, no typical movie romance sentimentality being shoved down our throats.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A wonderful homage to companionship, as well as loss. Sofia Coppola delivers the ultimate message, in that it is better to have love and lost than to have never loved at all. But because this is such a different, real, and heart-warming kind of love, the movie is set far ahead of the traditional romance movie. Bill Murray plays one of his best characters.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A really good movie, with one of Bill Murray's finest performances. It can be slow, but that's actually part of its charm. Anna Faris shows up for a brief, but spectacularly funny parody of Cameron Diaz. The movie is funny and moving, and winning. But the ending is breathtaking.
Rated 21 Sep 2008
pretentious, hipster posing as insightful; with all its countless photography of Japan, it should be a travelogue for the same clueless tourist it secretly sympathizes with and actually celebrates; if not for countless ethnocentric humor disguised as stranger in strange land, and glib and frankly pointless philosophical posturing, its somewhat rewarding of two lost souls connecting in an unfamiliar land may have been enjoyable. Otherwise, a fail, and EPIC fail for the critics sucked in.
Rated 06 May 2008
A wonderful film about feeling of absence and loss. The characters being in Japan reveals the feeling they have of being out of place in their life with no direction. It leaves the viewer with a feeling of hope after it drags them through feelings of loneliness and despair.
Rated 13 May 2013
Lost in Translation is an excellent movie. Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson both give great performances. They are essentially what drives this movie, but they alone make it so good. The bond that they develop is just handled perfectly.
Rated 12 Nov 2007
Bill Murray is fantastic. Pretty, dreamy, lovely film.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
90% of this score comes from the inclusion of Scarlett Johansson's ass at the beginning of the film. It on indeed a fine ass.
Rated 26 Aug 2008
When I think back on it I realize it was easy to remember: it had Bill Murray and Scarlet Johnson in Japan (that summarizes all three plot points).
Rated 24 Apr 2021
I genuinely like the film. I just can't understand why people like it so much. They found more magical content and stuff, I guess. The movie is really good but you know... Anyway, very soft storytelling about two lonely person. It's nice to see the intimate connection of the two.
Rated 12 Mar 2010
Sofia Coppola's film hits every note perfectly. One of the best movies ever.
Rated 24 Aug 2007
Fuck all the people who are so sure that this movie is pretentious. Quiet does not mean pretentious. Refusing to map out each character's every emotion is not pretentious. Shunning overblown musical scores and camera tricks is not pretentious. Writing a strong, heart-felt film is not pretentious.
Rated 26 Sep 2009
A touchingly realistic romantic comedy. Nuanced and subtle it creates something aside from simple sexual tension.
Rated 03 Jul 2010
Mistakes - 1) In the street scene where the campaigning car passes by, Bob's shoes turn from black to brown after he crosses the street. 2) At the karaoke, when Charlotte leaves the room for a smoke and Bob joins her, her head is next to the grey part of the wall. Cut to a front shot of them and her head is now on the zebra-patterned part.


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