
Flick Fan - 19 Film Ratings
Member Since: 26 Aug 2012
Location: Victoria, British Columbia
TCI: not enough ratings
Films in Common: 0
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Bio: I.T. guy.

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78 50% Zardoz (1974)
"This gets slammed a lot, and fairly so. Still, it is fun 70's science fiction (and blew my mind as a teenager)."
75 42% Inception (2010)
"Over long but enjoyable thriller of the imaginary."
65 26% The Prestige (2006)
"Disappointing plot gets sillier and sillier."
75 42% Insomnia (2002)
"Decent thriller."
80 60% Following (1998)
"Worthy student film."
98 94% Point Blank (1967)
"This is a perfect movie - very simple story told by a lyrical, expressive director. Lee Marvin commands your attention and the director, John Boorman keeps you interested and expectant."
2% Seven Up! (1964)
"This is the first entry in very long documentary series."
98 94% Memento (2001)
"Innovative treatment of a fascination condition - the ability to only remember the immediate past. This movie worked as a very dark, existential comedy as well. Brilliant - in my top five movies of all time."
80 60% Rain Man (1988)
"Good story, and ground breaking treatment of the topic of autism. Dustin Hoffman set the mold still in use today for playing the part of an autistic person. Classic film."