

1h 53m
Memento chronicles two separate stories of Leonard (Guy Pearce), a ex-insurance investigator who can no longer build new memories, as he attempts to find the murderer of his wife, which is the last thing he remembers. One story line movies forward in time while the other tells the story backwards revealing more each time. (imdb) [Released at some festivals in 2000]
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1h 53m
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Avg Percentile 71.98% from 23657 total ratings

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Rated 24 Sep 2009
Telling the story backwards is a brilliant device, not only because it makes for excellent suspense and surprises but especially because you take part in the mystery in a way similar to the protagonist who, as a result of his condition, is also disorientated and confused. The game cast and a neat twist seal the deal. This was, deservedly so, an instant classic.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Some say this film is based entirely on a bloody gimick. I cry "bullshit!" because without the film's twisted narrative, Nolan would not have the artistic license to explore the fascinating themes of memory and morality, and wrapping it around a neo-noir storyline. This is Guy Pearce's superior performance-he perfectly plays the angry everyman Lenny, who is forced to deal with a condition no one can understand, which only gives focus to the movie's twisted complexities. I have a strong desi
Rated 13 Mar 2008
A nearly flawless movie. Memento is a masterpiece of screenwriting and directing. Not a single scene, shot, or facial expression is wasted. Every tiny detail is deliberately set in place to clue the viewer in, but the non-linear story keeps us at just the right distance. A perfectly balanced tight rope act. Some call the backwards story a gimmick. It's not. Rather, it's a crucial tool in bringing us into Leonard's damaged mind. We're not observing events, we're experiencing them.
Rated 04 Jul 2015
Amazing. To simply call this movie "clever" is doing it a disservice. It's also exciting, fascinating, heartbreaking, thought-provoking, and occasionally very funny - everything a movie-lover could want. Watch it at least twice.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
It's a clever idea, and it works. And, unlike some "twist" movies, multiple viewings actually enhance the experience.
Rated 22 Jul 2008
First of all, this is not based on a freakin' gimmick! Second of all, this is a flawlessly made, competent and almost incomprehensible film that plays in a reverse chronological order manner in it's mangled plotline. This is also like a mind-fuck in several ways, but undoubtly it's a jigsaw puzzle-type Mystery, letting you figure out where all of the pieces go. Nolan's finest hour, and perhaps one of the most best, memorable, shocking, twisted, intelligent, clever and astounding movies ever.
Rated 21 Nov 2009
(2nd viewing) Saw it once 7 or 8 years ago, a tantalizing thiller with an fresh take on storytelling. In the end, this is the part that works and sticks with you. The story isn't that refreshing really, but rather the device that is used to communicate it. Nolan does put it to good use, and it's a film I'd be happy to revisit (for the technique, once again, not the story). A great and original piece of work.
Rated 24 Feb 2008
This movie is just awesome! The way it's done is never seen before, original and great to watch. Sure, this is one of those films you have to watch at least twice to really get everything, but I watched it with pleasure! Even the second and thirth time!
Rated 27 Aug 2010
Skillfully brought to fruition, Memento slowly lays out the pieces of a complex puzzle and forces its audience to intellectually wrestle with the "big picture." Engaging and inventive, Nolan keeps movie goers on the edge of their seat even after the credits are rolling due to its ambiguous ending.
Rated 22 Jan 2013
Nees reve evah I seivom lanigiro tsom eht fo eno spahrep si sihT !kcuf dnim eguh a dna emosewa lanigiro ,gnitavonnI .yawyna ti yrt em tel tub ,eivom siht ebircsed nac sdrow wef.
Rated 12 Dec 2010
A decent thriller, but far from perfect. I think the concept is perhaps better than the actual execution - the characters were all rather bland and unlikeable, the cinematography was pretty flat, and there were a number of other small annoyances like Pearce's near-constant voiceover (it's a complex film, but do we really need every last detail spelled out to us?). I admire the ambition and the creativity that is needed to produce a film like this, but it didn't entirely work for me.
Rated 01 May 2011
Arguably Nolan's best film. Begins as a hardboiled Neo-noir, but dissolves into a heartbreaking tragedy with modernist undertones. If the plot is ultimately about nothing, the film is much more than another detached genre exercise (looking at you, Coens). The brilliant intercutting between past and future in reverse keeps you guessing right up until the brutally cruel conclusion, after which you can't help wondering: This whole life-thing, our endless pursuits... is there a Leonard in all of us?
Rated 27 Jul 2011
Blown. Was. Mind. My.
Rated 22 Feb 2007
Unquestionably one of the best pictures of 2001. Christopher Nolan, like a few other rarities of directors, cannot be undone. When a story is done in this unique fashion, it's not a gimmick, my friends. It's fucking amazing and the reason we love the art form.
Rated 13 Mar 2008
Chris Nolan's second film is unshakable. The concept is so fascinating, the pay-off so satisfying; once you see this film, you won't ever forget it. Nolan gives us a man suffering from short-term memory loss, and puts us in his shoes by making sure we never know where he's coming from either: the stylistic hook is that the scenes are presented in reverse order. It works incredibly well, and the movie holds up under repeat viewings. It gets tossed around a lot, but this is truly a Modern Classic.
Rated 01 Sep 2008
One of Christopher Nolan's tightest and most inventive films features a unique style of direction that makes this movie endlessly re-watchable. You'll be paying attention to tiny details the whole time, trying to figure out the mystery, and the moment the ending is pulled out from under your feet, you'll sit back and think - dang, I need to watch this again. The acting is fantastic, but the true star is the smart script and bold editing technique.
Rated 13 Dec 2011
This is one of those films that you wish you could experience for the first time again. There is a still a lot to pick up on after repeated viewings. The script is original and exciting and Guy Pearce is excellent in the lead role.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Excellent gimmick flick. Very few actors, and they all perform wonderfully (even CAM, whom I despise).
Rated 31 Mar 2008
A gimmick, but a gimmick that works. One of the better neo-noirs I've seen for sure - labyrinthian, nightmarish, with a great twist and a morally ambiguous cast of characters. Guy Pearce is excellent in the lead.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A page-turner of a novel, but in movie form; full of twists, always suspenseful, with strong performances across the board (but especially Stephen Tobolowsky -- really, Ned from Groundhog Day -- in a supporting role). Don't listen for a second to the people who say the backwards narrative is a gimmick; it's a brilliant device.
Rated 10 Jan 2010
Best twist beginning ever. The style might not work as well in other films, but it is perfect for a main character who is an amnesiac.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A gritty, stylish, dark and twisted mystery thriller that'll keep you guessing and leave you breathless when all is said and done. Guy Pearce is awesome as Leonard and rarely do I see a movie that keeps me so on-edge and involved for every second. Some say the backwards thing is a gimmick, and to them I say: of course it is. Hitchcock used gimmicks too; there's nothing wrong with gimmicks if they're novel and fascinating.
Rated 14 Oct 2008
Not good for me. I could hardly follow this movie. I don't understand why they make such a movie. Not enjoyable !
Rated 31 May 2011
Many people say it's not that good because the backward story telling is a cheap trick to "blow your mind", but for me the movie is so much more than that, allthough it's a madly innovative movie experience! On a deeper level Memento is a complex story about letting go, not wanting to understand, and the search for revenge. And so what? Why can't a movie be great JUST because of the way it is told?
Rated 14 Mar 2010
Fantastic. The acting, writing, and direction are all superb.
Rated 07 Feb 2007
Tempting as it is to write this backwards, this film is confusing enough. It is also bloody brilliant. Taking as least three viewings to establish what happens (or should that be what will happen? Or has happened?) it follows our protagionist as he pieces together the clues he needs to avenge his wife. Or has he already done so? Either way, a head-f*** of epic proportions, a must for anyone who's brain is sponsored by the gods of Idiot.
Rated 19 Mar 2007
Creative mystery thriller with great performances all around. You'll want to watch this one twice!
Rated 22 Nov 2008
A fiery film start which is actually the explosive end of the story is a gimmick which is all to often badly utilised to add intrigue to a plotline. However combined with the twisted reverse plot, it is the perfect way to bring the viewers into the disorientating and challenging world of a man who can not form new memories but whose life is still dedicated to investigation and revenge. A study of memory and morality in classic noir style.
Rated 24 Sep 2010
Excellent clever little drama and a good peek at what to expect from Nolan in the future.
Rated 12 Feb 2018
A chronological puzzle that keeps you in the mind of the protagonist as you try to unfold what already happened. Smart, fresh and a completely unique style directed by Nolan that really grasps you for multiple views. Instantly I replayed from the start after my first view and the ending leaves you with a little ambiguity, suiting this film.
Rated 16 Jul 2010
Truly astonishing!! How perfect can one movie be. The only negative thing that I can possibly say about it is that it is somewhat depressing and almost entirely devoid of comedy. But it wasn't trying to be funny and it's depressing in a really interesting way. It's incredible that a movie that was made after so many great film-noir's can manage to be completely fresh. It uses what should be a stupid gimmick but it ends up not being a gimmick at all and is completely necessary. Wow. Just wow.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Awesome film, hands down. Expertly shot and edited, guaranteed to keep you guessing up until the last frame. A must not miss movie if one was ever made.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Absolutely AWESOME! This is my second favourite movie, and it's well deserved. The way that the movie is laid out, and how it keeps leaving you with secrets after every scene is amazing. And the ending? Amazing. You have to watch this.
Rated 23 Oct 2012
Probably the smartest and most well made gimmick movie of all time. Telling the story backwards is a very unique and intersting way to put you into the story right off the bat. Nolan shows the directing smarts that made him such a big name, and reliable character actor Guy Pearce delivers one of the best performances of his career.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
This movie is brilliant even though I hate gimmicks, at the end the gimmick melts away to reveal that it adds an entirely new dimension to the film. Amazing.
Rated 08 Feb 2012
Still holds up really well in my opinion. Nolan's signature directing style is present here and the storytelling is very well executed and pretty clever. Pearce is solid and likable and the supporting cast is quite convincing. Still one of my all time favorite films from Christopher Nolan and one of my favorite mind-benders.
Rated 15 Oct 2008
How can you not appreciate this film? Memento is a unique mystery that you have to puzzle together while you travel backwards in time, emulating the portagonists' disease. One of my favourites, and one of the best films ever - period!
Rated 05 Aug 2012
Watch this film. Then watch it again. And again. Perhaps a fourth time too. Memento is a movie that is meant to confuse you, and to that end it succeeds. It's so easy to get entranced by the acting, especially Guy Pearce's, that one forgets that the backwards narrative is even there. When the climax pieces everything together, one begins to realize the tragic nature of the film, and the true drama behind it all. An exciting film that never lulls its viewers into boredom.
Rated 17 Nov 2015
I heard they're going to remake this. This makes perfect sense, since this movie came out so long ago when Polaroid was cutting edge technology and FUCK YOU! The movie was spot on and doesn't need to be remade, reimagined, refucked, or resuckit.
Rated 29 Sep 2016
Visually bleak and daringly original, Memento manages to both stimulate and entertain the brain in a way that only Christopher Nolan is capable of.
Rated 18 Aug 2009
One of the best movies of all time. Even after it is over you're never quite sure.
Rated 03 Oct 2011
Very intense and cleverly directed. Genius!
Rated 23 Jul 2010
Unique film making. A movie you can't wait to finish just so you can start it again.
Rated 25 Mar 2007
You knew the film was leading up to something, but you just didn't know how deep it went. Movie ended so perfectly. Such a great way to end a film. Guy Pierce really can act, and we should have expected a film like Inception from Nolan after this. Just about anything the Nolans write is going to be good, though, so it shouldn't surprise anyone.
Rated 03 Apr 2007
LOVE this movie. So much to think about, especially after repeat viewings.
Rated 20 Jan 2010
Awesome journey into a thought provoking world
Rated 20 Jun 2008
Someone once said there are only 10 stories, but thousands of ways to tell them. This is an original and smartly executed take on the murder mystery. Nolan is a great director and Guy Pearce is brilliant again.
Rated 14 Mar 2012
Memento is a great film that you should definitely see. Its plot structure means that you'll always be thinking about what's going on, and it also does not allow you time to become bored. All of the actors are good in their roles, and the film becomes something special because of its storytelling technique. This is a must-see movie.
Rated 02 Jun 2008
This movie pushes the boundaries and accomplishes what few films have.
Rated 13 Feb 2012
Nolan has a great knack for using structure to enhance the themes of his films. That's on display in Memento more than anywhere else--the backward story telling is gimmicky, sure, but it also helps us relate to Leonard in a way that we wouldn't otherwise be able to.
Rated 26 Oct 2014
One of my favourites. A puzzle movie with just the right amount of solvability. I also find this kind of mental disorder really interesting/terrifying to think about.
Rated 17 Oct 2007
So Unique! It seems hard to follow and then it all pulls together in the end. My Favorite Line EVER in a movie, "I Can't remember to forget You." --WOW!
Rated 27 Mar 2010
Interesting up to the point where you realize just how much of a regular movie this is. The concept of an amnesiac protagonist is portrayed creatively enough, edited to reflect the broken psyche of the hero, but it wears thin, revealing the standard movie lying underneath
Rated 21 Sep 2008
Brilliant all the way through. Puts you in the psyche of the protagonist successfully. Great performances. Suspense and humor. Nolan announced his arrival here and it's clear he has significant talent. This movie is a jigsaw puzzle where the pieces keep changing so you can never piece it together. Has inspired many theories. We may never know what happened at the end, but the film invites enough unpleasant conclusions that it lingers in your mind for days. Would recommend to strangers.
Rated 24 Jan 2008
Mind-blowing, intelligent thriller, turning everything upside down. LiKED: storyline, acting. DisLIKED: -
Rated 30 Jul 2009
One of the most original (and successfully original) films ever made. Flawless editing. One of the best films of the decade.
Rated 15 Nov 2008
Watch it along with Mulholland Drive - its the cinematic equivalent to a brain freeze.
Rated 11 Jul 2008
Very clever, well written story and a witty concept. Masterclass original cinema from the man who made Batman cool.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
An amazing piece of filmmaking that brings up a great deal of questions about our ways of knowing and whether or not our goals are truly in our best interests. It innovates without being pretentious.
Rated 21 Jul 2010
Whoa. What a ride.
Rated 23 Mar 2008
Insanely good movie. My brain can hardly even understand how awesome this movie is.
Rated 06 Nov 2008
Wow, what a challenging movie. Exceptional in it requires repeated viewings. Nolan delivers a creative thriller. Highly recommended.
Rated 20 Mar 2010
The structure may be a bit of a gimmick but the execution is near flawless. Every scene has you asking questions that are answered in the next one and the whole film is one gigantic puzzle. But the best part is that the joy isn't in piecing it together, but in examining the way you piece it together. The shifting perceptions and motivations, the half truths and uncertainties, the parallels between the viewer the characters and the world at large, all give the film a life beyond its own story.
Rated 12 Aug 2010
One of my favorite dark drama/mysteries. Guy Pearce is amazing!
Rated 31 Mar 2010
Enjoyable, but terribly overrated and completely over-hyped.
Rated 26 Feb 2012
Interesting idea, but bland cinematography that didn't pull me into the story or make me care about the simple characters. I could see the ending coming halfway in, and that wouldn't have bothered me, but then Leonard's final monologue basically destroys the tragedy of his character and half of the broader points. A "psychological thriller" that is completely boring and unaffecting.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A most memorable movie about forgetting. This film is a BIG gamble in editing that pays of in spades. Unlike almost any other movie you've ever seen, and worth every minute...
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Thank you Christopher Nolan for this wonderful and complex thriller like no other. Excellent story, great filming technique, and solid performances from all involved make this one of those movies you never forget.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The story is quite strong and all involved act well, but this movie is really made by Christopher Nolan's amazing narration. It's not a gimmick, it's pure gold.
Rated 05 Nov 2008
This is NOT merely an overrated cult classic. If you give the film a chance and actually ponder the situations presented, you may find yourself inspired to revise your philosophy of life as this film explores the nature of our perception of reality like no other. Even if the film fails to inspire such contemplation, surely everyone will find something entertaining in it. By the way, this is what the Nolans were doing before they became household names.
Rated 28 May 2017
This is the everyday story of a guy with no short term memory, escaping from a lunatic asylum, and being used by people to kill other people, under the guise of revenge for his wifes murder; or not, depending on your understanding of it. Nolan has attempted to create something that is entirely up to the viewer to decipher and interpret in terms of the way the story is told, and its subliminal messages, and whilst novel and laudable, becomes repetitive & monotonous forgetting to be very exciting
Rated 24 Mar 2008
Going into this film I was torn; I'd heard from some people that it was great and from others that it was a forgettable gimmick. I think the truth is, as always, somewhere in the middle. It's certainly not gimmicky; it's very well acted and directed, and the narrative is refreshing without feeling either forced or frustrating. However, at times it feels like it's trying to be an introspective examination of guilt and at others a thriller--and I don't think it's well served as a result.
Rated 26 Feb 2008
Quite a brain workout this film - not one you can watch absently as something to pass the time. Extremely clever way of revealing the story that puts you in very much the same position as Leonard. Fantastic
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Didn't get it.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
One of the best movies in the past five years. I find myself able to watch it again and again and again, and it is always interesting.
Rated 26 Aug 2012
Innovative treatment of a fascination condition - the ability to only remember the immediate past. This movie worked as a very dark, existential comedy as well. Brilliant - in my top five movies of all time.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Keeps you guessing and expertly put together, but it is a painful piece to follow. You could be fulfilled by watching the first five minutes and the last five minutes.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
I think it is safe to say a movie like this has never been done before and will never be done again. There are at least three layers of explanation for what happens in this movie, but I'm still not sure about everything. A lot of fun to try to put the pieces together.
Rated 15 May 2013
This movie blew my mind. The gimmick worked perfectly with this movie, I don't think it would have been as good if it had been done more tradtionally. This movie hooked me from the beginning, and as stuff started to fall into place I couldn't look away.
Rated 15 Apr 2017
Visually bleak and daringly original, Memento manages to both stimulate and entertain the brain in a way that only Christopher Nolan is capable of.
Rated 07 Jun 2011
Christopher Nolan's best film, which is saying something. He hasn't made a bad one yet.
Rated 16 Aug 2007
I really hate how hyped this movie is.
Rated 17 Jun 2009
Excellent storytelling and amazing directing. Memento is intelligent and intriguing from start to finish.
Rated 14 Jul 2014
I generally don't like movies where the storytelling is all jumbled. I prefer mostly linear plotlines. This was just pure genius though. Mostly because the weird reason to have a non-linear story actually makes sense and isn't just to try to add mystique or artyness to the movie.
Rated 12 May 2010
Holy crap, I feel like someone just took an entire season of LOST and distilled it into 108 minutes and injected it into my veins
Rated 18 Sep 2018
Memento is a fantastic thriller which is worth the price of admission for the editing alone. It also is one of Nolan's most humanistic works, focusing deeply on the psyche of the protagonist and using this exploration to ask and answer some very relatable questions of the human experience.
Rated 29 Sep 2008
More than just a gimmick. It's an unforeseeable trip through the mind of the film's protagonist that would not have worked with any other narrative style.
Rated 31 Aug 2007
Christopher Nolan makes one hell of a film. it will leave you to think for hours after you're done watching.
Rated 28 Jul 2012
Unbelievably unique and remarkable!
Rated 22 Dec 2009
A clever experiment in cinematic time and a good thriller as well.
Rated 16 Sep 2007
This is one of the best-structured films ever, and the cinematography is consciously reinforcing it the whole way through. The acting and the characters' motivations are done very well. This is a crime mystery that gets better and better each time you watch it, as you're able absorb more details and get a fuller understanding of how the plot is really unfolding. It puts you right in the mind of the protagonist, experiencing him and his tragic flaws, just as he is. Do not miss this film.
Rated 16 Sep 2007
Clever made movie. Well worth watching it again with a different focus.
Rated 30 Nov 2006
Truly original, challenging and one of the most clever films ever. A puzzle to be solved by the audience, always great to watch again.
Rated 19 May 2016
Wonderfully crafted screenplay, without loose-ends.
Rated 09 May 2011
I think this movie flipped my brain upside down. We're thinking the same thing though right - What does he have written on his cock? Shake well -- Insert in pussies and mouths ONLY -- Best fit - Asians.
Rated 28 Feb 2011
One of the most intelligent thrillers ever written and performed.
Rated 01 Jul 2007
Yes, it's a movie based almost entirely on a filmmaking gimmick, but what a gimmick it is. As fascinating to rewatch as it was the first time.
Rated 30 Apr 2021
Don't really remember this movie, but that tattoo on my forearm says I liked it.
Rated 13 Nov 2015
Memento is undeniably a good film. Its use of a non-linear narrative to deliver its plot could have easily come off as just gimmicky; but Nolan skilfully avoids the pitfalls, creating a movie that's akin to watching Dominoes fall. The use colour to match narratives hooks the viewer, and a stellar script keeps them drawn in. Pearce and Pantoliano's performances are great, but their characters are hardly likeable. Memento is unique, gripping, but leaves you feeling a little sleazy.
Rated 06 Jan 2015
This movie never fails to blow me away.


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