
Criticker Zealot - 7448 Film Ratings
Member Since: 21 Oct 2010
Location: Australia
Age: 42
Bio: "The complete filmgoer is open to the movie on the screen, and asks it to work in its own ways for its own purposes. He does not fault one for not being the other, but is grateful for both if they are successful." - Roger Ebert, Review of "Keane" (2004)

Top 10:
#10 Gone With The Wind (1939)
#9 The Godfather (1972)
#8 Some Like It Hot (1959)
#7 Jackie Brown (1997)
#6 A Fish Called Wanda (1988)
#5 Tootsie (1982)
#4 The Big Sleep (1946)
#3 Network (1976)
#2 JFK (1991)
#1 Chinatown (1974)

more Recent Ratings

83 69% Bon Cop, Bad Cop (2006) - Rated 27 Jul 2024
"In the best of buddy cop actioners, the chemistry between the actors will carry the day, and Huard and Feore make a brilliant team to rival Gibson and Glover! This is ultimately a little too laid back, and can’t always navigate the shift from light hearted banter to some brutal violence seamlessly, but it’s still a lot of fun, with some cock-eyed provincial humour landing exceptionally well. Are we too late for a Ryan Reynolds/Richard Jenkins remake?"
78 56% Take Shelter (2011) - Rated 27 Jul 2024
"On the fence about this – full of chilly and aloof characters (Shannon and Chastain are brilliant at embodying them), and has interesting echoes of THE SHINING (and BUG). About *that* final scene; having watched the film twice in a row, Nichols doesn’t seem to provide enough data to be able to speculate meaningfully; real or imagined either interpretation seem to rely too much on “filling in the blanks” than dealing with what we’ve actually seen, which leaves the film on a jokey bum note."
40 6% We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story (1993) - Rated 25 Jul 2024
"So mundane and low-stakes, it’s unimaginable this would get a theatrical release except in the wake of JURASSIC PARK – and it is sort of inexplicable that the creative minds behind it would use this as any sort of cash in. On its own merits, I’m sure if I were some 40 years younger, I might have more patience for it, but outside of Goodman’s reassuring tones, and a late dose of energy from Short, this is a pretty tedious, if ultimately harmless, diversion."
81 65% McKellen: Playing the Part (2017) - Rated 25 Jul 2024
"A fun, entertaining and heartfelt 90 minutes of McKellen telling his story; spends a great deal of time on his theatrical and activist career (courtesy of extensive archival footage), before moving a little too quickly over his film career, though I suspect this is at the request of the subject! The lack of a probing interviewer, and even other talking heads to provide additional context, means this is ultimately a bit fluffy as a portrait, but it's still a treat for McKellen fans."
83 69% Glory Road (2006) - Rated 25 Jul 2024
"You can predict every story beat (and heartfelt speech) along the way, but this is yet another example why tried and true formulas work when done well (and applied to a quietly inspirational story). Lucas is a minor revelation, underplaying his potentially saintly role, and letting the passion hit harder when it comes; his team are a dynamic and charismatic bunch, making them easy to root for. Racial tensions aren't meaningfully probed, but provide context to give the finale an extra kick."
62 22% A Love Song for Bobby Long (2004) - Rated 25 Jul 2024
"Worth watching for the atmospheric impression of a pre-Katrina New Orleans; the scenes focusing on the gypsy-like community are the most inviting. Unfortunately the sluggishly paced and derivative screenplay labours too long over its hoary material (the final “revelation” would have benefited from a somber nod of recognition, rather than a “WHAAAAAT?”) Johansson does her best; the film really belongs to Travolta, who genially hams it up as the gone-to-seed author."
70 37% Nikki Glaser: Someday You'll Die (2024) - Rated 25 Jul 2024
"Another fun and amusing set from Glaser; repeating myself here, but she really does lean into Sarah Silverman-type stylings perhaps a little too much – she also lacks Silverman’s true go-for-broke approach, which means she can’t quite shake off the tag of imitator. It still works well enough, and while she lacks a true edge or insight, there are enough good belly laughs here for it to be a recommendation."
29 3% Brothers in Arms (2005) - Rated 24 Jul 2024
"Gets some credit for being a bigger swing and miss than the usual bargain basement actioner, but it’s so wrong-headed in so many ways, starting with the ghoulishly repellent and sickly pastel colours of the buildings in the “town” (really three ramshackle structures locked together), which also infects the cinematography wholesale. Anachronistic soundtrack and vernacular may be a deliberate choice, but to what end? Carradine at least provides a shot of energy in an otherwise tired cast."
60 19% The Day Sports Stood Still (2021) - Rated 24 Jul 2024
"Lumpy and ungainly social documentary covers nothing new or distinctive that hasn't featured in other films on the subject (family dislocation and loss of livelihood was not uniquely egregious for national sports stars). Abrupt shift to BLM issues in the second half doesn’t complement the COVID coverage, and does little to delve into or give insight into the social issues at play (I was surprised Trump doesn’t get a mention in either half of the film). Passable, but middling and forgettable."
39 6% Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007) - Rated 23 Jul 2024
"What could have been a fascinating and enthralling continuation of Blanchett’s still magnificent portrait of Elizabeth I is unfortunately reduced to superficial soap opera – the thread of Raleigh and Elizabeth’s personal relationship is a potentially interesting one, but not as the all-out bodice ripper as presented here. BLACKADDER did this much better, and in 30 minutes to boot! The set/costume design is resplendent, at least making it good to look at."