Dealin' with Idiots
Dealin' with Idiots
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Dealin' with Idiots

Dealin' with Idiots

1h 28m
Faced with the absurd competitiveness surrounding his son's youth league baseball team, Max Morris, a famous comedian, decides to get to know the colorful parents and coaches of the team

Dealin' with Idiots

1h 28m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 36.64% from 36 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 24 Feb 2024
RIP fred willard
Rated 22 Aug 2014
Perfectly capturing the gist and patois of that obnoxious sect of all-American upper-middle sports dads and militantly PC moms, Jeff Garlin's laid back satire is at its most inspired when it breaks with plot altogether, which is most of the time, and relinquishes itself to the easygoing delight of spontaneity among long-serving comedy greats finding and delving into a notch of sharp naturalistic comic wit together.
Rated 02 Mar 2014
I laughed a lot. A few times every scene. I don't care that the movie is incredibly simple if it makes me laugh this much.
Rated 16 Jan 2014
A ton of comedic talent here in a film that doesn't really go anywhere or do anything, which makes it really hard to rank. I could watch these people improv their characters for hours, but it would be mindless pleasure.
Rated 07 Jan 2014
Don't let Garlin's previous works foot you. Curb Your Enthusiasm, I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With, and his stand-up are much much better. This film just confuses me. Its not really bad enough for me to blast it. It mainly just disappointed me how unfunny it was. Like cdub12 I'm left wondering why Garlin decided to make a film of this nature, or how so many talented comedians can agree to film a screenplay with absolutely no comedic punch.
Rated 14 Dec 2013
Not anything special, but a solid way to spend 90 minutes. It doesn't flow all that well, which means it doesn't really work as a movie the way Clear History does, for example, but if you like Garlin, it's a lot of fun to see him play off some great improvisers. Bob Odenkirk is especially brilliant, but I know that every word that comes out of that man's mouth is gold, so no surprise there.
Rated 19 Nov 2013
It wasn't really a bad movie, necessarily. It just wasn't funny. It seemed like most of the lines were improved, and they just didn't really hit the mark. The direction and screenplay were sloppy at best, and I guess I just don't really understand why it exists.
Rated 28 Jul 2013
It's quirky and funny and filled with familiar faces. Enjoyable.


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