
Flick Fan - 26 Film Ratings
Member Since: 24 Apr 2009
Location: Flowery Branch, GA, USA
Bio: Im mexican. Rating scale 1-5.

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36% State of Play (2009) - Rated 26 Apr 2009
"INCREDIBLE movie. Its like a whole season of Damages packed into a 2 hour movie. Manipulation, corruption, murder, the making of an excellent film. The only reason this isn't a 5 is the final twist (its not that great). Rachel McAddams is hot."
13% Be Kind Rewind (2008) - Rated 25 Apr 2009
"Not too funny and it was really boring with a weird ending."
13 51% The Medallion (2003) - Rated 25 Apr 2009
"Wow this movie sucked. Seriously, have you seen the "final Battle." It was horrible."
89 65% The Land Before Time (1988) - Rated 25 Apr 2009
"Epic movie! Are you kidding me? THEY"RE ORPHANS and they're on an ADVENTURE! How awesome is that?! I teared when littlefoot's mom died."
95 82% The Day After Tomorrow (2004) - Rated 25 Apr 2009
"Huge movie with loads of intense special effects (minus the wolf scene). I LOVE watching the scene with the twisters in LA. Emmy Rossum is hot."
13% Mission: Impossible III (2006) - Rated 25 Apr 2009
"It wasn't the best. I didn't really enjoy it. When did Tom Cruise get married?!?! The 2nd movie? No. Which movie!?!?!?!"
92 78% Toy Story 2 (1999) - Rated 25 Apr 2009
"Just as good as the first one and a great plot with LOADS OF DRAMA! OMG will Woody choose to stay with the fat collector or go back with his friends?!?!?!"
90 71% The Mummy Returns (2001) - Rated 25 Apr 2009
"Just as good as the first one (but not better) The Rock was cool and the mini mummy's were funny."
98 94% Ocean's Eleven (2001) - Rated 25 Apr 2009
"Makes me wanna commit crimes. Awesome acting, funny, suspensey, and full of twists. GREAT MOVIE"
96 88% The Mummy (1999) - Rated 25 Apr 2009
"Incredible. Kinda freaky kind of adventurey, the British chick was hot and her brother was funny. The mummy's powers are cool."