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37 18% | Red Dawn (2012) - Rated 13 Dec 2012
"Not as excruciating as I had thought it might be. ... How's that for a quote on the DVD? Of course it's not very good, and the fact that it was shelved for two years so they could change the foreign menace from China to North Korea makes the movie completely preposterous. But there are still Chinese symbols all over the film -- the edits weren't that thorough, apparently. If you're going to make race-baiting Asian Fear porn (don't Google this), at least have the courage of your convictions."
86 87% | Black Dynamite (2009) - Rated 01 Aug 2011
""But Black Dynamite, I sell drugs to the community!" A master-work of satire, Black Dynamite does an excellent job of purposefully making mistakes while still having them seem like honest gaffs. This takes skill. As a send-up of blaxploitation films, the movie doesn't just spoof the genre, it's also a stand-out example of it. For as funny a film this is -- and it's the most quotable comedy in years -- you really believe that Black Dynamite is one truly bad-ass mothafucka. DY-NO-MITE! DY-NO-MITE!"
56 37% | The Jacket (2005) - Rated 31 Dec 2008
"Intoxicating nonsense, buoyed by a slew of solid performances from a stacked cast. You really have to wonder what drew this much talent to such a bizarre script, but Kristofferson, Craig and Leigh are all quite effective in minor roles. Knightley's performance is somewhat flat, but at least she shows her tits (also somewhat flat). Luckily Brody is great in a role that's well outside his comfort zone. It's a good enough movie, but despite how 'different' it is, nothing really makes it stand out."
39 19% | Top Gun (1986) - Rated 25 Feb 2009
"Not as gay as, say, Batman & Robin, but it's nearly there. A beach volleyball scene feels more like softcore gay porn, but my favourite part is when the fleet commander (or whatever) declares he wants butts. While it's one of the movies that Cruise has become most famous for, the huge stars here are Val Kilmer's teeth. The movie is completely ridiculous, but there's a certain stupid charm to it that makes it almost watchable. It has a sizeable cult following for some reason, but it's bad."
16 6% | Double Jeopardy (1999) - Rated 06 Jun 2009
"I think Ashley Judd is stuck in some sort of timeloop in the late 90s. It would explain why a) she disappeared, and b) every few years, another piece of crap legal thriller from the 90s shows up with her face on it. A lot of this was filmed locally, including a car chase that's about a 3min walk away from my house. That's the main reason I watched the whole thing. It has a clever concept but it's just such a piece of shit. I am glad though that Tommy Lee Jones has moved on from movies like this."
92 93% | The Bourne Supremacy (2004) - Rated 17 Nov 2008
"Stylistically, the most influential film of this decade. Liman's Bourne was good entertainment, but Greengrass brings a strong sense of morality to his sequels that elevate them from solid action flicks to excellent films. It takes guts to end a balls-out action movie with a quiet apology, and the Moscow chase preceding it is one of the best ever put to film. The shakycam works, as Greengrass knows how to do it right, adding urgency and danger without losing track of what's actually happening."
10 4% | Center Stage (2000) - Rated 18 Mar 2008
"You've got to hand it to Peter Gallagher's eyebrows. They're the most expressive thing in this movie."
44 24% | Green Lantern (2011) - Rated 23 Jun 2011
""No one knows what this threat might be. It could be anything. Abin Sur thought he knew what it was. His final message said only: 'It's Parallax.'" Holy shit this movie was hilarious. I've never been so tempted to talk/riff in a theatre ("Good job Hal, we were just here watching the whole time."). It doesn't deserve the critical thrashing, but it's not very good either. Tough to imagine a space-heavy sequel when this Earthbound set-up was so incredibly costly. The credits stinger makes no sense."
20 9% | Annie (1982) - Rated 18 Mar 2008 |
13 5% | Stealth (2005) - Rated 19 Sep 2008 |