The Red Pill
The Red Pill
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The Red Pill

The Red Pill

1h 48m
The Red Pill chronicles filmmaker Cassie Jaye's journey following the mysterious and polarizing Men's Rights Movement. The Red Pill explores today's gender war and asks the question "what is the future of gender equality?" (imdb)

The Red Pill

1h 48m
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Avg Percentile 57.21% from 137 total ratings

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Rated 14 Dec 2019
This one is sure to lead to massive fights. Which I think is exactly the problem with topics like these - people just can't stay rational. Like, I can only confide in the closest to me, that I think that feminism is not only perhaps minor annoyance to me, because it ruined entertainment, but quite possibly harmful in very major ways. A lot of points MRM makes I came up with myself over the years (I didn't know MRM existed), so it felt as a validation to me. Yet MRM has a loser vibe to them, too.
Rated 02 May 2019
The existential horror of cuck and circumcision stuff was good; hopefully that DNA-deep dick kick can be felt even by those without a dick. Otherwise, too pliable and agreeable. For something "redpill" it doesn't really get anywhere on dark sexual dynamics, and it doesn't even look at the weird underbelly of the MRM. (Wafer thin butthurt losers 1-rating this zlozlzzllz)
Rated 21 May 2017
While it probably leans more towards MRA, that just makes sense considering the theme is that nobody gives a fuck about men issues. That's what makes it sad, the silence of conversation, people suffering with no one to help. For those not in the know it's enlightening, backed by stats. But even if you know this stuff, Jaye's own journey from her feminist roots is just as interesting, showcasing her own inner struggles concerning what she is learning.
Rated 09 Mar 2017
A feminist dives into the Men's Rights Movement. Pretty interesting and insightful. At the very least shows that modern social issues in regards to gender are way more complex than a view through a purely feminist lens can account for.
Rated 27 Mar 2019
A decent enough exposé of the overexposure of women's rights at the expense of men's rights. Though given this doco has to align itself with Cassie's journey, it sacrifices a lot of essential time to expand on many of its points. If you've read or listened to enough from Warren Farrell, Christina Hoff Sommers, Camille Paglia, Karen Straughan, or even Jordan Peterson, you're not going to get a whole lot of new information.
Rated 23 Apr 2018
Two hours of men being given enough rope to hang themselves by observing the toxic effects of patriarchy on their lives while coming to the conclusion that it's all the fault of fucking bitches, while a mealy-mouthed purportedly feminist spokeswoman sits there limply nodding her head at every single intellectually wafer-thin argument they make and concluding "Wow, I'd never thought of that!" What a piece of shit movie.
Rated 30 Jul 2017
I'll say up front I'm no fan of mainstream feminism and even less a fan of the MRM; Guys like Paul Elam have written cringeworthily misogynistic things. I do think this movie contains some crucially important points, especially the parts about men's reproductive and father's rights, custody and alimony discrimination. The trouble is that Cassie Jaye comes off as a suggestible pushover. Nowhere in the movie does she ask anyone (on either side of the divide) a single hard question.
Rated 26 Oct 2020
Rated 17 Apr 2020
Inorganic power games injected into the culture from on high. Divide and conquer. Destabilize and control. Also, Cassie Jaye could remove herself from the film and we'd lose nothing except 30 minutes of empty runtime. Michael Moore's "look at me" ego-driven style of documentary film making continues to negatively affect the genre.
Rated 19 Jul 2018
actually i thought it would be about pick up and red pill manosphere community (but it is smth else)/ surprisingly it shows some leftardies chanting and failing to use any cognitive functions of their brain.
Rated 02 Jan 2018
perfect documentary about our rights. Thanks, Cassie. I wanna fall in love with you. ____ Erkek hakları üzerine yapılmış ilk ve kesinlikle devamını getirecek harika bir belgesel. Saçma feminizm propagandası ve onun getirdiği şiddiete karşı harika eleştiriler içeriyor. Tüm çükdaşlarımın izlemesi gereken bir başyapıt.
Rated 14 Nov 2017
I don't have resentment towards MRA's nor a deep love for modern feminism, but the content of this documentary is lacking. It mentions disparities between men and women but never questions the degree, accuracy, and reasoning for those disparities such as the wage gap, prison time, or positions of power. Jaye is also fairly disingenuous about the MRA movement - sure, feminists unfairly criticize them and there are merits to their beliefs, but she acts as if MRA's dindu nottin which is nonsense.
Rated 30 Sep 2017
Wow. This is the definition of brave filmmaking. Hopefully Far Left extremists & the growing chorus of other zealots won't brand this creator as a "hate" speaker to try & shut her down. While I've no doubt there are trolls (which is what we overwhelmingly hear about from the mainstream media anyway), this does an unbelievable job of showing how we've really only been presented 1 side of an argument for decades. The director's confessions also highlight how difficult it is to change core beliefs.
Rated 31 May 2017
Fuck gender benders
Rated 27 May 2017
More balanced than expected in showing some critiques of the movement but effectively one sided and glosses over how much hate is in it


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