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Four relentless door-to-door salesmen deal with constant rejection, homesickness and inevitable burnout as they go across the country selling very expensive bibles to low-income Catholic families. (imdb)
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The Magicians
The Magicians (2016) - TV Series
After being recruited to a secretive academy, a group of students discovers that the magic they read about as children is very real--and more dangerous than they ever imagined. (imdb)
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Monkey Business
Barnaby Fulton, a chemist, is working on youth formula for a chemical company by testing it on chimps... (imdb)
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The Last Mimzy
Based on the acclaimed sci-fi short story by Lewis Padgett, The Last Mimzy tells the story of two children who discover a mysterious box that contains some strange devices they think are toys. As the children play with these "toys," including a beat-up stuffed rabbit named Mimzy, they begin to display higher and higher intelligence levels. (New Line Cinema)
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A hilarious comedy about frustrated waiters, stingy tippers and dicey food this film focuses on a group of young employees battling boredom at Shenanigan's, a generic chain restaurant.
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Three Faces
The feature follows the stories of three Iranian actresses: one from pre-revolution days who had to stop acting, one popular star of today known throughout the country and one young girl longing to attend a drama conservatory. (screendaily.com)
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Güle güle
5 buddies all of them over 60 unite in their homeplace island where they spent their childhood. (IMDB Comments)
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Maniac Cop
In New York, a man in a cop's uniform starts killing people for no apparent reason. (imdb)
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The Big Parade
The idle son of a rich businessman joins the army when the U.S.A. enters World War One. He is sent to France, where he becomes friends with two working-class soldiers. He also falls in love with a Frenchwoman, but has to leave her to move to the frontline (imdb)
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Black Dragon
Jackie Chan's Hong Kong variation of Frank Capra's "A Pocketful of Miracles" set in the 1930s. Jackie plays a country boy who rescues a gang boss... (imdb)
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