Spider-Man 3
Spider-Man 3
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Spider-Man 3

Spider-Man 3

Sci-fi, Suspense/Thriller
2h 19m
Spider-Man 3 reunites the cast and filmmakers from the first two blockbuster adventures for a web of secrets, vengeance, love, and forgiveness. (Columbia Pictures)

Spider-Man 3

Sci-fi, Suspense/Thriller
2h 19m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 29.34% from 12499 total ratings

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Rated 06 May 2007
Nothing but substance...less...ness. Those musical scenes with Dunst had me trembling out of boredom. I don't care if Raimi is true to venomic instincts or not, he should have at least poured some genuine fun in there. Maybe casting Campbell as a villian, not a cameo. After all it was the Raimi in Evil Trilogy that captured our hearts. Marvelic low gravity-high velocity physics are animated just fine by the way, only thrill in the movie.
Rated 06 May 2007
This film felt like it had three directors. One for the action, one for the incredibly cheesy 'plot' line and one for musical theatre. And no I'm not kidding. I was thoroughly entertained by the film as a whole, but it could've been done soooooooo much better. A lot of unneccessary plot reminders happened, and it was off the cheese counter. I'm confused.
Rated 24 Mar 2016
What a kick in the nuts.
Rated 06 May 2007
Aggressively mediocre. They should have chosen just one villain to focus and develop, instead of half-assing three. While the second film got the mix of action, drama, and pathos just right, this feels shallow and manipulative. The film occasionally feels like an episode of Dawson's Creek. It's entertaining, but still a pretty big disappointment.
Rated 22 Dec 2021
Theres too much going on in this, the Sandman and Harry plot alone is enough to carry this into a Spiderman 4 with Bruce Campbell Mysterio. I love the meme we got out of this of Harry looking down at Pete from the balcony - it was well worth Sam Raimi folding to moron studio people hellbent on making garbage. There is a GLUT of Uncle Ben flashback murder.
Rated 02 Sep 2014
If it wasn't for the piano bar scene I would have unabashedly enjoyed this. A villain grounded in reality does wonders for a superhero movie. Unlike, oh, I don't know, Sandman: a man made out of sand. A man that is made out of sand. How would a "spider-man" fight a man whose circumstances have led him to be materialized out of sand? I'm getting mad just thinking about this.
Rated 13 Apr 2008
This mega-funded "summer flick" is a horrible load of garbage that doesn't deserve even the most laymen of audiences. Every single plague of aggrandized, mass-produced, Hollywood money machine, bullshit exists in this film to a degree surpassing toleration. As a measure of one's character, however, it is indispensable. Simply ask, "What did you think of Spider-Man 3," and you will learn whether the breath that escapes the mouth of your respondent has any value whatsoever. Utter filth.
Rated 09 Jun 2008
Probably one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. I'm convinced this movie is horrible on purpose. Sam Raimi is utterly genius.
Rated 29 May 2007
So many terrible things are packed into three hours. Awful montages, Spider-Man running around without a mask, overzealous soundtrack, too many villains, and on and on. Raimi started the franchise with a bang and kills it by stepping on its neck.
Rated 29 Jan 2023
I avoided this when it came hindsight it was better left unseen, better as a vague impression of a movie based on a collection of delightful memes.
Rated 30 Aug 2020
Although Raimi leans too far into cartoonishness in the club scene, the other campy moments had me LOL. & yes, there's also 1 too many villains but I thought this was easily the best of Raimi's Spidey movies. There's alot of story & new characters to get through which keeps things unpredictable in terms of how all the elements will mix together. The writers also generally insert these elements in organically (not Venom's weakness) & make sure the motivations for character changes make sense.
Rated 10 Jan 2012
I have very mixed feelings about this movie, but overall I found it to be a massive disappointment. The script is so disjointed. There were way too many subplots and certain things weren't set up properly. I usually love Raimi's campy ambitions, but they didn't do this film any favors. I did like all of the cast minus Topher Grace. Church was really good though. Maguire was good, but Peter Parker himself isn't very likable here. How unfortunate!
Rated 10 May 2007
Unfortunately this one fails to achieve its predecessors. The plot is more soapy and too crowded that can not pay attention to the characters like the previous ones did.
Rated 06 May 2007
Easily the weakest of the three
Rated 05 May 2007
The film has too much going on, and even at over hours long, it still felt rushed. Now, I don't hold the storyline against it too much, because in the end, the film is aimed at a young audience where nuance and subtleties aren't usually the best way to get the message across. Unfortunately, it is melodramatic, and if you're over 15 or so, you'll probably only enjoy the action sequences or the over-the-top "bad" Peter Parker bits. At least there was no Spidey cod-piece.
Rated 20 Jun 2015
Y'know, I love Spider-Man. I grew up on the comic books and still read the old ones in the Marvel Essentials format. I could summarize like a billion Spider-Man stories, so long as they happened before 1997. Peter Parker is my homeboy; he's the bestest. BUT FOUR FUCKING HOURS OF SPIDER-MAN IS CRUEL. Of course this came out in the Bush II years -- why else would Americans so readily accept this torture?
Rated 27 Jun 2012
A superhero flick for the ADD generation. Amidst a barrage of randomly spliced scenes that never seem to stretch that far beyond the Raimi-inflicted two-minute event horizon, we find quick bursts of CG-driven action sandwiched betwixt blunt splinterings of poorly-delivered one-liners and close-ups of Kirsten Dunst's pouty face bedraped by that rosy-red colonial quilt that scientists claim is her mysteriously never-dry hair.
Rated 10 Aug 2009
I really liked the dancing and the bit where he hit MJ
Rated 02 Jan 2009
HUGE dissapointment. I could pick a bunch of holes in this film, but its simple enough to sum it up by saying its slow and disjointed. There was stuff in there that didn't need to be, and other stuff that needed setting up better.
Rated 31 Dec 2008
It's very campy, and the studio-altered story ("HAY GUYZ, ERRBUDY LOVES VENOM") clutters up an already convoluted script. But still, in spite of all its flaws (and sometimes even because of them), the film is quite charming and fun. This movie wouldn't have been received with half as much vitriol were #2 not such an outstanding film. It falls way short of that mark, but is still a (marginally) better film than the original. Over the top, sure, but very funny. Like Harry's pie, it's "so good."
Rated 21 Dec 2008
This is quite possible one of the worst movies I have ever seen, and I am generally pretty nice when rating movies. I am rating this movie as a 0 because it actually made me uncomfortable to watch it. VERY few movies have ever made me feel that way. Terrible cg and the writting was garbage. Sorry to any die hard fans that liked it but someone would have to pay me to watch this movie again.
Rated 19 Sep 2008
What. A. Mess. I don't even know where to start. Too many storylines badly mushed together, scenes edited arbitrarily, awful acting (Maguire was soooo bad), hideous dialogues. This shit was seriously all over the fucking place, and in the worst possible way.
Rated 16 Sep 2007
This is a pretty good superhero movie. It's not as well made as the first two but it still has interesting characters, cool visual effects and a relatively meaningful, if simplistic, underlying message. Really, the worst parts were the corny dialogue and misplayed dramatic moments, and they weren't really any worse than your average action movie.
Rated 16 Aug 2007
26 years ago Sam Raimi made the brilliant Evil Dead for $375K. Now in 2007 he makes the god-awful Spider Man 3 for $260M. This is the worst installment yet in the Spider Man series. It's basically a really stupid melodrama with expensive cgi-aided action scenes crammed in wherever possible.
Rated 17 Jul 2007
The best part was when spidey was posessed by the black stuff. That's the real spider man, not the whiney guy during the rest of the movie
Rated 30 May 2007
Just an average film, which unfortunately suffers from quantity over quality. There are too many elements to focus on that it never finds it's groove. The casting was still excellent as were the effects.
Rated 29 May 2007
I don't know at what point this movie went from being ridiculous to amazing, but it did; it was the funniest movie I'd seen in ages. People hoping for a deep intellectual profile of Pete and Venom aren't going to get it from this movie, but be prepared to cry from laughing so hard.
Rated 19 May 2007
As a comic fan it pains me to say this, but Spider-Man 3 was a jumbled mess. Too many elements were crammed into it and it ended up a laughable sludge of goofy emotion and characters that deserve better film treatment, which is probably a result of higher-ups demanding certain elements be present but not caring how. The sloppy and erratic action does not make it worth the watch either. Ugh!
Rated 04 May 2007
They tried to do too much, with too many villains and too many subplots, and didn't totally succeed. Not all of the casting or acting works here. That said, it has the tone and feel of a filmed comic book down pat, some gorgeous special effects, some cool action scenes, and a few laughs. Also, Bryce Dallas Howard is so fucking hot in this movie. I don't know where that came from, but god holy damn.
Rated 04 May 2007
Spider-Man 3 is undoubtedly the worst of the series so far, but it's still an entertaining movie with a lot of cool action. The plot is absolutely ludicrous and there are so many "what the fuck were they thinking?" scenes in it, but either way, it's worth a watch.
Rated 26 Jun 2024
Gooey black jam-packed (this was an effective visual metaphor) with emotion and story arcs (some could’ve been simplified—looking at you, hush-hush Houseman) as it looks at the causes and effects of heartbreak and jealousy, humiliation and pride, desperation, anger, and revenge across its wide web of characters, with Peter’s wild ride from clueless boyfriend to emo douche to angry vigilante to forgiving hero at the heart of it all. Lots of excellent action and goofball humour in there too.
Rated 07 Dec 2022
This has a million things happening, but no one remembers them because Dancing Peter Parker just overrides everything. This is not good, but I still had fun, which sometimes happens. There's a lot of films that are good where I had no fun. Is the purpose of art solely to be fun? I say yes.
Rated 15 May 2020
I've had enough tobey maguire for a lifetime.
Rated 20 Apr 2020
This movie got utterly shredded for being more creative and daring than basically every single superhero film that's been released by Marvel since.
Rated 11 Sep 2019
Wha why do nerds hate this one. It's like the same movie as the first two
Rated 17 Dec 2018
Mmmm, yeah, no.
Rated 15 Sep 2018
Watching this trilogy front to back, I don't think this is as bad as it's received. Much like Amazing Spider Man 2, this film is bloated with enemies and subplots and you can tell the focus just wasn't there. Unlike ASM2, the villains are portrayed very well, including Venom. I felt like Topher Grace captured his hotshot, egotistical, annoying character of Eddie. The uncle Ben and Sandman arch closes Pretty well, and so does Harry's. It has issues, but it's passable.
Rated 28 May 2017
Perhaps the most disappointing conclusion imaginable to Sam Raimi's thus far superb "Spider-Man" trilogy, "Spider-Man 3" is a tired, self-indulgent, overstuffed, and often incoherent mess of a film, a film that takes a wonderful cast of brilliant characters and strips them of everything that made them unique, likable, or relatable, undoing the stellar development and thematic mirroring of what came before. Too many villains, too many unresolved threads and ideas, and too little heart.
Rated 08 Jan 2017
Yes, there were too many villians. Yes, much of it was cheesy. But I still liked it. I got a kick out of Parker under the influence of the black costume (a successful diversion from the comics). Thomas Haden Church was great as The Sandman. Venom was fine. Harry Osborn becoming Hobgoblin was a dumb-looking letdown (an unsuccessful diversion from the comics).
Rated 04 Sep 2016
Many thought this was disappointing - yes it isn't as good as the first two and yes there are a lot of plot holes, including the meagre origin stories of Sandman and Venom, but I enjoyed watching it. It's not unreasonable to make fun of some of the movie's aspects but I thought that the writers handled the multiple subplots quite well from a certain point on. The action is vivid, with Sandman especially stirring things up quite a tad, culminating with the pretty good final fight. Far from awful.
Rated 25 Mar 2016
After first 2 really solid ones, Sam Raimi really disappointed with this one.
Rated 13 Nov 2014
what a mess
Rated 01 Apr 2014
A great movie to watch and make fun of with your friends, but horribly boring and trite otherwise. I'd rather have seen a whole movie about emo Peter creeping out women on the sidewalk. Or Mary Jane's friend, Finley Harlocker.
Rated 25 Mar 2013
This is a guilty pleasure FOR SURE. It not as good as the previous two installments, but I actually found myself laughing doubletime. I mean, Bully Maguire is some of the best meme material we've ever gotten from a superhero film. I wasn't very old when the first two films came out, but this was perfect timing. I mean, my siblings and I watched this ALL the time. Nostalgia plays a big part in the higher score. A must-see for a Spidey fan. I give 6 swoop bangs out of 10.
Rated 02 Nov 2012
Seriously, what the hell happened here? An awful story packed with some truly lame character drama and way too many bad guys, none of which manage to connect in any real way. The only parts of this film that work at all are Thomas Haden Church's performance and the Bruce Campbell cameo. Totally befuddling disaster.
Rated 22 Sep 2011
This movie was way to busy. Scale back a few of the villians. Venom should have been a stand alone villian. Mary Janes story was the best arch in the movie.
Rated 12 Apr 2011
The movie that made me hate Sam Raimi. Spoiler: James Franco's bad, no he's good, no bad again, no, wait, he's actually good, etc, freakin' etc.
Rated 15 Oct 2010
Initially I would have rated this lower, but having watched all 3 back-to-back it sits quite well as the final part of a trilogy. Yes it has too many baddies, especially the Sandman who takes a leave of absence for the middle part of the movie, but it tries hard to tie together all the strands from the previous two. Should really be called Peter Parker: The Movie; Spider-Man only turns up en force during the last 20 minutes.
Rated 22 Sep 2010
This entire franchise could have been so much better. It was never going to be as dark and epic as Batman but the movie forgot what the basic charcater traits of Spider-Man actually were; a wise-cracking, fun-filled prankster.
Rated 02 Sep 2010
The weakest of the trilogy. And a disrespect to the comic book villain Venom.
Rated 07 Jul 2010
Frankly, this was not nearly as bad as everyone said. It's kind of annoying the way the story jumps around and the CGI is somehow worse than it was in the previous film but there's a good story here and it's full of people being dicks in ways that make sense, people giving into temptations to be at their worst and that's meaningful. It chews subtly on big issues with the super-things as metaphor conceit of the superhero genre. Give it a chance.
Rated 26 Feb 2010
In a vain attempt to please all the people begging for Venom they throw him in among two other "villains" and further clutter the already incongruous mess that was this script. No one was done well, acting-wise or story-wise. It almost feels like they were forced by some executive to put Venom in the movie so everyone involved in the making of the movie said, "Fuck it. If the only thing that will sell tickets is the inclusion of Venom we might as well not try."
Rated 24 Oct 2009
the problem does not lie in the fact that this movie exists, although just the existence is a tragedy. the real heart of the tragedy that is this movie, is the fact that there are a large number of you who FUCKING took time and pleasure in raping the culture that could birth such a travesty. "may you all die of gonorrhea and rot in hell." you pieces of shit.
Rated 23 Sep 2009
...I hope the fourth one gives me a reason to want to care about this franchise again. How dare you fuck up Venom?
Rated 29 Jun 2009
Has some good moments, but otherwise a contrived, and surprisingly dull, mess.
Rated 23 Oct 2008
i love action movies with love storylines
Rated 26 Sep 2008
So ein Drecksfilm...
Rated 19 Sep 2008
amazing cgi, but the rest ... are you kidding me? lame acting, lame story, lame villains and the "i forgive you" part ... not even a tv production is so cheesy normally
Rated 02 Sep 2008
I actually liked the first hour of this movie. It posed some interesting questions & character points. But then... I don't know what happened. I felt like all the editing was done for the first half, & then one day was given to the rest of the movie. I thought there was a lack of consistency with the drama/comedy aspects, as well as the effects (some great, some not so much). The story fizzled out & the end was fairly trite but it didn't have to be. Unfortunate, 'cause it could have been better
Rated 15 Aug 2008
It's hilarious....
Rated 10 Aug 2008
The most disappointing film of 2007, the first two installments of the franchise were great, and it looked like this would have been the best. But something went terribly wrong, perhaps it was fan-pressure for Raimi to include Venom, as it's apparent his inclusion as well as the symbiote storyline was shoehorned into there. It's not a terrible film, just not a great one, and I'm sure very few people ended up being generally pleased with it.
Rated 26 Feb 2008
A real mess and a piece of shit.
Rated 08 Feb 2008
Too busy and unfocused. Reeks of studio meddling.
Rated 24 Jul 2007
This is really bad, even by Spider-Man movie standards....
Rated 11 Jul 2007
At least it had a French Bruce Campbell.
Rated 28 Jun 2007
A perfect example of how more money doesn't make a better movie.
Rated 27 Jun 2007
Some good stuff happens and venom is in it, but beyond that it's not much. The storyline is awful and Sandman just kind of hangs there as a character.
Rated 08 Jun 2007
I didn't hate this as much as other people did, though I do recognize its flaws. That said, I'd never laughed harder in a theatre that year than during the Emo-Peter-Dance scene.
Rated 30 May 2007
I couldn't believe how good this film turned out to be. It hit a point in the middle where I thought it was so ridiculous it was bad but then it went from so bad it's great, like only Sam Raimi can do. I know I'm the minority here but I absolutely loved it. The sheer ridiculousness of Parker's emo rage had me in tears (of laughter). Certainly there were some terribly corny bits but I can look past them.
Rated 12 May 2007
Not as good as the first 2 films, too dark and predictable.
Rated 09 May 2007
About half way in I thought to myself, they have to be taking the piss. This is like a Bollywood version, random and confusing scenes, terrible corny dialogue ("you're my best friend"), a multitude of shallow unresolved storylines. Dunst and Maguire are terrible. The only coherent action scene is a boxing match between Harry and Peter, and half the film looks like a cheap videogame.
Rated 08 May 2007
This movie had some insanely cheesy parts, and a terrible script. Yet, the action sequences were extremely well done, and everything just looked amazing. Some say it was amazing, others say it was terrible, I think it was in between.
Rated 07 May 2007
Let's bang iron pipes and kill the symbiot and love that big sand maniac to defeat..
Rated 06 May 2007
Ok, so this is not a great movie. The script is pretty bad, and theres about 40 minutes of the silliest, cheesiest shit ever crammed in there. Actually, this is a bad movie. It will entertain you, I guess, but I just felt....embarrassed, watching it. I hate that feeling.
Rated 05 May 2007
If it weren't for the predecessors, this movie wouldn't have been so bad. Everything felt forced, jumbled, and campy. Nothing like the first two. There were many attempts at comedy at the expense of the characters that just didn't work. It was honestly like Sam Raimi tried to make a cliche superhero movie (that bad).
Rated 04 May 2007
Epic, crazy, and almost too full of story for its own good. Somehow the film pulls this all off, probably because of Bruce Campbell's cameo.
Rated 04 May 2007
Despite all its numerous flaws, this movie still kicks major ass. It is the perfect summer movie. It suffers from the same problems as X3, too much happening in too short of time, but it doesn't suffer as bad as X3. There was some stupid shit, but there was also really awesome shit. Basically every time Topher Grace is on screen, it is fantastic (minus the big defeat), and James Franco has moments of brilliance (personally the pie scene is probably my favorite moment in the whole trilogy).
Rated 04 May 2007
Way too dorky even for this series. And the ending just sucks ass
Rated 04 May 2007
I can see why Sandman was in it, but what importance Mr. Venom have? WAY too many villians. And it left too many gaps in the story.
Rated 05 Aug 2024
Ludicrous in so many ways, but actually quite entertaining.
Rated 04 Aug 2024
Despite its many many flaws, this is my favorite of the trilogy. It accepts the fact that it's a comic book movie and stops trying to not be rather ridiculous
Rated 01 Apr 2024
Terribly confusion in all doors.
Rated 22 Mar 2024
audiovisual 60 acting 59 overall feeling 60 avg 60
Rated 22 Dec 2023
Eddie Brock: "Oh! My Spider-Sense is tingling!"
Rated 01 Aug 2023
This is where the wheels fell off. Too much going on with villains literally fighting each other for screen time. Sad that Spider-Man's arch nemesis was reduced in such a way.
Rated 09 Jun 2023
Despite its admirable ambition, this Spider-Man venture is a tangled web of overcrowded plotlines, underdeveloped characters, and wasted potential. It’s a film that could have benefitted from the adage "less is more".
Rated 21 Apr 2023
It has some really stupid and unnecessary stuff. Yet this is so much more entertaining than most superhero movies we nowdays get. The fight scenes actually felt pretty tense. It has even accidentally best message of any movie made in last 15 years
Rated 28 Feb 2023
The go-to cautionary tale when it comes to "overstuffed" superhero films. 3 villains. 2 love-interests (even 3 if you count Ursula). All with their own separate plot lines. Ridiculous. It's easily the worst of the 3 Sam Raimi Spideys, but still okay overall.
Rated 21 Sep 2022
Underappreciated and overly memed, Spider-Man 3 nevertheless buckles under its own weight. There's too much stuffed into the script, too many villains, too much mess. But strip it back, and there's still a lot of charm and great scenes throughout. Contrary to the internet and its many memes, the transformation of Parker into his darker, envenomed self is a hilarious highlight, and one of only a few scenes where Raimi shines through.
Rated 26 Jul 2022
great movie, so ahead of its time, with the dance sense and other goofy funny lines.
Rated 17 Jul 2022
good movie.
Rated 21 May 2022
Yeah this still doesn't work and the action scenes have dated horribly for some reason compared to the previous film (face compositing and plasticity is just impossible to ignore, the whole opening peter v new goblin fight is horrendous, maybe they tried too much before the tech was there, 2 has it as well but better practical combo) I love emo Peter though and his bad boy montage is top tier Raimi hilarious stuff. Also some of the best JJ moments in this one too with the stress health problems.
Rated 05 May 2022
Gives up at a certain point (no, not the dancing), and just starts shitting out plot points to wrap up this mess of a script. Badly mocked-up CG backgrounds accompany that last lame fight too, so enjoy. It’s a shame they waste the symbiote storyline between the saccharine [Sandman] & stupid [Harry], cause Raimi and co. nailed that bit.
Rated 14 Feb 2022
#22#, rw2, prequels, oldies(2) }*{ #07#, popcorn, hype, prequels, Kirsten.D!
Rated 16 Jan 2022
The last part was perhaps trying a bit too hard, and the amount of villains would fit 2 movies better than a single one. I guess the amount of CGI did not help as it was not as neat as the practical effects from the 2 previous movies. Emo Peter was hilarious though, when you think the worst he got inside of himself is dressing in black and being the most awkward sleaze you've ever seen.
Rated 05 Jan 2022
I feel like pre-Iron Man Marvel movies are gaining a camp factor. This is somehow iconic.
Rated 03 Jan 2022
Stumbles when Venom gets introduced and they turn Sandman into a big monster. The rest is solidly done, even if this story was blatantly not where they were heading with this trilogy.
Rated 28 Dec 2021
Rated 15 Dec 2021
WTF happened here? It was going so well.. Well, actually Raimi is still on form but how could anyone approve of this horrible script? Especially after the greatness of the first two. Too many characters, too many story lines that in the end can’t hold it together with such thin connections.. What a shame that it ended on a sour note.. Who approved of the emo, evil Parker? Such ridiculous scenes..
Rated 24 Nov 2021
While not as terrible as its reputation suggests SM3 is way too bloated with different storylines and characters,presenting a Peter Parker that is quite unlikeable and including some hilariously stupid ideas,like what person saw the Jazz club scene and thought that was a good idea.There's clearly too many villains and despite me liking where they took two of them, pretty terrible in every way.Still it contains some really solid action and some great moments between the characters.


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