No Country for Old Men
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No Country for Old Men

2h 2m
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Avg Percentile 71.25% from 18995 total ratings

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Rated 11 Feb 2008
Watching the film from the POV of anyone other than Jones - the film's lead character - will make for an unrewarding watch. In that regard, its much-reviled ending provides a fitting resolution to the bleak portrait of a man coping with his own mortality amid irredeemable social decay. Fantastic work from one of my favourite directors.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
No Country for Old Men isn't a thriller; it's a meditation on violence masquerading as one. Bardem is especially compelling as Chigurh, a remorseless killer who operates on his own inscrutable moral code. Just be prepared for a third act that veers unexpectedly into a reflection on the cruel machinations of fate and the inevitability of violence. One of the decade's best.
Rated 13 Mar 2008
No Country for Old Men is a fantastic picture. It's script is a bit less colorful then the usual Coen Bros. films, but because of this films nature, it works extremely well. Right when I thought Tommy Lee Jones' career was finished, he stars in this film, and does an extremely good job at that, but Javier Bardem is absolutely incredible in this. The Coen Brothers created one of the greatest modern villains in cinema in Javier Bardem.
Rated 24 Sep 2020
I leave this movie every time hoping to catch up to that fire but the world is a cold place I wont help anyone on the side of the road for fear of being thrust into some Cormac McCarthy punctuation free bull shit nightmare
Rated 14 Sep 2016
"Compared to what? The Bubonic Plague?" No Country is in many ways a re-framing of The Seventh Seal. Its the weary knight versus the pale spectre cloaked in black, a fatal game and a lethal farm tool. With this grim antagonist in tow the Coens dark-tinged rural humor often gives way to uncanny morbidity - I've always loved how Bardem's eyeline is slightly too high when he threatens Harrelson - a simple but unnerving effect.
Rated 14 Aug 2008
The perfect example of a story being carried by rich characters and the camera - and nothing else. No soundtrack and Javier Bardem's legendary villain doesn't utter many lines. The dry and unforgiving landscape of Texas provides an open range of unforgettable cinematography for this environmentally-driven thriller. TL Jones is the viewers' weary shepherd, an aging law-man who is struggling to keep up with the new and devastating type of criminal he's faced with. Some folks just can't be helped.
Rated 23 Nov 2007
Another excellent Coen Bros. movie, and their darkest that I've yet seen. They wisely allow character and plot to carry tension, and strip the movie bare of overblown scenes of action or a redundantly obvious musical score. It works perfectly, letting the tension and discomfort build up beneath the surface. Barden is one of the best villains in modern American movies: menacing, brooding, virtually unstoppable.
Rated 17 Dec 2007
Brilliant film and I can honestly say I think it's the Coen's best. Everyone in the film is fantastic, especially Javier Bardem who gives a performance so unsettling it rivals Anthony Hopkins in Silence of the Lambs. The entire film just unfolds. It flows together perfectly without the slightest hint of anything being forced. The way the film goes is exactly what had to be shown, just like how the film itself deals with the concept of fate. Brilliant movie, just brilliant.
Rated 31 Aug 2008
Arguably as interesting and enjoyable as it is unsatisfying. Everything about the movie except it's ending dragged me in and begged me to love it. But it does not deliver what the viewer wants in the end. Lacking some important moments, ripping off its burning fuse and preventing any climax, it gives you something interesting, however incomplete, but not what you want.
Rated 31 Jan 2008
Now this is cinema. Pure brilliance. Edgy dialogues, fabulous photography, a Tommy Lee Jones narrator, Javier Bardem as the most unfashionable assasin in movie history, attention for detail, and a not too bad storyline. Give it an alternate ending and this is an instant classic, a movie which could even impress Hitchcock.
Rated 17 Mar 2008
Wow. Finally got around to watching this after months of well-deserved hype. The film looks amazing. The Coen's are known for their extensive pre-film planning process and their attention to detail is on display in nearly every shot. The acting is superb. Bardem in particular shines as an unstoppable "force of nature" assassin who operates by his own twisted logic and sense of morality. It brims over with suspense, tension, and palpable dread. Plenty more I could say about this film. See it.
Rated 24 Nov 2007
I'd say aside from the Big Lebowski, which is a completely different kind of movie, this is the Coen's best. One of the most suspenseful movies I've ever seen, and the entire thing is permeated by a kind of uneasy feeling (the complete lack of any musical score probably adds to this). Javier Bardem's character is absolutely terrifying. By the time this was over, I was exhausted. I know that sounds like a bad thing, but it's really not.
Rated 26 Jul 2008
Even though the Coens have explored similar territory before, this is them at their best. The film asks questions about fate and choice, violence and time passing. Anton is an imtimidating force of nature and Jones plays the role he was meant to play, a retiring cop who begins and ends the story. It doesn't matter what happens to the money because what unfolds is bigger than mere financial gain.
Rated 05 May 2008
A movie that gets better and better upon every watch. I can't praise the aesthetics enough. The cinematography lends it a great sense of location, the minimalistic use of music provides loads of tension, and most of the acting is pretty remarkable, especially from Bardem. I don't think I've ever seen the Coens so pessimistic, and the themes of circumstance, fate, and motivation are supported by a very thoughtful script, manifesting most obviously in Tommy Lee Jones.
Rated 29 Aug 2009
The inevitable change that occurs in the world is a scary thing for the static at heart; No Country for Old Men thrives on that concept. This Action/Thriller/Drama is poetry on the big screen. The plot is compelling in that you sympathize with the protagonist, Lewllyn, and learn to despise the villain, Chigurh. The stoic Anton Chigurh is the definitive bad guy that you want in every film, but never get; such a performance would be too powerful in another movie. Great movie. Watch it.
Rated 17 Feb 2008
An excellent deconstruction of the "psycho killer" thriller. Everything that is supposed to happen according to the thriller formula, doesn't. The acting performances are superb and the visuals are addictive. As a whole, the film has no flaws. However, it's not doing anything particularly new. Still, a masterpiece on its own terms.
Rated 27 Oct 2007
The quietest, loneliest thriller on this earth, where every action is a moral choice and salvation only lies in dreams.
Rated 11 Nov 2007
Confident is the first word that comes to mind. Masterpiece is another. Javier Bardem's Anton Chigurh is the stuff of nightmares' nightmares. Staying nearly word-for-word faithful to Cormac McCarthy's novel, the Coens made a film that stands among, and, perhaps, atop their best, bringing their undercurrent of black humor to relieve the almost unbearable tension they can create. Easily one of the year's best.
Rated 17 Nov 2007
This gritty mini-epic rumination on the nature of evil generates a nigh-unbearable tension and is a great example of the villain stealing the show out from everyone else. Anton Chigurh is one of cinema's finest evildoers.
Rated 20 Mar 2008
A flawless examination of morality. You could hear a pin drop in the theatre, as every single audience member sat entranced, staring as the action unfolded and the tension rose higher and higher. The lack of music isn't even noticeable until you reflect on it afterward -- the movie doesn't *need* music. Bardem is chilling to legendary effect. The Coens' best drama, and an equal to their comedy masterpiece, The Big Lebowski. It's a scorcher.
Rated 27 Nov 2007
On the pain of facing a world in which bad things happen, and always will; and how with the more you know, the more giving up can seem like best option. The bones are the bookends of Cormac McCarthy's poetic genius, while the meat is a negligible and visceral exhibition in cinematic craft. Most people chew up the meat and throw away the bones. You only have to think for like five minutes the entire movie, but it helps.
Rated 29 Jan 2008
Wow. Best film of the year. The only question is whether you can buy the ending. I thought it worked because it was yet another unconventional surprise in a movie that's full of them. Heck if you just want a standard plot, go see Rambo.
Rated 09 Jan 2010
If someone can do Blood Meridian to this standard I will shit directly in my pants.
Rated 31 Mar 2010
Javier Bardem brought Anton Chigurh to life. It's so refreshing to see a McCarthy character captured on film.
Rated 23 Dec 2007
Just not seeing the "genius", "masterpiece", "year's best" plaudits that others are piling on this movie. It's interesting, certainly worth seeing, and has some snappy dialogue and good performances, but folks seem to be mistaking obtuse plotting and a failed ending for "depth" and "importance".
Rated 04 Jan 2008
I guess my expectations were too high... I liked the film. It is masterfully shot. The humor and the tension work perfectly. Both the sound and camera works are terrific. The acting is great. But No Country for Old Men did not struck me as the best film of the year, as the awards groups so far almost unanimously declared.
Rated 06 Jan 2010
Truly suspensful, this film manages to draw you in with mood and tone. The characters feel real without being too complex, and there's a sense of mystery to our hitman antagonist. The film's worth watching for the ending alone, which is sure to leave you either in awe or scratching your head.
Rated 31 Mar 2009
Nice story. The first hour was nice to see and really good suspense. A surprisingly end I must confess and what a great performance of the badguy Bardem, what an ice-cold killer.
Rated 18 Jul 2009
Probably the best film of the decade, one of the best american films ever.
Rated 21 Sep 2018
What could possibly feel more authentic and entertaining than the warm, melancholic sheriff chasing the psychopathic killer, chasing the clever, blue-collard cowboy? The only escape is torture.
Rated 04 Feb 2009
Many have left poignant, insightful comments about this film's narrative in their mini reviews. They delve into the social commentary evident in McCarthy's work and how well handled it was by the Coen's. Yeah, I noticed all that stuff, but how cool is it seeing Chigurh kill people with his air compressor?
Rated 27 Apr 2012
Some great depth and atmosphere from the Coen brothers, which was expected. All of the acting is good, but I loved Javier Bardem. I did end up picking up the book afterwards and they're both very close for me quality-wise. One of the best movies from the 2000s and one of the best Coen brothers movies.
Rated 27 Jul 2008
Sometimes this movie makes me sad. It makes me long for a lost time, like Ed Tom, and sometimes makes me feel lost in what we've become as a society. How can it be any less?
Rated 25 Nov 2007
A mixture between a western and crime epic, this film is a macabre work of art by the Coens. All individuals involved take it up a notch, but Bardem truly steals the film as an insane assassin with 'principles'. Bringing to mind echoes of Fargo and Blood Simple, this is one of the greatest films the Coens have done and one of the greatest films of the year.
Rated 12 Oct 2009
Great movie. The acting is absolutely fantastic! Javier is totally badass. Extremely violent. The perfect movie
Rated 26 Nov 2007
A superior thriller featuring two especially great performances, the first from Javier Bardem as quite possibly the greatest film serial killer or runner up behind Hopkins' Lecter. Second, the lesser-talked about Josh Brolin. Both these actors clash brilliantly as the Coen's deliver one hell of a suspenseful cat-and-mouse pursuit. My previous gripes on the ending stand minimal upon further review, and "No Country" truthfully stands as an engaging, violent masterwork for all involved.
Rated 22 Sep 2010
The best McCarthy adaptation so far, this twist on good versus evil leaves one a bit unsettled and with some, unsatisfied. But satisfaction was never on the agenda (and usually isn't for McCarthy) so one must simply appreciate the sometimes simplistic, sometimes thoughtful grim beauty of it all.
Rated 21 Feb 2011
probably the best mccarthy adaptation out there, which isn't much of a stretch, as the book already reads like an elaborate screenplay and, well, the coens. then you got deakins' visuals nailing the books prosaic tone, yet capturing moments of inescapable beauty, just like mccarthy's writing. javier's screen presence oozes incalculable menace, brolin and jones are great tragic heroes, ill-equipped against the incomprehensible. it's bleak, it's bold, it's badass!
Rated 29 Mar 2013
No Country for Old Men takes place in the distant future when the human lifespan has increased to a ridiculous length. As a result, there are shortages of resources since there are more people existing at one time. After a lifetime of hard work and saving, old people are forced to leave or are murdered to make way for young people. After assembling an elderly army, the old people revolt and seek to designate a new country so that there would be a country for old men.
Rated 15 Jan 2012
Every single person watching this was convinced they could get away with keeping that money. With everything turning out so badly, I'm glad it wasn't me. It did seem just a little to easy for the bad guy to track him down. Great cast. Josh Brolin & Woody Harrelson were great. Javier Bardem makes a great cartel fixer. Some very clever movie moments. Good suspense. It keeps you guessing and the anticipation is great.
Rated 02 Dec 2007
Loved it.
Rated 24 Dec 2007
When the lights came back on after No Country's conclusion, I looked around the theater in amusement. The people in the seats were looking dumbly at their spouses; nobody moved. Don't buy into the artsy people saying that No Country is a stroke of Genius--it's not. Don't believe that Bardem is one of the scariest killers in recent history--he's not. The first 90 minutes of No Country is fairly intriguing, but the last 30 minutes sucks swampwater.
Rated 31 Dec 2007
I don't think I loved it as much as everyone else, but it's still one of the best movies of the year. It's slow paced but never dull, which give the film a very interesting atmosphere, especially in contrast to the sporadic and short violent scenes. The acting is solid, as is the direction, though the ending was a little abrupt.
Rated 30 Dec 2011
This is directly about the great neoliberal transformation of 1980. The myth of "lone cowboy" who can beat his opponents and establish a romantic justice is over because this is a different order: the former villains are replaced by business men who conduct their dirty jobs from skyscrapers and Llewelyn Moss cannot even trust to those children at the bridge, and everything has a price where his opponent is also a very neoliberal ambiguous hybrid and paranoid character Anton Chigurh. (Even his na
Rated 20 Jul 2008
One of the best films of 2007. Fantastic picture from The great Coen Brothers!
Rated 26 Jun 2008
This movie left me completely awestruck at it's conclusion. It isn't really lacking in anything, even if I felt somewhat cheated at the lack of a climactic showdown initially (I've since gotten over that). Chigurh is an all-timer villain, Josh Brolin turns in a career defining performance, and Tommy Lee Jones proves he's still got something in the tank. The best movie of the decade, and does it with NO MUSIC. That still floors me.
Rated 14 Dec 2008
We've seen betters from Coens. It's a good movie, but still overrated; and definitely not the best movie of '08..
Rated 04 Nov 2020
Rewatch: The lack of a musical score just goes to show how masterfully crafted this movie is, building so much tension without the help of sound. All of the acting is great and it has some pretty good quotes as well.
Rated 03 Feb 2008
Well-done and fairly engaging (even the controversial ending wasn't that bad to me), but I was also disappointed by the emptiness of it. A lot of it is retreading the same ground covered in previous Coen works. Not that I mind people repeating themselves that much, but I didn't feel there was anything all that fresh or exciting going on here. I find this kind of nihilism a bit boring and old hat. I thought there ought to be more focus on Jones. He was the true soul of the story.
Rated 03 Feb 2008
Can't be described how brilliant and fantastic this movie is. What an performance by Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin. The Coen Brothers finally get their oscar with this great film , after years of good filmmaking.
Rated 22 May 2010
A brilliant, suspenseful movie. It seemed like Tommy Lee Jones dropped off the grid there for a while, but in this movie he certainly makes a very strong comeback. Not that sure about the ending, but overall an extremely awesome flick.
Rated 10 Feb 2008
Expected it to be slightly better, but still incredible. The change in tone towards the end is a quite interesting choice and makes this film far more interesting than it would have been. Fantastic acting, and a great script. "That is a dead dog." "Yes, it is."
Rated 11 Jun 2009
Well acted and well directed, quite a few shots I really liked. Very successfully pulled off a dark and menacing atmosphere that never let up. The film forces its characters to look death squarely in the eye and lets us see how they all react and has some interesting questions about fate and its effects. Excellently done.
Rated 17 Feb 2008
Almost flawless, everything is in place in this movie. The best Coen movie to date. Bardem is Oscar-worthy, just like Coens.
Rated 22 Feb 2008
Story of Tommy Lee as an old sheriff investigating a series of murders. Lots of good acting and brilliant directing. I reviewed movie already and without flu I've got into it. Brilliant movie! The lame scene got the point too, now. A little bit more complicate story than There Will Be Blood. What was the idea of the movie? World has changed: drugs, money, killing. No country for old men.
Rated 23 Feb 2008
I don't get it. What makes this movie so special? Maybe I went in with too much expectations, but I found this movie very boring. The first hour was so, so, and then it spirals into a random, boring ending. I loved the other movies of the Coen brothers, but this one I don't get.
Rated 17 May 2008
at first watch i must LOVE this movie, even though most don't appreciate the ending (i do), but had i watched it more than once i believe i may appreciate it less and less.
Rated 30 Apr 2008
Unflinching. Scenes and events rarely play out as you'd expect them, and I love the movie for it. Bardem is great, and would easily crack my upper pantheon of best movie villains ever. It's easily worth the price of admission just for the scene of Chigurgh and the old gas station clerk. Just an amazing use of dialogue. I also love the fact that Tommy Lee Jones' character really was a coward at heart and there was no attempt to reconcile this fact.
Rated 13 Apr 2008
I would officially kill to see Tommy Lee Jones and Michael Parks playing Texas cops in the same movie. TLJ's performance here is nothing short of astonishing. Brolin and Bardem are just icing on the cake.
Rated 13 Sep 2008
"You don't have to do this, I'm a day trader, I could just go home. - You could?" This kind of humor is found throughout the entire film and is one of the many stamps the Coens have artfully placed on it, that I admirably recognize as the best in contemporary cinema. Aside from "A Clockwork Orange", this is the best film that delves into exactly what violence is, it's innate nature within all animals of the world, it's unobtrusive existence in all of us, it's inevitablity and unpredictability.
Rated 15 Apr 2010
I was blown away the first time I saw this movie
Rated 27 May 2008
The ending leaves much to be desired. Javier Bardem and Tommy Lee Jones' performances, though, really shined.
Rated 13 Mar 2008
Rated 06 Dec 2009
This movie is almost 100% true to the book. Best movie villain ever in film too!
Rated 12 Nov 2007
The Coens do Hitchcock, and make it much more terrifying. The direction and writing is unstoppable. So much more than your typical suspense thriller.
Rated 05 Oct 2010
Best bad guy with the worst haircut ever.
Rated 22 Nov 2007
Great cast and some awesome performances. I really learned to appreciate it years after I first saw it and recognized it's true greatness.
Rated 01 Sep 2010
Well-written and powerful film. Difficult to describe what draws you in (character, plot, cinematography, soundtrack (or lack thereof) etc.) but the experience is compelling.
Rated 16 Oct 2009
I don't have any problem with some well scripted stories. But this movie was alright, nothing extraordinary. The suspense was well built and the natural sound score was quite menacing at times. The acting overrules other criticism.
Rated 24 Aug 2010
Fatalist western coated in the theme of new crime in old America. The sheriff and his antithesis who looks a lot like Death roaming through Texas towards a duel we know who will walk away from. The sheriff flips his own coin but knows he is still en route and Chigurh is waiting.
Rated 27 Nov 2007
Absolutely great movie. Open ended, which I love when it's done right. It's just a perfect, creepy movie that closely captures 1980 Texas, to the point that I had mini-flashbacks while I was in the theater. Wonderfully done. Spot-on.
Rated 04 Jan 2010
Drug deal gone wrong, psycho killer hit man, and a lot of violence. Overall a great movie.
Rated 02 Dec 2007
There is a great plot that flows with unforgettable characters. There is such tension, it's difficult to stay planted in your seat. And I have not seen such a thought-provoking film in a very long time. Every aspect of the film makes it marvelous, but the fact that it refuses to leave your mind and challenges you to think about it deeply makes it a masterpiece.
Rated 16 Jul 2009
A movie that actually lives up to its reputation.
Rated 11 May 2008
The Coen's are finally bacl in business. Although I have to say that, as with Blood Simple, this genre is not my favourite. That said: the movie is beautifully executed.
Rated 28 Dec 2007
Holy crap.
Rated 03 Jun 2014
No Country for Old Men is the Coens at usual and top form. That is, an unfortunate thriller that goes without their typical childish snickering at the audience and ironically blase mockery of tropes. When it's at its best, the thrills are unparalleled. When it's not, the film is running on no steam. Since people keep asking for a deeper meaning (though the theme should be obvious given the title), Bardem represents the grim reaper and all of his whimsy.
Rated 31 Jul 2009
Just when I was beginning to think the Coen brothers were never going to top Fargo they spew out this suspenseful thriller based on Cormac McCarthy's novel. Javier Bardem is terrifying as Anton and one of the best villains i n film. The lack of music in the film adds to the suspense as well. Just one hell of a movie.
Rated 05 Jan 2008
Pretty much flawless.
Rated 05 Jan 2008
The Coens have created a world revolving around a sadistic yet interesting serial killer that captivates audiences.
Rated 26 Dec 2010
Excellent. The ending is off putting for some, I was originally puzzled by it, but the more I think about this movie, the more it makes sense.
Rated 13 Feb 2009
One of the Coens' best efforts. Incredibly well shot and thrilling.
Rated 26 Nov 2010
Re-watched this seven years later and had to give it more criti-cred points. +5 bonus score for Bardem's coif du jour.
Rated 11 Dec 2012
Anton Chigurh is an amazing character and Bardem did wonders with the material he was given. The movie overall is shot wonderfully and from a technical point of view it is top notch. And yet, there is something essential missing in this movie, it is too much about the craftsmanship of movie making and less of a movie. Because of that, it is a bit empty in my opinion.
Rated 18 Dec 2009
Great atmosphere, and superb performances by Jones, Bardem, Brolin and Harrelson.
Rated 25 Feb 2010
It's bitingly funny without overdoing it, it's tense, it's contemplative. Instant classic and a great ending.
Rated 10 Apr 2009
I admit I am not a fan of the Coens, whose movies usually strike me as over-stylized, over-the-top and a bit too broad in their humor. This worked for me thanks to its restraint, and reminded me how talented they really are. The cast is absolutely marvelous (especially Bardem who is the spitting image of young Oliver Reed) and the text is fine helping this be really thrilling. I have problems with Cormac McCarthy's choices at the ending but I won't elaborate so as not to spoil.
Rated 26 Jan 2011
The hero/villain aspect of this movie is done superbly! This film is intense from beginning to end. There's nothing flashy about it. It merely focuses on the characters.
Rated 17 Feb 2008
The Coens return to form. They've created almost perfect film with the help of a brilliant cast. Some people have been disappointed with the ending but I liked it.
Rated 18 Apr 2011
Superb film, exquisite throughout, apex film making.
Rated 13 Apr 2008
not my cup of tea. and will i get an oscar too if i keep the same expression on my face for 2 hours?
Rated 31 Jul 2009
Jarvier Barden is frankly frightening as this films murderous villian. The plot on the surface seems a simple one, but this action/crime epic is much deeper than the linier plot suggests. The heartfelt and understated ending is a wonderful way to finish of the movie, although not to everyone's taste or satisfaction. Finally a word of praise for both Tommy Lee Jones, who is fantastic and the Coen brothers, who once again show themselves to be among the finest film makes around at the moment.
Rated 07 Feb 2010
Josh Brolin unleashes the furies when he takes their money. Both an extremely effective taut thriller, and a beautifully shot meditation on violence in America. The old men look on helplessly.
Rated 15 Jul 2009
A top-notch suspense film that is chilling and tense, and yet always retains a respectable subtlety that allows the audience to fully absorb the stark cinematography and nuanced performances. This is a movie made for those who go to the theatre first and foremost because they are fascinated by the art of filmmaking. A classic of the decade, and I feel that it will be even more appreciated in times to come.
Rated 25 Aug 2009
Possibly the most sinister 'antagonist' in film history, even more so than Hopkins incredible effort as Hannibal Lector. It has a unique mood and delves into the the concepts of fate, chance and fixed destiny and plays them off against each other (the coin toss). It doesn't matter where the money ends up or how Llewelyn died, the untimeliness of death is all that is left in the end. It's inescapable, no matter how precious or significant we feel that their motives, injustices and emotions are.
Rated 08 Mar 2008
Woody Harrelson does not need to be in this movie.
Rated 08 Mar 2008
I absolutely loved this movie. The writing was outstanding, and Javier Bardem's delivery is disturbing. Some don't like the way the Coen's wrapped it up, but I have no issues with the finish. It's a must watch.
Rated 26 Sep 2010
No Country for Old Men is a film worth watching, but don't be surprised if it lets you down near the end. An incredibly important story shift isn't even shown on screen, but instead off-camera. I'm sure that scene and the ending were made just to generate more discussion on the story than there would be otherwise, but I find it in poor taste. Looking past the ending, the film is great. It's well acted, has great dialogue, and is shot wonderfully. Add in a better ending, and it is a superb film.
Rated 29 Aug 2009
An excellent, practically perfect film with a marvelous ensemble cast headed by three great actors (Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin, and Javier Bardem).
Rated 18 Aug 2009
Excellent movie. All the characters are finely drawn and acted.


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