Archie Mayo

Archie Mayo

Date of Birth: 29 Jan 1891

Country: USA

Biography: Archibald L. Mayo (January 29, 1891 – December 4, 1968) was a film director, screenwriter and actor.

Total Credits at Criticker: 48 (Director)

Biography and picture submitted by Rivette

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Titles you haven't rated - Director (48)

    A Night in Casablanca
    In post-war Casablanca, Ronald Kornblow is hired to run a hotel whose previous managers have all wound up being murdered... (imdb)
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    The Petrified Forest
    Alan Squier, a failed, world-weary British writer, hikes into an isolated, weather-beaten desert café in Arizona owned by Jason Marple... (imdb)
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    Ann, a young lady of scandalously "advanced" ideas, has been living in near-sin with blueblood lover Dick, due to her conviction that marriage will destroy their love. Finally, social pressure forces them to marry; in due course, it looks as if Ann was right. Her solution: to separate and return to dating. Can this marriage be saved? (imdb)
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    Night After Night
    A successful ex-boxer buys a high-class speakeasy and falls for a rich society girl, who doesn't know about his past. Complications ensue when some ex-girlfriends from his boxing days show up. (imdb)
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    The Mayor of Hell
    Five members of a teen-age gang, including leader Jimmy Smith, are sent to the State Reformatory, presided over by the melodramatically callous Thompson... (imdb)
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    Angel on My Shoulder
    The Devil arranges for a deceased gangster to return to Earth as a well-respected judge to make up for his previous life. (imdb)
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    Black Legion
    Frank Taylor joins the "pro-American" Black Legion when he loses his chance at foremanship to a foreign-born man. The organization is a sort of Ku Klux Klan in the industrial sphere. Frank has troubles with his wife over this and causes serious trouble when he tells all to his best friend Ed Jackson. (imdb)
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    After a drunken binge on the San Pablo waterfront, longshoreman Bobo fears he may have killed a man. In his uncertainty, he takes a job on an isolated bait barge. That night, he rescues lovely Anna from a watery suicide attempt and installs her on the barge. But Tiny, Bobo's longtime pal and parasite, hopes to drive Anna away before domestic bliss tears Bobo away from him; the still unsolved murder may be just the wedge Tiny needs. There's fog on the water and evil brewing... (imdb)
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    Crash Dive
    Against his personal preference, PT boat commander Ward Stewart is made executive officer of the submarine USS Corsair. On leave before sailing, he meets schoolteacher Jean Hewlett and gives her a romantic rush...unaware that she's the sweetheart of Dewey Connors, his new commander. At sea, the men bond while fighting German Q-ships. When will they discover their mutual romantic rivalry? Will it interfere with a spectacular commando raid on a secret German base? (imdb)
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    Johnny Ramirez rises from bouncer to partner in Charlie Roark's border town casino. Charlie's wife Marie loves Johnny, but Johnny loves society woman Dale. Marie kills her husband, making it look like suicide. She tells Johnny she committed murder for him and, still rejected, tells the police that she and Johnny murdered Charlie. She goes crazy in court and Johnny goes free. Dale runs from Johnny and dies in an auto crash. Johnny sells the casino. (imdb)
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    Basil Underwood and Joyce Arden have postponed their marriage eleven times. Henry Grant's fiancée Marcia is infatuated with Basil. At Henry's request Basil acts boorishly so as to kill the infatuation, but it doesn't work and Marcia breaks her engagement with Henry. With Marcia about to announce her intentions vis-a-vis Basil, Joyce shows her pictures of children, apparently Basil's. Marcia goes back to Henry and Joyce decides she'd better tie Basil down soon. (imdb)
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    The Adventures of Marco Polo
    Marco Polo travels from Venice to Peking, where he quickly discovers spaghetti and gunpowder and falls in love with the Emperor's daughter. The Emperor Kublai Khan is a kindly fellow, but his evil aide Ahmed wants to get rid of Kublai Khan so he can be emperor, and to get rid of Marco Polo so he can marry the princess. Ahmed sends Marco Polo to the West to fight barbarians, but he returns just in time to save the day. (imdb)
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    Through hypnotism and telepathic mind control, a sinister music maestro controls the singing voice, but not the heart, of the woman he loves. (imdb)
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    The Man with Two Faces
    Actress Jessica Wells, sister of actor Damon Wells, is on top of her form except when her husband Vance is around. When Vance takes her to the apartment of a theatrical producer she comes home incoherent and Vance is found dead in the vanished producer's hotel suite. (imdb)
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    The Great American Broadcast
    After WWI two men go into radio. Failure leads the wife of one to borrow money from another; she goes on, after separation, to stardom. A coast-to-coast radio program is set up to bring everyone back together. (imdb)
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    Gambling Lady
    Lady Lee, gambler's daughter, plies her trade while pondering the proposal of a social-register suitor. (imdb)
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    Street of Women
    An architect has an affair with a woman who inspires him. Her brother is in love with the architect's daughter. The complicated entanglement leads to misunderstanding and dissolution, but ultimately love.
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    Go Into Your Dance
    An irresponsible Broadway star gets mixed up with gambling and gangsters. (
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    Orchestra Wives
    Connie Ward is in seventh heaven when Gene Morrison's band rolls into town. She is swept off her feet by trumpeter Bill Abbot. After marrying him, she joins the bands tour and learns about life as an orchestra wife, weathering the catty attacks of the other band wives. (imdb)
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    The House Across the Bay
    An aircraft designer falls for the wife of an imprisoned gangster. All goes well until the gangster gets out of prison. (imdb)
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    The Doorway to Hell
    Lou Ricarno is a smart guy. His plan is to organize the various gangs in Chicago so that the mugs will not liquidate each other. With the success of his leadership, Louie prospers, marries Doris and retires to Florida to write his autobiography and play golf. In his absence the gang warfare flares, but he does not return as he wants to give a respectable image of life to his wife, younger brother and his Florida neighbors... (imdb)
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    The Case of the Lucky Legs
    Frank Patton is the promoter of the Lucky Legs Contest. The problem is that he always skips town before paying the $1000 to the winner. Mr. Bradbury, suitor of Cloverdale winner Margie, hires intoxicated Perry Mason to find Frank. Perry knows the scheme that Patton is using and has Spudsy find him, but Frank is dead when Perry arrives. The how is a surgeons scalpel, but the who is not yet known. (imdb)
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    In 1890, two students at Oxford force their rascally friend and fellow student to pose as an aunt from Brazil--where the nuts come from. (imdb)
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    Ever in My Heart
    World War I brings tribulations to an American woman married to a German. (imdb)
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    The Life of Jimmy Dolan
    Prizefighter Jimmy Dolan accidentally kills a man at a party and escapes. He hides out at a health farm for invalid children and begins to lose his cynicism under the influence of the children and of Peggy and Mrs. Moore, who run the farm. When a detective recognizes him, Jimmy must decide whether to escape or stay and face his responsibilities to the children. (imdb)
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    They Shall Have Music
    A boy runs away from home and ends up at a music school for poor children. When the school suffers hard times, he enlists the aid of violinist Heifetz to save the day. (imdb)
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    Under Eighteen
    Working girl Margie Evans has decided there are two kinds of opportunities for a slum kid during the Depression. Those you make. And those you take. Determined to help her family out of its financial bind, she is ready to do both after she shows up at the penthouse pool bash of a wealthy playboy. (
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    Call It a Day
    The story of a day in the life of a typical middle-class London family, headed by accountant Ian Hunter. The husband is tempted by a seductress (Marcia Ralston), the wife (Freda Inescourt) tries but fails to have a "fling" herself, the daughter (Olivia De Havilland) throws herself at a married artist (Walter Woolf King), and all is set aright before the sun goes down. (
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    Dandy Lions
    Dandy Lions (1924) - Short Film
    It's actually kind of hard to tell what the plot is of this thing, 'cause there aren't even any title cards. Mainly, however, it seems to be about a pair of young lovers who want to have their marriage ceremony in the lion cage at the circus. Yes, with the big cats present.
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    Four Sons
    When the Germans invade Czechoslovakia the four sons of a Czecho-German family follow different paths: Czech patriot, Nazi supporter, artist in America, and heroic German soldier. (imdb)
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    Reno or Bust
    Reno or Bust (1924) - Short Film
    Bobby Vernon has just been married to Lila Lee, but her parents object and kidnap her to Reno, where, if not rescued, they will be divorced. It probably wouldn't hold up before a judge, but it does produce a fairly funny movie. (imdb)
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    Working-class girl dreams of living a better life and forsakes her friends when she has a chance to break into high society. (imdb)
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    Confirm or Deny
    Newsman Mitch and teletype operator Jennifer, whose job is to see he doesn't send inappropriate stuff out of the country, dodge bombs during the blitz of London while falling in love. (imdb)
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    A man meets the daughter of his lover and they begin to fall in love. (imdb)
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    The Expert
    An old yet spry man comes to Chicago to live with his son and daughter-in-law. Despite the old fellow's good intentions, he becomes a useless irritation to the couple. However, Grandpa befriends a young orphan boy, whom he helps to set upon the straight and narrow path. He finds solace in this relationship and also in the company of elderly men who live in a home nearby. But the orphan boy's step-father hatches an evil plan that will soon upset the apple cart. (imdb)
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    Give Me Your Heart
    Kay Francis, Warner Bros.' resident "wronged woman," was the star of Give Me Your Heart. Francis plays a socialite whose illicit romance with married Patric Knowles results in a baby. When the father, a titled Englishman of means, declares that the child would be better off in his care, Ms. Francis suffers luxuriously in a series of fashionable evening gowns. She finds lasting happiness in the arms of attorney George Brent. (
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    I Married a Doctor
    Sinclair Lewis's 1920 novel Main Street came to the screen in 1936 from Warner Bros. under this rather more mundane title. Carol Kennicott (Josephine Hutchinson) is the newly-married spouse of small-town doctor William Kennicott (Pat O'Brien). But Carol's big city upbringing hasn't prepared her for life in their rural village, where everyone seems to know everyone else, and everything about them. (
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    Two Against the World
    A socialite (Constance Bennett) finds herself involved in a murder investigation.
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    Wide Open
    An eccentric, fluttery bachelor is dismayed to discover an undressed woman in his apartment. Comedy.
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    Youth Takes a Fling
    McCrea plays Joe Meadows, whose only ambition as a Kansas farm boy was a life at sea. He moves to New York to try to get a job as a sailor, finds it more difficult than he thought, and meets Helen Brown, who falls for him and uses her feminine wiles to try to prevent him leaving.
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    Oh, Sailor Behave!
    Based on the farcical stage play written by Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Elmer Rice, Oh, Sailor Behave! is a movie Musical with a split personality. Nanette Dodge (Irene Delroy) falls for newspaper reporter Charlie Carroll (Charles King) who is on assignment in Venice to land an interview with Romanian General Skulany (Noah Beery).
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    Sweet and Low-Down
    After their annual free concert at Chicago's Dearborn Settlement, Benny Goodman and his band are packing up to move on to their next engagement at a military camp, when a kid, Tony Birch, steals Goodman's clarinet. Goodman and Popsie pursue him to a tenement flat where he has led them to hear his brother, Johnny Birch, play the trombone. Goodman offers him a job, over Popsie's protest, with the band. (imdb)
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    Retribution (1928) - Short Film
    Henry B. Walthall made his talkie debut in this 10-minute short from Vitaphone. In the film he plays a once rich man who has found himself in the dumps due to drug abuse and other issues. He goes to see a former friend (Tom McGuire), now a Senator, and he's not too open to giving the man a second chance.
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    Weak, But Willing
    A devilish courtship.
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    The Crimson City
    Gregory Kent is on the run for a crime he did not commit.
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    A Rarin\
    A Rarin' Romeo (1925) - Short Film
    A 1925 comedy featuring Walter Hiers and Jack Duffy. A theater company does a unique presentation of the Shakespeare classic after consuming gasoline in their drinks.
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    Christine of the Big Tops
    When her circus-performer parents die in an accident, Christine, a young girl, is raised by other circus-performers, including Hagan, a balloon-vender, and Pete Barman as her guardians. When she grows up, she asks to also become a performer, and Barman agrees. Bob Hastings joins the traveling circus as its doctor, and he and Christine fall in love. This angers Barman, who is also in love with her.
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    John Meadham, has for years been in charge of a West Africa trading post, wire the home office in London that he is tired and worn out, and they need to send a replacement to take over. The company sends a stiff upper-lipper, Charles Summers, accompanied by his wife, Margaret. An antagonism develops between the two men from the moment Summers arrives. This soon leads to a quarrel and then a disagreement between the stuffy, tightly-wound Summers and his wife over who was right in the quarrel.
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