

2h 2m
Lt. Caleb Holt lives by the old firefighter's adage: Never leave your partner behind. Inside burning buildings, it's his natural instinct. In the cooling embers of his marriage, it's another story.
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2h 2m
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Avg Percentile 32.83% from 195 total ratings

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Rated 04 Jul 2010
This movie is shot like a cinemaxx porno, which is both ironic and terrible. A lot of hilarious scenes, I especially loved when he struggles with his porn addiction, the montage with the embarrassing christian rock song were great and all the terrible fire analogies were pure gold. Kirk plays possibly the stupidest character ever on film, which mirrors his real life incredibly well (watch his youtube vids for some laughs). You never leave your partner! Especially in a fire! LOL CHRISTIANS
Rated 27 Aug 2009
Fireproof is a story based on the phrase "never leave your partner behind". Caleb uses this strategy in his everyday firemen routine. However Caleb tends to focus more on not leaving his partner behind on the fire scene more so than he does his partner at home. This film truely shows the strain of devotion to another person that you love when going through the flames of life. This movie will cause you not only to examine the characters' lifes but your own life and relationships as well.
Rated 15 Oct 2008
This movie was inspiring. I have only seen one other movie in my entire life that has affected me like this one did. Never was marriage shown on the big screen in a better way. Never leave you partner behind.
Rated 06 Feb 2009
Don't get me wrong; Fireproof IS watchable and kinda enjoyable if you're able to look past its many flaws. The storyline is fresh--a man learns to accept Christ in his life to rekindle his relationship with his wife. However, when Cameron has his epiphany, you never see him grab a bible or struggle to find his way to a church. Thus his revelation (and proclamation) is unbelievable. The direction and (with exception to Cameron), the acting is REALLY bad. Great concept; bad execution.
Rated 24 May 2009
If you're looking for a two-hour infomercial for Christianity, then this is the film for you. Otherwise, watch something else.
Rated 30 Jan 2009
A solid Christian film, which is recommendable to newly weds or those who feel their marriage may be suffering. Though its message is about learning to love through accepting faith into your life, it doesn't tell its viewers that its necessary to go to Church or portray those who don't believe as entirely evil. (If only more diehard Christians were like this.) The quality of filmmaking is more like a made-for-TV movie and the acting is suspect; but Kirk Cameron's performance is admirable.
Rated 15 Jun 2009
When Kirk Cameron is the film's acting "heavyweight", you should pretty much know what to expect. I've seen high school pantomimes with more believable and emotionally charged acting. Basically a Christian sermon trying to be a movie about firefighters and marital infidelity and some such. I'm sure there's a metaphor in there somewhere, but I really couldn't care. At least the film consciously tries (albeit failingly) not to be too preachy. Honestly, it could've been worse... but not much.
Rated 12 Sep 2022
My mom was also obsessed with this movie
Rated 01 Feb 2011
Can't imagine any sane person liking this movie. It does bring some unintentional hilarity to the table, and the second rescue scene is kinda cool in a Metal Gear Solidy way, but other than that, the movie's riddled with terrible acting, terrible pacing, and some of the most disgusting content I've seen on film. And it's so friggin' long, too! Ew.
Rated 09 Jan 2010
A tad sugary, but well worth watching. This IS a story with a message, particularly for anyone whose marriage is going through a rough patch; however, the story flows and the characters are reasonally believable. I am a Christian so this has added appeal to me for that reason.
Rated 23 Nov 2014
Quite terrible. Other commenters here--in particular Pickpocket--say it so much better than I ever could.
Rated 13 Aug 2017
A movie with the right kind of values.
Rated 15 Jun 2009
Propaganda film but still good one.
Rated 07 May 2015
Dude jerks off on a computer in the middle of his frickin' house. Reason #502765 to divorce Kirk Cameron.
Rated 26 Sep 2008
Cliched and overwrought. Cutesy and sentimental. All telling and no showing. These filmmakers are earnest and have their hearts in the right place, but that does not make a good film.
Rated 18 Mar 2015
How could I possibly relate to a Lord that hates internet porn?! Regardless of the 'What the hell?' reactions I had to the out of place religious messages, this is such a BAD film that it becomes camp worthy anyway. The dialogue is desperate and the acting so poorly it's a facepalm worthy. Erin Bethea as the wife was real hollow, and I fail to see why anyone would go out of their way to save a relationship with that cold cheat. Not even the comic relief worked.
Rated 20 Sep 2009
it could be better.
Rated 22 Jun 2015
'Fireproof' panders to a specific demographic--namely, Christians who aren't too picky about their entertainment so long as it meets their Christian Rock quota. If you do not fall into this category, by all means, avoid this picture.
Rated 14 Apr 2014
Others who are right now in the middle of ugly emotions driven by marital neglect, apathy and want, will surely be compelled by Fireproof to skip such emotional promises and tender bonding and instead break out the survival gear right away, putting into practice some of the principles they've just seen brought to life. That, I believe, would make the Kendrick brothers far happier than any golden statue ever could. It'd make our Savior happier, too. (
Rated 22 Oct 2015
"Wow. That is quite a film. And I don't mean that in the positive sense."
Rated 05 Jun 2009
The acting wasn't too hot, but the story and the morals behind it was really awesome. I definitely recommend this to any Christian couple.
Rated 02 Jul 2009
Basically the movie says that the marriage is always the man's fault if it's bad, and all a woman has to do is accept you (kinda like the missionary position). Bad acting and corny lines, as well as no music until the end. Anyone who actually thinks it is a desirable goal to reach never ending unrequited love is in a sorry state indeed. Basically it's the best way to let your spouse know you're completely desperate and ready to let them make you miserable for the rest of your life.
Rated 31 Jan 2012
Fireproof has some skilled acting and Kirk Cameron gives a good performance, but sadly, the film would only entertain people who like the source of the material.
Rated 25 Oct 2013
This movie was not bad for being one of 'those' mmovies,i wanted to punch the girl in the face soo bad.
Rated 18 Apr 2010
Could have been an ok movie if we had a bit less of those religious messages. Kinda reminds me a book I read earlier, "The Shack". But of course "The Shack" delivers its message in a more convincing way.


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