Overall Star Rankings

  • paxton

    #10211 - 6 stars for Paxton's Review of Child's Play 2

    Child\ 45 - "Brad Dourif is a national treasure, but instead of being hidden within our nation's history, he's mostly hidden in horror movie history. Unfortunately, that's a much more tedious place to travel through. Not as violent though!"
  • barthalen

    #10212 - 6 stars for Barthalen's Review of The Dreamers

    The Dreamers 63 - "Initially I wrote a mini-review that made some sort of childish remark regarding Michael Pitt's schlong but then I realised the movie itself was about people being stuck in a childish and sexually immature way of life and how necessary it is to break free from that and now I am confused and feel slightly embarrassed. Damnit."
  • barthalen

    #10213 - 6 stars for Barthalen's Review of Baby Driver

    Baby Driver 80 - "On a pure entertainment level, Baby Driver had me hooked and along for the ride. (Rides?) I wanted a slick, not specifically deep crime heist betrayal one-last-score kinda thingy with a nice soundtrack. That's what I got, and I ain't complainin'. Every time guns were blasting to the beat, I smiled. Not even Spacey could ruin this, which was unexpected. "Wa- wa- was he slow?""
  • paxton

    #10214 - 6 stars for Paxton's Review of Liquid Sky

    Liquid Sky 63 - "Oh, you know, it's like a mixture of Requiem for a Dream, It Follows and Teeth as filmed from the perspective of the Predator's heat vision. It took me 37 years but I finally finished watching all of Paula E. Sheppard's filmography."
  • paxton

    #10215 - 6 stars for Paxton's Review of Avengers: Infinity War

    Avengers: Infinity War 73 - "The fact that it's not a convoluted mess is nothing short of a miracle with as many vital characters that get screen time. The fact that the Guardians are head and shoulders above everyone else reiterates my own waning interest in this billion dollar cookie cutter franchise. It's pretty damn good though. I went bananos for Thanos."
  • corbad

    #10216 - 6 stars for Corbad's Review of Avengers: Infinity War

    Avengers: Infinity War 75 - "This really is an incredible feat of filmmaking. The universe-trotting concept allows for interesting combinations of characters without complex (or any) exposition and the solitary, one-track villain makes the thrust of the plot pleasingly uncomplicated. It's where the filmmakers don't miraculously make it all feel simple that it frays, but remarkably, despite its thousand-and-one headlining cast members, genre-shifting sources, and questionable prequels, it never falls apart."
  • bowfinger

    #10217 - 6 stars for bowfinger's Review of Mission: Impossible - Fallout

    Mission: Impossible - Fallout 40 - "BMW Drive Mini Series continues with Superman vs Hunt vs His Ego vs Scotty aging faster than Cruise vs Screw the Odds. PS. Plot holes in this thing are so big I'm sure Cruise can fly a helicopter through them, too."
  • ecitizen

    #10218 - 6 stars for eCitizen's Review of Black Water

    Black Water 20 - "Grandpa Van Dam makes out with a hot chick followed soon thereafter by ridiculous gun play. Then there is an underwater prison with punching, fast camera switches to more punching, and even more cut away punches. And you can't forget the relentlessly pounding overbearing music. The unconvincing plot and acting will likely annoy you as much as it did me. But, it's not all terrible, it just seemed that way for most of the movie."
  • davidblast

    #10219 - 6 stars for DavidBlast's Review of Toy Story

    Toy Story 90 - "Because the third installment has the better story, and because of the endless hours of computer-animated entertainment, that has come and gone since, I guess it's easy to forget that this is the first of it's kind. So for spawning a genre, for boldly going, yada-yada, 'Toy Story' get's an extra double-thumbs up from this camp."
  • velvet_crowe

    #10220 - 6 stars for Velvet Crowe's Review of 16 and Pregnant

    16 and Pregnant 4 - "Sometimes you CAN judge a book by its cover."
Showing 10211 - 10220 of 17946 results