Apocalypse Now

Apocalypse Now

2h 27m
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Avg Percentile 75.63% from 14755 total ratings

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Rated 06 Mar 2007
My favorite film, a surreal, haunting, visually flamboyant masterpiece. It's one awe-inspiring sequence after another, from the "Ride of the Valkyries" bombing to the incredibly nightmarish encounter at the Do Luong bridge. ("Who's your commanding officer?" "Ain't you?") Few other epics so freely embrace their own insanity, and it works to brilliant effect. Some movies transcend their genres; this one transcends its medium. This is the end...
Rated 14 Aug 2007
While still an incredible film I slightly prefer the original version.
Rated 10 Jul 2007
Prefer the original. Some of the additional material grinds the entire thing to a halt, specifically the scene with the French colonists. Still, enormous, sweeping epic about the Vietnam War made even more enormous and sweeping by an extra two hours worth of material.
Rated 20 May 2017
I've never been in a war, but the scene where they first meet Col. Kilgore is one of the few moments in cinema that creates a feeling of insanity that I expect one would feel in war. Memorable scene after memorable scene, with performances brilliant to pull you in. A meditative descent into insanity, punctuated by violence and death, that all comes down to the final confrontation between Willard and Kurtz.
Rated 01 Mar 2007
Interesting extended version of the original,while it has some great new scenes I think the original better.
Rated 30 Jan 2008
The original was a lot better. The extended scenes in the first act were very pointless, and took out alot of the atmosphere in the film. Whereas the second act\'s extended scenes were alot better, it could have still done without.
Rated 15 Mar 2008
Sitting through that plantation segment was my Vietnam.
Rated 16 Jul 2009
my score for Redux somehow overrode this. I feel ashamed that it ever showed anything other than a perfect score. the horror.
Rated 19 Jan 2010
So someone deleted the original entry for Apocalypse Now and this used to be Redux (which I would give about 85 for unnecessary scenes that feel awkward and fucking up Duvall's exit after the Ride of the Valkyries sequence) in case anyone new is confused by other reviews. While it's not a unique opinion, the original 1979 version is the greatest film ever made - though I have yet to see the Final Cut, which might also deserve a perfect score.
Rated 27 Feb 2007
Not as good as the original, which is all that needs to be said I think.
Rated 17 Aug 2009
The added scenes really aren\'t needed, and it draws out the film, screwing up the pacing. Still a great film, but the original cut is superior.
Rated 03 Jul 2016
A fever dream war. Strange performance from Brando, but that his "Syd Barrett post-Floyd" ramblings and doughy presence come after Willard builds Kurtz up so extensively in his head seems to suggest that we've gone up the yellow brick road as much as Conrad's river. The audiovisual pulse of this movie hits you in waves - big ten foot swells that break both ways. One guy can break right, one left, simultaneous. What do you think of that?
Rated 09 Feb 2007
Probably the best war film ever made, able to transcend the confines of that genre and enter the realm of psychological horror. It's a nightmare descending through increasingly surreal levels of insanity, until the last act when it finally teeters over the edge. The iconic set pieces are innumerable.
Rated 04 Oct 2019
I loved this movie until my 11th grade history teacher made me read Heart of Darkness. And watch Hearts of Darkness, the making of Apocalypse Now. Why would you do that to a 16 year old?
Rated 11 Jun 2010
The extra scenes add nothing much. Most annoyingly the redux version caters to Kilgore lovers, and his extended stay in this movie sadly undermines his character. It\'s still one of the best tours of war you will ever take, but this travels a road less scenic.
Rated 01 Dec 2008
While some of the extra material presented here seems almost pointless and self-indulgent (the plantation dinner scene), the majority of it fits right in.
Rated 10 Dec 2013
Apocalypse Now is filled with amazing direction from Francis Ford Coppola and great performances from Martin Sheen and the rest of the cast as well. The film has a real sense of dread and, in all honesty, might be what the war(s) felt like for some people. I guess I can't really say that by experience, but this film did seem pretty scary and convincing, even if the story isn't real. This also had quite a few memorable scenes and quotes. Hands down my favorite war movie.
Rated 26 Sep 2007
Now even longer and more boring!
Rated 21 Sep 2008
One of the best films of all time and probably Coppola's true masterpiece. While "The Godfather" relied on fantastic performances and an engaging story, here the direction takes center stage, from the inspired Doors/hallucination opening, to the infamous chopper-storming of the beach set to Wagner, to the finale. This is filmmaking at its most epic and while it may have bankrupted Coppola creatively for the rest of the decade (and more), it's always welcome on my TV.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
This movie clearly possesses numerous fine elements, but it is nevertheless, and without doubt, a confused and meandering mess. It is clear from the film itself that the director was unable to devise a third act, and HEARTS OF DARKNESS extinguished all doubt that this was Coppola's fundamental problem. In the case of this movie, his vision exceeded his talent. 2020 UPDATE: I now consider this score and review to be too harsh but will leave as is and refer readers to see also my FINAL CUT review.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The added scenes detract from the rest of the movie.
Rated 03 Jun 2021
Coppola's music, psychedelics, and arguments create a perfect time capsule of the Vietnam era. The craftsmanship deserves kudos as the screenplay updates a classic novel, three editors build a cohesive mood, and the wonderful imagery came about even while battling the conditions. Most of all, the story rewards you with insight into PTSD via two deeply wounded characters. If you want to know why Film Bros lose their shit over this movie, do a double bill with the Hearts of Darkness documentary.
Rated 27 Oct 2008
Long ass movie but has some of the most memorable scenes in American cinema.
Rated 18 Mar 2007
The redux cut of Apocalypse Now is flawed but still among the best movies around. If only because it\'s cut from what may very well be the greatest war movie ever created.
Rated 30 Mar 2007
I've seen this may not have seen it. But you have no right to call me a critic. You have a right to ignore me. You have a right to do that... but you have no right to judge me. It's impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what this movie means. Horror. Horror has a face...
Rated 25 Sep 2010
Everything in this wonderful film is dialed up to maximum volume. From the great performances to the truly outstanding visuals and sound design, this is my all-time favorite movie by far. I could watch it 1,000 times and be captivated every time.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Well, what else is there to say about this film except, it is best understood while under the influence of the favorite mind-altering drug of the time... Enter the fever-dream!
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A disturbingly beautiful adaptation of Joseph Conrad's melancholy tale of the savage heart.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A maddening and brilliant look at Vietnam and the effect war has on humanity. That makes it sound too lofty - this movie is hard-hitting.
Rated 14 Jun 2009
The French scene was rather out-of-place. The added content in general make Apocalypse Now\'s hallmark intensity and pacing take a small dive. Still an unforgettable experience if you\'ve never seen either cut; however if you have a choice between the two, go for the 1979 version.
Rated 07 Nov 2012
Coppola's masterpiece. A slow journey down the river and into the mouth of madness. A hypnotic fever-dream that lays bare the folly of war and the hubris of those who wage it. Each shot is beautifully composed, the music is used to great effect and the acting is brilliant from everyone involved.
Rated 29 Mar 2010
The new scenes, for the most part, do more harm than good. The plantation scene especially yanked me right out of the story and slowed the pacing to a screeching halt. This version is definitely inferior to the original, but it\'s still Apocalypse Now, so it\'s still pretty freaking great.
Rated 11 Nov 2007
It\'s Apocalypse Now with the pacing ruined. Yay? I can\'t support this.
Rated 22 Jan 2008
War movies can be about many things related to war. They may be passionately anti-war, or study how people are affected by war. Sometimes they are adventure films set during war, and sometimes they are unapologetically patriotic. Apocalypse Now is the only film where the subject is war as essence. Don't make the mistake of thinking this is a realistic film. It is not and was never meant to be. Vietnam didn't look like this - well, on the surface it didn't. It is a poetic, even idealistic film.
Rated 18 Feb 2007
The great play, the better story, and for me definitive one of best screenplays and films ever... If I ever think that is there something for score 100 it will be this film.
Rated 04 Aug 2017
A lot better than I remembered, but I still hate the fucking Doors...
Rated 04 Mar 2018
War movies, usually, tackle two themes: they are either full of heroic experiences or the suffering following the devaluation of life. Ever wondered where did all the crazies go? They are all here. It is still all about breaking point of moral values and coping mechanisms backed by on point acting and grandiose scenes, but with every little detail nonchalantly twisted. Now, you might think craziness is not serious enough to show the war for what it really is. Watch this. Think again.
Rated 08 Dec 2020
This is such a different breed of war film that it's tough to compare, but it is without a doubt the best I've seen so far. What Apocalypse Now does more so than others is to strip back the patriotism, the glory of it all, and to leave us with horror, on all sides and by all parties. Coppola almost revels in showing it to us entire, without any sort of filter or remorse, yet with a healthy dose of exasperation over that he must do so. It's really magnificent, and it deserves to be seen by all.
Rated 22 Feb 2021
I prefer the Redux 2001 version: The second-encounter-with-the-playmates adds to the moral unhingness (although the downside is that it's a bit out of character for Willard). The French-colonists scene adds to the complexion of the historical background. In general, these scenes strengthen the premise that the movie isn't about war or some bloke, but about human views during a certain period, time and place in the canon of mankind: to me, the holy grail in literature and film.
Rated 11 May 2009
I don\'t know what to say about this movie, or how it compares to the original version (yet), but this is such an overwhelming, monstrous movie. It just steadily heads down to madness with outstanding performances from every single one of the actors in it, everything just fits together which is amazing for a movie that was plagued with so many problems. Everyone was just on top of their game and it\'s an amazing insight into Vietnam. \"This isn\'t a movie, it is Vietnam.\"
Rated 02 Apr 2009
I thought I knew what darkness was before I watched this movie. But instead I was surprised as I was dragged deeper and deeper in, not by heavy-handed brutalism, but by the words that the men used to describe their memories. When they spoke, it was as if they were channeling Kurtz to read repulsive poetry to me, as though Kurtz was the heart of darkness beating in everyman. A slug crawling on the edge of a razor. The horror... the horror...
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The overall thrust of the original is severely cut down due to some of the inclusions, namely, the encounter with the French.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Wow.... um.... wow. This was a little too artsy for me. By which I mean WAY too artsy. I know it\'s supposed to represent \'the madness of Vietnam\' and everything, but it\'s also supposed to be a movie folks, and that requires a little bit of entertainment. Wow... watch it once only because it\'s a classic.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
If it wasn\'t for the french, this could very well be the perfect movie.
Rated 16 Aug 2019
The last time I saw my uncle before he passed he was in and out of sane consciousness. At one point he briefly talked about his favorite movies and albums. He mentioned this being one of his favorites as it covered the "depravity of man". When I said bye for the last time he was awake but not present. I've long put off seeing Apocalypse Now because of how he talked about it but Brando's appearance in the film felt like my uncle finally giving a haunting yet overdue goodbye.
Rated 04 Jun 2008
Not nearly as good as the original cut. The extra scenes hurt more than they help, particularly the French plantation which grinds the whole thing to a halt.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
All the extra stuff is unnecessary and just slows things down. Definitely go for the original cut.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A terrifying glimpse into the soul of man. Also: surf\'s up for Robert Duvall!
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Spectacular film. I\'m not one for war movies, but this really takes he cake. It\'s 3+ hours, so it takes dedication to sit down and watch, but since I didn\'t know what was going to happen, it was worth it. Only qualm was the huge build-up, and not much from Brando or Ford, but that\'s alright - Sheen is great, Coppola is a genius.
Rated 08 Apr 2012
I still prefer the theatrical edition but I will happily substitute this every other time from now until I die.
Rated 05 Jun 2011
The French plantation sequence sucks the life out of the movie for 30 minutes, but otherwise it\'s fantastic
Rated 06 Aug 2009
Pretty spectacular, in every sense of the word, with one of the best scenes in film history--the "Ride of the Valkyries" storm. But, the fact that everyone involved with the making of the film was on a lot of drugs the whole time really shows in some parts, especially the final act. I know I will be hated for this, but the film is fairly overrated.
Rated 27 Jul 2008
Bloated. Really drags after the first 90 minutes or so, and it was never that interesting to begin with.
Rated 21 Oct 2007
Puts me in mind of the old Mark Twain (I believe) quote wherein he apologized for writing such a long letter because \"he didn\'t have time to write a short one.\" The added scenes in the \"Redux\" version were a net negative to the experience. Stick with the original, which is deservedly called a masterpiece.
Rated 07 Dec 2007
Overrated! Overrated, overrated, overrated. And did I mention, overrated? I know--heresy, right? But I disliked "Heart of Darkness," and I dislike this. Who cares about high-budget helicopter ambush shots? IMO: masterful portrayal of war means stark realism, not Coppola bravado. Watch "Platoon" instead.
Rated 24 Oct 2010
This is one of those rare, frustrating films that doesn't work at all for me, but I can't figure out why. The acting and cinematography are great and the story has some really interesting elements to it. Yes, the ending is a letdown but the rest of the film was such a chore that I can't complain about the end too much. So why don't I like this? Believe me, I'd love know, but every time I try to re-watch it, I'm not able to stay awake long enough to figure out exactly what the problem might be.
Rated 04 Dec 2013
Anyone who says Apocalypse Now is anti-war has to be joking. The movie is set in a war without context, ie. an endless war that has to be taken as a given. The enemies are portrayed as savages the Americans are free to play god with, if they so please. It looks and sounds great but is just a bit hollow on the inside, with characters that serve no purpose other than to be there.
Rated 12 Dec 2006
Watched it every day I got stoned for a whole summer while living in a trailer.
Rated 25 Apr 2019
This movie is the one that inspired me to transition from hollywood trash to artistic films. It may sound pretentious but I do not care :)
Rated 12 Apr 2016
So I just realized the version of Apocalypse Now that I had already rated was actually Redux when I thought it was the original theatrical cut. In my review I said it was over long. No shit, they added an extra 50 minutes of movie. I\'m really an idiot.
Rated 06 Dec 2021
I was interested in vietnam-war era movies for a time when I was young, but this was the last of them and the one that set me off the trend entirely. It just didn't ever "become real". It was at most a gritty and calloused look at soldier life with a somewhat metaphorical final set.
Rated 22 Feb 2007
It is a bit long, but a great war film.
Rated 12 Jun 2013
Among the all time great films in its ability to evoke an incredibly strong mood and atmosphere throughout. This is achieved through some amazing performances and great cinematography, but perhaps most notably in its impeccable use of music and sound. An intense and insane experience throughout, which only becomes more and more surreal and nightmarish as we travel deeper into the jungle. A must-watch, haunting film. "Drop the bomb. Exterminate them all."
Rated 28 Apr 2009
Has some interesting additions, but the French plantation sequence is agonizingly long and pedestrian.
Rated 03 Mar 2008
I have not seen any other film that could match the sheer intensity, power, scope and rawness of Apocalypse Now viewed on a large screen. The Valkyrie sequence alone is... something words can not describe. (Just for reference, I have seen only the Redux version and I think I would really miss the added scenes when watching the original cut.)
Rated 02 Jan 2013
I understand I'm in the minority here, but I truly never saw the luster in this film. It's an epic with great performances by Brando, Sheen and Duvall, but it seems rather bloated at times and overly long.
Rated 12 Oct 2009
(REDUX) The added content is needless at best, and destructive for the overall movie at worst, so -5 points on pure principe.
Rated 22 Dec 2008
Apocalypse Now: Redundant. The added scenes in this spoil the pacing and manage to reduce one of the greatest to merely great.
Rated 06 Jun 2008
The way Apocalypse Now affects me with every little detail including the colors and musical score, how it defines a tragically senseless and gratuitously brutal war, how the psychological and emotional rape of it all is captured with equal parts real and romantic - this entire movie is just unreal and at the same time so real that it rends me to tears in parts where most would simply shake their heads in fascinated amusement. Colonel Kurtz is the greatest character in anything ever.
Rated 19 Jun 2009
One of the few movies that delivers on all fronts. The masterful adaptation of Conrad's novella totally absorbs me every time I watch. Brilliant acting but even more brilliant set design. The details are what pull you in.
Rated 05 Jun 2010
Excellent Film. Good use of light, sound and cinematography to potray a slow descent into madness and surrealism. Martin Sheen is excellent, and the beach attack is a fantastic piece of cinema. Brando makes a good use of his limited screentime, creating what has to be one of the most exciting anti-climax endings ever. Some supporting characters could have been fleshed out more. Small complaint in otherwise near perfect movie.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
I love the theatrical cut of this film and don\'t get me wrong, the redux adds quite a bit of depth to the story and the characters, but I felt a lot of it was unnecessary and just dragged on.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The added visuals and extended scenes do not warrant this film replacing the near-perfect original.
Rated 06 Feb 2022
A slow burn. One of the best book to film adaptations I’ve seen, I really wish more films would do adaptations of old/classic books this way. Definitely Worth the watch
Rated 23 Dec 2010
Absolute masterpiece! This is the greatest war film ever made, even though war isn't it's main theme. It is one trip into deep madness and war is only the background. One of the most beautiful and epic films I have ever seen. You especially have to give it to them after all the hell they went through making it. Definition of the word masterpiece!
Rated 09 Jul 2017
Powerful movie. I had forgotten how much black humor there is in it (favorite line: Kilgore, muttering "Savages" before he launches a napalm attack). The Redux version plods along a little too slowly, although there's some small bits of character development in those extra scenes.
Rated 19 May 2017
One of those classic films I don\'t like as much as nearly everyone else. Some of the characters feel like caricatures which took me out of the film and I really didn\'t like anything after they got to Kurtz\'s. I felt really bad for the water buffalo, I find Coppola even wanting to film that quite gross.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The added scenes (sans the pretty cool surfing scene with Duvall) were totally pointless, and wrecked the pacing of the original cut. It\'s not BAD, but why bother when the original cut is so easy to find?
Rated 11 May 2010
The extended scenes didn\'t really ruin the pacing for me. I\'m a fan of watching what was left on the cutting room floor. Plus tits.
Rated 24 Sep 2009
With a veritable all-star lineup, a beloved soundtrack, innovative cinematography... part of me wants to say this writes the book for war flicks (even though it's much more than "a war flick"), whether it's the definitive one or not has some debate. But what can be said for sure is that this flick is near-perfect, badass in every way, and shows unequivocally that the classics never die, as a 2009 audience would get as much (if not more) appreciation out of it as did the 1979 audience.
Rated 27 Feb 2008
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning."
Rated 30 Aug 2014
I'm sorry everyone, I have watched the first two 'Grown-Ups' movies before I'm not sure where to turn myself in. It's amazing that throughout this whole movie I was watching scenes unfold and trying to figure out how they managed to pull that scene off. It's film making you just don't see anymore. The story is pretty great along with the cinematography, but the acting itself is superb throughout the whole thing. But sorry Papa, I still give Charlie the nod for Platoon.
Rated 05 Jul 2022
Final Cut version
Rated 29 Mar 2010
When I walked out of the cinema my life was changed - the earth moved and nothing ever stood still again, the end, the horror, the horror.
Rated 11 Feb 2008
The documentary about making of this movie (Hearts of Darkness) is more entertaining than this.
Rated 27 Feb 2009
first watch: the plantation scene doesn\'t work that well although i like Copolla\'s intention. other than that, this is pretty much as good as cinema gets. 99. second watch: i wasn\'t crazy about Heart of Darkness the book, and rewatching this right afterward kinda took it down a notch for me - maybe it\'s not as richly nuanced as I first thought
Rated 13 Oct 2019
Filmmaking masterpieces are often products of fate rather than design, and while Francis Ford Coppola's fierce ambition to create a great work of art is obvious in Apocalypse Now, the same ambition often threatens to crush the picture under its own weight. ...Coppola's sprawling, harrowing war story is not to be missed.
Rated 26 Apr 2019
Kurtz: "I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream; that's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight razor... and surviving."
Rated 29 Nov 2012
Sacrifices the perfect pacing of the original cut for greater depth and a more intimate section of the journey into darkness. Whether it\'s worth it will be up to you but personally I prefer the original cut (which is my favorite film). The new scenes are interesting but not essential.
Rated 11 Aug 2009
The all-time greatest war film, and potentially cinema's best exploration into the darkness of the human spirit. One of the most well-shot films of all time, with incredible, unnerving performances from Sheen and Brando.
Rated 18 Aug 2007
Maybe the best Vietnam war movie? Not sure, but it\'s in the running.
Rated 15 Mar 2018
beginning through to the middle are good and a great war movie. Tends to get lost once they get to the final village and it made me like the movie less. I like better closure.
Rated 04 Mar 2010
worse than the original
Rated 12 Dec 2010
So the truism is "three great scenes, and no bad ones." What is it when there's three great scenes, and two hours of boring ones? I don't know. I had seen this a number of years ago but I had forgotten most of it. Here's the thing, it turns out that I actually remembered most of it, and I had just disregarded most of the meaningless monotony in the middle. The key scenes? Yeah, I knew those by heart. There was actually no need for me to re-watch this. Everyone has to watch it once though
Rated 23 Jun 2012
Francis Ford Coppola's haunting, hallucinatory Vietnam War epic is cinema at its most audacious and visionary.
Rated 28 Sep 2010
The film vividly captures the insanity of the Vietnam war and transfers to it the feeling of unimaginable horror that marked Joseph Conrad's novel _Heart of Darkness_, which was its first inspiration. It uses hyperbole and overstatement to convey in great detail the true nature of the first drugs and rock'n'roll war, a hallucinatory, terrifying, jungle nightmare accompanied by an insistent beat.
Rated 31 Dec 2008
It's on the long side (I saw the director's cut) but it's so intense that you probably won't care.
Rated 28 May 2012
Right now, I found myself unable to give this film any score bellow 100, because it is perfect. Every second is perfect, every minute is perferct. During the film, I didn't realize yet how every moment leads you, prepares you the ending. The ending! There is no word, which is able to describe how I'm feeling right now.
Rated 29 Dec 2007
Usually I am quite cynical about \"Director\'s Cuts\", but this one really is a larger and deeper version of the same movie we all know
Rated 08 Nov 2019
Beautiful cinematography, some of the most impressive production design I've ever seen, and great directing. This is an incredible experience. I'm not sure if it's something I want to go through again, because of the subject matter, but I'm glad I experienced it.


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