Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi
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Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

Sci-fi, Fantasy
2h 32m
Rey develops her newly discovered abilities with the guidance of Luke Skywalker, who is unsettled by the strength of her powers. Meanwhile, the Resistance prepares for battle with the First Order.

Directed by:

Rian Johnson


Rian Johnson


Star Wars, Skywalker Saga


Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, Star Wars: The Last Jedi





Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

Sci-fi, Fantasy
2h 32m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 44.88% from 4799 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 15 Dec 2017
It was about 20 min. into this Disney-licensed toy ad, that I came to the sad realization that Star Wars is no longer a series made for me. In some sterile board room in SoCal, it was decided by a murder of pressed Armanis that Star Wars should no longer be something that *some people loved*, but something that *everyone liked*, and in doing so, they sucked all the magic out of it, choosing to embrace demographic metadata in a corporate cash-grab rather than the hearts of those who remember '77.
Rated 15 Dec 2017
Last Jedi manages to intercut a dozen characters of consequence between and through scenes, across the universe and within internal states, and somehow keep its core logic unscathed. And that logic is founded on a sly disregard for fan service. You want proclamations of heredity and lore? Go watch the Prequels. When Luke tosses his lightsaber, he dismisses an entire cottage industry built on safety and expectation. It's a blockbuster looking forward and not back. The sacred texts are burning.
Rated 20 Dec 2017
I haven't seen a chase sequence take that long since the cops were tailing O.J. down the 405. The Resistance is the creative state of the franchise - running out of fuel, crawling forward when it should be blasting off, commandeered by people with different agendas who aren't in on each others plans, assailed by angsty man-children with gripes about the past.
Rated 16 Dec 2017
Star Wars films should be exciting and leave you with a smile on your face, This was exciting and left me with a smile on my face.
Rated 20 Dec 2017
Another movie with some glaring silence that was extremely effective, maybe my favorite moment in the whole series. Most of the fighting was impressive in an inconsequential Sucker Punch sort of way. Thusly I feel that the original trilogy STILL contains the best fight scenes. Someday somebody will pull a The Matrix worthy fight that is as relevant to the plot as the fight scenes in The Matrix. Group discussion: Should the Wachowski's direct a Star Wars sequel? No and no. Discussion over.
Rated 13 Mar 2018
Ahhh boy. I'm just so tired of all these star wars.
Rated 15 Dec 2017
I like it! I did have a few gripes about it, but I still had a great time. I really like what they did with Luke, Rey, Poe, and Kylo. Hands down the best characters. I also liked all of the surprises this movie offered. It's different than the other movies, but I would say it's a pull in the right direction. I didn't care about Snoke in the first place, so his fate was whatever, and Ros isn't unnecessary, but she isn't a likable character. This could be edited down, but I still liked it.
Rated 12 Dec 2017
Brimming with adventure, humor and a playful toying with the serie's tropes, this sequel plays like a string of mostly great set pieces tied together by a refreshingly simple plotline. Once the (red) dust settles though, the main story and many of the characters haven't progressed all that much, considering we're now two thirds into the trilogy, but I enjoyed the ride all the same.
Rated 17 Dec 2017
aside from randomly regurgitating themes, beats and outright scenes from the OT, disney upped the ante and pooped on it now, too. and on mark hamill, for that matter. most people may not care all that much about coherency, whether it's in plot, characters, tone or canon. most people watch 'despacito' on youtube regularly, too. whoever greenlit johnson's vision of star wars (yeah you, kennedy) seems to want it going down in flames. something that at this point i wholeheartedly concur with.
Rated 14 Dec 2017
a huge step back from episode vii, the last jedi is meandering mess of convoluted sub-plots and a weak storyline that runs a whopping 2.5 hours. there are deus ex machinas galore, and huge jumps in plot points towards the end in an effort to reduce the runtime. none of the characters develop further from the first movie and kylo ren is just a weak villain who has no menacing presence. and by the way, wtf was that force-skype bs? seriously.
Rated 16 Dec 2020
A parade of baffling narrative, character, and universe-building decisions made by a man given too much free reign and who clearly holds Star Wars and its fans in contempt. Rian, if you're going to "subvert our expectations," what you come up with instead better be an improvement - and this wasn't. J.J. Abrams, for all his shortcomings, at least had good intentions.
Rated 15 Dec 2017
Boring. What a complete mess of a film. Out of place slapstick humor, a stupid plot that doesn't make sense, simple and uninspiring dialogue, forgettable music, an obviously contrived "diverse" cast to make the social justice warriors happy, and don't forget that rich people are evil. This is the death of Star Wars. What comes after may wear the same clothes, but has none of the soul, depth, and imagination.
Rated 20 Dec 2017
After a few days of consideration, I feel comfortable enough to say that I really really loved The Last Jedi. It was the first Star Wars movie in a long time that I felt I couldn't predict. It had lovely visuals courtesy of Rian Johnson, and the script was tight and condensed into 3 main stories, none of which were uninteresting. I had gripes, which included some weird humor, and the lack of scope in some stories, but overall, The Last Jedi holds up as one of the better and weirder Star Wars.
Rated 14 Dec 2017
Long, messy, lazy, derivative, shallow and full of injections of totally out of place slapstick humour every few minutes. Massive disappointment. Doesn't build on the framework set up by TFA or move any characters forward in a meaningful or interesting way.
Rated 15 Dec 2017
I have to applaud Rian Johnson for not going the easy route synthesizing a new movie by temp tracking all of the notes from The Empire Strikes Back. This flick has a slyer humor and social commentary in it. Storywise these characters find a way to confront their personal truths in an always intriguing way. It comes across as more of a quiet drama/loud action movie--akin to something like Heat or The Dark Knight. But the performances & Old Hollywood Western/WW2 vibe are nice. Recommended.
Rated 15 Dec 2017
People are stupid.
Rated 13 Apr 2018
A step up from "The Force Awakens," I haven't been impressed with Ridley since the get go and want to roll my eyes at her fashionably bandaged arms, but the fact is, that "The Last Jedi" is only an improvement upon episode VII and both are vastly better than the Hayden Cristensen crap that came out of the early 00's. I've never been a rabid Star Wars fan, but if this trend continues, I might be won over. A solid balance between throwback ideas, built previously and new sights and characters.
Rated 15 Dec 2017
Ignore the score I'm like Kylo Ren force manipulatiing the score up as I seethe hatred at this kinda boring slog but it's peppered with some really great parts that the inner obese aspie in me is whooping and clapping my hands obnoxiously at the expense of others. I am Luke Skywalker and JJ Abrams fun in the sun Star Wars is the weird sex milk alien and I need to be sated.
Rated 31 Dec 2017
The Last Jedi is not good. Luke's part is not totally horrible and some jokes were okay. However it is nonsensical, lackadaisical, and heretical. Combat and action is boring. Finn and Rose rescue some ugly horses on a casino planet that has no personality. Laser projectiles curve downwards in space. Transport vessels are invisible despite being in visual range. It's mostly bad because it tosses the lore aside and fails to replace it. The franchise has very little to get excited about now.
Rated 18 Dec 2017
Craps all over everything that makes Star Wars great. I hate this movie.
Rated 15 Dec 2017
TLJ is the most interesting of the new SW films. Instead of purely good Jedi and evil Sith SW8 introduces ambiguity. The Rey and Kylo dynamic is the most interesting plot thread but Mark Hamill as Luke isn't far behind with a great performance and an unexpected character arc. There's quite a few funny comedic beats, Finn's story is an entertaining diversion and how the rebel fleet section ends is visually spectacular. My main issue is the pacing isn't quite right and I felt the long running time
Rated 15 Dec 2017
They're saying "Best Star Wars since Empire!" but I didn't like it as much as "The Force Awakens". My main issue is that what critics praised as great "twists", they were really just a series of "fake-outs", which lead me not trusting to believe anything that happens, as each and every big moment turned out not to be real, which left me uninvested emotionally. Kind of like how every big moment in "Mission: Impossible" is a face mask rip tires you out.
Rated 15 Dec 2017
The worst adaptation of the OJ Simpson Ford Bronco low speed chase ever made. Was there a plot? Do endless fetch quests count as a plot? I think if you cut the first 100 minutes from this movie no one would notice.
Rated 14 Dec 2017
"Hope is like the sun, if you only believe in it when you can see it you won't survive the night". Something along these lines is attributed to Leia Organa in the movie, and it's also a running theme. Rian Johnson's entry into the Star Wars cannon is filled with breathtaking cinematography and a wide range of emotions, but most of all it's very committed to its themes, like freeing oneself from putting too much importance on tradition and lineage, and maintaining hope when none is in sight.
Rated 14 Dec 2017
Sorry, but I'm not as cool and elitist as everyone else who's reviewed this so far - I LOVED this movie. It's long as all hell and feels it, but the character work and dramatic stakes are superb, the comedy is hilarious (bound to be considered too irreverent by purists, but fuck em), it's absolutely gorgeous, and the performances are impeccable, especially Hamill. Were it not just a little too convoluted, it would probably be my favourite movie of the franchise. God damn, Rian.
Rated 14 Dec 2017
The Last Jedi takes Star Wars in new and unexpected directions and Rian Johnson takes gambles with the past and the future of the saga. There are lots of surprises throughout and whilst some are rewarding there are others that underwhelm. Pacing issues, disjointed subplots and forgettable new characters also hinder this sequel. Daisy Ridley & Adam Driver impress once again. As do the incredible set pieces. But it's Mark Hamill who steals every scene with a memorable yet unexpected performance.
Rated 09 Jan 2020
As a youngling my father introduced me to the wonders of "Star Wars". Now with my younger sister's new found enthusiasm for the franchise, with this post-Disney resurgence, it's become a family tradition to see the latest film together. This year there was a moment, the one where Leia was flying through space, when I turned to my father and we shared this "WTF?" look with each other, and right there, "Star Wars" brought us together again. So I guess Carrie Fisher was right, it's about family.
Rated 12 Jan 2018
There's some tonally out of place humor, Leia flying through space is dumb as shit, and the entire Finn/Rose mission was entirely pointless and only slowed down the middle of an already-too-long film...but it's still a Star Wars movie with plenty of cool fights and space battles and heroic sacrifices and all that other fun stuff. Let's not forget that these flicks have always been intended as pulp entertainment for the masses, and drop the hand wringing analysis of every single scene.
Rated 29 Dec 2017
I hear a lot of complaints like: Cash grabbing, as if Star Wars was originally made to conjure up unicorns. Snoke's character lacks a background story, as if Palpatine wasn't just an evil dude in a chair. It's no middle chapter, as if 'The Empire Strikes Back' didn't leave us bewildered. I think Rian Johnson did an impressive job under extreme circumstances. He made a kids' movie that we can all enjoy, if we let the past die and watch it the way our inner 8-year old would.
Rated 26 Dec 2017
I had fun watching it in the cinema, but it's a poor movie I won't need to watch again, and in fact I've no real desire to turn out for the sequel. They wrapped up my favourite character, and that pretty much wraps up Star Wars for me. It's pretty much gone the same way as DC - you'll have fans genuinely experiencing euphoria in the cinema and and defending it to the death, but you can't keep putting out this quality of stuff and expecting regular folks to get hyped for it. We remember boredom.
Rated 19 Dec 2017
Shut up, losers. It was good.
Rated 18 Dec 2017
It has an admirably irreverent attitude towards canonicity, and while it's broadly satisfying to see Johnson symbolically cast off the shackles of the previous films, there's still too much reverence for this installment to escape the terribly long shadow the franchise casts. To say nothing of the fact that its stabs at progressive politics are facile at best; there's nothing all that impressive about the billion-dollar blockbuster finally sort of letting a black guy do something.
Rated 16 Dec 2017
The Last Jedi is just like your typical Marvel - that's pretty much all you need to know without being spoiled to think of before going to watch it in the cinema.
Rated 15 Dec 2017
Best part is how the death/rebirth themes are metacommentary on the series itself. When a set of sacred texts go up in a pyre, TLJ invites us to consider its own violence to the first trilogy's completed narratives, how it has compromised the moral standing of the closest thing our culture has to myths. When Luke is moved to action by an iconic vision from the original trilogy, it invites us to contemplate the series' enduring vitality. It anticipates & preempts criticisms from its fans.
Rated 15 Dec 2017
The tone was all over the place.. pointless scenes. Yuck yuck humor. I felt like I was watching Austin Powers-like farce in places. Mark Hamill went full camp in the tree scene. All while against a LONG clock lets them travel the galaxy to find what they need. Take in the sights, play a few slots, then oh ya get back and save the day only to not and go off on another mission. Oi. Makes me appreciate the prequels much more. A total mess.
Rated 15 Sep 2019
This film ruins the franchise worse than the prequels. It contained two plot lines (both Poe and Finn) that did nothing, and the Rey/Ren team-up that was teased ended up not happening. There was nothing brave about Rian Johnson's decisions. Social justice commentary, rewriting characters, disregarding teased elements, wasting talent like Benecio Del Toro. Movie made me hate Poe and Finn, resent Leia, and feel sorry for Mark Hamill. And I liked Rian Johnson before this. What a cluster fuck.
Rated 29 Mar 2018
As someone who was around for the initial Star Wars mania, this is a complete fuck you to the entire process.I am glad. If our old familiar heroes were trotted out and saving the universe it would have been a shit pile so large it could not be quantified. Every knock against this entry has literally been in the series prior and the ones that haven't been almost refreshing in their swagger. I don't care that Snokes wasn't epic, or Leia Poppins or Luke's ultimate failure. Damned entertaining.
Rated 02 Jan 2018
Props to Johnson for his disregard of Abram's "mystery box" writing style, but it's a bit too overstuffed for its own good. Even in a two and a half hour long movie it's always hurrying around, never giving us needed time to breath. BUT all the moments between Kylo and Rey are excellent, and all the forced character divergences really pay off once we get to the climactic fight(s). The throne room battle was especially good. Leaves me wondering what Porg tastes like.
Rated 27 Dec 2017
Too much plot is still just blatantly rehashed from the original trilogy, and too much is not developed or explained, to make room for more videogame-style action, more jedi powers we've never seen before, more desperate last stands, and even Adam Driver's pecs. Seriously, how many last stands are enough? As the movie drug on I was impatient for it to end, which is unheard of for me and an epic sci-fi movie. Yes, there was good here, but everyone else is spouting that, so I don't have to.
Rated 23 Dec 2017
I'm a huge fan of Star Wars and I expected to absolutely love it, but some of it was rather disappointing. I was annoyed by the overuse of mind connections and it was exhausting to watch the resistance be decimated to such dreadful depths. Daisy Ridley was marvelous. I disliked Fisher and was disappointed by Hamill. I thoroughly enjoyed about 3/4 of it. Some of the writing was poor. Overall it's a mixed bag of great moments and a few not so good.
Rated 21 Dec 2017
Everything interesting they teased got fleshed out in the least interesting and mediocre way possible. Half the movie doesn't even matter because so much of the plot ends up pointless. Best parts involve some character interactions between Rey and Kylo, and Luke and a droid. The worst parts are every time they try to make a joke as this is the least funny movie that's ever tried to be funny. I didn't mind Luke's character changes as much as some but it was a bit jarring at times.
Rated 20 Dec 2017
Lots to love, but also some big issues. The visuals, the big surprises, the action scenes, and some of the cool new Force powers were really incredible. However, the humor was a serious problem. The humor did provide some laughs, but there were several times where it was used during an otherwise powerful sequence and dreadfully undercut the tension. Not that this franchise needs to take itself seriously or anything, but this really went overboard in the other direction.
Rated 20 Dec 2017
Some of the elements that annoy certain people - namely the wry self-deconstruction of Rey's parentage and that one Snoke scene - actually appeal to my storytelling sensibilities. Many other things, like Leia Poppins and the dumb casino planet subplot and the consistently lame Vice-Admiral Purple Hair, do annoy. What's become of Luke Skywalker since Return of the Jedi is ultimately very underwhelming, but a few individual set pieces are strong.
Rated 19 Dec 2017
While the last one felt quite classic and true to its roots, this film seems to be a little more daring in some aspects. It takes a while to truly get going with a few other gripes here and there but a nonetheless solid outing for the Star Wars saga.
Rated 18 Dec 2017
Our brains are hardwired for junk food. Cutting up a piece of fruit and mixing a salad are far more laborious than visiting your local fast food joint for that instantaneous fix. Sure, new items are occasionally added to their bland and overpriced menu, yet rarely does it deviate from its successful and well-established formula. Like any bad habit, it takes time and perseverance to break it. And I'd much rather jump ship now before the porgs become a thing. Seriously, fuck those useless fuckers.
Rated 18 Dec 2017
The greatest hurdle the SW franchise now faces is inconsistency. The "mystery boxes" Abrams relied on so heavily for TFA are tossed aside by Johnson (rightfully so in my divisive opinion), to allow TLJ to be something different. This is a film about failure, with character arcs about surpassing it. The humour is very en vogue, and Johnson favours cinematography over sensibility. Hamill is a highlight and Tran is a good addition. Flawed, but I enjoyed it (assuredly after a 2nd watch).
Rated 16 Dec 2017
Weak, TFA is a masterpiece for this. But hey, at least porgs and ice dogs will be a good sell. Everything for the marketing. Woo-hoo :/
Rated 15 Dec 2017
It's messy, with at least 7 scenes filmed like the Final Battle and a few unnecessary sideplots, and in a lot of ways just as derivative and fanservicey as Abrams' movie. But where Abrams is content to dress old content in new clothes, Johnson plays around with it, and he's much less willing to trust that Destiny, Redemption and Balance are immutable forces of good. You'll recognize scenes and lines, but they mean something new, which makes the movie mean something new. Burn it down, start over.
Rated 15 Dec 2017
I will never comprehend the people who praise this movie. The writing is insufferably bad making it hard to take this movie seriously. What exactly should I find interesting about this movie thematically or why should I think this movie handled its themes well? It's mostly a superficial and sloppy take on rebellion with general resentment of what Star Wars is in the public eye. This was done better in various EU stories, so why should I be impressed by the movie merely attempting this?
Rated 15 Dec 2017
I am fed up with Star Wars and all that money-sucking movies over and over re-created and resurrected. It may be good for newbies or those who are keen in it. But for me it was just ordeal to sit in cinema whole 2 and half hours and watching all that fights over and over as I watched many many times before in many many other movies of this kind. And I got this feeling that it is just cheesy and created for product placements and merchandising purpose. And maybe to keep people in wanna-war state
Rated 15 Dec 2017
Full disclosure: I wanted this to go in a direction that it didn't really go narrative-wise, and it's a movie that, in some ways, feels more "same-y" than TFA ever did to me. But my second viewing absolutely helped, and I can't recommend that strongly enough. It does a bunch of fun, cool stuff. There are only really a few sparce parts to the movie that take me out of things, and I overblew my distaste for other things. Take it as it is, not as how you wished it was, and it's a pretty good movie.
Rated 14 Dec 2017
First of all, Johnson's jokes are so lame; their timing undercuts the weight of the drama, which, btw, just repurposes Abrams' mythical vision into end fights, cliffhangers, and philosophical placeholders. As a result, all the new characters lose their charisma and the old ones, well, Mark Hamill gives it his all. I'm not denying the film its moments of pathos and beauty, but the fire is lost in an endless war, and "turns" from good to evil and back. Burn it to the ground indeed.
Rated 13 Dec 2017
Even though the action sequence on Crait was pretty sweet, 'The Last Jedi' is my least favorite installment so far in what is at the moment, I suppose, an octalogy. Johnson's script is messy and often disappointingly clunky, and neither it nor his direction make any of the characters shine the way Rey and Finn did in the much more exciting 'The Force Awakens'. So now it's up to Abrams to bring back the force in Episode IX... Also: Hux sucks!
Rated 02 Jan 2018
It's the Star Wars we need, not the Star Wars we deserve.
Rated 23 Dec 2017
Seems like I lower this score every time I see it. Snoke, milk, reylomance, Princess Poppins, whoever that new girl is whose name I really don't know, a general who prefers mutany to revealing that she's actually got a plan, the most poorly choreographed fight scene I've witnessed. This is a very bad big budget movie. How much was that walrus enjoying being milked? He seems to REALLY enjoy that.
Rated 20 Dec 2017
Enjoyable mixed bag at best. At worst, extremely cynical "media experience" masquerading as a film for the purpose of next quarter's acquisition and merchandising plans. Good fight and battle sequences, good turns from Luke, Leia, Ren, and (less so) Rey. The rest...............
Rated 17 Dec 2017
This felt more like a high-budget fan film than a solid Star Wars movie. There are many very pretty scenes, but everything that's presented to us feels like it amounts to not much. We walked away feeling very underwhelmed and like we just watched a 150min commercial for the latest plush toys. All this may be a setup for the final film, but by itself it's very...meh.
Rated 15 Dec 2017
I only wonder how many lives would be saved if Rey just got it over with and telepathically sucked Darth Vader II's dick.
Rated 15 Dec 2017
Johnson's vision is smooth, chaotic, and original. His knack for universe-creation is put on full display here. That's probably why he's been given the power to control the franchise's path forward. The characters are interesting and fun. The story is thrilling. Go see this film.
Rated 13 Dec 2017
Simple maths: 8>7
Rated 13 Dec 2017
Harder, stronger, faster - and better than The Force Awakens. I just wish they had left out that casino sequence, Benicio Del Toro included.
Rated 19 May 2018
Undercooked and overlong. Tensionless battles, lame antagonists, poorly timed jokes, good characters wasted, and really bad characters introduced.
Rated 01 Apr 2018
I've got loads of questions on my mind. How long has it been since Leia took over the leadership of the rebellion? What kind of democracy does the rebellion have? Do the rebels elect their leader among candidates? Why can't a leader step down after her own son betrays her cause and becomes second in command of the enemy? She obviously is not a good mother. She also brought the rebellion to the brink of extinction. She's definitely not a good tacticioner. What more do you need to step down Leia?
Rated 13 Mar 2018
Given the opportunity to form a duumvirate that would balance the badness of the "bad" guy, the clueless millennial throws everything down the drain for another round of deadly galactic hide-and-seek
Rated 11 Mar 2018
Pretty cool that Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher were willing to perform in this fan film
Rated 20 Jan 2018
Keeping Star Wars stagnant in the same narrative and intellectual space is far more insulting than letting it change. That was my concern with The Force Awakens, that attempting to appeal to what people think Star Wars "should" be was creatively strangling a franchise that had long since went blue. I'd rather see a bold new vision than a sad reunion tour, and The Last Jedi feels like the first few baby steps into the former.
Rated 13 Jan 2018
I think Phantom Menace might have been better than this shit.
Rated 31 Dec 2017
"Leave the past behind. Kill it if you have to." Our chief antagonist delivers the thesis, and Rian Johnson follows up with a powerful film about how stupid it is to depend on the icons of the past, when the way forward is bending the future to your will.
Rated 30 Dec 2017
[spoilers] I can see why some of the fanboys lost their shit over some parts of TLJ, & to be fair it's got issues; Snokes history & demise, Luke's murderous streak & evaporation, Finn's sojourn & some (not all) of the comedic choices all have problems around them. But these were mostly minor issues for me & some weren't really issues at all! TLJ is fantastic fun & the final third particularly is a pulsating ride. Impressively it's quite unpredictable & that's truly rare in Hollywood.
Rated 23 Dec 2017
Poorly plotted and frequently nonsensical, The Last Jedi all but ignores previously established character arcs in favor of a flaccid takedown of hero worship.
Rated 22 Dec 2017
Every Star Wars Aspect of it was great. Everything else not so much. Sometimes I wanted to close my eyes and return my mind to the wide ether of the force but then something fantastic happened and I was hooked again. It's a shame they wasted so much screentime on boring stuff that ultimately was just...there. Sad.
Rated 22 Dec 2017
It was the worst episode up to now. You can only reheat the same dish so many times, you know. It has enough eye candy for a 3D viewing on cinema; and with Disney they got down the quite chimera animal thing down. but aside from that, there is not one memorable new character (they still rely on old ones, except BB-8; but that is a better designed R2D2 also), not a real storyline and nothing to look forward to. If this Republic is so weak that it falls with each little push, why bother saving it?
Rated 19 Dec 2017
I've decided! This trilogy won't be nearly as good as the original trilogy! I can even say that although in total the new movies are bit better than the Prequels, they are close!.. As of first two installments, they are like two totally diffent movie, they don't have a trilogy feeling.. They have their strong moments and are good looking movies but they are just.. feel not like Star War'ish to me! Standalone Rogue One was and felt more like a Star Wars movie than these new ones!..
Rated 19 Dec 2017
This felt the least like any other Star Wars film and could possibly be why I enjoyed it. The main story arc was well drawn out and whilst the film does feel long, none of it feels unnecessary. There are still typical Star Wars things that happen and the performances feel much more controlled and better overall, compared to The Force Awakens. They also handle the Carrie Fisher farewell very very well.
Rated 19 Dec 2017
The most angry i've ever been at a film and definitely the most disappointed. Terrible in every way.
Rated 18 Dec 2017
The true villains of Star Wars: The Last Jedi are whoever sold the Rebel Alliance that batch of autopilot-less spacecraft.
Rated 18 Dec 2017
I was disappointed and underwhelmed. There are some cool scenes, but overall the film feels like a mess. I loved TFA and TLJ just pales in comparison. The humour didn't work for me and I felt like it tried to reach the widest possible audience rather than staying true to the SW universe. Characters that were smart and interesting in TFA now seemed dumb and unable to do anything. On rewatch it's less terrible but more boring than I remember. It just goes nowhere and feels like a bad parody of SW.
Rated 17 Dec 2017
Solo dead. Leia dead in real life. Luke is now dead. New characters are weak and have no chemistry... What the heck were they thinking? As a stand-alone film, maybe it's not so bad. If you don't care about SW, it's tolerable and it entertains. But for those passionate about the SW universe and its characters, it's a complete and utter disaster. And what hurts most of all is what the movie represents: the final nail in the coffin for this beloved franchise. All hope has been irrevocably crushed.
Rated 17 Dec 2017
Trying no spoilers. This movie's greatest strength is to subvert expectation. It knows we know the formula for Star Wars, and it knows we're expecting our real life knowledge to dictate what happens to characters. Instead its focus seems to be on heroism versus living to fight another day, on plans not working- and I mean really not working! It has flaws, sometimes rooms of people are all dealt with 'perfectly', and similar action movie syndrome nonsense. Still good. Messes up long-term story.
Rated 17 Dec 2017
Rian Johnson's behemoth of a film is a worthy follow up to the Star Wars reboot. The narrative is often clumsy as at least one of the story lines turns out to be fairly mundane, but there are enough "wow" moments to push past the bad. As with The Force Awakens, it is the new characters that shine in a story that feels crowded. The charisma of the young actors makes me want to spend more time with them and explore more of the galaxy.
Rated 16 Dec 2017
An intriguing clusterfuck that wasn't a pandering New Hope retread like Force Awakens but seemed like it was actually trying to send this franchise in a different direction. It seemed to be actively ignoring most if not all of the questions that TFA brought to the table in an attempt to give this sequel trilogy its own identity. The new identity unfortunately also included forced humor that was distracting rather than funny and shitty CGI creatures that would have made George Lucas rock hard.
Rated 15 Dec 2017
The 1st half suffers from many lackluster scenes. In addition to Luke's explanation for opting out of the war feelng insufficient & thoroughly unsatisfying, the film - once again - recycles scenes from the originals: yet another version of a Mos Eisley cantina; another stand-off w/ the "Emperor". You begin to wonder if everyone forgot that the most loved sequel - Empire - was entirely new. Things pick up a great deal though once the players are in position & the conflicts get much more personal
Rated 15 Dec 2017
V3: Gold standard blockbuster filmmaking. If Abrams’ Force Awakens was a (satisfying) replica of what came before, Johnson’s Last Jedi is a radical expansion pointing to a more daring future (hypothetically). I love the audaciously rule-breaking nature of Johnson’s sequel that threatens to change everything you know about Star Wars without ever disrespecting it. How appropriate for a film that spends so much time discussing legacy, yet emphasizes the importance of moving forward.
Rated 14 Dec 2017
As expected, it hits too many of the same beats "Empire Strikes Back" hit but unlike "The Force Awakens", which managed to keep itself entertaining, this one is bloated and often dull. It picks up at the end (in a climax that actually seems tacked on) but it's, in general, not very good.
Rated 14 Dec 2017
Being in my thirties and having seen nearly 3000 films it takes a lot to really excite me, but Last Jedi did. I loved every scene with Rey, Kylo and Luke. To a point where I can forgive that Finn, after being the revelation in Force Awakens, is totally wasted in an odd Indiana Jones side story, and that Hux and Phasma are among the worst SW villains. This could very well by my second favorite Star Wars film after Empire.
Rated 08 Dec 2018
Best Star Wars movie since Empire. I especially liked how it went out of its way to frustrate people's expectations and nostalgic attachments
Rated 10 Jul 2018
Obviously script by committee because this makes no fucking sense.And I ain't bitching about Luke and all that no good vs. evil stuff. The actual time frame and continuity is broken garbage.
Rated 02 Jul 2018
some cool moments. a lot of stupid moments. all of it, largely, eminently pointless. this movie spends a lot of time asking what it means to be a Star Wars movie, but it never seems to ponder why we should be making them, it at all. the film does have one scene that works as an apt metaphor: when a weird alien is salivating over coins as a casino burns. Disney is that weird alien, and we're the cannon fodder on the ships blowing up. more thicc women in space, please.
Rated 07 Apr 2018
mediocre by all conceivable aspects, shitty story, shitty characters, shitty acting, shitty writing, shitty everything
Rated 04 Apr 2018
TLJ is rather oddball and feels like a different franchise - which was nice. It became very thematic - laced with a kind of hatred for what it is now expected to become. But still suffers from the same shit of the other SW films: unfunny humour, banal adventuring and Mary Sues everywhere.
Rated 25 Mar 2018
I don't even know where to begin.....
Rated 10 Jan 2018
I appreciate this film's attempted irreverence, though it is ultimately shallow and fleeting, overshadowed by standard heroic antics and the awkward clashing between mythological solemnity and an utterly goofy sense of humor. It's an okay film, sometimes pretty good, but my enthusiasm for this creative universe has waned significantly.
Rated 08 Jan 2018
Somwhere a long the way it just sort of lost touch with the force and became a farce of monumental stupid ideas from all the characters. Finn and Rose? Wasted pile of garbage storyline. Rey and Kylo mind connection? Definitely not deep enough. Luke and Leia reunion? Perhaps the films only genuine moment. What the hell is Episode Nine even going to be about at this point? There are very little threads left to explore for the so called grand finale. This was not the sequel we wanted. Come on guys!
Rated 06 Jan 2018
This is a fun movie, but goddamn, Kylo Ren is such an ineffectual villain. He is continually bested at every turn. Benicio Del Toro added a lot of fun to the film. I felt like the film really started when they got to the casino world, mostly because by that point, I was starting to get sick of what felt like an endless battle. I needed five more minutes of Luke sexually milking the alien, while they both their "O" face.
Rated 02 Jan 2018
While feeling like it retreads on past tropes, The Last Jedi is a solid addition to the franchise despite the glaring holes it suffers from. Johnson's entry doesn't strive away from the usual, as it holds the same light hearted moments previous films have, and the exposition carry steadily up to the final act, despite a convulted plot than the description suggests. Along with questionable character decisions, pacing and some poor CGI, it will be interesting where Abrams closes this chapter
Rated 02 Jan 2018
It was the cons I was thinking about when I left the theatre-the jumble of rollercoaster plot threads and tones, the bloated run-time, the sometimes cheesy dialogue ("Every word in that sentence was wrong")-but it's the pros that have been popping up for me ever since: The fantastic female representation, the fascinating relationship between pro- and an-tagonist, and the bold (often fourth-wall) subversions of tradition and expectations (see Yoda's lightning, Poe's humbling, Rose's save).
Rated 29 Dec 2017
What... was the story there? What was it attempting to say? What happened? These aren't questions that have answers when the script is mad libs scenes pulled from a hat and filled in at random.
Rated 28 Dec 2017
A pleasant surprise from beginning to end and the best film of the franchise since the first one. The visuals, sound and effects were all amazing but what made this stand out was how quickly those 150 minutes flew: it's packed with both action and character insight/ growth and rarely puts a foot wrong. Nothing's black-and-white, the motives of everyone are thought-out, all action scenes range from great to fucking amazing and although there's so much going on it never feels rushed or overloaded.
Rated 27 Dec 2017
Not another rehash of the original trilogy, which is nice. The Rey-Kylo-Luke thread is 9/10. The Finn-Rose thread is 4/10. The rest is standard 6/10 Star Wars stuff. Altogether, that works out to 12/20 in my weird rating system. (I rounded down for the Yo Mama joke, Luke dusting off his shoulder, Leia floating, and porgs.) The company line is this was all Rian Johnson's, but there's no way that's true. He's not faultless but much of the blame must fall on monolith Disney's hidden interference.
Rated 27 Dec 2017
Entertaining and well-shot but heavily over-written.

Cast & Info

Directed by:

Rian Johnson


Rian Johnson


Star Wars, Skywalker Saga


Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, Star Wars: The Last Jedi






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