Batman: Hush
Batman: Hush
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Batman: Hush

Batman: Hush

Sci-fi, Action
1h 21m
An adaptation of the Batman: Hush story line, by Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee.

Batman: Hush

Sci-fi, Action
1h 21m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 43.22% from 166 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 01 Aug 2019
Batman Hush has a decent portrayal of Batman with well-written dynamics between Nightwing, Catwoman and the titular character. Unfortunately, the parade of Batman's most famous foes seems to build the plot on cameos, and its shallowness is noticeable.
Rated 31 Jul 2023
This is a good story with good animation. Compare to other movies that have Batman, this is good and there are better movies and shows about Batman.
Rated 12 Dec 2022
Well-done although I could've done without the Batman/Catwoman romance. The villain fake out from the comic was appreciated.
Rated 20 Jul 2022
pretty alright, the cat and bat's relationship being the main pull and the changes to the og story work for the better.It still has that problem with many dceu animated features now that they look kinda bland, esp the usage of 3d for the scenarios, gotham city looks like 3d nyc from the 90s spidey show
Rated 05 Mar 2022
The characters are well done and engaging, but the mystery is a mostly a bust for the world's greatest detective. However the moral quandy created by the Detective's dedication to his crusade and the tragedy of the resolution make it worth a watch.
Rated 14 Nov 2021
The comic was meh story with superb art, the movie is meh story with meh animation.
Rated 05 Aug 2021
the reveal was disappointing though
Rated 17 Feb 2021
It’s pretty solid stuff, albeit changes from the source material will frustrate.
Rated 25 Oct 2020
Some of the dialogue was campy and cheesy and didn't lend well to the deeper more impactful story they were trying to tell. Batman almost dying should be a big deal but the film doesn't even really treat it as such. A lot of the dialogue was throw away one liners. The action was cool and Hush was great but a lot of the pivotal emotional stuff felt forced. The two best scenes were Clayface and Scarecrow because it played to the strengths of those villains.
Rated 02 Oct 2020
hush moves rather disjointedly as it parades characters before us. It's as if their inclusion trumped the plot (which can't be far from the truth.) Poison Ivy, Superman, Joker, Clayface all get to play, though as each one comes and goes there's no sense of rising stakes. It's just another plot Batman has to fight, another villain he has to uncover and defeat. It may not be boring, but it is rote.
Rated 06 May 2020
Under Quarantine Film Reviews #70: Hush is a complete spit in the face to the comic, honestly don't know why they constantly try to change the story with these movies because it just tarnishes Loeb's original work. The voice acting leaves a lot to be desired and the animation is so-so but I doubt any animated film can capture Jim Lee's art style.
Rated 23 Apr 2020
Şu ana kadar izlediğim en iyi Batman animasyonuydu. Konunun değişik olması nispeten yakın zamanı işlemesi ve karakter zenginliği en önemli etkenler olmakla beraber herşeyiyle iyiydi.
Rated 30 Jan 2020
For me, Hush is right up there at the top along with The Long Halloween. And this did a lot to live up to that. The writing is sharp, brutal and darkly funny at times. But it felt very short. When we got to the final reveal, I was expecting another twist and then suddenly it was "roll credits" and I was like "huh? Is that all we're getting?". Also, the voice acting wasn't really up to snuff. And by snuff, I mean the Arkham games and the animated series. You know, Mark Hamill and those people.
Rated 13 Nov 2019
Too slow.
Rated 08 Sep 2019
I'm noticing something. A lot of the dislike for this movie is how it's not the same as the comics. I was not burdened by such. There is so much good potential here. Good dialogue, some good twists, but more than anything else: Catwoman as a truly sympathetic character, in so many fashions. That alone and that especially made this journey valuable.
Rated 07 Sep 2019
The romantic Batman made this more interesting than most of these Warner Bros DC animation films have been. With the villain too controlling most of his foes helped for variation in the action as well. A little drop toward the end, but not in any way disappointing considering what the standard have been so far.
Rated 06 Aug 2019
Batman: Hush, yıllar önce Jeph Loeb'in yarattığı hikayeye saygısızlık etmiyor fakat kısa süresiyle finaline çok hızlı ulaşıyor. Hush'ın kim olduğu üzerinde gizemlerle örülüp, Gotham'ın azılı düşmanlarını önümüze seren Batman: Hush en başarılı WB Animatons, DC animasyonlarından.
Rated 28 Jul 2019
The story is pretty strong up to the very underwhelming reveal. Once the reveal happens the film goes down hill fast and the ending seemed really rushed. There were a few parts before the reveal that weren't that good, mainly the montage with catwoman but the short runtime kept my annoyance to a minimum. Jason O'Mara is a decent Batman but he's no Kevin Conroy.
Rated 23 Jul 2019
The fact that it's barely anything like the comic it was originally inspired by is a real let down. The animation is okay, but Batman/Bruce feel like robots this time around. There's just something... off about the whole movie.
Rated 21 Jul 2019
A good example of animated Batman, with some fun twists and turns, some slight emotional depth in the relationship between Batman and Catwoman. It doesn't do anything that strays too far from what you might expect from animated DC, but it does it well. I wasn't bored, the action was good, atmosphere and animation were competent as well. One good thing about animated BM is that you can get away with things that might be difficult to do in live-action.


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