Stop Loss

Stop Loss

1h 52m
Decorated Iraq war hero Sgt. Brandon King makes a celebrated return to his small Texas hometown following his tour of duty. He tries to resume the life he left behind. Then, against Brandon's will, the Army orders him back to duty in Iraq, which upends his world. The conflict tests everything he believes in: the bond of family, the loyalty of friendship, the limits of love and the value of honor. (imdb)
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Stop Loss

1h 52m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 35.76% from 310 total ratings

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Rated 22 Oct 2008
The worst acting, script and music I have ever heard in a movie. Ever. That should give you a sign if you ever see this. If it suddenly pops on, get behind your chair or couch quickly and don't move. When it's over, turn the channel fast! After that, enjoy.
Rated 18 Sep 2012
Could be all right were it not for the overwrought acting and being bludgeoned over the head with the point.
Rated 07 Sep 2008
not a fair score... but was jsut not my kind of movie.. was only interested because Ryan Phillippe was in it. & maybe also partially cause ALOT of my cousins are in various branches of the military. but I thik most of us have had it w/ the war movies weather hearing of them or seeing them. (if we do) my heart goes out to our soldiers weather this has happened to you or not.
Rated 12 Oct 2009
It is ok, maybe slightly better.
Rated 07 Nov 2008
Rated 25 Jun 2009
The acting was pretty lame and dull.
Rated 03 Nov 2010
Interesting social interaction between the main characters, Phillipe gives off a quiet performance for the most part. JGL plays a smaller part but excels with what he was give. Cornish steals the show as she usually does. Tatum could have been better, but honestly I cannot say many bad things about him. The story is emotional but drags on a bit, and the ending becomes clear about mid way. Another film that seemingly falls victim to an ending we have seen numerous times.
Rated 04 Jan 2011
Being better than In the Valley of Elah's lazy view of returning vets as damaged and mentally depraved isn't good enough.
Rated 13 Dec 2010
"That Stop-Loss wears its generally good intentions on its camo sleeve doesn't keep it from being consigned to the missed-opportunity file." - Bill Weber
Rated 14 Dec 2011
This movie has some good scenes but overall it is disappointing. The ending is unsettling and unsatisfying. The script does make you care about the characters. Overall I can not recommend the film.
Rated 08 Jul 2009
Channing Tatum displays all the emotional range of a bad Mark Wahlberg impression. The acting isn't all bad, but the weak performances sink the movie like a stone. Well, that and poorly produced music video interludes that are just tonally bizarre. The combat scenes are mostly well-handled, but there aren't enough of them for that to justify watching the movie. The actual moral outrage of this story is let down by the film's poor quality. It's a shame, this had potential to be far better.
Rated 01 Apr 2008
Although its story stumbles a bit in parts, causing it to lose its flow and slow down, when you take a look at the big picture here, this film is beautifully done. The acting is passionate, and the film gets across exactly what it sets out to do.
Rated 05 Aug 2012
subpar film, based on a good idea. Poor execution/acting was its demise.
Rated 29 Jan 2009
'Stop-Loss' rarely has an inspired moment. Sure, it's an ultra-pushy agenda film, but at least it's purpose-driven, though cliche-riddled. From daydreaming of fallen comrades to random acts of violence, the film doesn't exactly suffer from a lack of realism, just an over-the-top nature and familiarity. The opening combat sequence is very well-done, but the characters are second-rate, and the performances don't exactly sell the tough material. Ambitious, but stays the course of riding the fence.
Rated 04 Jul 2008
Not as bad as everyone says but still pretty shitty. The acting is atrocious. Especially from Channing Tatum who could be the worst actor of his generation. The shitty soul music or whatever was used was so stupid, especially over montages of war. Could have been so much better but Peirce just really didn't know what to do or where to go.
Rated 06 Sep 2008
As much as I hate war dramas that put politics first, that was never even a factor here. The performances of the cast were so painfully over-done that I never even got to hate the film for its message.
Rated 15 Mar 2016
Maybe irreparably marred by its makers' desire that it embody in tone, theme, and occasionally aesthetic a soldier's video diary home, of which the mere presence of Drowning Pool on the soundtrack is probably appropriate synecdoche, the clumsy fashion in which the song is used--"Bodies"; no points for guessing--nicely summing up the whole. The potentially genius decision was made to cast Ciarán Hinds as a Texas patriarch, but he seems to have been given a dorky cowboy hat instead of a script.
Rated 21 Oct 2010
Whoever said Tatum is Wahlberg nailed it. Other than that this is a decent enough drama. JGL's performance stands out.
Rated 20 Jan 2012
Of no particular note in any way. I, for one, blame Peirce, because pretty much any other name involved held up their end of the deal. All-in-all it's a bit boring and completely unmemorable--except for Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
Rated 31 May 2009
I really like this movie. No one underplays it except for Ciaran Hinds, but they're all so capable that the movie feels powerful and plausible when we all know that, given the subject matter, the movie could easily fly off the rails at any moment. I like how the movie suggests that, in the end, standing on your principles doesn't mean a goddamn thing if you've got no one to live or die beside. This is good shit, you'll like it more than you suspect.
Rated 30 Sep 2015
#14#, exp3, rw2, story, cast


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