Till Death

Till Death

1h 28m
A woman is left handcuffed to her dead husband as part of a sick revenge plot. Unable to unshackle, she has to survive as two killers arrive to finish her off.
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Till Death

1h 28m
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Avg Percentile 33.91% from 137 total ratings

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Rated 15 Oct 2021
Sue me, I liked it. It does get a bit inconsistent at times, but I enjoyed Fox and the supporting players and I really dug the sense of dread and weight that carries on throughout the runtime. These filmmakers made very effective use of the premise and raised the stakes up high enough when they needed to. Don’t think too hard about it. Just throw it on, soak everything in, and enjoy the ride for what it is.
Rated 13 Nov 2021
I mean, I'm not opposed to the idea of turning Gerald's Game into a Cloverfield-type franchise where we keep the central idea but switch protagonists and genres with each reiteration. I'm all for Megan Fox getting some recognition, and it does build some nice (if predictable) tension. But these are some dumb, dumb criminals. For number 3, let's have a dark comedy where Uma Thurman has to drag a movie producer's dead corpse around Hollywood.
Rated 24 Oct 2021
There is so much incredibly overt symbolism, so many crystal clear Chekhov's Guns- one of which is literal- and the plot hinges on so many things happening in just the exact right way. But, honestly, it all works. Megan Fox isn't quite excellent here, but she is definitely having fun, & that helps. It moves along at a good pace, the tension never really stops after the first big thing happens, & I really do love the simplicity of the story at its core. The bit with the wedding ring was *mwah.*
Rated 07 Sep 2021
It really shouldn't be that hard to write a tense and violent script without sprinkling total nonsense everywhere. The nonsense adds nothing.
Rated 02 Aug 2021
It puts a nice little spin on an otherwise rather simple "Gerard's game" type movie. Megan Fox is ok but her face is almost expressionless throughout the movie.
Rated 07 Jul 2021
It's a minor disappointment when we consider the trailer, but Megan's beauty makes the movie watchable. The tension is always there but the story is predictable. I love winter, winter stories and snow. So I can't say I had a bad time watching the movie.
Rated 02 Jul 2021
re: feritdgn, I wondered too while watching this if Fox was always like this. She redeems herself some after a little while but the beginning especially was painful. Despite that, Till Death ended up being a little more tense than I expected, and I did enjoy it. I can't say it did anything especially well but the pieces came together decently. I was so glad when the dude offed himself though, you could tell from the beginning that he was a POS.
Rated 02 Jul 2021
To be honest, the trailer excited me, but the movie was a big disappointment. By the way, wasn't Megan Fox's acting better when she was younger? She completely forgot acting.
Rated 20 Jul 2021
2021'de #IzlediğimFilmler : 205. Till Death (2021) Megan Fox sağlam geri döndü. Korku kendisine yakışıyor. Sonuna kadar izlenen tek mekan gerilimi. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Rated 03 Jul 2021
Some weird, weird plot things happening here, but it's entertaining enough to kind of overlook them. It was just very mediocre? Nothing about it is really new or remarkable and Megan Fox was way better in Jennifer's Body when it comes to her doing horror stuff.
Rated 11 Sep 2021
bad movie
Rated 20 Nov 2021
I used to like Megan Fox. I don't anymore.
Rated 31 Dec 2021
It's just Gerald's Game but worse in every possible way, especially the performances
Rated 06 Jan 2022
A bad marriage, mostly for women, is carrying your husband's body all around while handcuffed or a survival thriller where you have fight for your life until the very end. Not quite as rewarding as promised in terms of slick, low-budgeted thriller, but still not that bad in its own terms and Megan Fox really delivers.
Rated 17 Mar 2022
Megan Fox can't act for shit! She delivers her lines in this "couldn't care less" way...who does she think she is? Bruce Willis? Just a bunch of dumb decisions by Fox and the baddies (I was screaming at my tv...JUST BREAK HIS THUMB AND GET THE CUFFS OFF) and some ridiculous conveniences when the plot needed it. Also...another Mary Sue character (I guess hypothermia isn't a thing in Hollywood)
Rated 05 Oct 2022
Far more entertaining than we expected. A pretty decent thriller overall. Easy to second guess some of the choices made during the flick, but for the most part it was at least quasi-plausible. Fox is easy on the eyes and acquits herself well here. 6.9
Rated 13 Oct 2022
It's too self serious, but it's fine. After the nuts and bolts of the scenario are laid out, the whole thing turns into a predictable, but fairly effective, thriller stew.
Rated 04 Mar 2023
Evlilik yıldönümünü kutlayan Megan Fox zengin çiftimiz, gittikleri göl evinde mutlu 1 gün yaşar. Ta ki koca intihar edince. Eğlenceli, bol kanlı, dehşet sahnelerinin olduğu film, tek mekanda geçen korku filmleri içinde iyilerinden. Megan Fox canı çıkana kadar oynamış. Karlı hava içinizi üşütüyor. Filmin sonunda, Göl. Nedir bu kocalardan çektiğimiz? Ne git dedim ne de kal. Gidene kelepçe vurulamaz.
Rated 24 May 2023
You can only have so many deus ex machina moments until it becomes too much. The setting and the suspense are great, alas the movie messes it up for the sake of creating too much drama. Overall, I liked the whole thing. It was an enthralling watch.
Rated 12 Dec 2023
not bad so far .. .. the Story also good in scene .. .. Popcorn Movie with an happy End


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