The Ten Most-Hated Titles of 2022

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The Ten Most-Hated Titles of 2022

Post by mpowell »

Once again, it's time to take look back at the most loved and most hated films of the year. This is a little different to simply looking at which titles have the highest average percentile. Instead, we've decided to (dis)honor the titles which the highest percentage of our users truly loved, or actively despised. To count towards these lists, the rating has to be in the user's bottom 20% or top 80%.

Without further ado, let's kick things off with the ten most hated films of 2022. How many of these stinkers have you seen? And... are you proud of that? Did your personal most-hated film of the year make the list?

10. Moonfall - Hate Percentage: 68.21%

"I mean... it's Roland Emmerich. I knew this going in. Yet, I went in anyways. Shockingly bad at times. Empty hollow people , going places (how did they get there?) , doing empty hollow things. Existing only to shape specific destructive CGI moments. Some of his past films, have been at least cheesy bad enough to be funny, but this one lacks almost any of those moments. No one is interesting, everyone is a cookie cutout, and it's painful." - hellboy76

9. Pinocchio - Hate Percentage: 70.08%

"*sigh* We're still doing these, huh? Besides being simply unnecessary (as all these Disney remakes are), this one completely muddles the morals of the original. Skipping school is bad - but here, they kick him out first. Lying is bad - but here, it's also necessary, because it's how Pinocchio ultimately escapes his cage. Smoking is bad - but we can't show characters doing that in 2022, so... I guess root beer is just as bad? The modified ending is infuriating. Trash." - BeeDub

8. Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Hate Percentage: 70.47%

"Texas Chainsaw Massacre: H50 is just your typical Netflix fare, but one where the algorithms really failed. All these years on, what does it want to be? Psychotronic 70s shlock? 80s VHS murderfest you just watch for the kills? 90s splatter comedy? 00s remake for also-ran TV actors? 10s Both Sides satire? Nobody knows, least of all the people who made it; it tries on all those masks and then promptly forgets them, leaving us with lots of CGI gore but none of the stench of the original." - bof

7. The Bubble - Hate Percentage: 71.03%

"Judd Apatow destroyed comedy movies worse than Seltzer and Friedberg. Nothing he has made warrants the run times we get. A 2 hour plus comedy is poison always, there is never enough steam - there isnt even anything in this to generate steam. If I wanted to watch COVID jokes I'd look at my government's handling of it Heh" - BillyShears
6. Firestarter - Hate Percentage: 77.17%

"I'm not going to lie and say that I hated this movie. I hate certain aspects, like how cheap it feels, and how it misuses a great premise. The acting across the board is not good. But man, that (mostly) Carpenter score slaps. The theme is great and the opening credits with the grainy footage along with the creepy music hit me hard. Just wish that the rest of this sci-fi THRILLER was actually thrilling. The idea of a girl who lights things on fire when mad is so good, this should have been better" - Obdurate

5. Choose or Die - Hate Percentage: 77.31%

"A student film that somehow made it to Netflix. There is almost an interesting idea here and there. Almost." - Mojo_Jojo

4. Morbius - Hate Percentage: 78.11%

"The writer misheard when given the brief for this movie and thought he was writing 'More BS'" - Rudolph101

3. Blacklight - Hate Percentage: 78.69%

"Awful. Senseless plot. Bad acting. Bad writing. And it is one of the most boring movies I’ve seen… F" - vgnpwrz

2. Me Time - Hate Percentage: 79.73%

"Very Netflix and very 2022. And I mean that in the worst possible way." - howler19
1. The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild - Hate Percentage: 86.27%

"The latest part of the franchise really is just a lazy cash-in suffering from complete ideas-poverty. No wonder the original voice-actors didn't bother to show up." - Lonewolf2003

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Re: The Ten Most-Hated Titles of 2022

Post by Malcym »

1. Christmas at Mistletoe Farm
2. Our Eternal Summer
3. Top Gun: Maverick
4. White Noise
5. Don't Worry, Darling
6. Blonde
7. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
8. Jurassic World: Dominion
9. The Whale
10. The Wonder

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