Overall Star Rankings

  • sgtpepper

    #7621 - sgtpepper has 1 stars from 1 users

    Suspiria Suspiria - sgtpepper's Most Popular Review
    95 - "Almost perfect. Cinematography is excellent, so as actings (nod to Tilda Swinton). It takes a very good concept in a bad executed story (original suspiria) and creates a whole lore out of it. Soundtrack is may be the thom yorke's best solowork. A must watch."
  • kanoo16

    #7622 - kanoo16 has 1 stars from 1 users

    Blade Runner Blade Runner - kanoo16's Most Popular Review
    38 - "My gripe with Ridley Scott's directing is his willingness to bend the fictional world to such a degree that it makes no sense, only good visuals. This movie is the pinnacle of such choices. Why are there slow-moving fans in the middle of nowhere? Why does the villainess not snap Ford's neck, and instead opts to attack him with flips? The only reason this film gets this high of a score from me is because the Cyberpunk fantasy is lent a wonderful aesthetic in this movie."
  • qiddees

    #7623 - qiddees has 1 stars from 1 users

    No Country for Old Men No Country for Old Men - qiddees's Most Popular Review
    90 - "Cohen does it as always"
  • justforfun

    #7624 - justforfun has 1 stars from 1 users

    Children of Men Children of Men - justforfun's Most Popular Review
    90 - "Utopia and distopia. Two genres make me satisfied and this a really good example."
  • rachely

    #7625 - RachelY has 1 stars from 1 users

    Stealing Beauty Stealing Beauty - RachelY's Most Popular Review
    90 - "Such a beautiful film - and a great sound track."
  • onurcezik

    #7626 - onurcezik has 1 stars from 1 users

    Fleabag Fleabag - onurcezik's Most Popular Review
    99 - "Brilliant and fantastic"
  • distilledw

    #7627 - distilledw has 1 stars from 1 users

    New Town Killers New Town Killers - distilledw's Most Popular Review
    55 - "A solid premise and idea for a movie, yet this movie felt empty and lifeless. The Character development was minimal and i never really felt any sort of empathy or emotion for any of the characters. The movie lacked tension which for a movie of its kind is a pretty vital aspect to include."
  • feanoryusuf

    #7628 - feanoryusuf has 1 stars from 1 users

    The Office The Office - feanoryusuf's Most Popular Review
    50 - "beşinci sezonun dokuzuncu bölümüne geldim. toplamda 2 kez kahkaha attırdı, 4-5 kez falan da gülümsedim ki normalde ortalama şakalara dahi çok gülen biriyim. bu dizi durum komedisi yapıyor ve durum komedileri nadiren komiktir."
  • kiersno

    #7629 - Kiersno has 1 stars from 1 users

    Fight Club Fight Club - Kiersno's Most Popular Review
    100 - ""Legendaryy" Doug Wilson"
  • digi

    #7630 - Digi has 1 stars from 1 users

    Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - Digi's Most Popular Review
    100 - "Damn good movie, love it, want to see more of this sort movies!"
Showing 7621 - 7630 of 8316 results