Orange Is the New Black
Orange Is the New Black
Orange Is the New Black

Orange Is the New Black

2013 - 2019
TV Series
The story of Piper Chapman, a woman in her thirties who is sentenced to fifteen months in prison after being convicted of a decade-old crime of transporting money to her drug-dealing girlfriend. (imdb) Episode List
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Orange Is the New Black

2013 - 2019
TV Series
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 53.77% from 1005 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 09 Sep 2015
A second tier show, suitably entertaining but nothing special.
Rated 01 Aug 2019
okay series
Rated 01 Sep 2019
As much as people praise Breaking Bad for having great character arcs, I would argue that the many of the numerous ones on OITNB are far more compelling, and the show pulls this off while deftly exploring a large number of social issues with tact and nuance. The Prison politics aren't always the most interesting and can vary in quality from season to season, but when the show digs in to the exploration of the characters, it really starts to shine, especially in it's tear-jerking final season.
Rated 03 Oct 2015
This is the story. Where every stereotype you can imagine. Are picked to live in a prison. See what happens when they stop being polite. And start getting real! Kohan is at it again with another yuppie princess trying to survive alongside a convenient assortment of one dimensional characters. It sticks to the same writing format that made Weeds so mediocre - just good enough to watch the next episode while simultaneously leaving me unfulfilled. Jenji seems to have mastered that little talent.
Rated 11 Sep 2015
Surprisingly great. The first episode is front loaded with garbage but once that is over the show only occasionally falters when too much time is spent with Jason Biggs outside of the prison.
Rated 10 Jan 2016
This rating is based on the first five episodes of the first season.
Rated 09 Sep 2015
This show's strength lies within its ability to make you emotionally invested in a huge ensemble of secondary and tertiary characters, while simultaneously shitting profusely on its protagonist and exposing her privilege (even within the confines of a prison). There is a character here for everyone to like and empathize with, and that is what the creators are going for. Season 2 is really the standout, but there are a myriad of memorable moments spread throughout its entirety.
Rated 10 Sep 2015
The first two seasons were really refreshing and different. And there are still some interesting backgrounds for minor characters throughout, but there's basically no interesting through-line as of Season 4.
Rated 09 Sep 2019
Like any women's correctional facility... the articulate, multi-racial best-friendz squad collectively references 1932's FREAKS by chanting in unison. Yeeesh. WEEDS was bad too but at least consciously shallow & silly. This is like attempting to expose oft ignored areas of society & humanity as reflected through the authentic experiences of Santa Claus and a Unicorn. Trite, shallow, and lazy without an ounce of self-awareness. (And Laura Prepon is so distractedly awful an actor it requires note)
Rated 31 Jan 2024
S1: 85. S2: 85, S3: 82. S4: 88, S5: 80, S6: 75, S7: 85
Rated 17 Jan 2024
Piper is unbearable most of the time, and past S4 the plot sort of falls off, but it's hard not to get attached to a lot of the characters in this show
Rated 02 May 2023
I crave a great prison tv show, but alas this is not it. It's not bad per say, but compared to Oz for example - very bleak. I don't find it funny enough for a comedy tag, nor emotional/dramatic/thought provoking for a drama one. I do like the structure of the episodes though - seeing why everyone is inside, told in a compassionate way, whilst exploring a day-to-day prison problem. The series grow on you with each season, ultimately making you care for most, if not all, characters.
Rated 27 Nov 2021
Just like public school...was never not annoyed by enjoying it. Writing was up & down, sometimes lazy dialogue, silly plot holes & poor research/set design. Main char is pretty insufferable, esp early on; maybe that was the point. Not that gritty or realistic - trying to balance comedy/levity and the gravity of the sit. Quite funny at times. Character development really wins you over as it unfurls. Deals w/real issues, but also soapy af & cartoonish moments (chicken) like Community (snow brawl).
Rated 13 Sep 2021
☆ Hmm, It's not the kind of show I normally gravitate towards, but I can say I was into the first season at least! ☆
Rated 06 May 2021
I remember my sister being really excited to watch this with me and my Dad. We watched maybe, 3 episodes back-to-back and then I said "....can we watch something else?" Hated it pretty much instantly.
Rated 16 Apr 2021
Excellent writing and performances, but i'd say the series went on too long and each episode did not have to be an hour long. Sometimes, it got a little too silly to be taken seriously as well. Still above average and worth watching.
Rated 13 Oct 2020
[through season 5, then abandoned] Unravels more and more the farther into the series you get.
Rated 19 Sep 2020
They should have stopped sooner.
Rated 03 Nov 2019
My rating of this programme wavered over the series but raised toward its bitter-sweet end. It stayed entertaining throughout while totally fulfilling its moral obligations. I'll think fondly of the characters for years, like they were old friends. My main criticism is that there's too much focus on Piper. She's the Luke Skywalker (the supposedly relatable one through who's eyes we are introduced to this new reality) but she is similarly far less interesting that the characters around her.
Rated 23 Oct 2019
Although it weakens toward the end of its run, OitNB should be considered an all-time television series. The writing is phenomenal, the characters feel real, original, and memorable, and the plot is binge-worthy without a doubt. It can feel a bit cynical at times, but what else can you expect from a series about the incarcerated lives of countless young women, many of whom are minorities.
Rated 07 Nov 2016
Season 1: 70 Season 2(Vee): 73 Season 3(Gangsta): 70 Season 4: 70
Rated 26 Jul 2019
Tek bir mantığa uygun bölüm dahi yok. Yönetmen lezbiyen fantazisini gideriyor sanırım. 6.sezonun başında, isyandan sonraki bölümde, tamam dedim artık. 5 sezon da ben çekerim bu dizideki mantık hatalarını anlatsam. Bu b.ku dizi diye yayına koyan ve izlememe sebep olan herkese lanet ediyorum. Ya lezbiyen fantazin varsa s.ktir git porno çek aq. İlla dizi çekeceksen Spartacusa bak, GoT'a bak öğren, öyle çek. Amacın kadınları yiyiştirmek olmasın yani.
Rated 30 Jul 2016
Another creation by Kohan that immerses you in a world with great characters but this one has more heart and more political incentive which is pretty refreshing. Much like Weeds, it seems that the show is starting to unravel a bit as it plods along, with the stories becoming crazier and crazier and too many characters to keep track of. Great drama, don't get me wrong but I hope it doesn't lose its appeal for the many seasons that are on the way.
Rated 26 Sep 2018
First season 90/100, but second season 70/100, although best individual episode is in second season. Due to worsening in second season, have not yet watched further.
Rated 02 May 2018
Compelling characters and a mixed bag of comedy and drama as the series progresses. The cast carries most of the weight in this dialogue driven ensemble. Diversity in the characters is what drives a show like this forward, especially one where the central location has a very limited scope of what can be done within its very walls. Good writers find ways to bring character outside of the box and the writers of this series definitely brought a world to life that is much larger in scope.
Rated 26 Sep 2015
A warm and likable prison hangout show with a big ensemble of very good characters. Occasionally busts out some impressive quality nudity too.
Rated 10 Nov 2020
Great up until the fifth season. Season 4 I think was a little stale if I remember.
Rated 01 Aug 2016
It tends to waver in its social commentary, but Orange Is the New Black is a smart, well-acted, and downright addicting series.
Rated 08 Jul 2016
Una serie tv innovativa e dalla fortissima carica emozionale, un bel mix di humor nero e dramma. La qualità non cala perchè sono bravi gli autori a rinnovarsi costantemente


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