Five Element Ninjas

Five Element Ninjas

1h 47m
A young martial artist seeks revenge on the Ninja who kills his martial arts brothers (incl Lo Meng of "Venoms" and "Destroyers") and teacher. He finds help in the form of a new teacher (who knows Ninjitsu) and new brothers (incl Wang Li of "Destroyers" and "Daredevils"). Together the four pupils face the Five Element Ninja challenge: Wood, Earth, Gold, Water, and Fire. (imdb)
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Five Element Ninjas

1h 47m
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Avg Percentile 65.72% from 139 total ratings

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Rated 03 Nov 2014
Holy genocide, Batman! This was non-stop martial arts madness and one of the more entertaining movies I've seen in the genre. Ridiculous outfits, crazy-ass ninja powers (weren't those water-ninjas just adorable?), a wide variety of weapons and some incredibly brutal/badass moments. A guy trips over his own guts! A ninja gets quartered! Death by stilts! A total blast.
Rated 04 Jan 2018
A movie with two hundred martial artists and four sound effects, Five Element Ninjas is bonkers great for its entire run time. The swiss army axes at the end are immensely enjoyable and help the movie close out strong. Swiss Army Axe strong.
Rated 13 May 2008
Ridiculously cool and colorful ninja mayhem. There's a part in this movie where a guy gets stabbed in the guts but keeps fighting with his intestines hanging out and dragging on the ground. That's fucking hardcore.
Rated 10 Nov 2016
Where has this movie been all my life?
Rated 16 Oct 2009
All the scenes with the element ninjas are great - imaginative costumes and great fight choreography. Those damn ninjas are pretty nasty and sneaky fighters. The middle of the film drags a bit, but definitely stick around for the end. Also, the dubbing on this film is hysterically awful, but that only adds to its charm, really.
Rated 16 Jun 2020
Ridiculously creative and mind-blowing. Its a revenge story with a soft twist and the plot or story aint very strong too .But it aint have to be cuz of the sets of the battlefields, choreography, cinematography, editing. Most of the fight scenes are long and one take. Everyone doing their own stunts. Its impressive. A little bit loonatic but still entertaining. Its totaly patriotic and racist tho :D
Rated 10 Jun 2020
The most entertaining movie of the genre that I've seen so far. A ninja disguised as a tree gets dismembered, so it looks like a tree gets cut in half and blood & intestines nonsensically spray everywhere. Marvelous.
Rated 06 Mar 2020
One of the most insane action films I've ever seen. Every element is cranked to 11: it's gorgeously photographed and incredibly artificial; the violence is both sublime and absurd, and often extremely graphic; the story is as ridiculous as anything serial comics produce; and the costumes look right out of a Bazz Luhrmann film. It's one of the most delightful absurdities I've ever seen.
Rated 03 Jan 2020
First five minutes of Five Element Ninjas: Oh, I recognize this setup. Clan honor, kung fu vs ninjitsu, Shaolin vs samurai, a series of matched up fighting styles. Ok, cool. Next ten minutes of Five Element Ninjas: That's rather bloody! Glittery gold jumpsuit ninjas!? Ninjas disguised as trees? A kung fu fighter gets eviscerated yet keeps fighting until his own intestines trip him up!?ast-paced, eye-popping piece of graphic yet fun Kung Fu cinema.
Rated 28 Aug 2016
one of the best kung fu films out there. a real gem, dont miss it.
Rated 19 Nov 2016
I have no idea what to make of this film. Either I've seen a completely different version of it, or my drugs hadn't kicked in properly, but the film seemed to oscillate awkwardly between self-serious genre entry and cheesy martial arts extravaganza, never exactly settling upon either. Or maybe that was the entire point, and I was too tired to give a rat's ass at 2am. Am curious, however, in discovering Cheh Chang's body of work.
Rated 20 Nov 2012
I have never seen so many completely crazy weapons! Chances are that people would kill themselves rather than anyone else with those things. If you are into really weird Kung-Fu flicks, this one is a must.
Rated 15 Jan 2010
Probably one of the best purely "ninja" action movies ever made. It does look a bit aged today because of the set and gore effects but it's a shaw brothers classic that influenced quite a few video games and other movies in the genre. The action choreography is still pretty good with lots of innovative weapon fighting scenes.
Rated 25 Nov 2013
At first: wow, all Cheh Chang regulars are here. This gonna be great! Why are they dressed like Chippendale dancers, though?;o After some time: will this be one of those movies where bad guys just win? These ninjas are simply slaughtering everyone. In the middle: mimicking the way they pronounce 'Junko' and 'ninja'. Haha, Junko, the female ninja! In the last third: this is Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark of kung fu films. So much fun, so much drama and graphic violence!
Rated 10 Apr 2013
The film drags in places and has terrible characterization. I still found it of great interest, though. Not only does this film have excellent choreography; its characterization of the Japanese as sneaky, perfidious, and disloyal and the spurious linking of ninjutsu with Romance of the Three Kingdoms tells us a lot about contemporaneous perceptions of Japan from Hong Kong's point of view in the tumultuous decades after Japan's occupation. Also ninjas.
Rated 27 Jul 2016
Among the most entertaining kung fu films I've seen. Thematically it's not very complex or interesting, but story is good enough to string the fight scenes together and they are all amazing. Normally I'd get bored by the end of something like this, but every fight introduces a new element and they all feel fresh while remaining consistent.
Rated 17 Jul 2014
Definitely swept me off by my feet. There's plenty of blood spraying violence and dismemberment, and enough of a reason to care. The costumes were fabulous and colorful and the props were badass as shit.
Rated 24 Jun 2024
bons set-ups
Rated 09 Apr 2024
Even if most scenes feel a bit too long, it's pretty darn epic.
Rated 17 May 2023
Not in any danger of winning literature prices, anticipating Beat’Em Up-video games in logic and narrative structure instead, pleasantly nuts.
Rated 09 Jan 2021
This was badass, gory and highly entertaining.
Rated 02 Oct 2019
On a second view, I could notice more clearly how the movie drags in the middle and how the central drama has no weight to justify all the carnage, deeming the violent scenes crueler than I recalled.
Rated 17 Apr 2007
One of the Shaw brothers classics! Ninjas everywhere!
Rated 30 Jan 2011
I missed Chang Cheh's signature carnality and dismemberment; then I got to the climax....


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