

After a Black Friday riot ends in tragedy, a mysterious Thanksgiving-inspired killer terrorizes Plymouth, Massachusetts - the birthplace of the infamous holiday. (imdb)
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Rated 27 Nov 2023
I Know What You Done Did Last Halloween
Rated 20 Dec 2023
I'm quite underwhelmed, honestly. I thought this was supposed to be a "good" slasher, but it's mediocre as hell. I guess you could say it has some commentary on capitalism, but none of it is particularly inspired; not like I'd expect profound messages from a slasher, but still. I'm also kinda tired of the all-knowing, all-mighty villain that's a total beast until they need to get defeated, and yes! I know that's how slashers usually are! I've seen hundreds of them!!! But I'm tired of it, okay?
Rated 13 Dec 2023
It tries to be an original slasher. Emphasis on tries. While there are some unconventional choices, it's ultimately a collection of jump scares.
Rated 25 Dec 2023
The level of anatomical creativity of this ho-hum retro-slasher puzzles me. Nobody expects medical accuracy from Eli Roth, but this goes further than usual even for him; people's flesh in this movie behaves like silly putty, clearly a choice since the budget should have been enough to afford more convincing gore effects.
Rated 14 Mar 2024
This is peak Eli Roth, for better and worse. Where his historically bad humor, horrible dialogue, and unlikable characters reign in so much of his filmography, Roth has found the perfect lane to mask all of his deficiencies, and in turn, use them as a catapult to a seriously dumb, but fun spoof of the grindhouse aesthetic. This is nothing new in terms of the visceral and gross flare that Roth has cultivated, and for some, it is too much, but it feels for the first time in awhile, he got it right
Rated 02 Dec 2023
Final Destination during Thanksgiving be like...
Rated 22 Mar 2024
I'm not a fan of gore but I really like slasher movies, especially if they deliver in the whodunnit department. This is decidedly not the case here, and I did not particularly care for the cast and their characters.
Rated 03 Dec 2023
The constant stabs at being wild, funny and original soon becomes very tiresome.
Rated 13 Dec 2023
Not an Eli Roth guy but this was fun. I enjoy slashers where the identity is a secret because it adds an extra layer of things to enjoy, but Scream 6 this is not. But, it's a gory, silly flick where the gimmick mostly works, and the killer uses a ton of variety to slaughter his victims (sticking with a theme quite often, as well). The final 10 minutes or so hurt the film though.
Rated 11 Feb 2024
The scene at the beginning of people practically killing each other for bargains is how I imagine Americans behave on Black Friday. The rest of the film, however, doesn't compare, and Roth's usual attempt to shoehorn a message into genre pieces is not particularly successful. The twist is also dumb and plays like an unwelcome throwback to the time when Roth first started directing. The kills are quite gory though, and from a purely technical standpoint, it's quite well made for what it is.
Rated 09 Mar 2024
ordinary people are evil
Rated 29 May 2024
Typical 90s/early 2000s horror. Doesn`t bring much new to the table. Very predictable. Okay Sunday entertainment if you got nothing better to do. I like Eli Roth, but expected more from the man that made the Hostel films.
Rated 30 Dec 2023
just another slasher movie who starts mysterious but at the close end it turns to an obviously End .. some scenes was extremelly unrealistic but other scenes was just realy good slasher style ..
Rated 04 Jan 2024
Todo mundo sabe que odeio slasher, mas esse é surpreendentemente bom, tem um início excelente, seguido da cena do gato mais excelente ainda, mantém o humor e suspense na medida certa, mas acho que caga na revelação do assassino e da sequência final. Acho muito boa a crítica ao consumismo digna de Romero, também ao mundo digital e o fato do Roth ter entendido que não se mata gatos em filmes de horror, só humanos. Rá! YTS.
Rated 16 Feb 2024
Even the blooper at the end was cringe.
Rated 26 Feb 2024
This movie starts off really well but losses momentum as it goes on. It ends of just being another slasher film and the reveal of the killer is unsatisfying. Overall this film is a let down.
Rated 02 Mar 2024
Dragged a little in the second act, but a lot of creative gore and kills with a heavy dose of comedy without being campy.
Rated 15 Dec 2023
Thanksgiving utilizes Eli Roth's strengths better than any of Eli Roth's previous movies have ever done, thanks to a captivating story and an honest social commentary, leaving me a lot more thankful for it.
Rated 13 Jun 2024
Obligatory fuck Spyglass, only saw this since I didn’t have to rent it. As for the movie, I’m underwhelmed, and I’ve liked some mid slashers. Some of the dark humor lands, the trampoline scene is creative, and I liked the subversion with the cat. Outside of that, it’s pretty damn generic. The characters are below average even by slasher standards, it pays homage so much that it almost feels copy-pasted, and the reveal isn’t surprising. I do like that they left enough alive for a sequel though.
Rated 04 Jul 2024
Plot 7/20 Fiction 7/20 Casting/Acting 7/20 Worldbuilding 6/20 Entertainment 7/20
Rated 28 Jul 2024
A perfectly serviceable slasher with some creative enough kills and less than subtle societal commentary. I feel I'll probably be disappointed by the sequel, but am still kind of looking forward to it.
Rated 16 Aug 2024
This got me in the mood for a good stuffing.
Rated 17 Aug 2024
Really predictable. When I saw some of the casting, I knew who the killer was and why he was doing it. The gore was nice, and so were some of the kills.
Rated 26 Dec 2023
Eli Roth's take on Black Friday ends up pretty much what you expect it to be. It's definitely a working slasher, with some really fun kills, and one of the more enjoyable Roth movies I've seen. But there's a lot of talking and heavy telegraphing in between, up until a fairly silly finale that's notable for how many (and which) people it does not kill. Eli seems to think people will want future instalments with memorable characters like... that one girl who's not the main girl, and... uh...
Rated 21 Dec 2023
Third-class film.
Rated 18 Nov 2023
Great gore and relateable characters make this one of the best slasher films in years. The identity of the killer is very obvious the moment you actually think about it but I am ok with that because the film is so strong.
Rated 13 Dec 2023
Probably Eli Roth's best film. This is an honest love letter to 80's slashers which delivers exactly what you expect, no more - no less. It acknowledges cell phones & social media, but doesn't turn the film all about them or go too meta. The characters are not that interesting, but it doesn't matter as the killer is menacing. Some of the humor is bordering on ridiculous, but as a whole this was a nice surprise. Removing 10 mins from the runtime would have done wonders on re-watchability.
Rated 12 Dec 2023
Colour me impressed with this Scream-style slasher romp with juuust enough internal logic to pass the test. Talk about a fun time with a movie that does just about everything you want this type of movie to do: hit you with some comedy, loads of entertainment (including, but not limited to, probably the best opening scene of the year), some gruesome and gore-some kills, enjoyable cheese in the performances (especially the teens), and probably (for me) Eli Roth's best work in at least a decade.
Rated 10 Dec 2023
2023'de #IzlediğimFilmler ; 202. Thanksgiving (2023) 2007'den bu yana süren bekleyiş nihayet sona erdi. Yılın en iyi korkularından biri olmuş. Tekrar izlenmesi de keyifli olur.
Rated 09 Dec 2023
audiovisual 67 acting 60 overall feeling 65 avg 64
Rated 08 Dec 2023
Thanksgiving is everything I expect from a modern slasher: brutal, ruthless and clever. A new horror icon is created using today's society and shopping frenzy. Those with sensitive stomachs should be careful, and those who love the genre should not miss it. One of the best and most enjoyable horror movies of the year. (Capitol Spectrum Cineplex - 12/06/2023)
Rated 01 Dec 2023
Started off with some fun Black Friday stuff that had us giggling. But the middle was mostly a low budget, rote high school slasher film that bored. Then the ending with the killer yelling: "This year...there will be no leftovers!" was hilarious again. McDreamy? More like McScreamy.
Rated 23 Nov 2023
So incredibly stupid (but in the fun way). The kills are impressively brutal and the gore is fittingly gratuitous. The comedy lands more often than not also.
Rated 18 Nov 2023
Surprisingly way better than I was expecting. Great themed Slasher film inspired by some of the classics from the past with good kills and sequences. Doesn’t take itself too seriously and simply very entertaining from start to finish.
Rated 20 Dec 2023
Waaaaaay better than I expected. Slasher comedy fans wet dream. Roth nails the tone for this one masterfully. Best kills I may have ever seen from an over the top standpoint. Perhaps 10-15 min shorter would have benefited pacing, but small gripe. Some silly choices here and there, but overall a solid 8.0. Happily surprised.
Rated 13 Dec 2023
Nice to have a throwback horror movie that wasn’t too meta about it and was more focused on you know making a horror movie instead of a political message or some treatise on trauma. Roth keeps his bonehead ideas about society mostly to himself.
Rated 25 Nov 2023
Average slasher with few strong kill scenes. Quite disappointing compared to original Grindhouse trailer, best scenes from it were either skipped or tamed (yeah, they fucked up trampoline scene also). Modernized for today's audiences I guess ...huh.


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