Far from Heaven
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Far from Heaven

1h 47m
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Avg Percentile 61.21% from 1727 total ratings

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Rated 28 Jun 2012
Everyone is sad, all the time, especially when they're happy. Haynes' replication of Sirk's style is on-point. It doesn't feel like it's trying to recreate the '50s, but that horrible/wonderful IDEAL '50s, like Pleasantville did. Does that make sense? Julianne Moore is a goddess. And is it possible that All That Heaven Allows, Ali: Fear Eats the Soul, Far from Heaven is the best trilogy yet made?
Rated 23 May 2011
A fascinating view of how an era in which, unfortunately, people's choices and honest feelings caused society to respond with lack of understanding and outright hatred. A film which doesn't try to rewrite history to be PC but presents things as they were in our country at that time. Also some absolutely beautiful cinematography
Rated 30 Mar 2009
While the presentation is attractive and subject matter thought provoking, I found it difficult to connect with the characters in the slightest. This disconnection kills any lasting emotional impact and renders the experience unsatisfying.
Rated 08 Nov 2015
(Rewatch) Obviously watching this after seeing All That Heaven Allows makes a huge difference, as it's not at all subtle about being an homage/'deconstruction' (and it does get the look right). If anything, it's biggest flaw is not being 'too Hollywood' or whatever i thought of it as a film-illiterate teenager, but that the intertextuality might be too on-the-nose and conceptually overwrought, and it might be more heavy-handed than the films it desperately wants you to know it's referencing.
Rated 17 May 2008
Now if they could just have shared Raymond, everything would've been fine.
Rated 19 Aug 2007
Todd Haynes perfectly catches the high-concept style of filmmaking that made Douglas Sirk a master in every single technical aspect. The acting is stunningly solid from all the actors, especially Julianne Moore in what will probably is the best performance of her carreer.
Rated 22 Nov 2016
I guess I need to watch more Douglas Sirk films to truly get the references, but this stylistic homage/throwback is still neat. Juliane Moore is awesome as usual. The characters are a bit difficult to connect to, they seem caricatural a bit. It's because of the broken convention i think; Had this really been an old timey, would i have related easier to them? Hard to say.
Rated 01 Jan 2012
One of the most gorgeous movies I've seen. Every shot bursts with incredible color. I don't always like the term 'eye candy' but it no doubt applies here. Julianne Moore is one of my favorite actresses and she knocks it out of the park. I wish we made more Sirkian melodramas these days.
Rated 31 Mar 2012
The direction was competent, the cinematography was beautiful, the production design was well-done, & the performances were good. Beyond that, I didn't like it much. It just seemed like such obvious Oscar bait. It was full of clichés: the typical elements of racism (including the one amazing white person who isn't racist), homosexuality, & the dissolution of the family unit. I found myself rolling my eyes a few too many times. I did enjoy parts of it, but I've seen it all before and done better.
Rated 28 Jul 2009
Career-best performances by Moore and Quaid. Should have won them both Oscars. Absolutely gorgeous use of color, as well.
Rated 06 May 2008
I really don't think this did any better at the intended melodramatic appeal than the movies that it took inspiration from. They basically just took All the Heaven Allows, replaced Rock Hudson with Dennis Haysbert, and made Dennis Quaid homosexual instead of dead. I wasn't that thrilled with Douglas Sirk's work, but making the X-TREME 21st century version of it is a trend we need to discourage.
Rated 22 Oct 2007
The homage look and feel of the movie work for it at time and against it others. However, the writing is strong and Moore is incredible as her character balances on a knife's edge.
Rated 01 Jul 2019
I really liked this overall, don't get me wrong, but there was something missing, less than the sum of its parts. The homage elements were done perfectly and Moore in particular was fantastic.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
It gets its tone, look, and targets just right, but then I never came to care about the characters.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Fairly well-acted but it verges on melodrama, and is quite heavy-handed at points.
Rated 27 Sep 2010
To quote Roger Ebert "it plays like a powerful 1957 drama we've somehow never seen before". It's true. "Far From Heaven" is a beautiful, moving, absolutely absorbing film that excels in recapturing the spirit of the 50's. Conspicuously devoid of cynicism or irony, it represents something authentic and treasured that you don't find in films anymore. It is a wonderful homage to Sirk, but also serves as a great film itself, boosting a staggering performance by the always classy Julianne Moore.
Rated 22 Jun 2012
Beautifully shot film and technically quite interesting given the things that Haynes did to pay homage to Sirk. Good acting from Moore and Quaid, and an important (though somewhat dated) social message. However, the supporting characters are as one-dimensional as you can get, with prejudice portrayed by countless stares and whispering crowds. The children were no more than mere props, which was quite distracting.
Rated 05 Apr 2021
I am glad I got to watch a few Sirk movies over the past year to really appreciate this film's love letter to him. My partner made the same joke twice, so I would feel remiss if I did not add it here -- "how much was the leaf budget in this film?"
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A Douglas Sirk-inspired movie that's fueled by excellent performances, cinematography, and music.
Rated 08 Feb 2015
Every single shot is strikingly beautiful, as is the music, as is Julianne Moore in what might be her best role.
Rated 06 Jun 2015
A truly tremendous picture. Pumped for Carol now.
Rated 01 Dec 2015
The influence of Sirk runs very deep in this unmistakably 1950s Connecticut melodrama, but with Haynes's approach decidedly more caricaturistic and tongue-in-cheek where a Sirk would remain sincere and innocent. Haynes advertises his beliefs and feelings so conspicuously in the text as to tantalize the viewer to call bullshit, but they are backed with enough sociohistorical exactitude and psychological sensitivity to make that very difficult.
Rated 21 Jan 2016
A beautiful homage to director Todd Haynes's muse, the 20th century master of melodrama. Strong, nuanced performances by Julianne Moore as a lonely suburban housewife and by Dennis Haysbert as her gardener, with whom she falls in love.
Rated 26 Sep 2016
Fantastic homage to Sirk
Rated 12 Oct 2016
This film resonates wonderfully with Sirk and Fassbinder; having recently seen All that Heaven Allows, it feels like a magnificent echo, and something completely else in its lack of camp and the possibility to discuss previously erased narratives. It's a gorgeous, gorgeous film. Julianne Moore is stunning, playing the role with a Brechtian-like distance and simply reacting. Elmer Bernstein's score, combined with the gold and the crimson of Connecticut's trees makes me weep.
Rated 17 Feb 2024
Mad Men avant Mad Men, but any random Mad Men episode is better than this movie. The "there's more to the perfect home than meets the eye"-catch was maybe a little fresher in 2002. It's been done so much now, it's kind of what you expect in the first place. It looks very great however. The 50s are such a pleasing aesthetical period and Todd Haynes really makes it work
Rated 01 Oct 2022
Whatever. Yes, super riveting to see the 1950s so lushly restored in its art deco beauty & seedier iniquities, and yes, appreciated that it never really strained credulity with any sort of polemic agenda, & the acting was great - but all that and…basically nothing came of any of it. Nothing really happened. No satisfying resolution, just some “slice of life” BS about people making “adult compromises” for the “greater good”. Imagine if this was about lesbians & came to the same tepid resolution!
Rated 29 Jan 2012
About as subtle as a double-barreled shotgun to the face (one barrel labeled NEGROES, the other HOMOS) but damn if its willingness to be so naked in its themes and emotions isn't admirable - not to mention heartbreaking. And given that I'm already biased towards its loving homage to Sirk melodramas, and towards Julianne Moore, I adored it. Plus, man oh man, what a stunningly gorgeous movie.
Rated 13 Apr 2012
Rated 11 Jan 2012
it's perfect in almost every way. Bernstein's haunting score, Haynes' noticeable dedication for the movie and above all glamorous cinematography that perfectly and beliveably reflects '50ies. there would be one thing which may bother me if i do nitpicking, and that is that both lead characters have gotten involved into a marginal situation and i mean they may have chosen one of them (Homosexuality or Racism) and go with it. Day by day i'm realizing that Moore is chosing same roles again'n aga
Rated 15 Sep 2021
sirk was already the self-reflexive sort, his ATHA conscious of the conversation between text and subtext and how it relates to psychological/social structures, which makes todd's more transparently deconstructive tendencies redundant, at times reductive. still, moore's complex, radiant, devastating performance transcends accusations of plasticity, and some of the credit goes to how the blocking, lighting and colour is so attuned to cathy's interiority. i could watch her in this world for days.
Rated 12 Jan 2011
Well-balanced story and a nice use of colors, with both parents dealing with a forbidden love for that time period. It's not really gripping, but Julianne Moore is an excellent actress, I love watching her in anything she does.
Rated 09 Aug 2012
Do people actually like this? Some of the most stupid bullshit I've ever seen.
Rated 07 Apr 2013
Directors can often make the mistake of leaning too heavy with homages when making a picture. But here, Hayes shows how it can be done. His love of 1950's melodrama is evident, as are his brilliant observations on the era's tense social conformity vis-à-vis sexuality & racism. And he's such a talented craftsman that he can remake the look, feel, and sounds of classic cinema so well so that film buffs may wonder how they went so long without seeing this film. One of my Top 10 films ever.
Rated 23 Mar 2014
Rated 25 May 2014
The whole situation at the beginning is way too perfect that it almost made me sick. You knew after, that things would eventually end up far from perfect (or heaven as the title implies). And it did. And it wasn't very interesting or insightful.
Rated 27 Sep 2015
#14#, reviews, story, cast
Rated 22 Nov 2020
Pretty much everything Todd Haynes makes is immaculate. Julianne Moore is incredible again.
Rated 29 Oct 2020
Remake of All That Heaven Allows. Todd Haynes is really succeeded with bringing to us such a realistic melodrama. Far from Heaven is really colorful movie and deals with marital issues what were very extreme when we are talking about 1950's period. Actors are brilliant and movie is in any means flawless.
Rated 16 May 2020
Rated 31 Jul 2019
Rated 11 Aug 2008
Good movie which manages to look and feel like it's made in the 50s or 60s.
Rated 20 Mar 2007
An emotional powerhouse dealing with a lot of subject matter that is tough to go about maturely. Todd Haynes' movie may not be a masterpiece by any stretch but it is thoroughly believable for a period piece and has great performances all around.
Rated 23 Jun 2007
Beautiful and moving tribute to the Douglas Sirk films of the 1950s.
Rated 28 Jun 2007
I don't know jack-shit about Douglas Sirk (haven't seen any of his movies) but I'm sorta looking forward to watching them now. Julianne Moore gives her best performance. The oscar should have been hers.
Rated 03 Aug 2007
Sumptuously-staged but weirdly mannered 50s romance. Haysbert is phenomenal and needs to be in more movies.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
An overpraised 21st century take on Douglas Sirk? Perhaps, but it contains a great performance by Julianne Moore and amazing cinematography, period art direction and score.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Todd Haynes' homage to the stylized melodramas of genre specialist Douglas Sirk (Written on the Wind, Imitation of Life) is a visual treat and boasts strong performances from Julianne Moore, Dennis Quaid, and Patricia Clarkson, but ultimately doesn't quite work due to disjointed storytelling and emotional aloofness.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
I thought it was a fairly nice picture, but I found the message to be as outdated as the timeframe of the movie. I dunno, it just did very little for me.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
As a revised look at the 50s, it only calls to mind how we shouldn't really long for the nostalgic days of old we see on television and the old movies, as under the veneer of good cheer lies an ugly repression, with everyone trapped by having to live life the way others want them to live.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
some very affecting performances, especially quaid and toni collette.
Rated 18 Aug 2007
Great art direction and recreation of the period - great contrast against the subject matter.
Rated 15 Sep 2007
Well made in every way. The cast was very strong.
Rated 16 Nov 2007
This just confirms how much I adore Julianne Moore. She is absolutely amazing. Unfortunately, the rest of the film does not live up to that and it ends up being frustrating because it came so close to being truly good.
Rated 11 Mar 2008
love this shit.
Rated 27 Jul 2008
The Sirk comparison is just so easy. Without really knowing much about the plot I knew what I was in for the second I saw the lavish colors, and I liked this movie quite a bit more than the Sirk film. Haysbert shows that he can be terrific on the big screen, and Quaid shows the fire you love to see. Oh, and Julianne Moore is pretty awesome too.
Rated 06 Dec 2011
I found the repression so overwhelming that I found the film unintentionally hilarious.
Rated 15 Nov 2008
Todd Haynes has no doubt expertly captured the feel of the 50s in this glorious, hip and ironic Romance. Great, great movie that doesn't have a hint of failure or depression.
Rated 10 Feb 2009
Maybe I missed something, but I hate this film. As a Sirk homage it's OK. But morally the film is reprehensible: in its self-referential homage it distances itself from its characters; there's no love felt for any of them. Therefore there's little reason to care for their foibles, and the decisions they make have no basis in realism. Sirk loved all his characters, and he was deconstructing WASPy American suburbia long before this film decided to bludgeon you over the head with it.
Rated 23 Mar 2009
Excellent portrayal of life in the 50s with a perfect script. Near perfection. I still think Haysbert was a little off, but whatever. Film makes up for it.
Rated 10 Jun 2009
I've never seen worse over acting! I can't believe this got nominated for an academy award! This is the worst acting I've seen in a major film.
Rated 07 Oct 2009
In the 50s every white person was a collossal racist with a singular exception. I have serious problems with this movie's content; it is just far too simplistic for a movie that wants to be taken as a serious study of a society. Yea, yea, it's a homage to Sirk or whatever - a film should be able to stand up on its own as entertaining before it begins requiring the viewer to see other movies.
Rated 13 Dec 2009
It is quite effective in its portrayal of the 1950's, but the film as a whole is quite hollow. It's quite difficult to really sink yourself into the picture, despite the strong performance by Julianne Moore.
Rated 26 Jan 2010
A well-crafted woman's picture in the Douglas Sirk tradition. Juliane Moore is very good, and Dennis Quaid is excellent as her closet-case of a husband.
Rated 24 Nov 2010
"This remarkable film's final shot evokes a changing season and perhaps a changing cultural tide." - Ed Gonzalez
Rated 02 Jan 2011
Rated 05 Feb 2007
Longe do Paraíso estreava há 20 anos no Festival de Vancouver. Amei esse filme quando o vi há 20 anos no cinema antes de conhecer Sirk, amei ainda mais depois de todo esse tempo passando o cinema de Sirk a limpo. Belíssima rendição do Haynes, mais uma vez provando que ele nunca faz nada de errado. BlurayRip RARBG.
Rated 15 May 2011
It's a cliché to say this, but this is a great tribute to Douglas Sirk.
Rated 08 Oct 2011
Homage it may be, but for those of us who don't know Douglas Sirk this seems to give little in our current day and age. I was expecting far more complexity from the plot and the morals at play were just a bit too simplistic for a contemporary audience.
Rated 19 Nov 2011
A great and colorful homage to the Hollywood of the 50s. Excelent performances of Julianne Moore and Dennis Haysbert.


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