Into the Storm
Into the Storm
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Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Suspense/Thriller, Action
1h 29m
A group of high school students document the events and aftermath of a devastating tornado. (imdb)

Into the Storm

Suspense/Thriller, Action
1h 29m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 24.91% from 482 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 12 Jun 2021
Dumb, boring characters who make even dumber decisions. "I gotta get footage of this fire tornado, or I'll lose my job...just a little closer....OH GOD WHY!!!!" And don't get me started on the physics. 20,000 lb trucks being lifted off the ground while the humans walk to their cars for safety with little resistance. To say this film is shit, would be an insult to shit. It's a solid turd that needs more fiber!
Rated 16 May 2015
Comparisons to Twister are obviously inevitable but other than tornadoes this film lacks everything else that made that terrible movie so entertaining. No charm, wit or anything resembling a charismatic lead.
Rated 01 Feb 2015
Have you always wanted to see Twister made with handheld footage? Oh you haven't? Me neither.
Rated 09 Nov 2014
Around ten minutes of epic stormy action and the rest lamely grasps at meaningfulness.
Rated 25 Sep 2014
It's lame. Period. The trailer is even better than the movie. Enough said.
Rated 14 Aug 2014
If this was more fire tornado and less whatever the hell else happened it would be kinda good.
Rated 28 Jun 2015
In my defense, I never wanted to see this mess. This is one of the least effective disaster films I have ever seen. Into the Storm has nothing mediocre or better besides its visual effects, but even they feel like a "look at what we can do 18 years after Twister" and lend very little to the film itself. The characters are flatter than the prairies that the tornadoes in the film destroy, as are the plot and acting. Nothing about this movie does anything to make it worth watching.
Rated 03 Nov 2014
Spectacular, but I found it at times annoyingly spectacular. Have a look at that ending. This film doens't add one single thing to all the previous movies about hurricanes. The story is the same old story about a son struggling with his dad, coping with loss, hungering for teenage love, mixed with the same old dumb nitwits we get to see in every disaster movie. Nothing special.
Rated 26 Aug 2014
There's little lurking beneath the surface here. Into the Storm is barely two-dimensional, let along three. But man: those two dimensions are intense. As disaster movies go, this is among the better ones, delivering a genuine sense of danger, and maintaining it for a well-judged 89 minutes. A brutally intense watch, even though the characters are wooden stereotypes.
Rated 19 Aug 2014
This movie did two things very wrong: 1) not enough focus on the havoc-wreaking, fucking-up-your-shit tornadoes (and firenadoes, there's only one of them in this movie, which is way too few), to instead focus on lifeless, boring characters who we don't give a shit about, and 2) not casting the Dudesons as the hilbillies.
Rated 08 Aug 2014
Better than your average storm chasing movie. Special effects were the star of the show for which Quale deserves kudos for fitting everything together.
Rated 25 Apr 2023
Very much a B movie, with forgettable characters and an inconsistent implementation of the found footage concept, but if you, like me, have a soft spot for Twister and like seeing tornadoes fuck shit up, then this is (mostly) a good time.
Rated 23 Oct 2022
I had this movie on my watchlist but after I started actually watching it, it took me a while to remember that I've already seen it. Characters staring at tornadoes instead of running away from them, boring attempts of making us emotionally connect to the characters, destruction you don't really care about because it goes so overboard that all you can think of it is the CGI and you feel distanced from any thrilling action that the situations might provide.
Rated 22 Mar 2022
Lost potential, and some dumb comedy scenes. If some ideas where pushed more it could haven been in the high 60’s
Rated 05 Jan 2022
It’s terrible, but it’s also accidentally (?) hilarious. Lots of yelling by square jawed men, and extras moving in hive like swarms. Not only every natural disaster trope, but also a fair few monster movie & horror tropes, in which the twister becomes like Jaws or a velociraptor with its own alien, malevolent consciousness of sorts. Like it’s *trying* to eat them.
Rated 02 Jan 2022
Not as bad as I was expecting. Special effects were good.
Rated 09 Jun 2021
Check list: 1) Cast disfunctional family 2) slap them in some terrific (and some not so terrific) CGI 3) end the movie with a functioning family and happy smiling faces (despite having no job, loads of people dying, & the neighbourhood completely destroyed). Seen it before, eh? That negativity aside, I had a great time watching this. Sure I was more interested in what I would do if I was about to die in a water filled bunker with the girl of my dreams, but that says more about me than the film
Rated 02 Apr 2021
Not a really good idea going into the STORM. Just avoid please.
Rated 03 Oct 2018
There's a scene where one of the more pathetic characters is lit on fire then sucked into the air. Maybe if the whole movie had been a brutal series of escalating creative kills, with a single survivor of the tornado-as-slasher, it would have worked.
Rated 22 Sep 2018
Surprisingly enjoyable, not the least because of the bottom-low expectations I had. The mockumentary aspect was enjoyable and well-done for the most part, and brought some freshness into the film, taking in consideration the over-done genre and the severely exploited tropes that we are all too familiar with. The film is no shape or form a great film - not even good, in the classical sense - but proceeding with low expectations, one can only be pleasantly surprised.
Rated 25 Nov 2017
Decently done for a TV movie. Cheesy as hell though.
Rated 07 Aug 2017
It's trite and predictable, only occasionally good thanks to the special effects and the artificial characterization that found-footage offers, but that's it.
Rated 30 Jan 2016
If you're a big fan of nineties disaster movies (like my boyfriend is), this "Twister" update is for you. Otherwise, it's very skippable - despite some surprisingly good special effects, none of the characters are compelling or even memorable in the slightest, which sucks all the fun out of the proceedings.
Rated 22 Oct 2015
Rated 15 Sep 2015
One crude high schooler says, "It only matters that I'm alive. I'm just thankful that I'm alive." Other characters assert after the storm that "being together is all that matters" and that people should "take life one day at a time." Although the world certainly needs to hear these messages, none of the hope and happiness that these characters show in the aftermath of the tornadoes' destruction quite makes sense.
Rated 09 Sep 2015
The acting looks as terrible as the area where the tornado raged ...
Rated 07 Sep 2015
Fun disaster film if you don't expect too much.
Rated 24 Feb 2015
I liked watching the Tornados.
Rated 07 Jan 2015
Really ridiculous premise but fun.
Rated 03 Dec 2014
Into The Storm is unbelievable and so not original. It is like a cheap knock-off of Cloverfield (the 'camera-angle') and obviously Twister. Did not feel this movie at all... 29/100.
Rated 19 Nov 2014
Starts out fairy rote and then ends saccharine. There are some neat moments and the special effects aren't terrible, but this is just bad. It's interesting because this film is kind of the death of found footage. As the movie goes on, the FF style just gradually falls apart. First there's non-diegetic music, then by the end whole scenes have rejected the in-camera.
Rated 03 Nov 2014
Great effects, lame story and mediocre acting! Perfect movie for a hangover Sunday!
Rated 30 Oct 2014
if you like brilliant effects and fascinated by tornados like me you'll enjoy it very much... if you re looking for logic, good acting, decent storyline go find another movie:)
Rated 29 Oct 2014
If this film had embraced more of its cheesy comedic elements I might have enjoyed it more. As is, it's boring, predictable disaster porn pablum.
Rated 28 Oct 2014
Ticks every disaster movie cliche box and wastes too much time on sentimentality and bad comic relief but it's mercifully short and has some tension and a few arresting images to make it worth a look
Rated 28 Sep 2014
But bad movies can have good messages in them, and here we see a father and his sons pull together when the weather seems determined--at times, quite literally--to rip them apart. Allison finds that her own priorities get more properly reset in the midst of the storm. And this flick shows us a very positive dynamic we've come to expect in real life, too: When disaster hits, we unearth the capacity to come together and care about one another more. And that's a nice thing. (
Rated 22 Sep 2014
Despite being a tad corny, its a modern 'Twister' and there is enough here to make it enjoyable.
Rated 04 Sep 2014
Epic storm cannot save the lameness of this.
Rated 27 Aug 2014
I came out of this film with mixed feelings. I think some of CGI looked pretty impressive and there was a lot of enjoyable big action set pieces. I just have a real issue with movies using the handheld camera as part of the storyline. This method doesn't work for me in horror or with action movies. The story goes through the usual disaster movie cliché moments but some scenes do get the heart racing.
Rated 24 Aug 2014
Considering the joy, adrenaline, suspense and technical savvy that director Quale injected into the murmering pulse of the Final Destination franchise, Into The Storm represents a huge setback for the promising director. This sophomore effort is more in the league of forgettable PG13 thrillers for the megamall masses such as Shark Night or Piranha 3DD; poorly thought out and executed with flavorless mediocrity. Even given a qualifier "Disaster Porn" categorization, this just isn't worth it.
Rated 17 Aug 2014
There's some solid segments to this, and some storylines in it that are enjoyable, but they're not the ones the movie really wants to focus on. Tornadoes are certainly scary though. Especially fire tornado.
Rated 15 Aug 2014
Wow, people really seemed to hate this. Interesting. On spectacle ALONE I would say this is worth seeing. Don't get me wrong, the characters and plot are super-wooden and straightforward. If the flick survives at all it survives sheerly on the pre-packaged idea of "this happens, then it escalates a bunch until it stops", as well as some fairly superficial & surface sentimentality. Also, this flick is loud. Almost obtrusively so. I've definitely seen worse, even this year. It worked okay for me.
Rated 09 Aug 2014
I enjoyed it


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