Ricky Stanicky
Ricky Stanicky
Ricky Stanicky

Ricky Stanicky

1h 53m
When three childhood best friends pull a prank that goes wrong, they invent the imaginary Ricky Stanicky to get them out of trouble. Twenty years later, they still use the nonexistent Ricky as a handy alibi for their immature behavior.
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Ricky Stanicky

1h 53m
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Avg Percentile 36.22% from 147 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 08 Mar 2024
It’s stupid but very enjoyable at the same time. It is like fast of furious of the lying movies.
Rated 09 Mar 2024
Cena is the star here, and some of the jokes land well, but when they started getting into after school special emotions they lost me. 5.3
Rated 09 Mar 2024
Cena is really funny, but the second half leans way too much into character arcs for really thin characters and drops most of the humor.
Rated 10 Mar 2024
I'll be honest, I wanted to like it from the start and so I liked it.
Rated 27 Mar 2024
Has one very funny gag (Cena's dirty songs) and that's about it. Still the cast is alright and it zips along just fine, solid background noise.
Rated 31 Mar 2024
Pointless and flat. Characters learn nothing from lying and Cena's antics never ascend beyond toilet humor. It's almost never funny and the song parodies are only worth a chuckle, partly due to Cena dressing up. It feels like half of a movie. It's missing the fall. It's missing redemption. It's missing the sentimentality. It's also missing true friendship. If you have the opportunity to see this movie, just lie and say you're seeing your friend Freddy McTeddy instead.
Rated 25 Jul 2024
John Cena has always been a master at making cringe work.
Rated 16 Mar 2024
The premise may not be original, but it brings us a passable raunchy comedy. It is a dumb movie, but if you keep enough suspension of disbelief, it has cheap laughs that will make it worth a watch.
Rated 16 Jul 2024
Script might seem clunky sometimes and friendship material doesn't always land where it's supposed, but it's amazing how it works big time both as an old Farrelly flick -- lots of dick jokes and physical gags that made me laugh hard as hell -- and as a post-Academy Award Farrelly flick trying to make sense of his risky-but-lovely cinema and heartwarming approach to flawed, fucked-up characters in the era of woke culture -- RS at the bris ceremony. Cena provides the performance of his career. Wow
Rated 19 Jun 2024
Hayali arkadaş. Çocukluk yaşlarında her türlü yaramazlığı hayali arkadaşlığı Ricky Stanicky'e suçu atıp, büyüyünce bu yalanı kullanmaya başlar. Ta ki Ricky Stanicky kim diye herkes sorunca? İlginç 1 konusu olan film, anlık komedi anlarıyla gülümsetiyor. John Cena çok iyi. Eğlenceli ve komik. Filmin sonunda, herşey ortaya çıkıyor. Ne diyon lan sen? Sen ne diyon lan?
Rated 06 Jun 2024
I did not expect this movie to be somehow funny, but I laughed.
Rated 29 May 2024
In fear of sounding very old; I think this is how good comedies in this decade gets. The time when Jim carey, Steve Carell, Adam Sandler, brendan frasier, bill murray etc etc made me laugh my ass off is over, and I rarely laugh at movies any more. However this was pretty decent compared to all other crap that has been made the last 10 years.
Rated 12 Jul 2024
very stupid, very funny, amazing acting by john cena and a wholesome ending
Rated 30 Apr 2024
Bad movie but definitely some laugh out loud moments. If you like Farelly Brothers movies, you’ll like this one.
Rated 13 Apr 2024
Not exactly what I would call 'funny' but very competently shot, performed, and I did enjoy the story and the various reveals along the way.
Rated 08 Apr 2024
All points are for Cena, who is really the only reason you were watching anyway. There's not much else here.
Rated 07 Apr 2024
Efron continues his quest to appear in stupider and stupider comedies, this one barely featuring more than a few of what I'd even really consider "jokes." Scenes drag on and what scant comedic energy there is badly lags. John Cena's whole "John Cena is WACKY!" bit he's done a bunch of times now is wearing kinda thin.
Rated 31 Mar 2024
I wanted to like it more - the take-away message of second chances, not lying, and a blueprint of how to live a better life seemed good, but it doesn't really get there naturally and feels completely forced in at the last second (ironically, the final video special that seems to fix everything is also a lie, pretty much flying in the face of it's own message). The movie has some laughs, but a lot didn't land, and it ends up feeling very hollow when all is said and done.
Rated 28 Mar 2024
Remember when these 'comedy' movies were actually funny? And did you know more than 10 screenwriter worked on this piece of art?
Rated 24 Mar 2024
Rated 24 Mar 2024
Very routine stuff and it doesn’t stick its ending, but it’s an easy evening’s entertainment with some solid laughs.
Rated 17 Mar 2024
It's not that good and it's been done before for part of it. The originality was the way it was raunchy, though, over all, John Cena was doing all the work in this
Rated 17 Mar 2024
The first half is definitely better than the second. Cena is the life of this film and truly is phenomenal. What does not work is the film gets preachy about second chances but shows there are very little consequences to ones actions. I understand it is a feel good R Rated Romp but there should have been some sort of real attempt a message. Not a gift wrapped ending that so many of these movies opt for.
Rated 17 Mar 2024
I might have liked it more if it hadn't overstretched its reach. Even an unrealistic concept in a comedy can break suspension of disbelief and stop being funny at some point. The cast give it their all, tho.
Rated 12 Mar 2024
I'll be the first to admit that it's not great simply because the jokes just didn't land as often as they should for a comedy, but the premise and John Cena do a lot of work here to make this entertaining. There's some decent sentimentality at the end, and watching the cast interact is fun.
Rated 09 Mar 2024
Ricky Stanicky is a hilarious comedy, but equally importantly is a movie with a wonderful message. It's all about second chances, moving past lies, healing from trauma and the healing power of doing good in the world. Some characters are massive jerks throughout the movie, but in the end they learn and grow from the accidental (and hilarious to watch) shenanigans that happen. I'd contrast it against something like The Hangover series, which has no heart or intentioning behind their message.


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