Conquest of the Planet of the Apes

Conquest of the Planet of the Apes

1h 28m
In a futuristic society where ape slavery has taken over the world, Caesar, the son of the late simians Cornelius and Zira, surfaces after 20 years in hiding out from the authorities, and prepares for a slave revolt against humanity. (imdb)
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Conquest of the Planet of the Apes

1h 28m
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Avg Percentile 35.85% from 707 total ratings

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Rated 19 Oct 2008
This is the film that finally breaks all personal and Sci-Fi connections to the series and we're left with 'apes' as an anachronistic proxy for racial violence. Gone are the prominent personalities from the first three: Taylor, Zira, Cornelius. Fans of passionate Roddy McDowall speechs (a la Cleopatra) should get a kick out the ending.
Rated 07 May 2024
Possibly the best one in this original series. I love how every film has taken a different approach to this story.
Rated 03 Jan 2012
I only half-watched the last 40 minutes, to be honest. I've now gotten thorough 4 of the 5 original films, the 2001 remake, and the 2011 reboot. That's 6 of the 7 films seen. Of those, (sorry to those who love the 2011 version,) the original 1968 film is the only one that's really worth seeing. Given that track record, I'm not going to bother seeing Battle for the Planet of the Apes. Having been burned 5 times in a row, it's not even tempting.
Rated 26 Feb 2024
The decision to bring the apes back to present time is finally justified as the apes fulfill their prophecy and take over the world. A consistent, more serious tone than the previous entry is more appropriate and I'm amazed how better this looks even with a smaller budget. However, while this is a really fun story there just isn't enough here to warrant its meager 88 minute runtime as scenes are stretched to their limits and beyond.
Rated 23 Sep 2007
Actually kind of bad-assed. All of the civil rights parallels aside, I liked watching the apes kick some ass. Mindless fun.
Rated 27 Feb 2018
They don't make franchises like this anymore. Instead of offering new adventures of familiar characters, scripter Paul Dehn continues to leap decades between films in an attempt to build one long circular story about how the planet came to be. It's inspired stuff & this chapter wastes no time starting out as ugly & bleak possible & racing towards its end. The climax arrives so quickly in fact, that the film has nothing left to do but let it tiresomely play out for what feels like half an hour.
Rated 16 Aug 2009
With this installment planet of the apes reached level of pure exploitation cinema. And not even decent at that. Some excessive violence, terrible writing, small budget that shows...
Rated 18 May 2017
Humans trying to repress the ability of apes that are getting smarter while still trying to have them learn enough to be their slaves was very interesting. Maybe I am just a cynical bastard but I don't doubt that humans would potentially do that. I'm not sure if I liked the story elements more than in Rise. Rise had to do more story wise without a lead-in movie, but the slavery bits were more interesting than humans just being buttholes to primates.
Rated 16 Nov 2018
Conquest is a mixed bag. The decreasing budget is starting to reflect in the choice of locations and the makeup. The movie feels somewhat incomplete with some rushed scenes which probably should have been expanded for the sake of Caesar's character. That being said. There are some interesting ideas, cool riot scenes, dystopian visuals and an astoundingly haunting monologue from Roddy McDowel at the very end.
Rated 27 Apr 2007
Way too much speechifying. OK OK yeah yeah, this movie is about the Watts riots, we get it, we get it
Rated 21 Feb 2008
The most fun of the PotA sequels. The scene where a chimp brings Caesar a tea-strainer instead of a weapon is hilarious.
Rated 22 Nov 2011
That's some seriously fast evolution, right there.
Rated 26 Oct 2007
Really boring and tired.
Rated 19 Nov 2008
Dodges the pitfalls of some of the others, like the ridiculous atmosphere of the previous film. However, this one has some of the most forced writing I've ever heard in a mainstream film, and it lacks any likeable characters or relatable plot. It has some ideas, like the other sequels, but fails to execute them. The fact that the apes are humans in (bad) monkey suits is more obvious than ever. For a fourth installlment in a series that was tired after the first film, it's just what you'd expect.
Rated 28 Dec 2008
I don't like all the films from this classic sci-fi saga.
Rated 14 Nov 2014
Comparing black slaves to speechless apes is something I personally would not have done. Fun fact: the screams of "No! Halt! and "No! There's more!" are actually reactions from a test screening and were dubbed into the movie.
Rated 29 May 2024
Conquest forgoes the silly tone offering instead a predominately night-shot Orwellian fascist state. The costuming & themes are a little too overt, but fit the plot well. McDowall's Caesar is good, especially the physicality. Rhodes does well with decent character depth, and Murray delivers equal parts charm, sleaze & rage. That said, this film is plagued by problems, mostly due to its low budget making the climactic action scene look amateurish. The pacing is also bad as scenes often drag.
Rated 15 Jan 2019
It's the 90s now, apes are used as slaves by humans and the survived son of Zira and Cornelious leads a revolt against them. I liked the whole concept of apes as slaves portrayed in the movie and Ceasars revolt against it. Like the whole series its very bleak and pessimistic about human nature.
Rated 25 Aug 2019
The least interesting movie of all the original series in my opinion. The juxtaposition of the human's society compared to the ape's society in the first movie is a nice touch. The ape uprising is still very unbelievable and only happens due to plot reasons. It's better than the Battle for the Planet of the Apes, which follows, but it feels less substantial.
Rated 27 Aug 2021
This has possibly the most sledgehammer heavy social metaphor in all of science fiction cinema, but I liked the black turtlenecked fascist dystopia of chrome-and-glass downtown LA. The major failing is the amended ending, based on poor audience reactions to the nihilistic original. Keeping that in would have raised my score, and could have served as a bleak conclusion to the entire franchise. Also, am I crazy or did the people behind Westworld S3 rip this off and replace the apes with robots?
Rated 11 Dec 2023
The timeline is kind of a mess now, and it has many cheesy elements from its soundtrack to blood that all looks like bright red paint. But I admired its revolutionary spirit and Roddy McDowall’s performance through a full face of makeup and prosthetics is majestic.
Rated 05 May 2024
This movie is less interested in exploring the ramifications of its premise and just being a direct racial metaphor in the cheesiest way possible, going so far as to literally have villains dress up like Nazi's. Going from admiration to resentment is not illogical in context but there's less an exploration of what apekind is juxtaposed with humanity and moreso just a bunch of goofball racial allegories I couldn't take seriously. At least it doesn't diminish its prequels, though.
Rated 10 May 2024
The 1970s racism was the backdrop for "Conquest of the Planet of the Apes," which had a theme of revolt against suppression. The film primarily involved small bands engaged in chaotic combat, culminating in an extended speech at the end.
Rated 11 Aug 2011
The first movie is great, and the rest in the saga all have some nice part and then the most of them are from bad to decent. The best part on this one is everything related to ape slavery industry as a concept (but only the concept, not the result), and the idea of Caesar in the middle of that. But once that's done, the rest is quite bad and not specially enjoyable.
Rated 24 Aug 2011
It's hardly enjoyable, but the last 30 minutes are the best of all sequels.
Rated 27 Jan 2012
enormous gaps in logic to ignore(or to find yourself unable to ignore), the human villains are Nazi caricatures, and there is an unintentionally hilarious scene where the enslaved apes slowly begin to wreak havoc by doing things like dumping over trash cans while Ceaser looms mere feet away looking like a devilish hypnotist...but for its faults, Conquest at least seems to be TRYING, and I must give it credit for that.
Rated 17 Mar 2010
Not the best entry in the series, but not the worst. Actually a fairly ordinary Future Dystopian Uprising movie with apes.
Rated 27 Nov 2014
The novelty of "laughably bad" wears off quickly, it's just pure torture after that.
Rated 04 Feb 2012
This is simlar to the 2011 version, but this one is not that well executed.
Rated 24 Jun 2017
These things get dumber and sillier with as the franchise goes along. This only works for me through its plot and its association with its prequels. Very weak ending, though. What a let-down.
Rated 06 Mar 2010
The series begins its downslide here with less convincing makeup and a talky, heavy-handed script salvaged by good acting by McDowall and Montalban and an exciting climax apparently inspired by the Watts riots in Los Angeles.
Rated 24 Jun 2012
Awesome if too short. The cop-out ending doesn't help.
Rated 08 Aug 2011
The success of this franchise in the 70s can only be linked to a) timely social commentary & b) that even in this fourth entry, they really know how to climax their movie. Otherwise, this is just shit that refuses to make any logical sense past the message it's imparting.
Rated 03 Sep 2013
* Casting, Acting : 3.5 * Script : 5 * Directing, Aura : 4 * Ease of Viewing : 4.5 * Naked Eye : 4.5
Rated 22 Mar 2007
Once again, let's forget small things like plot holes and coherence with previous films and just apreciate this vision of a fascistic future where our brother apes are enslaved, ok?
Rated 04 Oct 2017
"Conquest of the Planet of the Apes" has its highs and lows. For instance, Armando and Caesar hiding from the authorities and, especially, Armando being questioned are particularly interesting subplots that captivate the viewer's sympathy. Nevertheless, I can't help but feel that this is a by-the-book, predictable and for the most part rather nerveless continuation of the story, each trademark motif's rehash indicating that maybe the first film's intelligent originality is now a bit dried up.
Rated 20 Dec 2008
Now wer're moving again
Rated 10 Dec 2009
Lacks the bite or wit of its predecessors and instead goes for outright thoughtless shock. Gaping logic holes and the flimsy plot is strained well past its breaking point. Characters act with very little reason or justification. Roddy McDowall does give an admirable performance, with what little he has to work with.
Rated 03 Sep 2015
Really great, if a tad cheesy. But I love cheesy sci fi, so that's OK. The ending really stuck with me. The roles are switched. The former ''good guys'' become the ''bad guys''.
Rated 30 Dec 2011
It's just 'okay'.
Rated 15 Oct 2008
One of the more violent installments in the Ape series, but it works well as experimental fiction.
Rated 19 Dec 2011
A vast improvement over the previous two films. The makeup isn't so good anymore, but the movie itself is very enjoyable and thoughtful.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Hmmm, like all tripe, this best served hot I guess


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