Er ist wieder da

Er ist wieder da

1h 56m
Adolf Hitler wakes up to find himself in the 21st century. From there he pursues a career as a standup comedian. (imdb)
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Er ist wieder da

1h 56m
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Avg Percentile 51.46% from 657 total ratings

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Rated 16 Apr 2016
No Travolta or Alley, weird nonsensical sequel in the Look Who 's saga of films. You thought talking dogs was crazy, heh. It's so weird watching something and thinking "Man, this Hitler guy is fun" then looking at your shelf and seeing Shoah burning at you.
Rated 02 Apr 2016
What if Adolf Hitler didn't die in 1945 and instead was transported 70 years into the future.... the most scary thing is that he might have had a place in this day and age with the culture clashes and swarms of refugee causing anger across Europe. This satire triggers into this in a corny and humorous way as Hitler tries adjust to the modern mindset looking for support for his cause. And it works rather well. Plenty of laughs and WTF moments. So I'm thankful that it was as funny as it was.
Rated 17 Apr 2016
It's kind of like if Borat spoke German and was named Adolf Hitler. It's funny and disturbing but definitely entertaining.
Rated 06 Dec 2015
This movie refuses to let itself get caught. It starts off as a fairly straightforward and even potentially dull comedy, but soon enough its self-awareness starts showing, and the movie never comes up for air. You never quite know where the emotional and moral core of this movie lie, and every time you think you do, you're wrong. Although the events unfolding are never unclear, the meaning of everything is all the more ambiguous. Together with the sharp comedy, it's what makes this movie great.
Rated 05 Sep 2016
The comparison between modern-day Germany's rise in the alt-right and Nazism is quite a stretch, but I do think the film makes a valid point in that modern day society can easily be won over with sentiments of fear mongering and the line between comedy and actual racism can be a hard to define at times. The message of the film is not balanced and is obviously biased, but it works with enough subtlety to not be overly grating and the twist at the end was pretty clever.
Rated 22 Nov 2016
holy shit this was very well made
Rated 28 Jun 2016
It is certainly not meant to be a cinematic masterpiece (but who cares, fuck the cinema). I think everybody should watch it; not just because it is funny but also, so as to see that it was German people who elected Hitler to power and once again similar populists can be elected with the help of rhetoric and media power (as Hitler himself tells us; multiple ironies here!). very relevant.
Rated 23 Jun 2018
The way this movie is done is totally wrong. In an attempt to make you realize Hitler's ideology could come back nowadays, it does the exact opposite effect and makes you sympathize with him, and showcases people who agree with him. The ones who disagree are portrayed as crazy. On top of that the acting is lame, the movie looks low budget, and the humor is low tier for a comedy. The only good bit that makes it a 1 and not a 0 is the parody of that one scene from Der Untergang.
Rated 11 Mar 2017
This film is quite self-aware. Its title character is ostensibly the wickedest man in German history, yet his emergence is seen as a joke rather than something alarming. Most understandably assume he's an impersonator, yet he's the real deal. This drives home the movie's central message, that we don't want to recognize fascism even as it stares us in the face. Hitler remains an obsession for many in our time, but few truly appreciate the factors that led to his rise in the first place.
Rated 13 Jan 2019
Not as good as the hilarious audiobook. Even verges on the terrible when it goes into German TV tropes, but does have the great addition of sending Hitler out into real Germany - even if that would have been a lot more powerful if the real and the enacted scenes were more clearly separated.
Rated 01 Aug 2017
didaktik ton yer yer haklı amacına zarar verecek duruma geliyor olsa da böylesi fikirleri boğmadan veya hiç etmeden kullanma zorluğunu çok iyi aşmışlar. satirin her katmanda işliyor olması da metni ayrı bir seviyeye taşıyor. hem ismen bir iblis sembolüne dönüştürülmesindeki ezber problemi, hem hali hazırda sağ popülizmin tehlikeli yükselişi ve normalleşme süreci, ve hatta normalin kendisiyle liberal düzene olan aşırı güven... hepsi bir arada hayli komik işliyor.
Rated 01 Apr 2022
A bit confusing at times but overall a pleasant surprise of interesting premise and politically incorrect themes. Especially thematically I was pleasantly surprised, even if the result scared me a bit in these ever-increasing times of populism. I believe it's funnier if you know German because the translation was horrible on times. I really liked the not-so-happy-ending. Acting felt a bit odd at times (not Hitler) and some supporting roles felt a bit forced. Overall worth a watch.
Rated 11 Mar 2021
Too apologetic, no mention of amphetamine addiction.
Rated 26 Apr 2016
Started out like a dull Hitler parody, then emerged as a pretty serious movie, also with bits of great comedy ( apart from the imitated scene from Der Untergang ) , but in the end the message was quite ambigious, different people can get different meaning from the film. Always good.
Rated 04 Sep 2016
Not only hilarious, but also quite serious in its critique of the modern society. It's not great to see Hitler happy in the end.
Rated 03 Oct 2016
This is one sharply written, unexpected comedy. A few scenes are admittedly dull and predictable, but boy does it shine in its high points. It mixes this dark, macarbe sensibility with a cynical view of humanity, while still being hilarious. Recommended.
Rated 14 Jul 2018
One of those adaptations that was always going to struggle to replicate the book and its heavy reliance on first-person interior monologue. Masucci looks the part and gives a fun performance, but the film doesn't find enough comedic gold, and gives too much time to peripheral characters like the journalist. Neither does it really succeed in holding up a mirror to modern society as it was intended to.
Rated 26 Jan 2019
Above par execution (although it succumbs to cliches a few times), but the best part of this movie is its Arendtian message. Even more celebrated movies often times feel the need to portray a stronger distinction between good and evil, and focus on the good in all of us etc. Not this movie. It's as real as it gets (although it becomes too didactic in the end but you can skip over that part)
Rated 07 Apr 2016
Often funny, though I feel some of the humour may have been lost in translation. Not nearly as clever as I would have liked it to have been, but enjoyable nonetheless. The satire is on point, though still leaves you mildly unsettled by the end.
Rated 29 Jun 2016
The idea here is very interesting and Masucci is excellent as the lead. Has several moments that are either very insightful or very funny. However, there are many problems outside of those moments. The story is too meandering, the supporting cast is mostly lackluster, and the direction is way too slapstick for the material. Worth seeing just to check out something different, though.
Rated 06 Jul 2020
It was fun to watch, also this movie shows nothing really changed in 80 years after the third reich.
Rated 24 Sep 2016
Fremdschamen for the "Borat moments", but the second half is simply brilliant, even if you don't agree with the "fear the modern hitlers!" message. Democracy is always in danger, and often people would agree with most of Hitler ideas if they had not the bias toward Nazi. Because the bias was put more on Hitler and Nazis then on their ideals and their view on society. But through a laugh everything pass.
Rated 16 Mar 2017
The comedy plot is so-so but is justified by the gonzo-style sections of "Hitler" interacting with real people that it enables. A film for the Trump era.
Rated 05 Jul 2018
ger; [er ist wieder da]; hitler wacht plötzlich im 21. jahrhundert in berlin auf und versucht in der modernen welt zurecht zu kommen - als comedian bringt er die menschen wieder zusammen.;
Rated 16 May 2016
The patronising and unnecessary scenes at the end depicting real-life contemporary right wing movements and demonstrations in Europe where so over-the-top, propagandistic and Orwellian that they made me sympathize with Geert Wilders and Pegida.
Rated 19 Feb 2023
the most emotionally conflicting film i have seen, the ending credits makes you truly imagine and ponder. it is a absolute chamber of reflection on yourself, from your own beliefs which might overlap ever so slightly too suddenly thinking you are wrong even when correct. this is a pro radacalisation film, but also the best anti radacalisation film. this clash makes you truly lost in the moment
Rated 06 Apr 2016
some surprisingly good moments, carried by a rudimentary and mediocre plot which was too in between clever and over the top for me. the message ended up being more current than originally intended, though.
Rated 03 Apr 2017
okay movie
Rated 13 Mar 2020
☆ A super cool topic for discussion. Love watching this movie with friends, and hearing their angle on it. The film itself is funny, and the performances are good, but I think the concept is what really shines here. ☆
Rated 17 Jan 2016
hihihihihi..... 88...... gihihihihihihi
Rated 06 May 2016
Not funny most of the times, bad acting all around and a totally failed attempt at satire at the end.
Rated 30 Jul 2016
I expected too much out of this flick, and that's partly due to IMDB's false description of the film's premise. I will have to spoil the premise for you, so be warned: (spoiler) Hitler is not pursuing a career of comedy, he is pursuing his goal of world domination, just as he used to do in WWII, but people just happen to think that he is a comedian. It's interesting and at times appears to be set up as a mockumentary in the vein of Borat, but the writing and acting leaves something to be desired
Rated 13 May 2016
Huge potential for comedy here but it takes an age to get going then squanders the potential by becoming a wet liberal fart trying to paint being anti-mass immigration as being Nazi-like, well Hitler was also an environmentalist oh but that's not liberal agenda comedy so let's just crap out a damp squib of a film and call it satire.
Rated 06 Mar 2019
"Hang this on your wall and hang yourself next to it"
Rated 08 Jul 2018
The nearly straight portrayal of Adolf Hitler is done in a very entertaining way that makes the movie watchable. However, the ultimate punchline of this movie doesn't quite work as intended as there just is no deeper meaning to it.
Rated 23 Jul 2021
Try to imitating kubrick style been a very big mistake in this movie. 100 to the super funny first half and 45 to the second one. Sad :(
Rated 09 Apr 2016
Surprisingly clever in many aspects, with some stupid bits inbetween. While Oliver Masuccis performance is great, everyone else is mediocre at best. Worth watching for the good parts.


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