The Green Inferno
The Green Inferno
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The Green Inferno

The Green Inferno

Suspense/Thriller, Horror
1h 40m
A group of student activists travel from New York City to the Amazon to save a dying tribe but crash in the jungle and are taken hostage by the very natives they protected. (imdb)

The Green Inferno

Suspense/Thriller, Horror
1h 40m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 26.85% from 427 total ratings

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Rated 26 Dec 2017
Eli Roth is that really cool friend you have that you love hanging out with but he keeps asking you to come check out his band. And his band sucks.
Rated 14 May 2018
Bit of a challenge to sit through, which is disappointing as the premise had some potential. The dialogue was rank, the characters were unlikeable, the acting wasn't great and I think there was something off with the editing - it just didn't flow effectively. Even the gore didn't have the effect it should have. The only thing I really liked was the way the colours leapt off the screen. The old Italian cannibal films weren't classics, but they had loads more charm than this.
Rated 03 Oct 2015
For whatever little this may be worth, this is easily Eli Roth's best film. I respect it for mounting an attempt at a return to real, visceral, gore-soaked, pulse-pounding horror. There are a couple pretty great sequences, albeit some dragging and repetition between them. The movie also should have ended two minutes earlier (and not had a stupid-ass end credits tag). Lorenza Izzo is great as the protagonist; the camera just loves her and her big doe eyes.
Rated 14 Jun 2016
Was there not enough money in the budget to give these actors lessons? Besides star Izzo, everyone else seemed like they've never been in front of a camera before. The plot is so thin that it doesn't deserve mentioning...this is all about the gore, but it becomes "bore" all too quickly. I LOL'd when shortly after watching their friend get chopped up to pieces live and then eaten, the group of prisoners are grossed out by one of them defecating in the cage, complete with cartoony fart noises.
Rated 02 Feb 2016
I'm saddened that this didn't turn out the way it could have, should have. The entire possibility of the rogue going native to save the tribe, as was initially teased, was entirely missing. Rather we get a sappy tacked on "they helped me" ending.
Rated 25 Jan 2016
While this wasn't nearly as bad as thought it would be, it still doesn't offer anything new. Then again, I really hate all of these gore-driven films, so I probably should have known better. Eli Roth's directing is terrible and the quality doesn't actually look too bad, but it has some clumsy writing. Should be good if you enjoy a lot of blood.
Rated 01 Oct 2015
Rated 30 Sep 2015
Rated 07 Sep 2014
Rated 27 Jan 2017
Roth is just retreading the same ground with the Hostel series, but this time there's a twist. A bunch of cannibal natives are eating the lib-tard protesters who have no idea what they're protesting, unabashedly meddling in other country's matters. I'd be delighted if it weren't full of bad acting, bad writing, and unimaginative gore. So what does human flesh taste like, you wonder? sweet, sweet righteousness, that's what. It's a shame I have to rate this so poorly.
Rated 02 Jan 2016
It's clear Eli Roth is a fan of the 70's italian cannibal genre. What he seems less sure about is what made it work. What doesn't work is a pointless 40-45 min sojourn into uni life where we hear mindless prattling of SJW millenials. This is supposed to build some mix of audience sympathy (maybe schaudenfreude) when they get munched. However, what it really does is just bore. The jungle and natives stuff was great though and shows Eli at least has that part of the genre down.
Rated 27 Nov 2015
Has the edge over the 80's cannibal movies in terms of production at least, and it does have some well executed horror. About mid-film, there is real dread going, and I think it's probably Roth's least shitty movie. It actually might have escaped shittiness altogether if it ditched the gag-worthy cliches, Roth's loathsomely infantile humor, all those extremely unlikely twists and the goofy ending
Rated 18 Oct 2015
i will never get tarantino. eli roth must be one hell of a person, because filmmaking-wise he sucks a minivan through a garden hose. absolutely nothing works, not the humor, not the social commentary, and especially not the horror. might just be me, but if there's people getting butchered and eaten right in front of you, shouldn't you care in some way? any way??! or maybe i was just too distracted by that delicious serving of liver i had with some fava beans and a nice chianti.
Rated 21 Oct 2020
I need to applaud myself for being able to make it all the way through this movie. If Eli Roth was trying to make an Italian exploitation film as intentionally terrible as possible, he managed to do it. Horrible characters, cheap effects, horrendous sound design (seriously?), no plot, and bland direction make The Green Inferno a mess on every level.
Rated 17 Aug 2020
>We're on the front page of reddit. >It was all a cynical PR stunt. Yeah that's about right.
Rated 13 May 2019
I kinda figured I knew what I was getting when I saw Eli Roth's name attached to this. This ain't really for me. I'm all for gory, blood filled messes if it contributes meaningfully to the film, this doesn't by any means. It's just another horror film that relies on violent imagery to keep your attention and while I'm not native at all, I wouldn't be surprised if this offended some. This just really exists for no reason, but I guess that goes for much of Roth's work.
Rated 02 Feb 2019
Roth's attack on misguided activism is juvenile, but it does contain a salient point: that social justice campaigns are potentially dangerous when they are grossly misinformed, and that their hidden dangers go largely unrecognised due to ideological blindness. In this case, clueless leftists are eaten alive by a tribe of cannibals they vowed to protect from 'evil' capitalist forces. The saturated colors are appealingly gaudy, the violence is brutal and Roth's wife is surprisingly good.
Rated 31 Oct 2017
There just isn't anything "good" about this film. If you like gore, it's probably passable, but from all the Eli Roth films I've seen, this is probably the worst. None of the characters are sympathetic, and the story completely loses steam and almost runs into a dead end. The ending is also a little iffy and a bit nonsensical, it just doesn't sit well.
Rated 14 Mar 2017
Merciless ultra-violent horror. It is enjoyable, but many technical items like visuals and score are only mediocre.
Rated 30 Aug 2016
Only 3 of the 12 characters were likeable. This means I couldn't stand 75 percent of the people I was watching for one hour and forty minutes. The story line in this film really kept my attention. I couldn't predict what was going to take place for the main characters to meet the tribe, and it was adventurous to see how it unfolded. I found myself at the edge of my seat on a few occasions during moments of attempted escape. The gore was done well and served the story. Eli Roth was constantly w
Rated 25 Mar 2016
Wow. I never ever thought I'd see a film that somehow manages to cheapen the legacy of Ruggero Deodato. The attempts at comedy or satire are so insanely misjudged it makes The Last House on the Left look like a classy and seamless piece of horror cinema. Made even more absurd by the fact that it actually gets some elements absolutely right (mostly the setting and gore). Eli Roth needs to be treated for some kind of weird bipolar disorder. Almost worth seeing for its genuinely startling failures.
Rated 27 Jan 2016
I knew from the beginning that it would be gory and violent, but this made me want to vomit. I didn't really hear good things about this movie beforehand, but I thought it was okay. The acting was decent, and the directing was "eh."
Rated 15 Jan 2016
Could have been good.
Rated 15 Jan 2016
Disappointing but worth watching if you enjoy the genre.
Rated 24 Nov 2015
But the fact that social activists are made to look like vain and foolish "slactivists" isn't her main worry. "It's very dangerous," she says, to indiscriminately raise the specter of cannibalism when depicting tribespeople. "[Such perceptions have often] been used an excuse to wipe them out. [Historically] these stories have created a racist view of uncontacted and isolated groups." (
Rated 15 Nov 2015
Lots of red, splattery gore, and Roth's wicked, mocking sense of humor is intact. A certain grinding repetitiveness sets in after awhile, though, and the production values--such as they are--leave a whole helluva lot to be desired. Some memorable moments, to be sure, but overall, it's sort of desperately chintzy and not really a whole lot of fun.
Rated 21 Oct 2015
This movie could have been really scary, but like the Italian 70's cannibal flicks it was mostly a campy gore fest, but with a silly, downright preposterous ending. The trailer scared me a lot more.
Rated 18 Oct 2015
Gore was unimpressive and nudity almost non-existing, it all felt quite lame. Don't waste your time and rewatch one of the classics of the genre instead.
Rated 16 Oct 2015
Cut out 20 mins from the beginning and you have a nice little exploitation throwback, as it is it's a bloated mess with a few shallow attempts at satire and some great gore effects
Rated 26 Sep 2015
Rated 09 Jan 2024
done poorly.
Rated 21 Aug 2022
took me exactly 47 minutes before I realised I had seen the movie before now
Rated 03 Aug 2021
Rated 10 Jun 2021
boring as shit and the gore was not even scary lmao. the ending was embarassing considering the whole movie shits on natives and their customs just for the white lib girl to have a white savior complex even until the very end when she vouches for them after being tortured. the acting is horrible and the movie really has nothing going for it except for the interesting backstory of the original 1973 film
Rated 18 Nov 2020
Rated 07 Jun 2020
Great gore and probably could be like the greatest movie ever if the director wasn't the biggest doorknob. Oh well keep em coming Eli
Rated 01 Jun 2020
Has the kind of South Park mentality where the the thing it's going after is just people caring too much about issues. I think he's trying to be be profound but he really is just one of the stupidest filmmakers alive. This has some shining moments tho. I liked the practical effects used for the death scenes and the plane crash and subsequent sequence were handled well. It's a stupid movie, but I guess I'm stupid too because I liked it.
Rated 25 Aug 2019
It's not the worst movie ever made but it's not a good one either. I don't get the point the movie is trying to make, is about how activism is useless and protecting minorities blindly is bad? Because if so, this is really dumb. I'm not even sure what the message is about. Other than that, decent exploitation flick, the shart and weed scenes were next level dumb, but the rest was okayish.
Rated 27 Jul 2019
Roth's more urgent style than usual -- it's a way not to seem more straightforward, raw and gory with handheld cam -- but it's too bad there isn't much of an interesting narrative around its gruesome set-pieces -- protesters chain themselves in Amazon trees to avoid corporate mayhem, only to be eaten alive by cannibals. Lovely provocative Roth bits all around -- diarrhea in the cage, dude masturbating to let off some stress in the middle of tension, girl defending the tribe as pacific to UN.
Rated 12 Jul 2019
Amazon, Orman, Üniversite Topluluğu, Çevreciler, Aktivistler (SPOILER Yağmur ormanlarının kesilmesi ve yerli topraklarının ellerinden alınmasına tepki gösteren üniversite öğrencileri, Peru'daki santiye alanına gidip olayı görüntülerler. Sonrasında uçakları kaza yapar. Yamyam Yahel kabibilrsinin eline düşerler. Kabile gençleri yavaş yavaş yer. ÇOK KANLI. Bu filmi izledikten sonra Ögrenci topluluklarına bakış değişebilir :) Finali çok SAÇMAYDI kız onları yiyen
Rated 12 Jan 2019
Rated 25 May 2018
Unlikable characters, boring generic story and mediocre gore. It's well filmed with gorgeous cinematography if nothing else.
Rated 05 Jun 2017
good movie
Rated 24 Apr 2016
Unexpected. Terrifying. Intense and gory. Realistic terror tht you will not be able to pull away from. Suffocating in a good way.
Rated 19 Jul 2015
Rated 06 Sep 2014
If you aren't hung up on snarling your academic fangs (over a cannibal film) and whinging about Green Inferno's clumsy satire... there's a good time to be had for horror fans looking for a fun film. Admittedly the tone is inconsistent along with varying success at horrific and comedic moments, but when it hits the right notes, it's giddying fun. At its heart is a pulse of joy and genre appreciation that made this a delight for me.


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