Mad Men
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Mad Men

2007 - 2015
TV Series
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 76.27% from 1175 total ratings

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Rated 09 Sep 2015
This series is everything to me. I was so absorbed from the get go that I felt truly connected to every character (with Pete being the personal favourite). Nothing I've seen has even come close to the style of "Mad Men" with countless revisions still baffling me how beautiful it is. Even the ending delivered, oh and, you will never see a better use of a John Deer lawnmower.
Rated 08 Sep 2015
Definitely not for everyone, its a slow burn with very little happening for long stretches. However, if you want to see a bunch of people act their asses off and slowly develop their characters over a long period, settle in, pour yourself a drink and watch the misery unfold.
Rated 13 Sep 2015
What polite people term modestly paced. Superb in fits and starts, but somehow it never became as masterful as I kept feeling it nearly was and relatively easily could've been. In terms of production values and style, though, we're in television heaven, and it features a fine gallery of well-rounded and already classic individuals: Hamm's gifted, self-destructive Don, Joan and her twins, Betty, Peggy and Pete. Slattery's priceless turn as Roger was invariably the highlight. Favorite season: 4th
Rated 06 Mar 2019
Mad Men is slimy in its condescension, where every "outdated" act of chauvinism is delivered with an ironical wink (note the quotation marks. Wink!), and yet every person living on the margins of its world is treated with an even harsher derision. This show isn't critical or piercing. It's deferential and weak-kneed. I do like the characters, but they're all spinning in place by season 5, which is its idea of a "smart" insight on human nature if that's your cup of tea.
Rated 26 Sep 2015
My third or fourth most scandalous TV opinion: I like Mad Men, but I never, at any point in its run, loved it. I came closest to loving it in season 1 (put it in my top ten shows that year alone), furthest in season 6, where I actually used it as background for household errands at points. But ultimately the show was like observing beautiful art from behind glass in a cold museum to me; I admired the artistry but my pulse never quickened, emotions never stirred. Roger Sterling, however, ruled.
Rated 16 Dec 2015
Excellent. Complete series.
Rated 08 Sep 2015
Like most great dramas, the real secret of Mad Men is that it's a comedy. But that never undercuts what a perceptive and resonant treatise on loneliness and identity it is.
Rated 08 Sep 2015
Mad Men comes with the built in arc of 1960 to 1970 (71, whatever) but, for some reason, it decides to stick with Don at the center. There are so many developed and interesting characters that Mad Men would have done well to shift from The Sopranos and focus on different characters from time to time. The final seasons of the show become a slog, with repetition in character behavior long past the point of being compelling. It's mostly great, though. Buy the world a Coke.
Rated 11 Sep 2015
Perhaps one of the definitive works of art to come out of TV's so called golden age. While many do compare today's television series to novels, for me, Mad Men is the Great American Novel and everything else pulp fiction.
Rated 09 Sep 2015
The strength in Mad Men is ultimately its writing. Jon Hamm is iconic as Don Draper, an alcoholic ad man with a secretive past. Weiner's kid is the worst part of the show, possibly the worst actor I've ever seen. It also does a nice job showing us why the baby boomer generation is so deplorable - how could you not be raised by these people? Loved the ending yet wish it was still on the air.
Rated 17 Jan 2016
An utter bore. Just a bunch of people talking, nothing going on. Sure the sets look decent but who cares when you've got a script this dull. One of the most overrated TV series of the past decade.
Rated 29 Jul 2016
Thank you for making engrossing, intelligent, emotionally charged television that does not rely on slaughter or psychopathic predation to move the plot along.
Rated 28 Sep 2017
very good series
Rated 17 Jan 2018
Mad Men achieves that ever-rare balancing act between operating on looks rather than dialogue, refusing to be anything other than brilliant and pretentious and subtle, and still being utterly engrossing to watch.
Rated 03 Oct 2015
Never has an American television drama captured my heart and soul the way Mad Men did. It is truly one of the greatest series of all time. The characters are so diverse and the actors that played them were simply above and beyond, but Jon Hamm's portrayal of Don Draper is a performance that will go down in history. Nothing has ever depicted the tragic allure of the advertising age, a time when everything was perfect and nothing was, more iconically than Mad Men. Thank you Matthew Weiner.
Rated 13 Feb 2019
The incredible acting, perfect casting, and mesmerizing set hook the viewer, but what resonates is the underling humanity in the script. These characters are the closest thing to real, living people you'll find on television: realer than any "reality tv", celebrity, or spectacle. In my opinion, this show sets the bar for contemporary fiction in any format.
Rated 11 Feb 2016
When it's great, it's really great. My favorite thing about the show was seeing the changing times through every character's eyes. Notable for having a well-written and well-acted child character in Sally, almost unheard of in adult drama. Dragged down only because I felt like it became too repetitious in character and story arcs by the end. BUT, the very ending was goddamn poetry. Rightfully belongs on the tv drama Mount Rushmore.
Rated 01 Oct 2017
çoğu iyi dizinin aksine, mad men *sinematik* bir noktaya uğraşmak için çabalamıyor. her sahnesi, her anıyla bir tv işi olduğunu vurguluyor ve mecrasına göre hareket ediyor. özellikle son yıllarda altın çağ muhabbeti sebebiyle bu ayrım çokça yapılmıyor artık ama iki mecra arasındaki fark anlatıyı derinden etkiliyor ve mad men tam bu sebeple muhteşem bir dizi, çünkü tv estetiğini inanılmaz biçimde kullanıyor.
Rated 08 Feb 2021
I remember when this was All. The. Rage. And it's still impressive in many ways and we owe it a debt of gratitude for helping to usher in a new golden age of television. With that said, seven whole seasons of Don Draper being an emotionally stunted manchild is at least three too many. Just stop putting your dick in everything, Don, and 90% of your problems would just evaporate.
Rated 14 May 2018
There's an atmosphere of melancholy to this show that I find really comforting. Like looking at an Edward Hopper painting for an hour.
Rated 28 Feb 2019
This is the greatest show of all time.
Rated 12 Apr 2016
Shut the door. Have a seat. Turn on the TV, you're about to watch an incredible accomplishment in television. It doesn't offer the visceral thrills seen more frequently on the little screen (although it does elicit some shockingly large laughs at points). But it makes up for it with a masterclass of acting and directing that propels the subdued drama to greatness.
Rated 25 Jan 2024
S1: 95, S2: 92, S2: 95, S4: 92, S5; 100, S6: 92, S7: 92
Rated 07 Mar 2018
One Show. Everything.
Rated 23 Jun 2020
It's honestly overrated.
Rated 02 Oct 2022
"He imagined Beethoven deaf and soul-sick, his heart broken, scribbling furiously while Death stood in the doorway, clipping his nails. Still, Coe thought, it might have been living in the country that was making him cry. It was killing him with its silence and loneliness – making everything ordinary too beautiful to bear." I find Mad Men at times too beautiful to bear, indeed. It's a once in a lifetime masterpiece with infinite layers of depth that deserve infinite analysis. #1 All time fave.
Rated 15 Sep 2019
Wildly uneven and only haphazardly insightful. Less human insight in the entire series than a single Koreeda film, though, and the score reflects that fact.
Rated 14 Nov 2017
S01: 86 | S02: 84 | S03: 85 | S04: 78 | S05: 84 | S06: 86 | S07: 87
Rated 11 Sep 2023
Now that I’ve finished watching the entire show, I feel like there is a hole in my heart not to be filled until I find an equally good series, if there is any left. Builds up slow during the couple of first seasons but then it hooks you in. I loved John Slattery so much that seeing his face was enough for me to laugh. On a smaller scale, we can see how women earned their new economic and social positions during the sixties and what kind of hardships they went through. Totally recommended.
Rated 04 Jun 2023
S01, S02
Rated 13 May 2023
fresh off binging the whole series (so i might change my mind after things settle): production, acting, casting, directing—great. writing—just ok (it did not live up to my expectations based on how much this aspect was specifically praised)
Rated 24 Jul 2019
I never thought that I would speak this glowingly about a soap opera. It is peak character-driven drama bolstered by excellent performances from the entire cast.
Rated 12 Nov 2022
This show is brilliant. Unfortunately, it seems that I can't watch things that have no "stakes".
Rated 26 Mar 2022
This is one of that crazy popular, critically acclaimed series which I do not understand why they are considered so well (Breaking Bad is the same for me). The thing I really disliked about it was its delivery of anti-sexist messages, As an idea, I liked showing the sexism in the 60s, but it is done so blatantly, and pseudo-militantly that, it comes off as very insincere. What rested with me was the Koadk sequence, which was the best moment of all Season 1 but I doubt that I will watch the rest.
Rated 22 May 2020
S1: 85, S2: 88, S3: 85, S4: 88, S5: 87, S6: 86 S7: 89 This show very special for me. I used watch 50 minute shows very hardly but this show broke that. Probably i am going to watch more TV shows. Writing, acting, production, cinematography is just awesome. It could be most realistic TV show ever. Great drama.
Rated 12 Oct 2021
S1: 68, S2: 65, S3: 75, S4: 80, S5: 84, S6: 45 S7: 50
Rated 06 Aug 2021
[through season 7]
Rated 23 Sep 2019
Rated 12 Oct 2019
S1:80 S2:80 S3:75 S4:85 S5:80 S6:80 S7:80
Rated 17 Nov 2020
S1 - 75 S2 - 80 S3 - 85 S4 - 90 S5 - 90 S6 - 80 S7 - 85 Mad Men seria perfeita com menos 1 temporada
Rated 15 Feb 2020
Well-written, well-acting, except in the end, unfortunately.
Rated 04 Sep 2019
eng; [mad men -- SERIE]; eine serie von einblicken in das leben eines executives in der 1960er werbebranche in new york.; (erst ab S01E06 wird die serie richtig gut, danach liefern die schaupieler und die story erstaunliches); {Folgen: S01E01-S07E14};
Rated 24 May 2016
As good as character drama gets.
Rated 11 Sep 2015
Second favorite drama of all time. Don Draper is a character worth a decade and this many seasons worth of examination. The melancholy tone throughout makes those who never lived in this time period nostalgic. In does not intend to document history, nor inform the audience about "how things used to be". It mourns and celebrates it, all at the same time.
Rated 18 Nov 2015
I've only seen 3 or 4 seasons, but this show is totally worth the investment. TV is a difficult medium due to the simple fact that its dependent upon an evolving narrative rather than a terminal one. Most shows use the familiar, episodic procedural route to remedy this problem, or they commit to unfolding a story over time and they typically falter. Mad Men defies this notion by eschewing plot and making its main drive well-written, compelling characters. And here we are, 104 award wins later.
Rated 27 Oct 2015
I saw the first season of this and while it wasn't very dramatically engaging, it gave me a lot to chew on, and if we're judging series purely in terms of their intellectual weight, this is up there with the best of them. It's a show that thoughtfully engages with the way the world is in a way that most shows would be afraid to for fear of seeming indulgent or alienating the audience. The only problem is that there aren't enough downers in the world for me to get on its lugubrious wavelength.
Rated 21 Sep 2015
Masterful ensemble character-building. Highly stylized, but with enough grit and connection to the times to make for a satisfying exploration of the cultural zeitgeist of the 60's as well as "man's search for meaning" more generally.
Rated 09 Jan 2021
Ah, misogyny and racism and manipulating people. I guess you were slick and charming?
Rated 16 Mar 2016
always teetering on perfect
Rated 08 Sep 2015
Superlative acting, writing & production design. Hamm is a beast and Jared Harris was phenomenal during his run. The big criticism is that, while I believe the show got better as it went on, the continued focus on Draper was unnecessary & the last few seasons should have been more about the other leads - namely Pete, Peggy & Joan. As great as Hamm is, Draper's cycles of self-destruction and resurrection became repetitive. Obligatory Sterling shoutout:
Rated 15 May 2020
"mad men did a better job than any other period show at capturing how the boring regular texture of life continues even when extraordinary historical events are unfolding."
Rated 11 Jan 2019
I was just watching the first few episodes of Bewitched and I realized that Mad Men completely rips off the premise of that show. An early 60s Madison Avenue ad executive, a bored, stifled housewife who can't reach her own potential. Shallow, status-symbol-grubbing, backstabbing co-workers and their spouses. The boss even has the same vibe in both shows. This is basically Betwitched without the jokes and witchcraft.
Rated 11 Sep 2015
Classy, dry and well-made. The opening is the best part!
Rated 12 Oct 2015
Season 1: 100, Season 2: 95, Season 3: 95, Season 4: 100, Season 5: 100, Season 6: 100, Season 7: 100
Rated 17 Jan 2016
S1: 5 / S2: 6 / S3: 8 / S4: 10 / S5: 10 / S6: 7 / S7: 6
Rated 30 Dec 2016
I'd probably rather watch an entire show just about Paul Kinsey, to be honest. I'd be very surprised if Matthew Weiner hasn't read DeLillo's Americana.
Rated 23 Nov 2015
Rated 21 Feb 2018
Addictive, without relying on jerky plot twists or action. Every once in a while, a character spits out some hokey turn-of-phrase or some comment laced with intentionally-placed historical irony, but I'm willing to overlook some cute tendencies on the part of the screenwriters, because it's so entertaining.
Rated 05 May 2018
Characters were too repulsive to keep watching after first season.
Rated 08 Jun 2018
30/50 for the story. 50/50 for the production design, because let's be honest, that's 50% of the reason why anyone watches this show in first place .


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