Top 1000 movies with the most votes on IMDb
A Public collection moderated by fanfic
"First 1000 movies with most votes on IMDb as of 10/07/2020.
Most votes: The Shawshank Redemption (1994) 2,259,799 votes.
Least votes: Asssassin's Creed (2010) 180,134 votes.
Directors with most movies in the list: Steven Spielberg (21), Tim Burton (13), Ridley Scott (12), Michael Bay (11), Martin Scorsese (11).
Directors with best average IMDb score (with 2+ movies in the Top1000): Milos Forman (2, 8.5), Charles Chaplin (2, 8.5), Sidney Lumet (2, 8.5), Sergio Leone (5, 8.4), Alfred Hitchcock (4, 8.4), Hayao Miyazaki (4, 8.4)."