Your probable score


Romance, Comedy
1h 40m
Adam, a 27 year old man who is otherwise in excellent health, is suddenly diagnosed with cancer. He breaks the news to his girlfriend, his best friend and his mother, who is also dealing with her husband who has Alzheimer's disease. In the middle of it all, Adam also seeks therapy from a young and inexperienced therapist,assigned to him by the hospital, and befriends several older, wisecracking chemotherapy patients.


Romance, Comedy
1h 40m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 58.28% from 4833 total ratings

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Rated 06 Oct 2011
I was legitimately surprised at how good this was. It wasn't a black comedy or a dramedy, but something that felt altogether different. Like a comedy and a drama woven together but the strands don't really touch, leaving the other to do its thing, which each does really well. I can't picture a cancer movie being able to do it better. JGL is great. Kendrick was pretty good. The real surprise was Seth Rogen. To be honest, if I have cancer, I want Rogen's character to be my friend.
Rated 01 Dec 2011
50/50 deals with its theme in a respectfull manner withouth throwing the lets-make-it-so-sad-everyone-will-cry-card. By doing so it brings a more realistic feeling to the whole and the characters, even though a bit stereotyped, are well written and well played by all. Rogen is used as a comic relief remedy in a sober way and BDH is just amazing as the torn girlfriend!
Rated 27 Nov 2011
More like 50/100 amirite
Rated 02 Nov 2011
JGL and Rogen take their skills to another level here; the chemistry is electric. Rarely does a film that mixes comedy and drama do such a genuine job of excelling at both. This is what 'Funny People' wishes it could have been. As Adam goes through the struggle of chemo and the changing nature of his life, the viewer develops real feelings for the interesting circle of people he meets and the challenges they all face. The storytelling is authentic, the voyage introspective and the end spirited.
Rated 08 Oct 2011
It does the dramedy mix with subtle perfection: the funny parts are funny and the serious parts are serious, neither were half-assed attempts at both, and awareness displayed that they need each other. Drama needs comedy to humanize and lighten its subject matter; comedy needs drama to deftly remind the audience that the subject matter is not meant to be light and fluffy. I loved the performances completely, the so-called "predictability" is debatable at best... it does everything exceptionally.
Rated 13 Jan 2012
The over-appreciation of this film makes me think how barren the film scene has became. Otherwise it's smooth and easygoing.
Rated 01 Jan 2012
Remarkably sober and painstakingly real, "50/50" makes the most of a premise that easily could have been in disgustingly poor taste. Rogen, Hall and Frewer provide much needed comic relief, but the real star is Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who delivers yet another simply outstanding performance going through the emotional stages of denial, anger and hopelessness without ever hitting a single false note. It's simple (yet never simplistic) and straightforward - and all the better for it.
Rated 09 Oct 2011
I always knew JGL was the greatest actor of his generation, but who the fuck would have guessed Seth Rogan could seriously win Best Supporting Actor? Besides all that, this is an excellent film. Most that tend to take the terminal disease route end up being extremely manipulative and trick the viewer into a fake feeling. This doesn't. Everything is humanized and real, and the humor is fantastic. "No one likes putting a dick in their mouth."
Rated 08 Oct 2011
It's a somewhat predictable plot inhabited by familiar stock characters (Average Joe, the quirky romantic interest, the stoner buddy, etc). But that doesn't at all prevent this from being a great film. It deftly blends comedy and drama, and succeeds because it comes close to the weird mixture of laughter and sadness that makes up reality.
Rated 25 Jan 2012
It's a bit of a shaky start, but once you settle in and get the feel for the tone, it's incredibly sensitively handled. Gordon-Levitt is absolutely incredible. It may also include rather mundane, overly-used plot devices and stock characters, but it adds to the authentic feel to the storytelling and to the film as a whole.
Rated 09 Jan 2012
What I've learnt from that movie is, if there is Seth Rogen in a movie, there would be weed too. And if there is Seth Rogen in a movie, it doesn't have to be funny.
Rated 25 Nov 2011
Bypasses the awkwardness of its subject matter with style. All the cast and their interactions with one another are wonderful. They couldn't of chosen a better line-up of actors. The breakdown scene with JGL behind the wheel was probably my favorite moment.
Rated 23 Oct 2011
Good mix between humor and drama. Has an effective way to show how cancer influences the life of everyone around a person who has the disease. And ust seeing Seth Rogen on screen is enough to put a smile on my face. Knowing that Gordon-Levitt only was casted 2 days before the shooting started, and seeing his performance on screen is remarkable.
Rated 02 Oct 2011
First, Seth Rogen took more laughs from me than he has with any of his other films combined. Now, JGL plays through this very emotional and often times funny struggle with cancer surrounded by a very unique group of friends and family. Two of Gordon-Levitt's character relationships made this such a great film experience for me. His time with Phillip Baker Hall and Matt Frewer were really touching and often times hilarious. Also, the chemistry between JGL and Kendrick was offbeat and perfect.
Rated 01 Oct 2011
This movie made me laugh my ass off for a half-hour and then it made me cry. And then it made me laugh my ass off for another few minutes. Cancer sucks, and 50/50 knows it. That's why it's so good.
Rated 05 Feb 2012
It is no secret that after Mysterious Skin Joseph Gordon-Levitt has been furiously loved by homosexuals. Now he can rest comfortably knowing that people with weird back cancers will love him, too.
Rated 25 Jan 2012
A really solid film, one of the best I saw of 2011's crop. JGL continues to be one of the more dependable actors working today and Rogen has seemed to perfected playing himself. I was really impressed with Anna Kendrick and I loved Phillip Baker hall and Matt Frewer, there should have been more of them.
Rated 24 Jan 2012
A good, well-balanced movie between drama and comedy. It never gets overly dramatic, nor overly (and annoyingly) funny. Good performances, even though teethlady is a tiny bit annoying. But I can look passed that. I also liked the fact that the disease is not the center of the movie, but more the emotion behind it. Now I think of it, I like this movie a lot
Rated 09 Jan 2012
Light romantic comedy pretending to be a cancer story. Hollywood schlock at its worst.
Rated 12 Dec 2011
Sympathetic and nuanced filmmaking to the bone but - sadly - too distancing as well. The protagonist never becomes truly interesting (thus making his fight against cancer equally forgettable) and you're left with quite a disappointing hunger for more black satire, brave drama or a bit of both. The result feels calculated instead of striking.
Rated 28 Nov 2011
Wasn't expecting it to be this good but it really was excellent. All of the actors are great, especially Kendrick and surprisingly Rogen in an impressive turn. It's a rare treat to have a movie that makes you laugh and cry but this one does it and does it well. And to Jonathan Levine: you've made 2 movies that both depict weed accurately, bravo good sir.
Rated 17 Nov 2011
Rated 10 Nov 2011
It's a shame that the Oscar's don't respect comedies as they do melodramas. "50/50" has all the heart and emotional manipulation of any capital "D" Drama, but manages to find some levity in a seriously dark issue. The highs and lows you feel during this movie are pretty remarkable. I found myself with a full-out belly laugh one minute and trying to hide my increasingly dusty eyes from my girlfriend the next. Gordon-Levitt plays the entire range effortlessly, while Rogen does his usual schtick.
Rated 07 Nov 2011
One of the best acted, most heartfelt, and hilarious films of the year. '50/50' combines great drama with big laughs---it totally works. This is quite possibly the best film of 2011 so far. It's a shame the film isn't reaching a larger audience.
Rated 20 Oct 2011
A film that succeeds just as well in its comedy as its drama, never going over the tipping point for either. It's a beautiful dichotomy here; a rare breed of the genre that excels so well it makes us laugh at a cancer patient shaving his head, then pulls us down to reality, sometimes even making us misty-eyed. The subject matter has never been covered this way before, and it's all the refreshment needed for this fairly predictable story.
Rated 20 Oct 2011
A film that allows the characters to be jerks and get truly angry at each other - perhaps too much, as it threatens to derail the film at points - but it eventually comes together as the characters learn. Strikes a nice balance of drama and comedy, and from the pre-surgery scene until the end is simply brilliant.
Rated 08 Oct 2011
Seth Rogen for Best Supporting Actor?
Rated 01 Oct 2011
A great life-with-cancer comedy-drama that manages to be both incredibly funny and truly moving. A few predictable story beats aside, it's engaging all the way through, thanks partly to Will Reiser's finely tuned semi-autobiographical script, and partly due to excellent acting: Joseph Gordon-Levitt is great, but Seth Rogen steals the show with some of the best work he's ever done. Bonus points for a unique visual style, a good score, and an intriguingly ambiguous finale.
Rated 15 Sep 2011
What could have been disturbing and in poor taste proves sweet and well handled. Gordon-Levitt can do anything and while I'm sure that he would have performed just as well in a non-Hollywood version of this film, I appreciated the addition of Rogen who regularly relieves some tension, preventing the film from going too dark. The subject matter is taken seriously, it's just - thankfully - not approached in a way that necessitates depressing the audience.
Rated 22 Jul 2019
A beautifully performed, superbly written human comedy may arguably hew to sitcom plotting at times, but because the characters are so vividly, touchingly real (and their inter-relationships so believable), it's very easy to forgive. There's not a false or wrong note in the entire cast; Gordon-Levitt and Kendrick are the stand-outs, but Rogen, Huston and Hall are equally fine, with Howard especially good bringing a sympathy and even pathos to an unsympathetic character.
Rated 28 Aug 2016
It's fine. It's nothing amazing, but not terrible. Honestly, it's about a 50.
Rated 26 Nov 2014
dictionary meaning of boring and predictable
Rated 17 Nov 2013
It wasn't until Adam started to really understand the situation did the film take a turn for the best. At that point, everything works together and you are left with a touching film. Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen make a good team.
Rated 06 Jan 2013
Much, much funnier than a movie about cancer deserves to be. And much more realistic than a comedy deserves to be. A big chance with a tricky subject that turns out great.
Rated 17 Nov 2012
50/50 is a great film. It's very funny, it's charming, it's sweet, and while it makes fun of everyone involved, it does so in a good-natured fashion so as to avoid hurting anyone's feelings. When you're dealing something as life-threatening as cancer, that's the best way to go about it. Most of the actors, particularly the ones in leading roles, are very strong. I even liked Seth Rogan in this, which is something that I say very, very rarely. I was touched by 50/50.
Rated 11 Aug 2012
The best movie of 2011 in my opinion. This is a truly funny and touching movie. I usually don't like to admit this but I cried on at least five separate occasions during this movie. I also laughed really hard in several parts of the film. The writing was wonderful and moving. The music was excellent. The acting was spot on with Joseph Gordon-Levitt my new favorite actor. Anna Kendrick reminded me why I love her so much and Seth Rogen was perfect in this being hilarious and a true friend.
Rated 14 Jun 2012
another ihavecancerbutimdoingfine movie.
Rated 10 Jun 2012
Not much here feels real or authentic. Also, the charms of Seth Rogen completely elude me.
Rated 09 May 2012
One of the funniest and saddest movies I saw in 2011. Rogen and Gordon-Levitt have fantastic chemistry and while the movie is definitely not all doom and gloom it offers some surprisingly heartfelt moments throughout dealing with the turmoil of cancer and treatment. One of the best comedies of 2011.
Rated 22 Apr 2012
That 50 score is for Anna Kendrick and Anna Kendrick alone. Ugh, couldn't even finish this movie.
Rated 10 Apr 2012
Although not completely emancipated from the well-worn sitcom stereotypes, "50/50" still manages to strike a consistently impressive balance between comedy and drama, avoiding both glossing over its serious subject and drowning it in treacle. The performances are all strong, the comedic parts work and there's a strong undercurrent of genuine emotion to secure emotional resonance. There are some forced embellishments, but the overall good-natured and optimistic feel is ultimately rewarding.
Rated 04 Apr 2012
In addition to being my preferred gin to tonic ratio, 50/50 also proves to be a funny, touching movie about a man's battle with a terrible infliction, and the crazy people around him who try to help him carry on with his life. Oh, it also shows us that they'll let nearly anybody be a psychiatrist these days.
Rated 27 Mar 2012
Deals with it subject matter with a skillful tone, and a classy level of decorum and sensitivity. "50/50" is ladened with good performances and well structured relationships too. I suppose the plot goes nowhere new, but its simplicity works very much in its favor in my opinion and the last quarter of "50/50" is really very powerful, containing several of this movies finest scenes. Also, I may start stalking Anna Kendrick...
Rated 24 Feb 2012
A surprisingly restrained comedy/drama that avoids the easy laughs and the easy tears. Gordon-Levitt is very very good.
Rated 11 Feb 2012
The movie is supposed to be a comedy but it is a really good drama sprinkled with some humor. The acting was good by one and all. A good drama to watch which has some humor.
Rated 09 Feb 2012
Straddles a funny line between the unexpected and the exactly-what-you-expect. The fear is that it will be a misfire mix of comedy and drama, so you're pleased when it strikes a more natural balance, but then the end result is still familiar. While I'm glad that it rarely got too broad or too overwrought, there's also a safeness to it. But I enjoyed the tone. I laughed at the funny parts and got a little choked up at the appropriate times, so it worked. The weak link, once again, is Kendrick.
Rated 17 Jan 2012
Having seen two movies in row where Bryce Dallas Howard is being a bitch I am starting to really dislike her. Well 'nuff said 'bout that. 50/50 is great and considering the topic surprisingly funny. The banter and the obvious real life friendship between Gordon-Levitt and Rogen shines through and makes for a nice ice cream cocktail, Kendrick as icing on the cake and the role of sprinkle played due to a great cameo by the always great Baker Hall. An oscar worthy performance by Gordon-Levitt.
Rated 15 Jan 2012
This film is so contrived that it's hard to take any of the story seriously. The psychologist character is a symptom of laughably lazy writing. Gordon-Levitt is basically a character actor, playing the same down-on-his-luck, awkward-but-nice 30-year-old in every movie. Same for Rogen who plays the somewhat tactless but big-hearted buddy in every film. More of the same for both of them, and they do a decent job in their respective roles. Overall it feels like it's shot by committee. Calculated.
Rated 10 Jan 2012
It must be said that this is not a comedy, but a drama with comedic elements. That said, this is a very good serious look at cancer. It doesn't just go for cheap laughs and become crude. Joseph Gordon-Levitt impresses me more with each film I see.
Rated 10 Jan 2012
Needed a little more depth, but the characters were honest people which I appreciated.
Rated 08 Jan 2012
No frills, pretty unsentimental but in the end an MOR treatment of the subject that doesn't stray very far from the Hollywood standard. Rogen raised a few laughs but I found it hard to relate to the repressed character Gordon-Hewitt portrays.
Rated 08 Jan 2012
50/50 tells the story of a young man with cancer, which of course makes it both a harsh and sad film overall. Don't expect to leave it feeling all good inside. However, it manages to keep its balance and avoids being unnecessarily depressing, especially through a very clever use of tasteful, low key humor and a strong theme of friends, family and love.
Rated 29 Dec 2011
Great work throughout. A lot of fun to watch, and emotionally mature enough to explore the subjects and themes with poise and grace.
Rated 25 Dec 2011
really liked it, avoids the worst cliches too
Rated 14 Dec 2011
This is a perfect comedy-drama film.
Rated 05 Dec 2011
It made me both laugh and cry and, particularly with JGL's character, did all the little things that great films do. His character is well written and well performed with a arc filled with nuance and bittersweet moments. The counterpoint to this is that the other characters pale by comparison and appear to exist only for his arc. Rogen gets the most screen time and mostly escapes this, but the female characters in particular are underwritten and make contrived decisions. Otherwise, it's great.
Rated 27 Nov 2011
Perfectly sympathetic, wildly overrated weepie.
Rated 27 Nov 2011
Fresh comedy and a troubling at the same time, 50/50 will take you to places you have never been before.
Rated 26 Nov 2011
50/50 is storytelling in its finest form. Simple, relevant and real. The three elements that make 50/50 one of the best films of 2011 should be used in every film. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is quietly brilliant as Adam. The humor always stays fresh and sharp, never stepping any boundaries. 50/50 is a reminder of how tragic and humorous life can be at the same time. Easily my fave film so far of 2011, engaging characters and good humor. 50/50 is a must see.
Rated 23 Nov 2011
As it stands, "50/50" has a heart and laughs to spare. Where other directors would generate empathy out of a serious subject matter with melodramatic overtones, here it's done with admirable truth. Much of that honesty is evoked by Levitt's performance (who hasn't been this good in a while), alternating between confusion, fear, anger and confidence, even at his most vulnerable. I would've liked to see parts developed even further (Adam's father, cancer patients), but it's still a solid film.
Rated 11 Nov 2011
The best Hollywood take on cancer I've seen to date. The cast is spot on, each pair of characters having perfect chemistry with each other - Gordon-Levitt, of course, steals the show, and proves as if there was any doubt at this point that he is a formidable force. 50/50 dares to be funny, heartbreaking and genuine, sometimes all at once and sometimes in separate, powerful doses that catch you off-guard every time. First Drive, now this; 2011 is looking like it may be a good year yet.
Rated 23 Oct 2011
Good movie about a young man dealing with cancer. Not making too much light of it, but not being as down in the dumps as he could be. The movie hits all the rights spots of comedy and drama. I loved it and was on the verge of tears throughout the movie.
Rated 22 Oct 2011
50/50 succeeds on all three fronts: Its funny, its heartfelt, and it proves that Seth Rogan is a great friend to have if you are cancer stricken. Strong performances all around, but Kendrick, once again, steals scenes.
Rated 21 Oct 2011
A banal flight from mortality into the banal, as well as a glaring testament to America's inability to think (its own) death.
Rated 04 Oct 2011
"Hi. I have cancer." Anyway, first off... Anna Kendrick, awesome. Such a cute actress. Gordon-Levitt owned the role again, Rogan did what Rogan does. The movie is very very predictable but I wanted that... honestly I just wanted a feel good moment where he got the right girl, and this is what I got. Plus it's very very funny when it tries to be. It's also emotional when it wants to be. So really it succeeds on all fronts.
Rated 01 Oct 2011
Definitely better than that other movie where Seth Rogen is best friends with a guy with cancer, mostly because Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a much more complex and likable actor than Adam Sandler. There's a bit of a black and white schism going on where the movie is a comedy whenever Rogen is onscreen and a drama when he's not, but both parts work, so it's ok. Anna Kendrick is very good too.
Rated 10 Aug 2011
If Funny People was actually a good movie, it would be 50/50. I was worried that they wouldn't be able to properly balance the subject matter with comedy, but it wasn't ever really a problem. The supporting cast is amazing (Howard and Frewer especially), and I'm convinced that Anna Kendrick may well be the Queen of Awkward these days (that's a good thing). Even though the ending isn't the greatest, and the music can be a little overbearing at times, the movie is genuinely touching.
Rated 31 May 2023
Quite good
Rated 22 Apr 2023
#23#, liked, story, cast, oldies(2) }*{ #12#, reviews, story, cast
Rated 24 Oct 2022
Definitely not everyone’s cup of tea, and Seth Rogen is fully in his “playing himself” phase, but JGL kicks ass in hitting the highs and lows. Don’t know that it passes the Bechdel.
Rated 29 May 2021
Hoş bir film. Pek bir ekstrası yok ama zevkle izledim ve duygulandığım yerler oldu. Ayrıca Seth Rogen'in başrolde oynadığı her filmi izleyebilirim. Bayılıyorum adama.
Rated 23 Feb 2021
ger; [50/50]; ein junger mann wird krebs diagnostiziert und seine umgebung versucht ihm beizustehen - jeder auf seine weise.;
Rated 18 Feb 2021
I'm not clear on what the point of this film is supposed to be. I'm guessing it's about how cancer affect relationships. What stuck with me personally is how under-emotional people are often the product of an over-emotonal parent.
Rated 22 Feb 2020
You'd think a movie about a dude getting cancer would be more of a bummer. Seth Rogan is hilarious in this, and surprisingly, it all plays well together. (First logged May 13 2015)
Rated 19 Dec 2019
Despite a slow start and a slightly drawn out (i.e. flawed) end, 50/50 delivers an authentic film about coping with cancer. Kendrick and Gordon-Levitt are great, and even Rogen was tolerable. The characters are all flawed, but for once it actually helps the film making them seam more human and real. The blend of drama and comedy is very watchable. My major qualm is with the representation of anaesthesiology; under general there would be a doctor present to monitor the drugs and patient’s vital
Rated 24 Aug 2019
I was actually surprised how much I actually enjoyed this.
Rated 16 Jul 2019
Gordon-Levitt's performance just stole my heart
Rated 01 Feb 2019
I found Howard's actions in this relationship to be very authentic. The women in this film were too distractingly beautiful. Fav scene: breakdown of the friendship and JGL's inevitable meltdown.
Rated 04 Oct 2018
Rated 30 Jul 2018
Top badass moment? Joseph Gordon-Levitt shaving all his hair off for his art. A man is diagnosed with cancer and reacts by shaving his head and becoming a right-wing skinhead with no friends who aren’t white Americans. He tries to get off with lots of women, ruin the career of a young councillor, is mean to his mum, drives a car uninsured and, worst of all, has Seth Rogen as his best friend. There is a Star Trek joke in it though, so it’s not all bad. No cats or chainsaws or decapitations.
Rated 26 Mar 2018
Not JGL's best performance (and Rogen is Rogen) but it is an enjoyable movie (if any movie about cancer could be called enjoyable).
Rated 13 Nov 2017
BACK-FILLING WHOLE LOT OF FILMS NOT SEEN FOR A LONG, LONG TIME -> Recall/Scores may be 20-30% off. Not at all offended, grateful actually, if anyone wants 2 drop me a cordial msg if think memory dulled a gem or gave a rosy tint to clunker. IE. Tell me WHY Im wrong & what U think I should score. Love film chat/debate|
Rated 03 Oct 2017
(Viewed in 2012): Decent drama/comedy that shows a slight change of pace for Rogon/Gordon-Levitt. Levitt plays a young man whose seemingly carefree life is suddenly interrupted by a cancer diagnosis. There isn't really much to comment on as 50/50 doesn't go to any emotionally traumatic places, and it's neither overly moving or funny, but Levitt is believable and the way he slowly adjusts to his predicament rings true. Rogen is his usual slobby self but with a welcome touch of maturity.
Rated 12 Aug 2017
A very rote dramedy.
Rated 07 Aug 2017
Offbeat but still funny, its script and direction is serviceable. Its strength is in how funny Rogen, Gordon-Levitt and Kendrick are.
Rated 21 Nov 2016
perfectly watchable
Rated 20 Nov 2016
50/50 is incredibly moving, funny, and all-around unforgettable - and features one of Joseph Gordon-Levitt's finest performances to date.
Rated 28 Mar 2016
A really touching movie with few characters because they know you want enough about all of them to really care. JGL is great as always and the movie made me feel a lot of feels.
Rated 16 Feb 2016
Seth Rogen and JGL were a great acting pair in this movie
Rated 11 Oct 2015
Somewhat better than one expects from a flick with such a very unpromising premise. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is marvelous, and Seth Rogen far exceeded my admittedly low expectations.
Rated 29 Sep 2015
Shallow shit
Rated 18 Sep 2015
A great cast and really tight script, make this one of the most accurate and heartwarming "battling cancer" films I've seen. From the subtleties of the "touch to comfort" to the "it effects everyone" themes, they have done this incredibly well.
Rated 11 Sep 2015
Will Reiser wrote the script based loosely on his own experience with cancer, and it shows. 50/50 rings true in a way so few films like this seem to.
Rated 23 Aug 2015
I liked this a lot!
Rated 28 Jul 2015
I wish more doctors were willing to breach that doctor/patient relationship in a sexy way.
Rated 22 Jun 2015
Caricatures in place of characters sink the potential of this film.
Rated 16 Apr 2015
It's comforting sadness, like a warm blanket on a cloudy day.
Rated 21 Mar 2015
Made me want to call my mom and best friends :(
Rated 20 Jan 2015
These types of movies are generally hard to pull off but 50/50 is handled very well. Brings humor to a serious topic without trivializing it.
Rated 09 Nov 2014
Touching and funny and extremely well-cast.


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