22 Jump Street
22 Jump Street
Your probable score
22 Jump Street

22 Jump Street

Comedy, Crime
1h 52m
After making their way through high school (twice), big changes are in store for officers Schmidt and Jenko when they go deep undercover at a local college. (imdb)

22 Jump Street

Comedy, Crime
1h 52m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 45.74% from 3653 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 18 Jun 2014
As long as Tatum/Hill keep on doing their thing, they have Cate Blanchett from me to fulfill the dream that is the end credit, which, by the way, is the end credit to end all end credits.
Rated 13 Jun 2014
I just honestly wasn't as impressed with this film as I was with the last one. I get the whole self-aware gag of "it's the same exact thing as last time", but a lot of jokes fell flat for me and I actually felt rather bored at parts. I love the chemistry between the two leads, but the humor just didn't gel that well with me this time around and there was so much time spent with them separate from each other. It was just a lukewarm experience for me.
Rated 16 Dec 2014
Pretty lame. If only the script had been as spiffy and inventive as the end credits...
Rated 08 Aug 2018
I personally think 21 is better, but 22 is undeniably a great follow up for a film genre that doesn't have many great sequels. The "breaking the wall" technique and self aware shots are some of the best this has to offer. Tatum and Hill are great again, maybe even better from a performance level, and the story (much like the first) is just there, but it also kinda plays on the recycled shots it takes at itself. There is just something missing for me, it's not quite 21, but still great.
Rated 22 Jun 2015
I probably enjoyed this as much as the first one; there isn't really a lot to separate them, the chemistry is still there and this still feels fresh. The visible self-awareness works in its favour, and everyone seems to be in on the joke. Some great glowering from Ice Cube as well. Very silly, and entertaining.
Rated 12 Aug 2014
Not cool as 21 Jump Street but gets quite few great laughs on it's own account. All jokes that were cool involved Ice Cube. I also got the feeling like they ran out of good ideas/jokes. Hopefully this same is also clear to producers, hence such ending and I hope we won't see another sequel.
Rated 17 Jul 2014
Of all the sequels I've seen, this one is a continuation of the first one.
Rated 02 Jul 2014
Not as good as the first unfortunately. Half the time it is as good, the other half it feels forced. So if you're willing to sit through the same runtime for about half the amount of fun I would recommend this. Gets a bit too repetitive with its purposely degraded formula, but still at the end I honestly wanted to watch either one of the ridiculous sequel teases. I think I really like Tatum and Hill as a comedic duo. It just didn't come out quite right in this one. Ice Cube is great here though.
Rated 27 Jun 2014
Not as fresh or funny as the original... but still pretty funny. Hill and Tatum's chemistry remains sharp. Ice Cube, of all people, actually gets the funniest moment in the film.
Rated 26 Jun 2014
An amusing albeit wildly uneven diversion. Tries to top its predecessor's self-referential humor in every possible way to the point of overdoing it. It seemed to me like they were just making things up as they go along and it ultimately becomes a tad too monotonous by the halfway point.
Rated 17 Jun 2014
Self-admittedly forced and not as good as the first. That aside, it's still a fun time, especially if you can get behind meta-humor (and non-stop bromance drama). The credits sequence depicting future sequels is as funny as the rest of the film, and hopefully heads off the franchise from further degrading itself.
Rated 13 Jun 2014
Cannot wait 35ish years from now when these two become the new Walter Mathau/Jack Lemmon. The Annie Hall thing destroyed me.
Rated 25 Sep 2018
The meta-comedy grew tiresome after a while as did the complete lack of plot, but this movie was generally pretty funny and that's good enough for me. The end credits sequence in particular is killer.
Rated 24 Jan 2018
Another fun entry in what might be currently the most enjoyable action comedy series going. This mismatched cop duo absolutely needed bringing back, with no modifications to their characters. The added chemistry with Ice Cube and Amber Stevens was just a bonus. The plot and villains were a bit forgettable, but at least the movie was packed full of in-jokes, cultural references and just pin-sharp comedic writing. The fact that I would greenlight half of those joke sequels speaks for itself.
Rated 15 Dec 2017
Maybe it's just because I watched it right after the first, but despite all its sequel-satirical nods (the opening address change and ending credits were hilarious), and perhaps because of them in some cases (the "exact same thing as last time" line felt overused) it didn't feel quite as fresh. Fortunately, Hill and Tatum's continued chemistry is more than enough to keep you engaged (see their counselling session), helped too by some quirky new characters (Bell's deadpan dame is a riot).
Rated 26 Aug 2016
Much of a muchness to the first film, the overriding feeling being that the quality of the gags is far lower. Being so openly similar to '21JS' gives it some leeway - and allows the excellent never-ending-sequels spoof during the credits - but also permits a laziness that makes the first half of the film criminally bland. There are chuckles to be had, Jillian Bell is good and Ice Cube is once again the best thing in it, but overall it's pretty forgettable stuff.
Rated 27 Jul 2015
The jokes are too often cheap and juvenile, and while the energy of Tatum and Hill is sometimes infectious, it is just as often laborious. There are some laughs, but most of the time the film is trying way too hard for the punch line.
Rated 11 Jun 2015
"22 Jump Street" is meta to a fault, wearing its badge as an unnecessary sequel with a sense of ironic pride to a point of excess, but it's all worthwhile for the performances (notably from Ice Cube) and the ending credits.
Rated 05 Jun 2015
Okay yeah story was way better in the first one, but damn this one was a great stuff as well. Not storywise maybe but it was great on many other levels. Tatum and Hill are perfect once again and some jokes are really brilliant. Anyway, brilliant comedy (y) Some great easter eggs and tributes to some comedy classics also give more credit to this for me as they were put in a great way :)
Rated 08 Mar 2015
Unbelievable. The first movie didn't even look good and here they are making a sequel that's every bit as good as the first movie. Hill and Tatum are still really good together and this movie continues 21s hilarious writing and some good action. If you liked the first one this is a must-see.
Rated 26 Feb 2015
I like it like I like my drinks. EXTRA ICE CUBE
Rated 07 Feb 2015
After loving the first one, this was a major disappointment. The charm and fun is gone.
Rated 26 Jan 2015
On par with the original, it's surprisingly good and funny despite not being particularly consistent.
Rated 12 Dec 2014
The magic is still there...kind of. No surprise to fans of the first entry, but this one lives and dies on what you think of Hill and Tatum's chemistry. If you dig it, you're going to like this -- just maybe not as much, or nearly as much, as the original. If you don't see it between these two, well, best avoid this. Where I think this one pales pretty drastically is the lack of new, interesting side characters...or drug dealing vegans, for that matter. Still worth a watch and a few laughs.
Rated 09 Oct 2014
The film seems almost gleeful in how it hammers home that it's exactly like the first part and it'll be more of the same and yes everyone is in on the joke. It has a strong beginning that got a lot of laughs out of me, loses momentum in the second half, contains Ice Cube Swearing a Lot which will never not be funny to me and has hilarious end credits. So yes, it is indeed exactly like the first part. Only, you know, now it's more of the same.
Rated 01 Oct 2014
Doesn't have the charm of the first one. Rehashing of already made jokes isn't enough anymore. Sure there were some laughs here and there, but I wouldn't have cared if they only made 21 and tossed the script of 22 in the bin. Mediocrity galore.
Rated 30 Sep 2014
This movie is very aware of itself and that can turn many people off. I personally can't stand Scream and Behind the Mask for this reason. Lord Miller definitely knew that there are always diminishing returns for a comedy sequel, but they did a valiant job.
Rated 17 Aug 2014
Hilarious, but not as fun as the first... some of the jokes got a little repetitive, but there were plenty of reasons to see and enjoy this one.
Rated 16 Aug 2014
Cringey as hell, but its persistence does rub off. I actually had a chuckle or two the last half hour. And to be honest, the end-credits were hilarious.
Rated 04 Aug 2014
22 Meta Street. I love meta more than the average movie buff, but even I had to chew an extra time or two to get it all down in one sitting. It's funny, doesn't take itself to serious and know that people are really expecting THAT much, and it still delivers. Hill and Tatum are perfect together. Enjoy 22 Almost Jump the Shark for what it is, and you'll be fine.
Rated 23 Jul 2014
It doesn't quite reach the dazzling heights of its predecessor, but well-aware of the rule on diminishing returns, this sequel about sequels is out to play a different game -- it just keeps getting pigeonholed back into the old one. Tatum gets one of the biggest laughs I'll have all year out of an over-the-top reaction to a plot reveal, and Ice Cube steals every scene he's in. But the best part of the film is the endless-sequel teasing closing credits, which might be the best credits of all time
Rated 22 Jul 2014
The only way a sequel to a self aware comedy could work is this, a comedy about sequels and recycling ideas, and it works!
Rated 05 Jul 2014
While the first one was a surprise, this one was so meta and self aware that you can't help but be annoyed. They pulled a Home Alone/Home Alone 2 and just used the same script and also like those movies it lost a lot of its charm. For every funny moment there's at least 5 instances where you start cringing over them trying too hard. Doesn't work as well as the first one. Really not looking forward to any more of these. Also, Amber Stevens = perfection
Rated 29 Jun 2014
This sequel one-ups it predecessor by not only doing the exact same thing as before, but also being insistingly self aware and self-deprecating about this fact, to the point where the lovable duo's shenanigans are framed within a hilarious self absorbed sequel spoof.
Rated 24 Jun 2014
A predictable and self aware rehash but still fairly clever and amusing. The dialogue and jokes are a bit too dumb here though and a lot of it hinges on whether or not you think Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum's slapstick is funny. It's also filled to the brim with jokes equating the buddy cop genre with gay romance. It kind of loses steam 3/4 of the way in with comedy setups that are allowed to linger a bit too long like the Hill and the fat chick fight. Alright for a laugh.
Rated 24 Jun 2014
It's not the surprise the first one was, but the established characters allow for a sequel that's nothing but jokes, and most of them hit perfectly. Also, best end credits in the history of film.
Rated 22 Jun 2014
Enjoyed this just as much as the first. The self-aware humor is fantastic, and Ice Cube gets some great screen time here. Hill & Tatum are still great together.
Rated 19 Jun 2014
An amazing comedy sequel. Making fun of everything about comedy sequels helps separate the movie from the original even though it follows the same plot. Ice Cube and Channing Tatum knock it out of the park, and Jonah Hill helps make the slow spring break part of the movie funny.
Rated 18 Jun 2014
Through this whole movie the most unbelievable thing was Jonah Hill holding Channing Tatum up on the helicopter with one arm.
Rated 18 Jun 2014
Hilarious in parts, but not quite as funny as the first installment. The supporting cast isn't half as strong as the cast from the first film, and that's mainly what drags it down a bit. Peter Stormare is almost unnecessary, and the plot (while not the reason you see a movie like this) is iffy. As for the reasons you are seeing the movie: Tatum and Hill are still excellent together (seriously, great chemistry), many of the gags and dialogue are great, and Jillian Bell never fails to slay me.
Rated 16 Jun 2014
I hope Channing Tatum stays permanently in the 'transition to comedy actor' part of the Arnold Schwarzenegger Action Hero Trajectory, because he is amazing at it.
Rated 14 Jun 2014
Starts off feeling kind of iffy, as if they were trying too hard to recreate lightning. But there is a very clear point where it goes from merely good to amazing. Some of the funniest scenes I expect to see all year.
Rated 29 Sep 2024
Permanently meta -commenting on your own lack of exist won't fix all the problems you have, you know? The last ten minutes of teasers for future sequels, though, are golden.
Rated 13 Feb 2024
This is a rare comedy sequel that understands what made the first one fun, doubles down on that and stays away from all the other shit that ruins comedy sequels eventually. It tackles this pretty early on, then you think they overdid the joke but no, they play with it more and more and what we end up with is a movie that's even better than the original.
Rated 13 Jan 2024
My name is Jeff.
Rated 13 Nov 2023
Allright follow-up movie. Would love to see the extra "jump street" on screens :)
Rated 12 Nov 2023
It was okay, but it just felt so lukewarm compared to the first movie. Less funny jokes and while one of the jokes was rehashing the events from the first movie, it was a little bit too self-aware for its own good. I just wasn't laughing nearly as much as I did with the first one and it made me kind of sad! Loved seeing Peter Stormare in this one, though.
Rated 24 Oct 2023
it’s a lot less dumb than the first film, but even with the fat budget it’s still somehow kinda sad and depressing in the way that only sequels can be. there’s a lot of poignant moments in between the self awareness
Rated 25 Jul 2023
The montage during the credits was absolutely hilarious. But no matter how many times they joked that this was a retread of the first film, it was true and not as good as the original.
Rated 29 Apr 2023
More of the same and that's no bad thing. Easily passes the laugh test.
Rated 21 Apr 2023
Cringey as hell. Movie forced me to be skipping half the time
Rated 22 Feb 2023
Yeah, I fully hate-watched the first one because it was funny but ethically/politically irritating. Then, in an act of ruthless self-harm, tried 10 minutes of the sequel just to complete the unhealthy cycle in the name of “philosophical analysis” or “cultural awareness” or some other rubbish and yeah, I mean. I hate it. Like, seriously, I really hate this one. The first was begrudgingly enjoyable.
Rated 22 Feb 2022
Rated 31 Jan 2022
Not quite as good as I remember it being but still has a decent number of jokes. Hill definitely carries this one
Rated 24 Jan 2022
The credit sequence is funnier than 90% of comedies made in the last 5 years.
Rated 25 Oct 2021
This is definitely in the category 'lazy sequel' as it seems those involved simply wanted to cash in on the success of the first film. Case in point; Dave Franco reprising his role as Eric Molson that amounts to not much more than a series of jail rape jokes. The support cast and the characters they play are much weaker than the first film, with Jillian Bell nothing more than an annoyance as the supposed mastermind drug dealer. Also, it's too self-referential/meta for its own good.
Rated 05 Oct 2021
this was so forgettable that i forgot to rate it when i watched it 7 years ago. (in cinema, mind you). It's entertaining, but it will quietly slip out of your head the moment you turn off the tv, (or leave the hall, in my case.)
Rated 29 Jul 2021
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Rated 29 Jul 2021
I ended up liking this a lot more the second time than I remembered the first time. I particularly enjoyed the way the movie made fun of hollywood sequels and their larger budgets, and the stuff with Ice Cube and the situation with his daughter was hilarious. However, on the other side, I think the movie leans way too heavily on the gay innuendo thing. If they had been more subtle with it, and didn't use those jokes nearly as much, it would have worked better.
Rated 26 Jan 2021
#20-4#, exp3, rw2, popcorn, prequel, cast
Rated 02 Jan 2021
After making their way through high school big changes are taking place for officers Schmidt (Jonah Hill) & Jenko (Channing Tatum) when they go undercover at local college thistime But whenJenko encounters his kindred soul on the football team& infiltrates Schmidt at artclub they begin to question their partnership Its their job not only to resolve matter but also to endure trials that will show whether they can enter into mature relationship If 2 adolescents can grow into real men this college
Rated 09 Dec 2020
My name jeff
Rated 28 Aug 2020
must watch after the first one
Rated 26 Jul 2020
the fourth wall breaking parody is laid on strong but still funny
Rated 08 Oct 2019
Perhaps a bit too much meta humour, but otherwise still fun to watch, if less so than the first.
Rated 22 Aug 2019
Possibly the best comedy sequel ever made. It's up there with Wayne's World 2.
Rated 19 Jul 2019
This movie is basically the same as the first movie and they constantly remind you. The parts that aren't the same just make it worse and you might as well just rewatch the first film instead of watching this.
Rated 10 Mar 2019
ger; [22 jump street]; auf einem college sollen die zwei undercover agenten gegen deinen drogenring ermitteln - ein inverses schulzeit deja-vu entwickelt sich.;
Rated 07 May 2018
Rated 27 Sep 2017
Did not live up to the hype of the first film, but it had a lot of hilarious scenes. And you're entertained enough through the rest of the movie between those scenes.
Rated 29 Aug 2017
okay movie
Rated 25 Aug 2017
22 Jump Street is an enjoyable sequel and some would argue that it's better than it's predecessor. The premise remains the same but this film is very self aware that it's purposely repeating the same winning formulae. And the hilarious end credits poke fun at this brilliantly. Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill and also Ice Cube feel almost too comfortable in these roles and they are hilarious together once again.
Rated 03 Aug 2017
Maybe not as good as the first one, but still hilarious on its own right. The two leads are as charming as ever and the subversive humor is still just as biting and funny.
Rated 19 Jan 2017
i never saw the show and thought the first movie would be a pale rip off of the show, just capitalizing on a name. while i have no idea how similar it was to the show, as a movie, it stood pretty strong on it's own merits. the second one is more of the same, and that's a good thing. tatum and hill make a tremendous team, playing off of each other with skill and they come up with some of the best improved humor around.
Rated 19 Dec 2016
It's the same movie as the last one. Except it is not. An almost perfect sequel to an almost perfect film.
Rated 07 Aug 2016
That rare sequel that matches the original. Loved many of the jokes and Tatum and Hill have great chemistry together.
Rated 23 Jun 2016
Self awareness about the movie beeing crap doesn't make it good.
Rated 26 May 2016
They make a lovely couple.
Rated 04 May 2016
Better than the first one, and it was genuinely funny in many places. This is one of those guilty pleasure movies that I actually enjoyed more than I should have.
Rated 24 Apr 2016
I think to remember that I laughed more in the first one, but this was still worth the watch.
Rated 20 Mar 2016
The first one is better, that is for sure. Just because it was self-referencing that it wasn't as good as the first one doesn't give it a pass it just shows the writers knew they should have tried harder, so why didn't they?
Rated 10 Mar 2016
gotta rewatch
Rated 18 Feb 2016
Just like the first one. Exactly. The same. Seriously, how cool would it be, if saying that magically made this movie funnier or better. Hilarious, right. Well, actually the first one was funnier. The funniest part of this movie was the credits. Which seems like it was also the thing they put the most effort into. Meaning, it seems like a thing at least one person put at least a little bit of effort into.
Rated 01 Feb 2016
Still strong
Rated 29 Dec 2015
I didn't want to like it because 21 seemed like such a fluke, but this pokes fun at that recycled premise, and goes even further in the end credits. The jokes are slightly softer in some of the scenes and it works well, but there is still plenty of in your face stupid funny.
Rated 16 Nov 2015
Kinda funny, but not nearly as funny as the first one.
Rated 28 Oct 2015
not so impressive in second viewing, still good though
Rated 04 Oct 2015
Hill and Tatum make a solid sequel to 21. Man, it'd be cool to see some of those mock sequels...
Rated 27 Sep 2015
Oh, how the tables have turned! What will the overweight joker do now that he is too cool for school? Will he blatantly abuse his unexpected powers for 2/3 of the film, until realizing he's been misguided by the toasted almond-like aroma of popularity and then team back up with his rock-em-jock-em buddy for act 3? While 21 Jump Street was fun, The charm has worn off of this modern-day reboot like the "fruit" in a stick of Juicyfruit does approximately 30 seconds after popping it in your mouth.
Rated 20 Aug 2015
Seen: 2x
Rated 23 Jun 2015
Not as good as the original movie, but good for a few laughs. Decent rental.
Rated 11 Jun 2015
As good as the first. That's something I can't say about many sequels. Those ending credits though.
Rated 07 Jun 2015
A disappointment compared to the first one.
Rated 01 Jun 2015
Não chega aos pés do primeiro mas tem seu charme. Pontos extras pelo final.
Rated 29 May 2015
Rated 13 May 2015
Very self aware
Rated 25 Apr 2015
I liked the first movie, this time for some reason I really, really, really couldn't give a shit.
Rated 22 Apr 2015
Very poor.
Rated 02 Mar 2015
Really nice sequel to a nice movie. Same style, as expected and desired actually. Nice humor, nice scenes, nice acting.
Rated 26 Feb 2015
the sequel jokes get pretty boring pretty fast


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