The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It
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The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It

The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It

Suspense/Thriller, Horror
1h 52m
"The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It" reveals a chilling story of terror, murder and unknown evil that shocked even experienced real-life paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren. One of the most sensational cases from their files, it starts with a fight for the soul of a young boy, then takes them beyond anything they'd ever seen before, to mark the first time in U.S. history that a murder suspect would claim demonic possession as a defense. (

The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It

Suspense/Thriller, Horror
1h 52m
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Avg Percentile 30.32% from 600 total ratings

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Rated 06 Jun 2021
Guys ... I think the Warrens were full of shit I’ll follow Patrick and Vera into absolute ghoulish garbage if they’re playing them. I won’t be following this awful director.
Rated 16 Jun 2021
I could see where some would start to feel fatigue with this one. The possession/ghost genre has been so oversaturated at this point that it's hard to get excited for these anymore. I didn't think this one was bad. Wan's absence in the directors chair is evident, but there were still some great moments of tension and I really liked the morgue scene and the tunnels at the end. Acting is all really good. Wilson and Farmiga are really what's bringing me back at this point. Decent.
Rated 07 Jun 2021
Conjuring 3's biggest issue is living in the shadow of the previous two movies. The moment the movie starts, its apparent this is not directed by James Wan, and while visually it looks fine, all the scares are not scary. The moment a scene starts to get scary, the jumpscare has already happened. No Tension. At least the story feel fresh, True Crime Ghost story works as a framing device (even though yikes its a real story). Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga continue to make real life cons likable.
Rated 20 Jul 2021
Parts of this are better than the first two movies. Many other parts reminded me of the exorcist 3 but in every possible worse way. More tonally mixed than the first two movies and maybe worse for it.
Rated 15 Jun 2021
Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson elevate everything. Sarah Catherine Hook is super cute. This is a well made movie with an excellent soundtrack, good acting, and reasonable SFX. Unfortunately, the story is all about mumbo-jumbo satanic possession. It has a few good jump scares. It would take a giant leap of anti-faith to believe even the tiniest shred of this nonsense. Mental illness was the real culprit and they added a steaming pile of Hollywood to juice up the fiction.
Rated 13 Jun 2021
While I miss James Wan's directing skills and atmosphere creation, The Devil Made Me Do It is still a good movie. It is very different from the first two films, the fear is more in the background, but the tension is still high. Considering people's bad reviews, it was better than I expected.
Rated 19 Nov 2021
While "The Conjuring" universe still holds promise for--at bare minimum--decent horror movies for years to come, the main series, or the Warren's, seem to be played out. I may have liked "The Nun" more than the general population, but this one I can't be so kind to, it's a pale shadow of the first two movies and a downright shameful entry with little by way of scares. Maybe Wan really was the winning ticket.
Rated 05 Jul 2021
Weakest of the trilogy by far. Wilson and Farmiga are still so watchable but they can only do so much with this dull Warren tale of cults and possession. It doesn't help that the supporting cast are utterly uninteresting throughout which removes a lot of tension when you don't particularly care what happens to them. It may be an oversimplification to say that Wan's direct influence is sadly lacking but Chaves certainly doesn't impress much here.
Rated 22 Jun 2021
Love this series and this installment is a good one, though a little slow in the middle.
Rated 22 Jun 2021
Yet another step down in the Conjuring trilogy. I knew that having a new one without Wan directing would be a problem, and I guess it turned out okay despite that. The scares are infrequent, and few stand out. The pacing is pretty slow, and the story isn’t interesting enough to make up for it. Wilson and Farmiga are enjoyable as usual, but they aren’t nearly enough to make up for the multiple shortcomings. Only slightly recommended for fans of the franchise.
Rated 21 Jun 2021
I've been pulled in enough by story and fantasy to see the three main Conjuring films. I'd say this is the weakest of the bunch, but Wilson and Farmiga are enjoyable to watch, there are some interesting visual effects, and it has a decent soundtrack.
Rated 20 Jun 2021
Lmao what u doin there weird witchy lady. No dont leave weird witchy lady, tell me what nonsense ur up to weird witchy lady. Why u so weird
Rated 17 Jun 2021
While not managing to conjure the spooky atmosphere of its predecessors, it nonetheless delivers more than enough effective scares.
Rated 16 Jun 2021
Clearly running out of steam but The Conjuring continues its streak of being one of the most consistent horror franchises, especially for modern stuff.
Rated 12 Jun 2021
This was the weakest of the series in my eyes. Not as much fun as the others and lacks Wan's mastery over the genre and having a few scenes that each movie had that go on to be classics.
Rated 08 Jun 2021
As long as it focused on one case, like the Arne trial, it was fine, but it was when it tried to tie various cases together it failed, IMO. There's entertainment to be had, but this was probable the least scary in the franchise, including spin-offs.
Rated 07 Jun 2021
Well written and well shot, The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It is a decent horror drama with its moments of brilliance. Great performance by the cast and some genuine new scares. My only gripe would be that no one said "The Devil Made Me Do It" in the movie.
Rated 05 Jun 2021
We're at a point where it's good to question where "The Conjuring" universe is really going, and this is starting to show the cracks and fatigue of what most horror franchises succumb to eventually. It's alright, however it's very straight forward and left with little flare and surprise. Unfortunately, the horror elements aren't that impressive this time around, as It plays into the typical tropes. It might be time to go back to the drawing board, as this doesn't do enough.
Rated 05 Jun 2021
Aren't horror films supposed to be...scary?
Rated 01 Jun 2021
Maybe I'm starting to get a bit of fatigue from these Demonic/Exorcism films, but it was just alright. Nothing groundbreaking and plays things straight, but fairly competently shot and well executed effects. If anything, the Warrens are what kept me going from start to finish. Without them, it definitely wouldn't be nearly as good. The weakest of the three main Conjuring movies pretty easily though. Perhaps James Wan needs to come back.
Rated 01 Jun 2023
Although this didn't offer me any new effective scares like others in the franchise, I was taken in by the atypical (for horror) plot w/ the 2 leads acting less like exorcists & more like private eyes sent off on a sort of quest to save someone from the death penalty. It is a little confusing as to why the little kid keeps hanging around w/ the younger couple, but the woman behind the evil is a great visual & her witch-like powers made for a great villain.
Rated 02 Apr 2022
SPOILER I’m left confused. Was it luck that she put the totem under the Glatzels house and she needed a child? Arne wasn’t a child, so that wouldn’t count towards the curse…right?
Rated 13 Oct 2021
Very forgettable, and almost pointless.
Rated 19 Sep 2021
Pretty good. Feels like a high budget horror movie, which is not necessarily a good thing for horror fans. For a non-horror fan, it makes the whole thing a bit more bearable (I don't like stressing over scares). Pretty interesting if you like christian and satanic themes.
Rated 30 Aug 2021
Maybe it's time to move on from ultra-flexible monsterhumans on all fours that skip frames - or maybe with this ghost posessions completely! Jump scares work solely because they're so much louder than the dialog.
Rated 16 Jul 2021
Wan's vision is definitely missed -- although there are some well-directed spots here (opening, woods scene) -- but I think this is far from horrible, despite the evidently bland, bloated and misleading true crime vibe -- it actually provides some welcoming mystery/action atmosphere to the narrative, if we let ourselves enjoy a half full glass of water here. In a way, it puts the main franchise on a corner hard to escape.
Rated 12 Jul 2021
Its not very scary but it felt more like a horror/action film. The acting is decent and the story is interesting. I don't think we need anymore Conjuring films after this.
Rated 12 Jul 2021
I haven't seen the previous parts but this one worked very well in a proper setting, despite it's occasional stupidity.
Rated 26 Jun 2021
I feel if you're still in with the conjuring universe you're going to dig it. It's fun. It's a little much. Awww their love is pure
Rated 26 Jun 2021
No James Wan, but the couple's strong chemistry and acting talent still makes it enjoyable.
Rated 23 Jun 2021
Remember in 2nd grade when the teacher would randomly call you to read a paragraph from a textbook in front of the class, and everyone would read with studders and complete social terror when they got to a word like, "conjuring" and didn't know how to pronounce it without the class giggling? That's what watching this felt like. Tedious, with the wrong tension, and felt like they were learning how to make a horror, and this is notably like seven films deep into a franchise.
Rated 06 Jun 2021
the devil made me do it
Rated 06 Jun 2021
This movie was great the first fifty times they made it.
Rated 05 Jun 2021
They waited 5 years for this rote demonic possession story? This 'universe' has been running on paint fumes for at least 4 years now, and the 3rd entry in The Conjuring franchise does little to inspire confidence in its future viability. Chaves isn't a patch on Wan, who is a talented thief at best, and even Wilson and Farmiga struggle to bring much life to the utterly banal dialogue, routine plotting and predictable scares. Ultimately, it is really no better than a low rent spin off.
Rated 05 Jun 2021
This is bad.
Rated 05 Jun 2021
Rather boring.
Rated 21 Sep 2024
Rated 28 May 2024
Very dissapointing stuff. There is nothing about this movie that lives up to the first original movie. The story was dull, and there weren`t really any scary moments at all. I like the actors who did theire part good, so thats the only reason I dont rate it much lower.
Rated 21 Jan 2024
Criticker's fanbase made me watch it
Rated 29 Oct 2023
Boring. Repetitive. Not scary.
Rated 22 Oct 2023
I'm not generally a fan of this series, but this truly hits a new low.
Rated 21 Apr 2023
Rated 22 Nov 2022
the conjuring movies are like the paranormal horror indiana jones franchise and im kinda here for it
Rated 22 Mar 2022
*guy kills his landlord* The Warrens: what could POSSIBLY be the motive
Rated 17 Mar 2022
The third outing for The Conjuring suffers greatly without James Wan at the helm. However, it mostly suceeds due to the lead actors and an interesting mystery at the core of the story.
Rated 13 Mar 2022
Decent but pedestrian. Just not scary enough. Not enough twists. It never feels like danger is around the corner, despite a few okay jump scares. The fat cadaver was more funny than scary. Ed and Lorraine's relationship is probably the best part of this movie.
Rated 11 Mar 2022
İlki gayet iyi, ikincisi de güzel olan üçlemenin son halkası nasıl bu evrenin uzatılmaması gerektiğinin bir kanıtı.
Rated 22 Aug 2021
Rated 25 Jul 2021
2 ruh bilimcimiz yine iş başında. Bu sefer 1 evde 1 çocuğun içinden şeytan çıkarma ayiniyle film başlıyor. Açılış sahnesi çok iyi. Hatta bayağı gerildim. Fakat sonraları ses efektiyle korkutma taktiği baydı. Öyküsü sağlam. Güzel işliyor. Morg sahnesi de korkunçtu. Ruh transferinin olduğu sahne de iyi. Yönetim olarak başarılı. Filmin sonunda, satanizm ve büyü. Bir fare gördüm na bu kadar.
Rated 09 Jul 2021
Cheap paranormal mumbo jumbo.
Rated 25 Jun 2021
w/ Orkun
Rated 12 Jun 2021
not so good


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