Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Comedy, War
1h 52m
A journalist recounts her wartime coverage in Afghanistan and Pakistan. (imdb)

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Comedy, War
1h 52m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 41.25% from 468 total ratings

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Rated 19 Jun 2016
Once again Tina Fey shows her acting chops, this time as a war correspondent. There is not much comedy, but that's OK, the drama was smart, interesting & engaging. I quite enjoyed watching Tina Fey. She is likeable & somewhat self deprecating. Margot Robbie was gorgeous. Martin Freeman & Christopher Abbott were great supporting actors. Molina & Thornton were barely used. Excellent production quality & music. Good pacing & performances. Overall, I quite enjoyed this movie.
Rated 15 Jun 2016
Freeman surrounded by men in beards and it's not another Hobbit film, WTF! As a comedy, it's mediocre, having shown all its cards in the trailer. Luckily, the film is really a character drama that sold itself as a comedy. Freeman steals the scene the first moment he comes onscreen. Molina is under-used. Thornton's great as usual. That leaves us with Fey, who is hard to dislike. Her usual comic Shtick feels too familiar but her performance was decent. Interesting premise with middling execution.
Rated 05 Jun 2016
This only works because of the performances, and those don't even work that well to be honest. I watched this film on JetBlue because the free wifi wasn't working and it was offered at no charge, so I thought, "why the fuck not?" Apparently, "why the fuck not?" was also what the execs, writers, and director were thinking when making the appropriately named WTF. This isn't to say that WTF is terrible or even bad, but it certainly had nothing to say.
Rated 07 Dec 2016
Sarah Palin and Harley Quinn have sex in Afghanistan. Not with each other (unfortunately), but with everyone else. And by everyone, I mean Dr. Watson. But it's funny because war.
Rated 14 Nov 2016
This movie cannot decide what it wants to be. It manages a somewhat difficult feat of going for a number of themes but abandons them as quickly as they come on leaving little lasting result. It's a shame because a bit more focus or a bit longer runtime allowing for more depth and this could have actually been really nice. Tina Fey performs well as a more serious actress without losing her sense of humor.
Rated 05 Oct 2016
A cohesive package of humour and commentary. Not exceptionally moving or hilarious but all-in-all solidly effective.
Rated 17 Jun 2016
It's pretty lightweight with nothing to say outside of telling a personal story, but Fey outright said that in interviews. It was pretty funny on occasion but certainly took a more serious slant, and it's always lovely seeing Fey because she's incredible and so charming. It doesn't end up being a very memorable film, but I will admit that the end--as neat as it is--ended up being a little emotional; just a smidge.
Rated 21 Mar 2016
Works well both as a comedy as a personal viewpoint of an American in Afghanistan. Tina Fey excels, even surrounded by a strong supporting cast.
Rated 10 Mar 2016
Another movie better than it has any right to be. The trailer makes it look like a cheesy middlebrow film. The kind of safe movie that liberal people in their 50's and 60's go to just because they heard someone related to the film give an interview on NPR. Sure, it's still cheesy, and the plot is a little convenient at the end, but it's a mostly enjoyable ride getting there. The casting was good, Tina Fey did well in a more serious role, and the screenplay wasn't nearly as bad as I had feared.
Rated 20 Jun 2022
Rated 10 Sep 2017
Not sure what this wanted to be or what it wanted to say. From what i gather a woman wrote a book of her time in Afghanistan and then all the best anecdotes got put into a movie. So we get an anecdotal film giving us slice of life glimpses over a 3 year span. There's humor, emotion, brief insight, and sincerity but no cohesion to all those elements.
Rated 09 Aug 2017
Pretty good.
Rated 21 Dec 2016
A likeable story which captures the excitement and danger of starting a new assignment in a foreign warzone, while managing to flit back and forth between comedic moments and some serious drama. The film also has good pacing and captures the passage of time well, along with the development of its characters. Possesses a few flaws, but overall a return to form for Tina Fey, the Ficarra/Requa directing duo, and several good supporting cast members.
Rated 07 Dec 2016
I don't understand why they tried to sell this as a comedy. It's an okay movie, but not a comedy, not even a dramedy. More like light drama.
Rated 07 Nov 2016
One of the problems w/ putting Fey in this & having the best 30 Rock writer adapt the memoir is it takes about 20 minutes to figure out what the hell they're going for. The life of a war correspondent is filled w/ its own idiosyncrasies so you can't help but wonder "Is this odd detail a joke or did this really happen?" Soon, it becomes clear they're trying for a realistic drama, but that's its own problem: whenever something's implausible you distractingly wonder what's fact & what's H'wood BS
Rated 23 Sep 2016
Rated 11 Jul 2016
This"comedy" tried to be too many things - a comedy, a war film, a drama, a political film, a documentary. It fell flat. It was supposed to be a comedy, and there were times I laughed, but I didn't know what to make of it at the end. "It's like fucking a gorilla. It'll end when IT wants to."
Rated 05 Jul 2016
It really seems to want to be a blending of comedy and having an important message, but it doesn't really grab you with either. Sure it's got some laughs and poignancy but a lot of it just feels like a biography about a war corespondent who had some mildly interesting moments. It's certainly watchable but nothing I would really recommend to anyone. There are moments where the movie seems to take a somewhat glib tone with a few moments that were bothersome since these events actually occurred.
Rated 23 Jun 2016
Based on the marketing, I thought this was going to be a silly comedy. It's much more thoughtful and earnest than I was expecting. Or, at least, it tries to be. I didn't feel particularly invested though, whatever the reason. It was a bit long. I feel like it might've made a better mini-series, as it's quite episodic in nature. It had some cool music choices. Yeah, I don't know, there was some good stuff in there, but it didn't make for a particularly great movie.
Rated 17 Jun 2016
Casting + acting greatness. Damn good movie.
Rated 24 Mar 2016
This was a surprisingly good, well written diamond in the rough. Tina Fey is perfectly cast, and I'm coming around to thinking Martin Freeman is the best supporting actor working today.
Rated 23 Mar 2016
A pretty good slice of life experience in a genre you wouldn't ordinarily find it. If you go into the film with expectations of any kind, you're likely to be disappointed.
Rated 17 Mar 2016
Tina Fey is the best person for this role and the absolute reason why this film works on any level. She is believable in any role and does a fantastic job of showing her range. There is more to this film than what is shown in the trailers and that certainly helps the score of this film. The supporting cast falls in nicely lead by Martin Freeman. This is certainly not a comedy but definitely not a commanding drama. It falls somewhere in the middle as a good date movie with a stellar cast.
Rated 12 Mar 2016
This is an interesting movie that has some good serious moments. There also some funny moments in the film. Tina Fey is great in the lead role and the rest of the cast does a good job here. Overall I would recommend this film.
Rated 07 Mar 2016
Its satirical and dramatic power is so lightweight that the effect of the movie is Eat Pray Love in Afghanistan. Now, I didn't mind Eat Pray Love.
Rated 04 Mar 2016
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is a confusing and disappointing watch if you go in expecting a laugh-out-loud comedy. The marketing may have portrayed it that way, but most of the jokes are in the trailers. This is a film about a woman finding herself in a country with some of the most repressed attitudes toward women in the entire world. That's a good premise for a film, and Tina Fey is more than up to the task. But poor expectations can color an experience, so don't go in expecting something else.
Rated 23 May 2021
Good film but director should cut 10 minute.
Rated 21 Feb 2018
ger; [whiskey tango foxtrot]; eine nachrichtenschreiberin bekommt arbeit als kriegsreferentin in afghanistan - was das leben einiges verändert.; (teils abstrus naiv-dümmliche reporterin; nette beziehungsgeschichte);
Rated 09 Jan 2018
A surprisingly good and serious portrait of a journalist reporting on the war in Afghanistan. It raises important issues about females, war reporting, and the war itself in a fun and entertaining way.
Rated 24 Aug 2017
Probably shouldn't judge a movie by it's title but this sounded awful. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. It watchable, just wouldn't go out of my way to watch it.
Rated 19 Aug 2017
What promises to be a sharp satire of wartime journalism (and some CATCH-22/STRANGELOVE paradoxes) quickly turns plodding and uninvolving, when the basic superficiality of the story becomes obvious. Fey is so-so in the lead -- there are moments when you feel that she would rather play it more broadly, and consequently feels hemmed in; more successful is the always reliable Freeman as a cocky womaniser, while Thornton has some nice dryly humerous moments. Not a bad film, just miscalculated.
Rated 13 Jul 2017
I enjoyed Whiskey Tango Foxtrot quite a lot. I am a fan of comedies and I normally understand that in stead of a quality story I am getting laughs but WTF flipped that formula on it's head. This movie had tons of heart mixed with a lot of good bits as well. The casting is great! I love so many of the people in this movie. I am not much for war movies but the casting of this movie really helped me get more invested than normal. I probably wouldn't watch this movie again but I had a great time.
Rated 30 May 2017
Didn't know what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised.
Rated 17 May 2017
Not that bad, really. Easy viewing for a war comedy.
Rated 29 Apr 2017
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot offers nothing new but it's still an incredibly well acted and engaging picture. (Billy Bob Thornton and his moustache almost steal the show.)
Rated 20 Apr 2017
This one is a hard movie to like. It's a war movie targeted at women, it's a comedy for those who don't want to laugh out loud, and if you're interested in the journalism aspect, it treats them like superficial attention grabbers without souls. The only good thing I can say is that Tina Fey pulled off the character, I never really had a lot of respect for her, but this helps.
Rated 03 Mar 2017
A coming of (middle) age movie. Really enjoyed WTF. Margot Robbie is a bonus.
Rated 04 Feb 2017
It's tough to balance comedy and pathos. Most of my favorite movies find a way to do it effectively. This is pretty strong in the comedic elements, but it falters when it tries for pathos. It feels like it wanted to make a point about the war or feminism or journalism or something, but never really found a way to do it.
Rated 16 Jan 2017
Starts out rather good, especially since I liked seeing Tina Fey in a serious role. But then things just happen without much urgency and what unfolds was only so-so interesting. Would have been cooler had they focused more on Margot Robbie's character. She had better dynamics with Fay than Fay had with Martin Freeman, that's for sure.
Rated 08 Jan 2017
I totally thought this was a comedy when I pulled it up on Amazon Prime, based on this movie's name and its cast. Little did I know IT WAS TOTES SERIOUS. WTF Tina Fey? WTF indeed.
Rated 07 Jan 2017
There's a lot going on here. Maybe too much. The filmmakers can't draw coherence out of chaos. But Fey does. Her potent performance grows as Barker grows a conscience about the fragile, ravaged region she's covering. Chasing things that go boom gets her face time on the news. But what else? Fey lets that question hang in the air. She knows the power of making you laugh till it hurts.
Rated 01 Dec 2016
Everything about this film is fine but disappointing. Except the decision to cast white actors as middle eastern characters, which really made the experience much more difficult than necessary.
Rated 28 Aug 2016
I went in expecting a Tina Fey comedy, and this isn't that, at least not quite. Her character is what you'd expect and there's certainly a good deal of comedy along the way, but it's a war drama first. A pretty decent one at that, but the tone always feels inconsistent with the material.
Rated 01 Aug 2016
one of those obviously based on a book dramadies where the first act is sarcastic barbs, the second act is ham-fisted drama and the third act is the lead finding him/herself or whatever. don't watch it unless you're stuck on a plane or are actually stationed in Afghanistan
Rated 24 Jul 2016
Nothing about WTF is bad. In fact, most of it is fairly entertaining. However, the mediocre execution of the seemingly endless number of genres is disappointing. It's comedy, it's about long distance relationships, it's about working women, it's about war, it's about sexism, it's about everything. It's all fine.
Rated 23 Jul 2016
This was enjoyable but nothing great. Fey found herself in a character and portrayed her really well. It's a smooth movie but nothing too special.
Rated 09 Jul 2016
It's hard to rate this as it's not inherently bad or boring. Everyone does a fine job in their roles and processes, but it feels off. The blend of comedy and seriousness tend to come off as unnatural. Which is odd considering much of it really happened. I wouldn't say it's not worth watching, just take it with a grain of salt.
Rated 04 Jul 2016
A nothing film in nearly every respect, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot trundles along in an attempt to be something more than just a comedy
Rated 29 Jun 2016
W2E0P1S0V1M1A1R0. What the eff was this movie?
Rated 26 Jun 2016
I hope somebody somewhere is at work on a great big supercut of all the times in a movie people have stood around in a circle and watched Tina Fey dancing. Early on, when her character's en route to Afghanistan and it looks like her plane might crash, she yells "shitdick!" I'm actually surprised this movie hasn't already metamorphosed into a Netflix sitcom.
Rated 17 Jun 2016
Few jokes and even less opinions about the war.
Rated 13 Mar 2016
There's no central conflict here, per se, other than the obvious one: the war in Afghanistan. And though there is a linear narrative of sorts (loosely based on real-life reporter Kim Barker's 2011 memoir The Taliban Shuffle), mostly the story meanders from one strange and dangerous situation to another as the onscreen Kim Baker lurches through myriad reckless, immoral decisions en route to the epiphany that being a war reporter in Afghanistan isn't ultimately very healthy. *


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