

1h 32m
A hard-living superhero who has fallen out of favor with the public enters into a questionable relationship with the wife of the public relations professional who's trying to repair his image. (imdb)
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1h 32m
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Avg Percentile 31% from 10067 total ratings

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Rated 03 Jun 2016
Some movies are made for watching on the plane while somebody's little princess incessantly kicks you in the back for 2 hours. No matter how shitty the movie is, I will never hate it more than I hate that girl. Side note: why is Charlize Theron so fucking orange?
Rated 09 Nov 2008
A film with a strong cast and a strong first act which sets it up to be both entertaining and relevant. Unfortunately it's severely let down as its second half plumbs the depths of utter ridiculousness without the slightest hint of mercy for the viewer. Smith, Theron and Bateman deserve better material than that, and Peter Berg seems to have walked off set halfway into the project, leaving the best boy and boom swinger to direct the rest of the film.
Rated 04 Jul 2008
I didn't actually want to see this movie in the first place, so imagine my surprise when the first half won me over entirely. Now imagine my immense disappointment at the second half, which was so bad it actually had me contemplating suicide to get away.
Rated 19 Jul 2008
just disgusting... "call me x again one more time" was very much like "chicken" from back to the future, yeah this movie was baaaad.
Rated 20 Aug 2008
Though still mildly entertaining, this film was a disappointment. It seemed unsure of whether it was a comedy or drama, switching midway and not being very convincing at either. Strong actors and interesting premise could not save the lackluster screenplay.
Rated 09 Oct 2008
So very stupid... like a particularly inane television show with some expensive special effects.
Rated 23 Dec 2008
Hancock is a missed opportunity. While Smith leads well and provides an interesting and entertaining performance and Bateman provides a good contrasting character role, the complete lack of substance means that the film collapses in upon itself. Coupled with very mediocre action scenes and a complete lack of a significant plot, the movie feels suppressed and never really gets going. Another failing is the development of an interesting and troubled personality, without any follow up.
Rated 27 Dec 2008
Started out pretty entertaining with the whole Will Smith's anti-social superhero routine and Jason Bateman's character's attempts at reforming him. Where I felt it started to nosedive was the introduction of Charlize Theron's lady-superhero character and the we've-been-saving-the-world-since-4-BC nonsense. If it wasn't for Will Smith carrying this movie on his shoulders, this would have been an absolute pain to sit through.
Rated 05 Jul 2008
"Hancock" is just a breezy mess of interesting ideas looking for a consistent tone, message and sensible explanation for its plot developments. Will Smith isn't as much on his game as he was in last year's I am Legend, but Jason Bateman is very funny here. Plot developments in the second half of the film actually hurt it significantly and make "Hancock" a film that had a lot of potential but ultimately a failure with a confused script. By the end I was left scratching my head.
Rated 07 Jul 2008
Comfortably mediocre superhero flick - one marketed as a comedy / satire when it's really more of a melodrama with a few comedic beats. I have nothing bad to say about the actors and I like Peter Berg and his handheld style but the script is incredibly schizophrenic in genre. Rather than picking one or two genres and doing them well it attempts a whole bunch with lukewarm commitment, ending up with a lukewarm movie.
Rated 14 Aug 2018
EPIC. Ditch the hero costume though.
Rated 09 Jul 2008
I really don't understand the negative reviews. This one was captivative and really fun. Will Smith and Peter Berg didn't disappoint me.
Rated 26 Apr 2010
Or you choose to make something funny or you choose for a dramatic movie with a decent plothole-less story. But not this crappy solution in between of both
Rated 17 Apr 2018
Neat concept, really good first half, very disappointing second half. Still a perfectly decent movie, I gueas.
Rated 17 Feb 2010
At first I thought this would be a Randian superhero parable. Everything from his name (slang for "signature," emphasizes individualism) and his methods (acts alone, in stark contrast to Jason Bateman's ineffective, "liberal" charity), to his decision to "go Galt" in order to teach ordinary people a lesson seemed to support this. Although that would have been off-putting, it would at least be SOMETHING. Instead, the movie abandons this set-up and goes off the fucking rails on a crazy train.
Rated 14 Jul 2008
Silly family movie with an excuse to capsize superhero formula, it gets even more untolerable after the twist.
Rated 14 Jul 2008
Completely unexpected twist in the middle, threw me and my movie-watching off a little. Two disjointed stories crammed into one movie, with neither story tying up enough threads to satisfy me.
Rated 14 Jul 2008
This film works because of Will Smith and Berg's solid direction. However, someone has to tell Berg that the shaky-cam effect doesn't work in every possible situation. How many camera operators are getting Carpal Tunnel from working with this man?
Rated 22 Jul 2008
The acting was good, but it lacks a good plot, twist and even the action is dull and boring. The second half of the movie just ruins it! Had such potential to be a good superhero film.
Rated 31 Jul 2009
The first hour is quite entertaining stuff. However after that it just falls apart. The plot just does not build upon itself and ends up going absolutely nowhere. Then finally to make the final hour worse, once the unsurprising twist is revealed the film wimpers out in pathetic fashion with a drab and unimaginative ending. Ontop of this Smith's character is not explored meaning you couldn't give a fuck about him. Add an average cast and bad script and this is an film feels like an anticlimax.
Rated 03 Aug 2008
I enjoy Peter Berg's movies for the most part, but this really should have been more superhero satire, although more intellectual than crap like "Superhero Movie". Way too much melodrama in this, with characters I really didn't care about.
Rated 03 Aug 2008
About halfway through they forgot that the first half was a comedy. Very messy stuff.
Rated 13 Aug 2008
Interesting concept, vividly drawn characters with a very likable Smith, Theron, Bateman triple-threat. Falls apart in the story structure and the film taking itself a little too seriously. Worth a watch if you like the leads.
Rated 14 Feb 2009
I expected a comedy about a rubbish superhero which is what the start of the film successfully proved to be until a rather unexpected twist which simply didn't fit with the film really took the fun out of it. There are two separate and potentially excellent plots in this film but they didn't fit together which created a decent but very confused film !
Rated 04 Sep 2008
Not sure what to make of this. It seems to start out as a semi-successful comedy, the premise offering a great deal of potential in that regard. Overall, though, the tone seems unclear, particularly in the last act, and this uncertainty makes the piece a touch unsatisfying.
Rated 05 Sep 2008
Bateman is good and Smith is up to his usual mid-summer thang, but it all feels cobbled together after failed test screenings, honestly. I can't shake the feeling that this was a much smarter, politically-loaded script at one point, but there are only trace elements of that left (Hancock as a EAGLES presidential EAGLES metaphor EAGLES, and a strange Hilary/Obama dynamic in places). The sequel-teasing finale misses what made the character (and movie) unique in the first place. "I like eagles."
Rated 06 Sep 2008
Will Smith is bankable as a summer movie star -- but that doesn't mean everything he does is good. This movie, which could have been dark and dramatic, turned into a superhero clown show.
Rated 23 Jun 2010
Much like what everyone else has already said, the first half was pretty good but gets completely dull and messy in the second. Too bad, it was an interesting premise.
Rated 28 Apr 2012
The set-up is actually funny and interesting, but it all goes downhill from there and turns into a derivative and generic mess.
Rated 07 Dec 2008
I almost turned it off after the pathetic first 5 minutes. So cheesy. It got better but it still sucks. Will Smith is also an advertising whore now. Every other movie he pimps some new product for the masses. This movie could've been good, it just didn't know what to do and ends up failing.
Rated 19 Dec 2008
Starts off as an interesting movie and then halfway through decides to throw all the groundwork laid down in the first half out of the window in favour of explosions and people flying through walls. Nothing like insulting the intelligence of anybody who decides to watch a big budget summer movie is there?
Rated 26 Dec 2010
The plot is, well kind of non-existing. The actors disappoint (generally bad casting all the way around). I don't ask much from my Hollywood blockbusters, but nothing but a pissed Will Smith cursing, is way too sloppy.
Rated 10 Apr 2009
On the plus side, Charlize Theron was hot. On the minus side, everything else about the movie sucked really hard. Special mention of suckitude for Will Smith's character and acting, the script, and the director.
Rated 24 Dec 2010
Feels rushed, with so much unexplored potential. But very fun.
Rated 16 Jun 2009
A sometimes funny, but otherwise not remarkable, first two acts, followed by a poorer and contrived third act.
Rated 11 Jun 2009
Oh good, it's yet another superhero film with a relationship metaphor that can't tell the difference between jokes based on discrimination and actual wit. Also, the premise was really stupid.
Rated 02 Jul 2008
Will Smith and Jason Bateman are both funny and entertaining, but there's a lot lacking in this blockbuster superhero movie. The story is nearly atrocious. It makes no sense, isn't developed at all, and tries to be grandiose but fails entirely. The first half is much better than the last, similar to last year's I am Legend, though they are significantly different in terms of overall quality. The effects are surprisingly bad and overall it just doesn't lack any punch.
Rated 03 Jul 2008
A fun, new twist on the superhero genre, however it just doesn't go deep enough to truly be memorable. This does not go to say that Will Smith does not deliver as always thought.
Rated 11 Sep 2018
A very interesting premise that is let down by some second-half script developments. Considering where superhero movies went in the years following, this film could have been something special remembered in hindsight. Alas, it only ends up being generic and uninspired due to its formulaic conclusion. May still be worth a watch in spite of the third act.
Rated 20 Nov 2011
Not great by any means, but it is funny and it does have a great cast.
Rated 23 Dec 2013
Though it begins with promise, Hancock suffers from a flimsy narrative and poor execution.
Rated 07 Jul 2008
Watched it not being sure what to expect and was surprised that Will Smith did it again... well, when I say again I mean he did a movie were the 1st half great and the 2nd half just dire. Ok, wasn't that bad but still let down at the finish.
Rated 07 Jul 2008
This movie works best when it's doing the funny, as a superhero movie it's not quite there. Every time Hancock takes flight it feels like you're watching Will Smith thrashing around on wires in front of a green screen. It just doesn't hold up post Superman Returns. It also seems like there's a big chunk of story missing in the middle as it is a little to convenient towards the end. But Smith and Bateman are good and it's an interesting spin on the genre even if the execution is a little off.
Rated 15 Nov 2011
Another attempt to deconstruct the super hero genre, but with little ambition or subtlety. Hancock is an abusive drunk who, sure enough, finds a good-natured soul to set him on the right path. The film doesn't do enough to emphasize his separation from humanity, so Hancock is without sympathy for most of the film. The story is also overly complicated and convenient, and the big twist would've worked better if Smith had any chemistry with Theron. Worth a viewing but forgettable.
Rated 31 Mar 2010
entertaining super hero movie with a little twist for the super hero, but not one of will smith's best
Rated 01 Aug 2009
OK, I was looking forward to watching this movie and then heard it was bad by who knows...probably critics, because they know everything right? lol well...After passing it in the store after what seems like 100 visits, I finally got it...I was kind of entertained I think...I am not sure W.Smith was right for the role...anyhow...look's Charlize Theron. OK, that just bumped it up like 25 points automatically.
Rated 12 Jul 2008
An avarage movie, which could have been much more, Hancock starts out with an interesting premise (down-on-his-luck-unloved-superhero) and some nice spectacle, but ends as a standard sentimental Hollywood action comedy. Scrapes by because of Smith's natural charisma, some interesting action set-pieces and a few actually funny jokes. Unfortunately lacks in consistency of tone and in both internal and external plot logic. Missed upportunity, if not a bad movie.
Rated 12 Jul 2008
Hancock is a film that never really finds a way to be more than passably interesting and has its fair share of significant weaknesses, notably Berg's unimiginative, often intrusive style of direction and a godawful script that must have been vomited out of someone's ass. The concept is arresting and Bateman is great, but that's about it.
Rated 16 Mar 2012
This is TWO MOVIES, one really good and one really bad, smushed into one. The first one follows a depressed superhero who has his image re-imagined. If they had stopped here, it would have done GREAT. The second one adds more super heros, some sort of arbitrary kryptonite, and some villains who really should have learned by now.. When you get to the end of the first movie (Around half way through, where you think to yourself "Well, that was great I am going go to bed now"), stop.
Rated 15 Jul 2008
gets too messy
Rated 16 Jul 2008
I think Jason Bateman is a very gifted actor. 30 minutes into this movie I realized that he would be the only thing that would keep my attention for the next 60. The twist, or the half-hearted attempt at mythology, was poorly executed and underexplained. Hancock is not the kind of subtle movie where you can leave out crucial exposition. If you don't stick it in there, it just looks sloppy.
Rated 28 Jul 2021
Great story ruined with finale
Rated 08 Aug 2011
Good direction, script, effects, scenery and acting (especially from Will Smith), nice twist at the end.
Rated 14 Feb 2010
Rated 20 May 2009
Performances are as forgettable as the rest of it. Smith fails to bring his usual charm to a protagonist who is lacking charm even when he supposedly makes a turnaround and sees the error of his ways. Bateman is wasted as Ray. Theron, finally wearing make-up again onscreen, overplays her early scenes before getting bogged down in the rest of the story's ridiculous turns. All three of them have seen far better days. A lifeless, empty, condescending fraud.
Rated 09 Oct 2009
Dobry, lekki i przyjemny w odbiorze. Scenariusz dosc udany, ale czasem za bardzo uderza w banalne rozwiazania. Gra aktorska - ok. Efekty specjalne bardzo dobre. Ogolnie prawie siodemka, nie mniej i nie wiecej.
Rated 20 Jul 2008
Don't waste your money. A good premise is ruined by a terrible, all-to-predictable story and a mediocre actor. Smith reprises his role as the same smug, "I'm better than you" character he plays in each of his movie (at least those that I've seen). It is neither comedy nor action movie. The build-up to the climax was (unintentionally) the funniest part of the movie. There is no drama to the action sequences. You know exactly how they're going to turn out.
Rated 20 Jul 2008
A good movie, I liked watching it and it didn't bore me for one second. I just like this kind of movies.
Rated 24 Jul 2017
Starts off as a strong character drama, with Smith's asshole Hancock playing well off Bateman's earnest straight man for some laughs early on before some well-executed scenes bring out further depth (see his vulnerable press conference; small group sharing) and his mysterious superpowers add tasteful intrigue. If only it ended after the bank rescue, for from there an unwanted twist takes it down a mess of a new path populated by some laughable sci-fi, a barely-there villain, and a cheesy ending.
Rated 31 Jul 2011
Started much better than it finished
Rated 18 May 2009
Passes the time.
Rated 27 Oct 2010
Middling premise that rumbles along at a mediocre level for an hour before nose-diving into a load of old cobblers toward the end. The writing is truly terrible in every respect; I'm certain none of the stars left this project with financial worries.
Rated 31 Jul 2008
This movie really seemed to go no where. It was OK, but I expected more comedy and less ridiculous plot twists.
Rated 02 Aug 2008
Story was horrible just like you'd expect it to be and all of the funny scenes, that weren't even that good, were already in the trailer. Even the special effects looked bad.
Rated 19 Jan 2010
What was intended to be a "twist" in the plot created a fissure between the first and second halves of the film. It was kind of fun to see Will Smith as a hateable super hero, though.
Rated 13 Jul 2010
Great Movie
Rated 16 Aug 2008
This movie is hilarious. It's pretty trash. Story sucks, lots of holes in it, scenes badly executed and effects crappy. But the main concept was great. There is a potential story and Hancock is sweet. In the middle of the movie you are about to sleep, until story's got an imagine twist. The latter half of the movie is as badly done as the first, but all in all it's fun to follow.
Rated 17 Aug 2008
Good beginning; TERRIBLE ending
Rated 04 Apr 2010
(spoilers) This movie had so much potential! The invulnerable super hero that just gave up on life. invulnerable to everything but his own self destruction. I loved that concept. then they brought in the love interest. it stops being an interesting movie almost immediately after that point.
Rated 17 Jan 2013
It had a really cool premise, but then went completely off the rails with a 'twist' that happened halfway through and took the movie into a whole different direction (not towards the end, halfway through). It's like if you took 'Nightmare on Elm Street' and 'Nightmare on Elm Street 2', stuck them together back-to-back and then edited the whole thing down to the size of a single movie.
Rated 30 Sep 2009
Not realy good !
Rated 21 Apr 2023
Started off really good but once Charlize Theron came in the movie got ruined
Rated 05 Apr 2012
Not sure what Will Smith was thinking of when he did this one. Not great, ok to watch once if really bored.
Rated 11 Oct 2012
Rated 13 Feb 2009
No more poignant stories of redemption please... Especially formulaic ones. I know its Will Smith's niche, but still, keep up with the booze.
Rated 04 Oct 2008
Inane, pointless, and unfunny. I'm not calling it racism, but if Will Smith had been a white actor, the movie would've ended completely different.
Rated 10 Jan 2016
Should be renamed 'Wills big fat pay-day' or 'CGI: You haven't seen nothing yet'. Why did they make this film...
Rated 24 Mar 2011
The only part I really enjoyed was that completely out of place scene in prison where the sanford and son theme plays.
Rated 01 Dec 2009
An alcoholic superhero who has become more of a menace to society then a helping hand. Will Smith was good, Charlize Theron was decent, Jason Bateman just knows what rolls to pick. A good flick
Rated 21 Aug 2013
It's really not a BAD film
Rated 03 Apr 2014
Below average Superhero movie that has a lame story, and not so good effects.
Rated 10 Nov 2008
An enjoyable mess.
Rated 29 Nov 2008
It has moments of good humor, action and drama. Will Smith does not embark on bad productions. But the problem is that the story of super-hero is stagnating, already has enough of films and thus better. Even if it has a different proposal, a hero anti-hero. But it not good enough to be relevant.
Rated 25 May 2015
A rather entertaining start, ruined by one of the worst plots in Hollywood history.
Rated 21 Feb 2011
If there ever was supposed to be a definition of average you can lump Hancock in with it. It has an interesting superhero concept but the execution is so jumbled and the switch between comedy, destructive action and heartbreaking drama just does not work. Will Smith and Charlize Theron are bland beyond belief, Jason Bateman does a much better job and I have no idea how he was not noted as a stand-out. The cheap laughs are awkward, the effects are weak, generally, just a weird movie to watch.
Rated 06 Jul 2009
Entertaining. (Based on the theatrical version. I'm not sure about the Unrated Special Edition. I browsed the first 20 minutes of it, the additional scenes in it seemed to be interrupting the flow.)
Rated 18 Apr 2009
Fun movie with lazy writing.
Rated 13 Feb 2009
Entertaining, even if the second half does completely ruin it.
Rated 16 Dec 2008
Interesting take on super heroes, but could have been done better.
Rated 25 Nov 2009
Strange, strange film. Midway through this rom-com decides to be a drama, which works surprisingly poorly. Watch it for the "Greenpeace" bit. One short flashback, but a hell of a joke.
Rated 01 Jul 2009
This movie probably deserves more, but I just can't bring myself to it. I thought it was boring, pretentious, and all out just plain goofy. It has its moments that a small chuckle comes through or maybe a couple a of great special effects but in the end it is another comic book movie that misses the mark. Will Smith is a terrific actor, but someone else should have been given this role. For know other reason than we would have expected less and gotten more.
Rated 31 Dec 2008
Worst middle to a movie ever. The "twist" was almost irreparable but a relatively decent ending saves it.
Rated 07 Jan 2009
A strong script with some real promise falls somewhat flat. I don't know what it is about Peter Berg movies, there are always elements that I like but the over all package rarely impresses.
Rated 29 Mar 2015
Rated 08 Oct 2012
In the beginning it looks just like it's going to be a boring movie, however the plot gets increasingly sillier as it develops. Do not recommend it.
Rated 13 Apr 2009
A movie that tries to do too much and ends up being nothing. This would have worked better as a dark superhero type deal. One of Will Smith's worst.
Rated 18 Jan 2009
It took a major twist in the middle and it was a very good one either, but Will Smith cannot make a completely bad movie so he managed to save it.
Rated 19 Jan 2009
the idea is good and will smith isnt bad either. the problem with this movie is that it tries to hard to explain the superheroes, and it should have just bedazzled us with superhero action.
Rated 16 Apr 2014
Hancock initially looked like a lot of fun but it all amounts to one big, poorly executed mess. The first half was fairly enjoyable, but by no means groundbreaking. The second half however is absolutely ridiculous and melodramatic. Once the moronic twist was revealed I just completely lost interest. Will Smith is surprisingly un-engaging by his usual standards. And Charlize Theron offers little either. The opening set piece is enjoyable I suppose, but it's all downhill from there on.
Rated 17 Dec 2010
its like a combination of "hancock" and "hancock 2" it doesnt choose which movie is it


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