47 Ronin
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47 Ronin

2h 8m
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Avg Percentile 27.83% from 1202 total ratings

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Rated 29 Mar 2014
There's a line in the movie that explains what a Ronin is. So, the makers assume we don't know what a Ronin is. So, the makers assume we are so mindless that we'd go see a movie that, to us, has the title equivalent of '47 Somethings'. Well, screw you too!
Rated 01 Jan 2014
Japan where everybody speaks English, and everyone explains what things mean. "You may commit seppuku, death by your own hands." Oh thanks. I thought seppuku meant contempt for your audience. Thanks for the clarification.
Rated 18 Mar 2014
Ridiculous. Every deceit or foulplay is so fucking obvious, yet everyone goes along with it. For "plot's" sake, I guess. There are no memorable events or characters, the movie tends to forget things it established 5 minutes before. the donkeys who wrote this must've been kept in separate cells with no means of communication. you might enjoy some of the imagery and fighting...if you're 12 and have seen few comparable films. otherwise you'd best do seppuku while the intro is still rolling.
Rated 15 May 2014
47 half assed story threads but they couldnt find a whole one. An utter mess of shifting tones and styles that cant decide if its trying to be a dumb action movie, fantasy supernatural tale, bland typical samurai story or actually tell the true story
Rated 24 Nov 2015
Underwhelming. It's pretty at parts and the action is fine, but the script and plot drag everything down. We're supposed to think that Keanu Reeves' character and the female lead have this tragic romance, but the two actors have no chemistry and their dialogue usually falls flat. It doesn't help that the plot keeps them apart for so long. The fantastical elements add little and appear derivative.
Rated 13 Apr 2014
An enjoyable movie.
Rated 11 Jan 2014
Carl Rinsch joins the ranks of Lucas, the Wachowskis, and Peter Jackson: gifted directors who can assemble marvelous images on screen but have absolutely nothing to say about life and can't seem to beg, borrow or steal a script from someone who does. The enthralling world of a fantasy Japan had me engrossed for the first half, but the lack of decent story tired me out and by the final battle I found I just didn't really care any more. The studio should have given the script 47 rewrites. (Groan!)
Rated 10 Jan 2014
I guess I must be on crack or something because I sure as hell didn't think this was THAT bad. Looking at recent fantasy cinema I don't think it's especially worse than either Thor 2 or Hobbit 2 (in fact, I'd rank it above the former, and unlike the latter it doesn't end on a groan-inducing cliffhanger). Yes, the CGI monsters all looked bad. Every one of them. But, those admittedly shitty scenes aside, I found the film visually and emotionally dynamic.
Rated 03 Jun 2014
what a mess! Had no expectations at all... was not aware of the main plot, except from what I saw in the teaser trailer. The movie looked kind a cool, with some great action & SFX. But overall what a careless and dull pic it was!
Rated 19 Feb 2018
A lot of pacing and impact issues about story and visuals. Very unexperienced director and writer crew. ıts obvious.
Rated 20 Mar 2014
47 ronin but a samurai ain't one. It surprisingly works like a downer, preserving a fatalism that most flicks don't dare to show -- these dudes got their revenge and paid for that dying like honorable samurai. Unfortunately, the special effects suck --and that's 70% of the film. Second half is specially worth a look, as it finally embraces its fate of being a didactic, western-friendly blockbuster.
Rated 16 Feb 2015
Way too much CGI and generic fantasy elements. The original story didn't need to be updated and turned into a fable and why do all US productions feel it necessary to add an American into every story that takes place in another culture.
Rated 26 Mar 2015
An R rated version of this in Japanese, could probably have worked... But this mess? No.
Rated 25 Jul 2015
A couple fun scenes, but mostly just a travesty -- I just hate how the studios decide that the only way a Western audience can appreciate a Japanese legend, is to force a Western face into the story.
Rated 30 Mar 2014
There were some minor good moments but mainly it was a bloody mess, in bad sense. I think the Japanese classic history movies should be left... well, for the Japanese.
Rated 12 Jan 2017
I know, let's take a 17th century Japanese legend and put Keanu in it. Maybe throw in some swords and sorcery type stuff. Mix in 150 million and a surfer dude, and people will flock to the theater, right? Kinda reminds me of the late 90's and "The Thirteenth Warrior", throw a Spaniard in a medieval Nordic story. That worked out so well. Anyway, it's not completely unwatchable, but it is kinda bad.
Rated 24 Oct 2016
This tired, old git of a movie has all the get-up-and-ggo of an arthritic tortoise. It lumbers along at such a crawl that I find it hard to stay awake, let alone invest in any of the characters. And that's a pointless endeavour anyway, because the characters don't inspire any kind of investment, they're just too two-dimensional. This movie is an awful, clichéd, badly written, badly acted mess that's about as much fun as toothache.
Rated 28 Dec 2013
Yes, this pic's scenery and costumes are colorful and the hacking/slashing fight scenes well-choreographed, but by and large there's little that's involving here. The dialogue is bland, the direction flat, the historical context skimmed past. By pic's end it all feels like little more than a ho-hum Americanized actioner. (
Rated 10 Jul 2014
I knew the instant the dumb, CG monster fight finished early in the movie that I was in for at least an hour of boredom before the next dumb, CG monster fight started. One day a film will shock me and prove me wrong. Unfortunately this was not said film.
Rated 03 Jan 2015
This movie made me come back to writing reviews. Because it enraged me so much. Even more than "The Last Samurai". It's just wrong, wrong, WRONG in so many ways! Why take an awesome Japanese movie classic and remake it into this Hollywood abomination? Why this colonialist Western gaze on oh-so oriental Japan-China-Asia-oh-whatever-it's-all-the-same-anyway? Why, why, why? Aaaargh! Keanue Reeves: I really hope you're owing big money to the mafia or have any other valid excuse...
Rated 06 Jan 2014
Fun to watch with friends, because this movie is a goldmine of stuff to make fun of.
Rated 05 Jan 2014
A fantasy take on the story, this is the sort of film that should have come out in the 90s and become a cable mainstay. Instead, it's a $200 million Christmas release that was reworked and held back for a year. It bears scars of its troubled inception, but as a latter-day B-movie, it's actually decently entertaining, with the money showing in the lavish sets and costumes, and the action sequences delivering some decent thrills. Keanu is Keanu, but Hiroyuki Sanada's Oishi is surprisingly strong.
Rated 28 Oct 2014
Although a favorite genre, it is undermined by wacky creatures, ghosts, a witch and supernatural nonsense. Most of the acting was reasonably good and it has a lot of action and a few good fights. The story could stand on its own, without the stupidity. To be fair, much of the special effects were technically excellent, just unnecessary and inappropriate. Also the heavy handed handling of the "death before dishonor" Samurai code became quite tedious at the stupid unsatisfying ending.
Rated 24 Aug 2014
This film is a massive boring mess! I think the film makers wanted a lead character who acts slightly robotic with no personality so Keanu Reeves is perfect for this role. He feels totally out of place and doesn't bring anything to the story to improve it. Some of the CGI is quite impressive and the action scenes are exciting but their to short and theres not enough of it. This film drags so much and definitely suffers from style of substance.
Rated 30 Dec 2013
An absolute mess, and a bloody boring one, at that. I walked out of the cinema halfway through. I've never done that before. Not even in Top Cat: The Movie.
Rated 30 Dec 2013
Foolish, crummy, ill-conceived, pointless, and bereft of almost all energy and inspiration. I can't think of anything else to say. It sucks.
Rated 13 May 2015
It has some great looking scenes / special effects, but it really does butcher and take liberty with the legend of the 47 Ronin. Like how they just added Keanu Reeves into the film so they'd have someone to showcase or whatever. Still, the ending scenes were pretty slick and more than make up for the deficiencies elsewhere in this movie. Not saying it's good, but it's not as bad as I've heard.
Rated 07 May 2015
I watched the japanese movie Chushingura (1962) about this famous story, so I became curious about this new version. Unfortunately the most intersting points (the japanese attention to protocol, the samurai ethics, the corrupted official) were replaced with raw blockbuster trash. The result was total nonsense, so I gave up after watching 30 min of this.
Rated 14 Sep 2014
Between 72 and 65 for me means watchable but not recommended. 47 ronin is a visually absolutely stunning film at times, and at that it was excellently shot/edited However the story is shallower than the real life story (which you should read here And I really like seeing Keanu but they shoud've just went with a full asian crew. They did really well with adapting the story, perhaps that's why they didn't realise they had to do even more to succeed.
Rated 30 Apr 2015
Weirdest Star Wars film yet
Rated 02 Feb 2015
Passes the time.
Rated 17 Jan 2015
I wasn't expecting much, and I didn't get much, so I'm satisfied. Keanu Reeves is Keanu Reeves and nothing more. Some of the special effects were nicely done (the primary reason I watched this one).
Rated 22 Dec 2014
eng; [47 ronin]; eine gruppe samurai schliesst sich zusammen um ihren meister zu rächen, der durch eine intrige entehrt wurde und deshalb vom shogun beim angeordnetem harakiri starb.;
Rated 06 Jul 2014
This film has one solid battle sequence, no more. The rest is filler that dwells endlessly on rituals, boring samurai customs, and a dumb subplot involving witchcraft. Some nice photography and music isn't enough to compensate for the tedium.
Rated 22 Jun 2015
did like the story, but to much hollywood glamor what does not fit in a japanese movie. did ruined for me.
Rated 24 Oct 2016
Some occasionally good fight scenes are unfortunately scattered a bit thin in this silly japanophile thing with shonky special effects.
Rated 30 Oct 2016
Rated 13 Feb 2017
This film has a weak script. I never really got into the story the script presented. There are a number of slow spots in this movie. Overall this film is disappointing.
Rated 07 Mar 2017
Rated 14 Dec 2017
More reviews here :
Rated 26 Jan 2018
Quite enjoyable movie which is very well made. There is a lot of CG, which is inventive and well done to show the fantasy and mythology aspects of the film. The samurai action is pretty good and Reeves is believable in his role and the rest of the Japanese cast are also good.
Rated 29 Dec 2019
The story of the 47 Ronin is historically about revenge and honor in feudal Japan. This movie takes portions of this story and merges them with supernatural elements. Imagine if a movie were made about the Battle of Gettysburg, except you add dragons, elves, and lightsabers. This would have been a fair movie if it didn't try to completely reimagine a historical event with fantasy parts that were so distracting.
Rated 09 May 2021
Some people doing some stuff randomly and you are supposed to care about.
Rated 05 Aug 2021
This movie is a mess as it can't decide what its supposed to be. It would have worked way better focusing on the concepts of duty and honor, but the supernatural elements make it into a generic fairy tale story. While I did love some of the creature designs, they just have no place in this story. Keanu, dude, you're the man, but... oh no.
Rated 11 Mar 2022
Look, this was actually an interesting adaptation of a famous Japanese tale. The biggest mistake this makes is that they have a "whose-who" of Japanese cinema in most key roles but have them speak English. If this was kept more authentic, you could have overlooked the choice of Keanu in the lead, but alas.
Rated 31 Aug 2022
This film is an insult. It pretends to be a Japanese film, but it's simply not. It's an American fever dream of what the writers/producers think a Japanese film is. It's blackface for Samurai. And even if we set that aside for a moment, the plot points are childish, and something we'd expect in a soap opera. Not even Keanu can come close to saving this total mess of a film.
Rated 09 Sep 2022
Typical hollywood bastardization of a Japanese story.
Rated 08 Jan 2023
How to get AHEAD in life? I thought you said how to get A HEAD in life!
Rated 02 Feb 2023
I really don't know what to say to this. It's not "my type" of movie, that is to say, a brooding depressing movie with a handful of actors and no CGI. This is a wild action movie, full of fights and CGI. And... it's well done! It's certainly a dumb movie and script, but the actors are acting their hearts out, and the photography is absolutely gorgeous, like you could frame it and put it on the wall gorgeous. It's not Tampopo but it's not a bad movie.
Rated 05 May 2024
کیانا ریوز
Rated 04 Apr 2014
The movie is overlong with to many shogun-samurai-ronin-explanations/rituals, and the witchcraft part ruined it for me. It had a few good elements, though, the score and cinematography included. Japan is always beautiful, so more of that and less dark magic. It passes the time, but please explain to me why the tattoo guy is on the front cover! We literally see him for less than 30 seconds. Get your priorities straight! - Okay
Rated 29 Dec 2013
awesome action movie
Rated 30 Dec 2013
God, what a mess.
Rated 02 Jan 2014
It wasn't The Last Samurai and it was more like 13th Warrior. It was really attempting to be the Braveheart of the Samurai genre, but I think The Last Samurai had already done that. I guess the best it could be was the Patriot of the Samurai genre. Unfortunately, though it didn't even do that because it failed to achieve the level of realism required because it was simply too fantasy without having real / fully-developed world behind it like Lord of the Rings.
Rated 03 Jan 2014
fun to watch!
Rated 07 Jan 2014
It's a structural and conceptual mess with some real groan-inducing lines. I feel bad for Hiroyuki Sanada, who managed to turn in the only nice performance despite having virtually nothing to work with.
Rated 28 Jan 2014
Watch 47 Ronin Streaming Online Here
Rated 19 Feb 2014
could have been really good
Rated 09 Mar 2014
The movie has the kind of a story that has been often told in different forms. The gifted, humble yet ignored (super)hero who gets his due after going through a lot. Meh! You could watch it just once but don't expect any Matrix magic out of Keanu Reeves.
Rated 15 Mar 2014
It has it's moments and a nice third act and some nice scenery. However it gets bogged down in sentimental and romantic mush with plenty of hokey dialogue
Rated 19 Mar 2014
46 Ronin and a 1 Boring Idiot
Rated 22 Mar 2014
I don't understand all this criticism. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Rated 23 Mar 2014
Definitely not that bad; some excellent action to be had here.
Rated 25 Mar 2014
From the trailers, I thought this might be okay. I was wrong. It's pretty bad, really. For one thing, it's rather boring. I found myself tuning out fairly often. The story's so generic, too. It added absolutely nothing to the samurai films of the past. Also, the sub-standard visual effects really didn't help. I want Keanu Reeves to be better, but he just isn't. His performance in this is so very bland. None of the other actors were very interesting either.
Rated 25 Mar 2014
What?! They don't even fight that much. - 3/21/14
Rated 31 Mar 2014
I liked the big monster at the beginning and short fight with the mutant in the port. Other than that it's a waste of time.
Rated 01 Sep 2014
The story is faithful to the original, taken quite a successful movie. Samurai story, revenge or something saying that people are much more action and waiting for the move of course, but the main emphasis of the japanese culture and traditions is a successful business out of that, of course, almost like scenes. On the other hand Keanu Reeves is nice to see again, we've missed... not to be Missed films.
Rated 06 Apr 2014
super duper bland. gives the tiniest hints that some of the characters might actually have something interesting behind them, but never delivers. keanu reeves character was a poor and trite addition. his acting was bad enough, and the clunky dialogue he had to recite certainly wasn't doing him any favors. this movie is not hatefully bad it was just so, so, so forgettable.
Rated 07 Apr 2014
The silly CGI supernatural elements ruined it a bit, and it definitely suffers from the White Man saves the noble savages element beloved by Hollywood. But the classic story remains mostly intact The notions of honour and fatalism don't waver throughout this movie, and in that respect it rates better than a great many blockbusters.
Rated 07 Apr 2014
Meh, what the hell was that? Very crappy story. Some nice fightscenes, but you keep wondering why Keanu's character doesnt just always do his 'uber attack'...? The ending of the movie was extremely retarded, why would everyone just kill themselves after being a hero. So what if they betray their leader? It worked out and the good guys won right?.. Dumb story.
Rated 12 Apr 2014
A little slow in places but I do not get the knocks on the special effects. I thought they were just fine. Much worse ways to spend time.
Rated 16 Apr 2014
It has a fantastic movie buried inside, somewhere, shrunk down and shriveled into a bony and flavorless adventure drama that features up-and-down CGI and a flat Keanu Reeves.
Rated 25 Apr 2014
Just another Neo movie from Keanu Reeves. But the story is amazing.
Rated 10 May 2014
This one of the best
Rated 17 May 2014
I thought this was decently entertaining, not so much that I would watch it 47 times... but I did like it. Yes, Keanu Reeves is in this and he knows Kung Fu. As we have all heard by now. This time he takes up the Samurai blade...
Rated 14 Jun 2014
I likes only fight sceene and keanu:)
Rated 22 Jun 2014
I must say I am a little disappointed. The imagery is amazing, and most of the acting too. But the story is, dare I say it, almost boring. And although I like the acting of Reeves most of the time, I found him and his character out of place in this movie. It just didn't feel right. Still.... 58/100.
Rated 06 Jul 2014
Suffering from the same "so many characters, so few of them relevant" syndrome as The Hobbit series, this film also manage to place these undertold poor souls in an undertold, incomprehensive setting of a long gone Japan, so that any initial interest is quickly lost. It even succeeds in literally spelling out this flaw, by closing with a description of the myth of the 47, that easily would have benefited the entire movie, had it been told in the opening credits.
Rated 08 Jul 2014
Supposedly now the biggest box office flop of all time yet it feels oddly b-grade, which is attributable to the director's lack of experience, who utilizes every cliched trick in the epic-historical-blockbuster film handbook to no avail(e.g swooping establishing shots, generic 'epic' orchestral music during landscape and/or travelling scenes etc) Reeves' is reliably wooden but completely miscast, and there is nobody else to pick up the slack. The action scenes also lack excitement.
Rated 13 Jul 2014
It just wasn't exciting or make sense.
Rated 15 Jul 2014
I think this movie gets too much hate. I know a lot of people hate Keanu movies in general, but I thought it was kind of clever having him play a half-demon character so other characters would call him "half breed." The movie sets itself up early on as a not-too-serious, not-too-complex fantasy action movie, and the fact that all the Japanese people speak English should be a dead giveaway that they weren't exactly aiming to make the next Seven Samurai.
Rated 11 Aug 2014
Could have been so much more..


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