Mr. Robot

Mr. Robot

2015 - 2019
TV Series
Seasons: 1, Episodes: 3 Episode List
Follows a young computer programmer (Malek) who suffers from social anxiety disorder and forms connections through hacking. He's recruited by a mysterious anarchist, who calls himself Mr. Robot. (imdb)
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Mr. Robot

2015 - 2019
TV Series
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Avg Percentile 66.24% from 1804 total ratings

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Rated 09 Sep 2015
What I enjoy most about Mr. Robot is that it wears its influences on its sleeve, subverts them effortlessly, and then proceeds to constantly dance around your expectations and excite you week-to-week. I truly don't want to spoil any of the series for those who haven't seen it, but Mr. Robot is truly a breath of fresh air in television today. It takes risks, and has such a labyrinth of a plot that will require a few viewings to crack. It's a very clever show, and I can't wait until next season.
Rated 28 Sep 2015
This series is a masterpiece. It sets new standards not only with its storytelling, but also with its visual boldness. Rami Malek is a prodigy. The plot feels eerily familiar in its setting but still has a nice feel of dystopia and anarchy to it. The story pace is slow but engaging, and it all ends in a big bang that I won't forget anytime soon. One of my favorites by far. F*** society!
Rated 13 Jul 2020
The structure and the delivery of the first season was very good; although the trick was blatantly obvious; it worked well nevertheless. They use the advantages of first-person POV quiet well and ended the first season on a high note. The second season has a bad start, although their Fourier transformed trick was well pulled off and the series again finds itself towards the end of the season. they say the rest is not as good so maybe I should stop there but I will give the third season a chance.
Rated 24 Oct 2015
Around episode 5 or 6, I realized just how fucking awesome this show actually is. FKA Twigs playing during the rooftop scene, each absolutely gorgeous title credit, Mr. Robot hits every home run when it comes to style. First program in quite some time to genuinely shock and entertain me all at once. Rami Malek was made for this role also. Extra praise for hating on Transformers 2.
Rated 22 Jun 2016
A glorious tribute to one of my favorite films. I love everything about the style as well as Malek's performance and his voice-over. Season 1 was uneven, but when it was at it's best, it was among the best TV of all time (Oplev's pilot is brilliant), worthy of the masterpiece it constantly pays homage to. The rather slow season 2 was a disappointment, but season 3 and 4 were excellent.
Rated 29 Nov 2016
It becomes incoherent and goes up its own ass sometimes, but for the most part it's addictive high trash that latches onto the post-Occupy, fuck bankers, fuck the status quo feeling that's so prevalent. Derivative of Fight Club, Trainspotting and American Psycho (with an equivalent amazing Phil Collins scene), Mr. Robot depends on you buying the performances & the rabbit hole plot. Unfortunately the last season went entirely up its own ass, to the point of me hesitating to recommend the show.
Rated 28 Nov 2015
The show has a yo-yo of ups and downs in quality, but at the peaks it's a 100 show, so it's worth biding your time through the lows.
Rated 28 Jul 2018
That time your 14-year-old self binge watched Fight Club and Donnie Darko and somehow got a TV deal...
Rated 02 Oct 2015
First rule of "Hacker Club", rip off "Fight Club" every way. Big problem with the show is I don't give a shit about anyone, particularly the perpetually depressed "Mr. Monotone" main character. He's the most ridiculous angsty high school kid ever imagined. And paranoid. All the time. In every. Single. Scene. Every time he takes drugs I hope that he OD's. I only stayed with the whole first season due to the hype, but it only slightly paid off in faint glimmers. I think I'll stop now.
Rated 27 Sep 2020
s1: 80, s2: 65, s3: 90, s4: 100. thanks a lot for this masterpiece, sam esmail.
Rated 04 May 2017
I might have enjoyed this when I was a moody teenager but thirty years have passed and now this just feels stupid. I can't imagine the second episode is any better. It did manage, for a moment, to make turning a computer off and on again seem exciting.
Rated 12 Jan 2016
Fantastic first season. Brilliant performances from Slater and Malek.
Rated 17 Jun 2021
good series
Rated 25 Jan 2018
The first season is great. And then the rest of the series happened.
Rated 23 Dec 2021
What an incredible series. It has everything I'd want in a series. Complex story, psychological aspects to it and it's just very satisfying to watch and find out more about the twists and turns. It might be slow, but it still grips you. The way Esmail planned out everything from the start shows the same kind of attention to detail that Fight Club had. And talk about the cinematography and the unconditional framing? I love it.
Rated 24 Jan 2017
I really love Rami Malek - like really really do. For as much as his character's rants in the show at times feel a bit overindulgent, my love of the show is predicated on how much I enjoy seeing the characters from week to week.
Rated 18 Sep 2016
The godfather of the super-secret hacking organization pronounces malware "mall-ware", and the rest don't look or talk like hackers, either, as if the writers hadn't really met any.
Rated 10 May 2020
Extremely well written, perfectly acted and most of time very good series. Some building of the story in the beginning of series were less successful, but all in all recommended to watch. Looks like Sam Esmail has got a full artistic freedom. Thanks for that!
Rated 25 Oct 2015
I would have loved for it to succeed (for me). While the protagonist and his mindscape was always interesting to watch, the main plot and big character background reveal made it go downhill for me.
Rated 05 Dec 2015
It's very, very well made stylistically (really, it covers all the bases - actors, camera work, score, graphic design) and yet the quality of the story doesn't get behind. That's a rare treat these days, indeed. Update after all seasons: 9/10 (from 10/10). It doesn't let go stylistically, but the quality of the story does get behind. There are some very strong episodes, and there are some very questionable ones. Ditto some threads, character arcs and their resolutions.
Rated 18 Aug 2017
First season is great, with a good ending. The second season is boring, and without purpose. I definitely recommend to watch the first season and stop there.
Rated 05 Dec 2016
for all of the "prestige drama" glutting up the TV screens these days, this is the only show I've encountered that takes full advantage of it as an audiovisual medium instead of just putting lipstick on a pig and selling it to Netflix. the money burning/Phil Collins scene at the beginning of season 2 genuinely shocked me -- not because of the content, but because it offered an artistry I thought was lost when obsessive serialization left visual grandeur in the dust. Cristofer is incredible
Rated 11 Sep 2015
Wears its influences on its sleeve and presents an exciting, layered show that reveals a nice subculture that is (for once) not done in a stupid way. When you watch this, it's hard not to wonder why Christian Slater isn't the biggest movie star on the planet. The guy was made for the big screen, he commands every scene he's in. Sam Esmail has said this was originally supposed to be a movie and the first season was the first third of the script, it'll be interesting to see what's really going on
Rated 16 Dec 2019
Malek's breakout performance and an interesting take on hacking and society. Gets a bit less impressive after the first season.
Rated 14 Feb 2018
First season is mostly good (Wellick scenes are not), unnecessary twist in second season, third season is a bit worse but has a couple of really effective sequences. Seems unsustainable going forward, it needs to be wrapped up.
Rated 02 May 2020
Would have been extremely hard to land a perfect ending for this broiling near-masterpiece of modern tech and identity angst... but it also would have been wayyy easier to fuck it up. Malek and Esmail brilliantly carry this multidimensional plot to a satisfying, if not surprising or profoundly affecting, conclusion. Cast is solid across the board. It is the spiritual successor to Fight Club, with additional redress for the evolved entropy and stylistic advance of the intervening 15 years.
Rated 15 Apr 2023
Emotionally compelling, unique & consistently surprising. Probably TV's most entertaining & realistic depictions of hacking/related tech. But the finale was a big dud, failing to adequately resolve prior disparate plot points & character motives. Many complex & surreal twists were successfully fused within a logically consistent narrative but it began suffering rare moments of "Lost" syndrome. Some mysterious events felt unresolved or even in conflict with other plot & character developments.
Rated 27 Aug 2016
I got a big Fight Club influence overall, which seems to be punctuated with the use of that song, @ that point. Draws from the tech scene faithfully, to the point where some of the jargon might go over the casual viewer's heads, but the payoff is the stoic computer science/life metaphors. From side on shots, it always appears as is Malek's char is completely engorged in masticating on his own mouth. Although that's a left field observation, it sums up his well depicted mental state accurately,
Rated 03 Feb 2016
It's a bit over stylized but that doesn't change the fact that it genuinely tries to keep you on your toes without being super cheap about it. It also has a very good cast, and writing.
Rated 05 Dec 2019
4. sezon için tekrar oyluyorum ve bu sefer her sezona ayrı puan vereceğim. 1. sezon, 90. 2. sezon, 75. 3. sezon, 75. 4. sezon, 80 (9 bölüm için puanım 80 son 4 bölümde fikrim değişirse tekrar güncellerim)
Rated 21 Jun 2020
There are lots of tron reference in this series. if you like tron, then you will gonna like this either.
Rated 29 May 2024
A different view of the under world.
Rated 24 Oct 2020
The most cinematic experience out there rn.
Rated 29 Dec 2019
Greatest TV series of all time.
Rated 16 Jul 2020
ilk 2 sezon için
Rated 23 Dec 2019
Proudly goes out as the live-action equivalent of Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Rated 19 Mar 2020
Rated 25 May 2020
A strange mix of brilliance and glaring amateur mediocrity, sparkled with dozens of ideas stolen wholly from other stories.
Rated 09 Jan 2021
One of my all time favourite shows. Mr. Robot encapsulates everything I have ever wanted to produce on a screen, interesting and unique cinematography, a vivid full world filled with entertaining characters, a story that's so good it leaves me to this day applauding it's amazing ending. This show to me was a signifier for our current golden age of television. Its clever, edgy, delivers important messages, and has left me jaw dropped from start to finish.
Rated 24 Jan 2021
Ideologically confused narrative--a self-righteous political show that doesn't understand simple concepts, like the difference between corporatism and capitalism. Goes into excessive, absurd detail about what it does know--computer hacking. It's arrogant, pseudo-intellectual, and far-fetched. The main character is contrived and mostly unlikeable. The show has potential, but sadly it never comes to fruition. Typical USA Network trash with a boring storyline and too much repetition.
Rated 12 Apr 2021
Mr robot is a mindboggling series that isn't afraid to use outlandish unexpected writing choices, which creates twisty surprising outcomes. Extremely dark. Almost in the edgy 2007 aesthetic style. Many may get pushed away from this show based on the first impressions of it being an over-the-top cringe-fest of hacking and anarchism. But, it's still a very entertaining experience to watch all the way through.
Rated 13 Apr 2022
Hello, Friend. History presented in a masterful way. Well thought from the beginning till the end. Musical score that will give you chills. Shot in an usual but very effective way. Elliot even used real hacker tools and commands throughtout the series. Though, it's not just for geeks!
Rated 03 Dec 2021
Evet gelelim en favori dizime. Mr robot Yönetmen ve yazar olan Sam Esmail in oluşturduğu 2015 -2019 yılları arasında çekilmiş bir baş yapıt. Dizi neredeyse her alanda dizi olma kalıplarını yıkarak izleyici ile farklı boyutsal bir ilişki kurmaktadır. Gerek 4. duvar yıkımı ile, gerek içsel ses karakter bölünmesi ile gerek senaryosunun katasforik düzeni ve gerek genel akım çekim tekniklerini yıkarak özgün bir dil oluşturulmuştur.Her sezonu birbirinden farklıdır usanmadan sonunu getirmenizi öneririm
Rated 29 Dec 2021
Diziye "hak yiyen hack yer ehehe" mantığında bakarsanız bi bok anlamazsınız. Dizi inanılmaz derecede göndermeler yapıyor. Toplumsal, sosyolojik ve felsefik olgulara değinerek; iyi bir oyunculukla bizlere sunulmuş. Ayrıca soundtrack konusunda seçimler muazzam. Kırdığım yerler ise bazen anlamsız gelebilen bölümlere olsun. Özetle fuck society ulan!
Rated 03 Jul 2022
Shit was good. With the plot twists like the dad and etc, it really fucked me up and got me thinking and shit. At first I thought the show was only gonna be a show about hacking and violence and shit, but really it was a great story, with some outstanding plot twists and character development. The pacing was good, the characters were cool and I don’t really see anything bad with this show, I really enjoyed watching it.
Rated 17 Jul 2022
amazing story. amazing characters and fantastic direction. the protagonist is also very relatable.
Rated 16 Oct 2022
It touches on a lot of dark topics with an honest heart and a virtuosity that's rare in modern streaming cinema. While I gave it a 90 for the algorithm, I reserve the highest praise for this show's perpetual ability to extract the palpable and tragic humanity out of complex psychological and technological issues. It never sells a ton of techno-filler to the audience (while it easily could) and the suspension of disbelief always makes its return on investment.
Rated 06 Jan 2023
Was great -100- until the final season. Then it was all virtue signaling nonsense.
Rated 25 Feb 2023
FLEABAG 4 BOYS (Cuando salía BD Wong decía su nombre en voz alta como en el intro latino de UVE)
Rated 15 Mar 2023
The edginess is appealing to an extent but gets a bit tiresome at points. The politics feel a bit shallow and I can sometimes feel a paternalistic vibe from the writer.
Rated 26 Sep 2023
Gave it up about episode 9 or 10 when it was obvious this is yet another soap opera “with a twist”. The premise is boring, and it all felt like a tired mishmash of Matrix and Fight Club.
Rated 20 Apr 2024
Season 1 is great, Season 2 alright, Season 3 awful. No point with Season 3.
Rated 30 Apr 2024
Awesome show
Rated 19 Feb 2017
Rated 30 Apr 2021
Cringey and poorly written. Only watched half of the first episode before I realized watching this show any further would just irritate me and be a massive waste of time for me. It tried very hard to be edgy, but it just feels lame.
Rated 16 Dec 2017
ger; [Mr. Robot -- SERIE]; ein hacker mit gespaltener persönlichkeit und angststörungen will einem mann helfen die menschliche abhängigkeit von einem konglumerat zu befreien.; {Folgen: S01E01-S03E10};
Rated 12 Sep 2015
Season 3 demonstrates that this is a show to be cherished, and shows the potential in blending cinematic narrative structure with episodic without losing any of the audiovisual characteristics that make immersive cinema a visceral experience. In this way, Mr. Robot could be one of the most innovative television shows both currently and ever. Hopefully the final two seasons hold up content-wise.
Rated 25 Sep 2016
It has many a flaw but all the positives far outweigh the negatives for me. It's stylish, insightful and pretty groundbreaking and fresh for TV. Great characters, great cinematography and great performances - thoroughly enjoyed the first two seasons and interested in where they take it next. I also kind of hope they make it a tad easier to follow. I love that it's not too paint by numbers and condescending in its narrative but I think a teensy bit more hand-holding would help.
Rated 03 Aug 2016
Absolutely scratches my itch for realistic infosec hacker stories and underground anarchist collectives plotting global revolution.
Rated 18 Sep 2015
Rated 03 Oct 2016
Although the overarching narrative boils down to little more than a reinvention of Fight Club,it's the little things that keep me interested:psychological insights,semi-realistic hacking,unorthodox playfulness with the audience (sometimes too much season 1) and interesting characters make it a great ride.Perhaps it's a bit too on the nose that it wants to take you for a ride,though,and in the final episodes of both seasons,I ended up being disappointed by the messyness of what actually happened.
Rated 23 Jul 2018
say what you will about the tenets of hacking, at least it's a ddos.
Rated 07 Dec 2015
Starts badly with cheesy 'anti-capitalism = personal resentment' guff but hoping for anything else seems pointless these days. Anyway, it's a YA Fight Club-meets-American Psycho full of historical, pop-culture and musical references I'm not entirely sure the -presumably young- target audience will get. Surprisingly well-crafted trashy fun. Shame seasons have gone from liberal to Liberal to LIBERAL!!! Final season was balls
Rated 08 May 2017
Season 1 grabs you, reels you in, and then... there's too much confusion and the show makes a fool of you. It's fun to watch, but also frustrating. Luckily, it's worth the trip, as season 4 ditches the whole confusion for a straight up high quality perfectly understandable TV show with confusing moments and unresolved mysteries here and there. Also notable for being the only instance of realistic hacking on TV. Feels good. Watch all of it, it's worth it for the last season.
Rated 03 Jan 2016
Season 1: 75, Season 2: 75, Season 3: 80
Rated 18 Jan 2016
Season 1: 85
Rated 27 Mar 2016
Unfortunately after watching the second season I had to bring my score a few tiers down. The first couple of episodes of the 2nd season are a bore to sit through and when it finally gets interesting it all falls flat on it's face again. The 3rd season get's right back on track. It's sort of a rehash of the 1st season, but this time I'll be looking forward to the 4th season.
Rated 07 Mar 2017
A great show with an incredible central performance from Rami Malek. but the most commendable aspect of the show is its effort to portray hacking in such a faithfuland non antagonistic manner to the viewer.
Rated 06 Oct 2017
lil overrated. probably i could compare it with StartUp series. good picture, good ost, good acting, but the script and dynamics is uneven and far from catchy.
Rated 14 Feb 2019
Good, but there is just too much good TV to follow this one. (3 episodes)
Rated 12 Apr 2017
(2 seasons)
Rated 01 Jul 2016
USA got so fucking lucky with this show. The best thing that channel has ever put out by such a large margin.
Rated 10 Jan 2016
S1: 45 S2: 35 S3: 40 S4: 45
Rated 26 Sep 2015
Basically plays like a hacking-centric take on Fight Club.
Rated 06 Sep 2016
S1: After the first two episodes I was hooked and half-hoping that this would be the hacker version of "Dexter". Instead it stumbled along and became an unfocused and messy first season that didn't leave me surprised, moved, or wanting to come back.
Rated 30 Apr 2017
ahahahaha, 80'lerden 90'lara geçerken çekip ancak yayınlamışlar herhalde.
Rated 26 Jun 2017
Pretty fucking cool
Rated 12 Jun 2018
S1: 75 | S2: 70 | S3: 75 | S4: 75
Rated 19 Dec 2019
A great premise but written very badly. Way too slow, storyline too abstract, and the realistic elements, probably the most gripping part of the series, aren't very realistic. Disappointing, could have been a classic. I may push through to finish the first series.
Rated 16 Jul 2018
I watched a few episodes, but it was just too lame to continue.
Rated 28 Jul 2018
Only seen season 1
Rated 10 Aug 2018
(Estimated rating long after watching.) I only watched 2 episodes.
Rated 17 Apr 2020
S01~S03-90 S04-96
Rated 31 Oct 2018
1. sezon.


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