Boss Level
Boss Level
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Boss Level

Boss Level

Sci-fi, Suspense/Thriller
1h 40m
A retired special forces officer is trapped in a never ending time loop on the day of his death. (imdb)

Boss Level

Sci-fi, Suspense/Thriller
1h 40m
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Avg Percentile 42.79% from 438 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 30 Jun 2021
It would take me at least 300 attempts to not pull a muscle rolling out of bed fast. Evil Will Sasso within. My nightmare is getting stuck in a timeloop day where I end up having diarrhea.
Rated 29 Jul 2024
I was kind of pleasantly surprised by this one. Looks like one of those 'dumb action drivel meant for divorced dads' type of movies, but this mix between Edge of Tomorrow and, err, Gamer (My references are old just like me) with an above-average cast delivered an easy to digest product with plenty of shooty shoot action and some fun with the premise. Feels like a movie version of a big cheeseburger, though that might not go well with my previous 'easy to digest' statement.
Rated 06 Sep 2021
Even though the time loop idea is a bit derivative, this version of it was at least entertaining and fun to watch. It didn't hurt that it has Naomi Watts, but she is underutilized. Frank Grillo is the main protagonist and did a great job of being a badass who literally saves the day. And it was a welcome break from his bad guy roles. Gibson and Sasso were entirely expendable. Even though there was a lot of killing, it has almost no gore. Entertaining and worth watching.
Rated 18 Feb 2021
Not bad, not great. It's fun at times; worth a watch if you want some simple, endearing action.
Rated 18 Apr 2021
It does what it says on the tin. But I like most of the other Groundhog Day clones a good deal more, particularly 'Source Code'. I also kind of want to revisit 'Retroactive' from 1997... maybe I should get on that.
Rated 11 Mar 2021
Its a great dumb action movie to put on after a long tiring day of work. I watched this after a long tiring day of work. The explosions made me happy enough. The non-action scenes are incredibly boring to the point I'm unclear whether Gibson's character wanted to bring back Hitler or kill Hitler as a baby, and it being a Mel Gibson character is not helping.
Rated 18 Jan 2021
So far I enjoyed every single Groundhog Day ripoff and this one is no exception. Not a great film by any means, but certainly fun to watch, if you like this concept.
Rated 19 Jun 2022
While Boss Level is conceptually similar to a dozen other films, with dialogue that is occasionally atrocious, the film manages to capture the cheesy fun element found in many 80's classics. Grillo was surprisingly decent and perhaps even charming at points. The editing is also good, wherein the film doesn't ever feel repetitive (a common pitfall of time-loop films). I liked the ending.
Rated 23 Aug 2021
Too many time-loop movies. This one doesn't do anything memorable and the humor didn't always work for me. Enjoyed seeing Gronk, Rashad Evans, and Rampage Jackson.
Rated 05 Aug 2021
Groundhog day, but with guns and explosions. Mindless, but fun. Grab a beer and enjoy.
Rated 23 Jun 2021
Not as good as Live Die Repeat but has its moments. Great twitter scrolling movie.
Rated 05 Apr 2021
This ended up being a pretty fun mostly brainless video game movie. The movie runs out of steam a couple of times but it still managed to entertain.
Rated 14 Mar 2021
Grillo is a bankable action hero and while the premise has been done countless times before this one felt different because of the voiceover from Grillo. It gave chemistry with the other actors because the narrative allows for continuous development and still kept the plot moving towards the ultimate reveal. It had badass action and good performances from Watts and Gibson to complete the world formed around by Grillo's Roy.
Rated 11 Mar 2021
This plot is starting to get tired. It inherently has plenty of room for good gags, but now we've seen it several times in the last few years. I like Frank Grillo, while he may not be quite up to leading man material, he does manage to look like he is having a good time. It baffles me how he can look like he does in his mid 50s.
Rated 11 Mar 2021
Should've swapped Joe Carnahan for Brian Taylor; too much SMOKIN' ACES, not enough CRANK.
Rated 08 Jan 2021
The worst Groundhog Day ripoff we could -- or couldn't -- think of. Absolutely atrocious in almost every Deadpool-esque way, not to mention the shocking waste of talent and lack of humor all over the place. Unfunny, lazy and just genuinely forgettable comic book male-weeper.
Rated 25 Jul 2024
Another Groundhog Day/Edge of Tomorrow setup, where he awakes in the same place again and again til he gets it right. A bit louder and cruder than those previous efforts, you’re not sure what to make of it at first – things pick up though and Grillo grows on you, even if you'd rather have seen Gibson take this role. Think too long and little makes sense (why bug him if you didn’t think he was a threat?); pretty forgettable but enjoyable enough for what it is.
Rated 26 May 2024
well made time loop film, quite wholesome
Rated 06 Nov 2023
The action scenes more than make it worth watching, even if I could've done without the endless monologue.
Rated 21 Apr 2023
The enbodiment of mediocrity
Rated 08 Feb 2023
Les 11 premières minutes sont dantesques ! Tu vois que le réal a voulu nous en foutre plein la gueule avec des scènes d'action bien foutues, même si les cascadeurs, les mannequins et les fonds verts sont plus que voyants. Mais ça ne m'a jamais dérangé puisque Boss Level s'inspire quand même du pire du jeu vidéo : la course-poursuite façon GTA. Après ça se gâte un peu avec Naomi Watts et Mel Gibson et leur premier degré bizarre mais le beau-gosse cool Frank Grillo défonce tout, avec humour.
Rated 05 Oct 2022
Enjoyed this far more than I should have. it's a 70 that I'm throwing way up because of how enjoyable I found it.
Rated 17 Jul 2022
It's never been a bad choice to have Grillo be your starring protagonist, he's like a modern day Stallone, badass and produces action boners in an instant. "Boss Level" is a genre film for genre lovers, a complete pistache of all things awesome. The kind of giddy fan service that brings billion dollar returns for Marvel, but direct-to-video style. It's a hundred minutes of adrenaline and gruff one liners from my favorite b-movie star working today, I loved it.
Rated 13 Jun 2022
It's decently fun mainly owes to Grillo's dedication.
Rated 25 May 2022
OMG. That was pure entertainment. It was a lot of time I enjoyed a movie so much.
Rated 22 Nov 2021
Inventive time-loop film playing off videogame tropes and familiarity with gaming itself - being essentially like watching someone save-scumming their way to a flawless speed run (skips included!). Witty script and some standout sequences/chars., well-paced and consistently entertaining. Perhaps lacking a little complexity in the conclusion - would have enjoyed a final perfect run in 'ironman mode' to up the stakes, but enjoyed the light family drama and protag's own narrative nonetheless.
Rated 20 Nov 2021
Joe Carnahan is better than this. He does try to make the film good, but doesn't work all the way.
Rated 01 Nov 2021
Damn... I wanted to do this, The Groundhog Day with a repeating horror environment (well this is more like a Double Dragon type video game but nevertheless) :((( Personal disappointment aside, they did ok, neither great nor bad; Grillo was the right choice as the main as he blends well with the video game concept with his weird body. Some of the slow-motion scenes were excellent, as the setting of the movie gave the option to use the same CGI multiple times in a meaningful way.
Rated 30 Oct 2021
Quite entertaining and humourous. A fun watch.
Rated 28 Oct 2021
An original Holloywood B-grade blockbuster? Wow, I had forgotten what that looks like. Take "original" with a pinch of salt though - we've seen similar stories, but this nevertheless felt fresh. The film keeps itself away from grandeur, but rather takes a more humble approach in not taking itself too seriously, which works to its benefits. Could have still used more of the latter, though, as it's still a formulaic film unfortunately. But definitely a lot of fun.
Rated 16 Oct 2021
Pretty good action movie albeit its plot is weak.
Rated 11 Oct 2021
I'm sure even I will eventually reach the point where I've had enough of these time loop movies, but today is not that day. This was very fun!
Rated 05 Oct 2021
Got 40 minutes in and turned it off. Boring, poor acting, and I hate constant narration.
Rated 27 Sep 2021
The real time-loop is watching movies where a man is forced to confront his failure to devote adequate time and attention to his wife and child, and forced to atone for this guilt, preferably by sacrificing himself, disappearing without a trace so that they may live long, shame-free lives. If there was any justice, when Richard A. Lupoff died in October 2020, he would have had all the money in the world: the robbery started with Danny Rubin, who also co-wrote the dire S.F.W., and Harold Ramis.
Rated 19 Sep 2021
A fun time loop film that could have been much better with a better script. Still, the action is fun and the ride is quite enjoyable. Mel Gibson got a paycheck for this.
Rated 28 Aug 2021
Kept waiting for the punchline or the purpose but it never came and in the end it was just a rubbish, cheesy and annoying action film. Might have enjoyed it if Mel Gibson got beaten up more.
Rated 17 Aug 2021
#21#, [theatrical], exp3, rw2, popcorn, story, Naomi.W!
Rated 15 Aug 2021
It's a good action movie. The kind of movie you watch when you want to switch off the brain (and here you must to, I assure you) and to enjoy a pretty decent action staging. I just hated the brutal cut at the end, i felt it too much spitballed.
Rated 13 Aug 2021
Entertaining time loop action flick that could be a little more violent. The humour is either your thing or completely terrible and will play the biggest role in whether you like the movie or not. Naomi Watts is bae.
Rated 17 Jul 2021
Fun, good premise, done a lot before but still entertaining.
Rated 22 Jun 2021
Cynical and uninspired time loop dross. And there is no way in hell that a "pop-up retro e-sports competition" wouldn't be filled with balding middle-aged men.
Rated 19 Jun 2021
eng; [Boss level]; ein ehemaliger Söldner ist in einer zeitschleife gefangen, welche immer mit seiner ermordung endet - doch er fragt sich warum.;
Rated 12 May 2021
Rated 13 Apr 2021
A movie that seemed made for theaters but destined for streaming. Grillo is a great lead and there's some decent action but man they couldn't have shaved another 10 minutes off this thing?
Rated 10 Apr 2021
Başta 80'li yıllar oyunlarına olmak üzere genel olarak oyun dünyasına çaktığı selam sebebiyle bile izlenir. Özelikle "Gamer" lar kaçırmasın. Özgün bir konusu var ve harika işlenmiş, ortam ve kurgu çok iyi, tempo bir kaç sahne hariç düşmüyor. Böyle bir filmden beklenmeyecek derecede geniş bir oyuncu kadrosu var arka plandakiler bile üst düzey oyuncu ve iyi oynamışlar. Frank Grillo ise bildiğimiz gibi.
Rated 09 Apr 2021
This movie could be close to perfect if there was a director's cut featuring more storyline. Unfortunately, Mel Gibson did not perform well here and there were a few head-scratching moments overall. I would love to have witnessed a lot more comedic gold from the writers and more of the great death capture shots from the cameramen, which reminded me of the talented staff they had on the set of Death Proof (2007).
Rated 31 Mar 2021
Pretty disappointed in the amount of involvement from Mel Gibson. Frank Grillo was pretty great, though, and I think they had enough new material for the Groundhog Day plot to still work.
Rated 27 Mar 2021
I love a good time loop film, and Boss Level is no exception. This is a action-oriented, yet funny time loop movie that has a ton of personality. Honestly, I had so much fun watching it that I can't wait to watch it again and again
Rated 22 Mar 2021
couldn't get through even till half of it.
Rated 16 Mar 2021
Wow, Gibson now doing B movies.
Rated 11 Mar 2021
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Rated 05 Feb 2021
Not nearly as good as other Carnahan films. Doesn't have the same sense of style or deceptively clever script. Kind of just a typical time loop movie with some action--admittedly pretty cool action choreography. Talented cast; Grillo nails action but can't quite handle the emotional beats. Watts is wonderful but underused, same with Gibson who is grizzled and menacing when allowed to be. Predictable but ultimately kinda fun movie, hardly inspiring.
Rated 29 Nov 2020
okay movie


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