

1h 47m
A classic Disney fairy tale collides with modern-day New York City in a story about a fairytale princess from the land of Andalasia who is thrust into the heart of New York City by an evil queen. Soon after her arrival, Princess Giselle begins to change her views on life and love after meeting a handsome lawyer. Can a storybook view of romance survive in the real world? (Walt Disney)
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1h 47m
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Avg Percentile 46.73% from 3539 total ratings

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Rated 02 Dec 2007
Amy Adams is amazing and James Marsden does wonders with the little screen time he has. The film starts off great as it completely embraces and machine guns through the traditional Disney story in about 10 minutes. From there on it masterfully pokes fun of it's own genre without actually making fun of it. The downside comes from the last 15-20 minutes where the film kind of reverts to what it avoided. Though I did appreciate the woman saving the man. Still it's great fun with tons of laughs.
Rated 11 Jan 2008
In which Disney tries to have its magic apple and eat it too. The script isn't as pointed or clever as it could be, eventually caving in to many of the conceits it initially satirizes. What the film does have going for it is a pair of robustly realized performances. Marsden plays his charming prince with a vivid doltishness. Adams has to play the same cartoonish naivety but infuse it with the emotional grounding to make her character's arc meaningful, a tricky task she accomplishes with aplomb.
Rated 07 Jul 2016
Mildly clever, but it lacks any truly biting satire - this is still Disney, after all, and they'll never take any real digs at their princess gravy train. OK for what it is. Adams is great, of course, but it's Marsden as the himbo prince who steals the show.
Rated 23 Apr 2011
At first I thought this was actually a breath of fresh air for this genre. Playfully mocking at the different fairytales, but still not losing the magic and heart that these kinds of films really need. However, it does then go on to call upon the very traits of a fairytale they've been mocking towards the end to capture their clichéd happy ending. A bit inconsistent tonally but still a fun ride.
Rated 04 Jan 2008
Thank you, Disney, for having the balls to make fun of yourself like this. Of course, it's pretty trendy to be cynical these days, but it was still a heck of a lot of fun. The first 10 minutes really make me miss 2D animation.
Rated 30 Mar 2008
Disney magic spills into New York reality, and the result is...well...enchanting. I said of 'Junebug' that one great performance does not a great film make. 'Enchanted' proves me wrong by building the entire movie on the back of Adams' radiating brilliance. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face through the whole duration. I'm almost ashamed of how much I liked this movie, but I shouldn't be. The best (non-Pixar) family film in years.
Rated 26 Apr 2008
Although I'm trying really hard not to, I actually like this movie. Amy Adams does a great job as the lost disney-princess; she really captures the laughable euphoria that is often seen in Disney-princesses' behaviour, but never really satirized proper. Until now, that is.
Rated 23 Feb 2009
amy adams is a real life disney princess, this movie is wonderful ..
Rated 15 Mar 2009
The comparisons I've seen to Galaxy Quest are somewhat appropriate.
Rated 16 Dec 2007
The third part of the film is way too easy and loses the energy and great satire of the first half. Adams is great at capturing the essence of the classic Disney princesses.
Rated 23 Mar 2008
Fun, and surprisingly clever. I laughed a lot. Shoot me.
Rated 24 Mar 2008
A really entertaining, creative, funny and enjoyable movie. One of the best Disney pictures in recent memory, and it certainly appears to be a return to form for their non-Pixar features (I hope it is, anyway). Amy Adams...unnfff. Goddamn.
Rated 25 Mar 2008
A delightfully fresh and funny film. Amy Adams is absolutely great. It gets a little bit winded toward the final stretch, and Susan Sarandon barely makes more than an appearance, but overall it was actually really well-made.
Rated 28 Mar 2008
Its cute. The chipmunk is the star of the show!!!
Rated 20 Jan 2011
Enchanted" is a clever spin on the Disney movie formula. It pokes fun at the cliches of the Disney love stories as well as celebrates them for the joy that they bring. While the entire cast is great, the real center is Amy Adams as Giselle. She attacks the role with a wonderfully adorable energy that you can't help but fall in love with her.
Rated 29 May 2008
The bookends to the movie are pretty average and way too unironically sugary, but everything in between is wonderful. Amy Adams is amazing and lovable and plays her role to perfection. The film has some pretty nice songs as well and made me laugh as much as most comedies do. It's not the most powerful satire but it is quite impressive, especially considering it's made by Disney.
Rated 06 Aug 2008
Surprisingly cool and unusual. Fun, has no shame of long musicals, without falling in predictable or clichés of the genre.
Rated 03 Sep 2008
While it's not the film you would expect if you've only seen a brief commercial for it, the movie was hilarious! Perfectly designed for all audiences, Enchanted knows exactly what it is supposed to be and delivers. It pokes fun at most every fairy tale ever made, all the while constructing a wonderful new one!
Rated 05 Oct 2008
This movie just nails it how Disney movies work and turns it into a very funny parody and yet homage. Forget James Marsden as Cyclops from X-Men, he is even better as a singing prince!
Rated 12 Apr 2012
Pretty effective at being a decent fantasy film and poking fun at the genre at the same time. Adams and Marsden are both great.
Rated 04 Nov 2009
Surprisingly good.
Rated 26 Nov 2011
I enjoyed myself quite a bit. Adams is probably at her best here, and Marsden is surprisingly hilarious and convincing. It's really well acted and very entertaining. Definitely worth watching.
Rated 06 Jul 2010
The ending sucked, but the rest of the movie is actually really cute and fun.
Rated 23 Nov 2007
As "enchanted" as this film is, it drags toward the end. That said, the beginning is hilarious, and Amy Adams is a marvel.
Rated 24 Nov 2007
Better than you'd expect.
Rated 25 Nov 2007
I have to say... pretty outstanding as far as live action fairy tales go. It subverts the classic Disney film in all the right places. Performances are amazing, great songs. It started out a little iffy I thought but transformed into something irresistable.
Rated 01 Feb 2015
Enchanted is a sickeningly sweet Disney movie that functions as both a love letter to, and a parody of, animated Disney classics that you saw and loved as a child. It's smart enough to keep adults engaged, and kids will love to look for all the references to other Disney properties. Its cast goes all-in and it's because of this that the premise works at all. It's rare to see Disney turn out this kind of self-reflective project, and if for no other reason than that, Enchanted is worth seeing.
Rated 08 Nov 2015
It has a level of schmaltz comparable to a Disney Channel television movie, but 'Enchanted' is nonetheless a dazzling homage/lampoon/deconstruction of Disney's fairy tale filmography, with enough Easter eggs to sate some of the studio's most dedicated fans.
Rated 02 Dec 2007
Near return to form Disney classic with plenty of worthwhile moments.
Rated 02 Dec 2007
Like Galaxy Quest, it plays two sides of the coin equally well, sustaining itself as a very funny and very meta parody of a genre (Disney-style fairy tale animation in this case) while existing as a fun, full-fledged, and well-written example of that genre. Amy Adams is absolutely electric on camera and utterly dominates every frame she's in.
Rated 05 Dec 2007
I doubt many people will share the complete joy I had watching this movie, but it would be hard for me to imagine anyone not liking Enchanted. Sitting there with a grin on my face from start to finish, Amy Adams and the rest of the cast put on a heck of a show. Complete with great music and a charming story that pokes fun at everything Disney has laid out for the foundation of family movies, Enchanted is not just one of the year's best family films, but one of the best of any kind.
Rated 26 Jan 2024
The collision of worlds and bikers and princes is every bit as funny and delightful as you'd dream of it to be, with Amy-zing Adams' (fall)down(up?)-to-earth princess in particular striking that perfect balance between charming naivety and heart-opening earnestness (see her park sing-along and the rat and pigeon work day song). The fairy tale outweighs the satire in the end with an overly convenient happily-ever-after but I'll take the joy when I can in this tough world. Thank you, magic mirror!
Rated 13 Dec 2007
Amy Adams rocks!!! But she is not the only reason this movie works. It's a smart and entertaining piece.
Rated 14 Dec 2007
In 2005, Amy Adams gave an award-winning performance in *Junebug*; two years later, in *Enchanted*, she gives another breakout performance, this time for a much broader and younger audience. Here, Amy Adams shows that she is a skilled comic actor, with superb timing and great energy She is beautiful enough to be a princess, and cute enough to steal scenes from a chipmunk. No doubt about it: she is a rising star with a bright future.
Rated 16 Dec 2007
Amy Adams rescued this movie from itself when it strayed too far into being the very thing it tries to parody, and Patrick Dempsey rounds it out nicely. Pretty enjoyable.
Rated 28 Dec 2007
A nice little comedy/parody: a little predicatable (aren't all the fairy tales?) but very enjoyable.
Rated 31 Dec 2007
Ok, I know this looks bad, but its actually really pretty damn good. It does a good job of satirizing the classic disney fairy tale, while being original, fun, funny and engaging on its own. Amy Adams and James Marsden are basically perfectly cast in this, and pull off their exaggerated characters well. I wasn't a fan of the ending, which seemed forced and kind of lost the momentum of the humor the movie had been working with, but overall, this was a really nice surprise.
Rated 03 Jan 2008
Enjoyable satire, although it falls down towards the end.
Rated 06 Jan 2008
Simply put, Enchanted is delightful. Aside from one annoying little poop joke, it was a tasteful family film. It's full of great humor and fun references and parody of classic Disney films. As anyone will say, Amy Adams is a gem; a truly adorable and versatile actress. It would be easy to say that she made the film wonderful, but she is really just the shining crown on top of it all. There is so much worth seeing. Awesome!
Rated 03 Mar 2008
Cute and charming. Funny songs and a sweet story line. Both stories and songs seem to poke fun at traditional Disney classics, but in a kind-hearted way, and as it was a Disney film, I didn't mind. I would have liked a tad more depth to the characters, but all-in-all a fun and enjoyable film!
Rated 07 Mar 2008
Entertaining self-satire that becomes a bit too schmaltzy at the end.
Rated 07 Mar 2008
Really enjoyed it. Think the casting was perfect.
Rated 08 Mar 2008
Time to time okay movie. Some almost parodical singing scenes work fine.
Rated 14 Apr 2011
A brilliantly ironic live action take on the 'classic' Disney film with an amazing amount of humour based mainly around Disney taking the piss out of itself, yet somehow still pulling off a very imaginative and romantic New York 'fairy tale'. Adams is absolutely perfect in this film.
Rated 08 Apr 2008
I wanted to hate this movie. I even waited to see until I was on a 5 hour flight. I really wanted to hate it. I couldn't. I actually REALLY enjoyed it. Surprisingly well acted and almost believable. Very funny yet cutely romantic. It pulled off Fairy tale much better than Ella Enchanted (which was good) or Shrek (also good).
Rated 21 Oct 2020
The LAST ACTION HERO for Disney films - the novelty of the concept (and the wonderful lead performance from Adams) help you forget this is just a standard issue rom-com in new clothes, but it is a lot of fun, if not quite as cutting or subversive as you might like it to be. Cluttered by too many characters (while Sarandon's evil witch is an amusing creation, she's really surplus baggage here) but still a good-natured and high spirited piece of entertainment.
Rated 13 May 2008
Ah, makes you want to go running trough a meadow singing with the wind in your hair.. Then again isn't it a bit sad that it had to be a joke to make a movie like this. I miss 2-D Disney, being 10 years old and in love.
Rated 18 May 2008
So cute!
Rated 17 Jan 2014
Adams and Marsden embrace their characters wonderfully. Thank you Disney for mocking yourself - even though it didn't seem like you knew how to end this one. Now sing with me y'all: "I've been dreaming of a true loves kiss..."
Rated 19 Jan 2011
It's a Disney picture ment to engage children? OK. But the film is able to envolve anyone who has ever heard a fairytale. Amy Adams acting as the clueless princess waiting for the prince charming is amazing - and even sarcastic at times... Oh, and there are the songs ("oh, please, don't sing" begs the guy - I surrended to the film right there...), but even them are acceptable: give the girl a break - not only does she have to find her real love, but also to clean the house and get a job...
Rated 28 Jun 2008
Cute and funny. But how many dances have you been to where the DJ forced you to switch partners? Hmmmm. How...convenient. But like I said, it's just cute and funny and utterly enjoyable.
Rated 11 Jul 2008
None of my friends would see this movie with me. I thought it was wonderful
Rated 05 Aug 2008
Rated 29 Aug 2008
A great modern fairytale for the younger audience, and Amy Adams hits the spot.
Rated 02 Sep 2008
The musical scene in Central Park is one of the most joyous on film in a decade. It's too bad the third act feels rushed and flawed (it only takes a squirrel sitting on the dragon to dispense of her - a threatening villain!). But at least it reminds us of the beauty hiding in our everyday lives. (Irony: the princess is really a joke/composite of Disney 'princesses' past, yet she's now included in the canon. Yay, marketing.)
Rated 06 Sep 2008
This movie have some of the Disney's magic feeling that have been lost in these days.
Rated 22 Sep 2008
Funny cross of princess and witch , Enchanted is the film I love to watch 2 times a week. Unlike the other Tales , it's crossed and mix.
Rated 18 Dec 2008
Solid unabashed parody of your typical fairy tale romances, new, funny, thoroughly amusing.
Rated 23 Dec 2008
Much better than I expected, thanks mainly to Amy Adams somehow managing to be bubbly and effervescent without becoming annoying. How is that even possible?!?
Rated 02 Jan 2009
There's not much depth, but Adams is charming. It's feel-good entertainment, nothing more, and achieves what it aims for.
Rated 12 Nov 2016
The best way to describe Enchanted is that it's a parody of Disney princess movies, but at the same time is a Disney princess movie complete with music. It's just a feel good kind of movie with fun characters and many funny moments. The ending, how the villain is defeated, is a bit weak, but the movie stands up well even so, because it wasn't about the villain, but about wrestling with what love is. It won't be for those who dislike happily ever after endings, but I liked it very much.
Rated 25 Mar 2009
Being an adult, the main thing that made it enjoyable is the lovely Amy Adams who is captivating as the princess.
Rated 30 Apr 2009
Meh, not bad. It's a really cute film that only really fails in it's shitty ending. The premise is good enough to make this one worth watching, though.
Rated 16 Jan 2015
Kinda red pill.
Rated 22 Jul 2009
Amy Adams is sweeter than all the candy in the world, luckily enough for this film, wich isn't all that.
Rated 08 Sep 2009
I didn't think i would like this being a 19 yr old lad, but it was surprisingly good.
Rated 07 Oct 2009
Surprisingly enjoyable all-family entertainment. I had lots of fun watching it, and only towards the end it wrapped itself in plastic-ness and corporate values of recent Disney. Credit card as a replacement for fairy godmother? Oh, come on. Amy Adams is really charming, I only have good words for her. Not a Princess Bride, but close enough.
Rated 16 Feb 2010
You have to be in a mindset that isn't too cynical to enjoy this. It's a happy piece of musical fluff that is surprisingly entertaining for what it is. The use of color, music, and sound is all pretty inspired. The film works for adults as well as kids which is a nice change of pace.
Rated 22 Nov 2007
Amy Adams is great, the movie isnt as Enchanting as I would have liked though. Still will provide a decent time at the movies.
Rated 22 Nov 2007
Pretty damn great, but it still could have been better. Possibly if it had not been made by Disney they would have more chances to really deconstruct the genre...but instead just becomes a Disney princess movie. Still, Amy Adams is fantastic and it is extremely entertaining and smart. There are many great scenes and song numbers.
Rated 26 Dec 2010
You get pretty much everything you expect from this one, which goes a long way to explain the low score I've given it. Probably a great movie if you're in its target audience of pre-teen girls, but if not the predictable yukkiness will eventually start to grate. The cast are fine and the direction is quite nice, there are even occasional amusing moments involving an animated chipmunk, but the rest is quite lazy, crowd-pleasing stuff that's best avoided by anyone not part of that crowd.
Rated 30 Nov 2007
It was cute, and on the cusp of annoying, without ever falling through. I'll probably watch it again if say, my dog just died and I need to give an uplifting speech in 3 hours.
Rated 10 Aug 2014
ger; [verwünscht]; eine prinzessin kommt in die reale welt und sorgt dort mit ihren vorstellungen für starke verwirrung, der prinz will sie zurückholen und die böse hexe spielt dagegen.;
Rated 18 Jun 2019
This was a complete piece of crap.
Rated 20 Oct 2014
Amy Adams is wonderful. The song in Central Park is fantastic. Worth seeing for those reasons alone.
Rated 02 Jan 2008
the plot idea seems to offer loads of space for jokes in translating disney cartoon world life to the real world, but in the end there were really only a couple, bit of a wasted opportunity - the kids we were with loved it though so...
Rated 07 Mar 2008
Extremely entertaining with marvelous performances and some great music. Predictable ending aside, this is a great movie!
Rated 20 Mar 2008
One of the better Disney movies with a solid plot, song, and entertainment. It successfully pays homage and parodies to other Disney fairytale movies. Very strong lead actress in Adams.
Rated 01 Apr 2018
very funny
Rated 28 Mar 2008
Pure Disney magic. Megan and I loved it.
Rated 13 May 2008
cute, some nice parody, but i'm glad i didn't pay to see it
Rated 16 May 2008
just bad
Rated 16 Jul 2023
don't remember it
Rated 13 May 2013
Enchanted is a very good Disney parody (created by Disney themselves) and one of the best movies that they've released in the last decade. It's fun and joyful, and Amy Adams as Giselle is so lovable.
Rated 08 Sep 2008
Upon the first trailer this seemed as it was going to be a groan-inducing headache but oh how wrong was I. Smart and often quite funny, 'Enchanted' charms its way effortlessly and Amy Adams is fabulous. A really pleasant surprise.
Rated 19 Sep 2008
Witty Disney Fantasy flick, that's creative and very heartwarming!
Rated 21 Sep 2008
girly stuff but just barely enjoyable for the rest of us mortals
Rated 17 Feb 2016
A closet romantic, a want-to-be cynic, an air-head prince and Timothy Spall; Enchanted was hilarious. Spall and the chipmunk were great, and Marsden steals every scene he's in. Overall, the plot works better if you don't think too hard about about it; and if you don't, you're rewarded with plenty of songs and laughs. The most disappointing aspect was the evil queen who was reduced to clichés, and not nearly as smart as the film she was in.
Rated 27 Dec 2008
Eh, I wasn't all that impressed. I think it's very overrated. Grade: C Plus
Rated 23 Jan 2009
Good chick flick, cute, but not a guy film that's for sure. And as a girl I will alwasy love Mr. Patrick Dempsey.
Rated 20 Dec 2013
A smart re-imagining of fairy tale tropes that's sure to delight children and adults, Enchanted features witty dialogue, sharp animation, and a star turn by Amy Adams.
Rated 23 Mar 2009
Its like a compilation of all the disney princess movies. Its really dumb and aimed squarely at your little girl. Adams does her dumb schtick. Marsden is fun.
Rated 29 Apr 2009
I laughed my head off. It's a must for anyone who grew up loving the old Disney "princess" movies (Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty). More entertaining than many other "Fractured Fairy-Tale" movies.
Rated 29 Jan 2012
Completely childish movie. Absolute waste of my time at least. Or may I was not in the right mood to watch it. Mix of fantasy and reality and I am not talking Harry Potter here by any stretch of imagination. Fairy tale characters throughout. Watchout.
Rated 27 Dec 2010
It's corny as hell and very predictable, but what fairy tale isn't? It's not that bad, though - the humour is self-referential and knowing and it's quite amusing seeing all those well-known Disney clichés being played out in the "real" world. All the other mini-reviewers are correct about Amy Adams - she doesn't necessarily look like your average fairy tale princess, but she is quite brilliant here... funny and engaging without going overboard on the cutesy stuff.
Rated 27 Dec 2010
Not as terrible as it should be. Everyone hams their way through it quite merrily while poking gentle fun at the typical Disney princess genre without really parodying it. Not as knowingly self-conscious of its roots as Shrek but there's still enough fun to be had for kids and adults alike. The only really poor area is the ending; the movie forgets it's supposed to be a comedy and becomes a bit of a CGI-fest. And the horrible closing song by some Disney flavour-of-the-month tween singer.
Rated 28 Mar 2013
It's good fun and there's nothing wrong with that. Amy Adams is great and she is well supported by the rest of the cast.
Rated 25 Jun 2010
not my cup of tea but little girls would love it
Rated 13 Aug 2010
Didn't want to like this but Amy Adams performance just grew on me. She's perky, pretty and totally charming. Great family movie!
Rated 28 Apr 2016
W4E2P2S1V1M2A2R2. So clever, and probably the three most charming actors in Hollywood. Perfectly case from top to bottom.


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