Ghost in the Shell
Ghost in the Shell
Ghost in the Shell
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Ghost in the Shell

1h 23m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 66.85% from 5734 total ratings

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Rated 29 Mar 2007
(After the uncounted rewatch) Now I know I'll never get over the amazement from this 80 minutes piece of animation. I don't care about it bridging Blade Runner to Matrix, it's complete and compact on its own. So complete that 2nd installment is just masturbatory override of the 1st. With the extended time I spent on Shirow's manga and tv series, reading and thinking on it I guess this is the only fandom of my life.
Rated 29 Mar 2011
An obvious influence on The Matrix, it's also a critique of the hierarchical structure of the Japanese corporate structure, the collusion of international politics and technological ventures and humanity's flirt with technology. Oshii mixes and matches different religions, but the animistic 'Shinto' is the most important for understanding the film's point of technology as a means to spiritual growth. Also: the first anime to really incorporate CGI, it offers way better animation than say, Akira.
Rated 04 Mar 2007
The breadth of its ambition, inspiration, and influence has been duly traced. An existential vision of overwhelming technological advent - the future wrought with genetic and social engineering - and solipsist speculations of unapologetic intellectual seriousness, immaculately rendered with architectural and mechanical detail. The only significant flaw is that, despite the material's generally post-gender attitude, there is an unfortunately adolescent male gaze with regard to the female form.
Rated 23 Apr 2009
An almost perfect presentation of the Puppet Master arc from the original manga, with Oshii's trademark confusing plot structure and Kenji Kawaii's appropriately eerie soundtrack. It will probably not make much sense if you're not already familiar with GitS, but it stands cemented as one of the most popular R rated anime, certainly one of the most influential. Yet another example of the quality of animation that Japan is still unrivaled in and it took a year to make this.
Rated 03 Jul 2009
An exciting and thoughtful action/sci-fi hybrid that takes more than a page or two from Blade Runner's playbook while simultaneously paving the way for The Matrix. As with any good cyberpunk anime, the highlight is its immaculately conceived vision of technologically-advanced-yet-dilapidated Tokyo. If there's anything to complain about, it's that its climax is a rather uncinematic monologue on identity and AI. That, and the unnecessary tits.
Rated 13 Jul 2015
It's like the Matrix but you feel gross watching it. (Pretend the Matrix came out 5 years earlier)
Rated 28 Oct 2013
Never been a fan of the Ghost in the Shell franchise. It just feels like they keep saying the most obvious things in the most convoluted way possible. Music and atmosphere are great though.
Rated 20 Apr 2008
There are plenty of reasons why I should like it, including the gritty setting the interesting story and the fact that it doesn't shy away from posing philosophical questions. The fact remains, though, that while I enjoyed it well enough I never really got into it.
Rated 25 Feb 2021
The atmosphere, rich in image and sound, is superb, but the story is too shallow and quick. The abhorrent English voice cast (which might have been computer generated for all their monotonous intoning) certainly doesn't help the brief attempts at characterization. The concepts and environments make the film easily worth watching, however.
Rated 14 Aug 2017
Beautiful animation and a distinctive soundtrack combine wonderfully to flesh out GitS's dystopian atmosphere, but the narrative moves far too quickly to allow for a proper digestion of its existential navel-gazing. Ultimately, it feels as if it presumes the viewer to already have knowledge of the original manga, instead feeling like an extended episode of its anime series thereafter than a full-fledged film.
Rated 26 Mar 2017
I expected something less slight, but overall I dug it. Liked the themes and the way they were prioritised over the action, which no doubt the remake will change completely. Pacing isn't the best - feels like it speeds up a ton in the last 25 or so minutes. Or more like it's too drawn-out until then. Ending is great.
Rated 18 Aug 2009
Interesting themes and beautiful animation, unfortunately most of the time it is a boring convoluted mess.
Rated 23 May 2010
Awful in virtually all respects: flaccid pacing, wooden voice acting in both Japanese and English soundtracks, and, every ten minutes or so, everything stops so that someone can give a puerile and shallow philosophical lecture.
Rated 14 May 2012
Intellectually stimulating but emotionally dead, Ghost in the Shell is enjoyable, and its influence is undeniable, but it's hard to feel particularly attached to the action when the characters rarely act like anything more than the hollow automatons that they are. A must see for the aspiring otaku, but far from the classic it is often billed as.
Rated 18 Apr 2011
This was my first exposure to the Ghost-in-the-Shell-Universe and to be honest, I was pretty confused. (I dunno if this film was intended for newcomers, but there's a surprising lack of exposition for a film about such a complex dystopian world). That being said, it's pretty engaging and has some great animation. (I should also note, it was the dubbed English version I saw; I heard it's not the best version.)
Rated 27 Mar 2017
82 minutes is too short for a film like this, it easily could have added another 40 to pad out the rushed exposition & introduce the setting and characters properly instead of giving focus to their nipples & awkward, baseless philosophical monologues. What they did get right was stopping to take the time to bathe us in the brilliant cyberpunk, dystopian art direction.
Rated 22 Dec 2020
Beautiful action sequences, but quite ironically GITS is missing its "Ghost" - that is, emotion. Characters will espouse philosophy at each other without ever demonstrating it emotionally. The closest we get to something interesting is the idea that hackers can spoof memories, but that's left to one unsettling scene and then forgotten about to continue treating consciousness as a black box system. A lot of style with some great animation, but the substance is a let down.
Rated 07 Apr 2015
It has some pretty cool concepts and ideas about technology and the future, but that was about it, for me. I didn't really care about the characters or the plot. The animation is pretty nice; I particularly liked the backgrounds. You can easily see the influence the film had on The Matrix. So, yeah, it's decent for what it is, but I prefer something like Paprika or even Akira.
Rated 28 Dec 2013
Anime meets Kierkegaard. Maybe the pace is a bit too fast, though.
Rated 13 Apr 2007
Short, but densely packed with stylish action, cool technology, and interesting philosophical questions. Many other sci-fi action films could take a page from this playbook (The Island, I'm looking at YOU)
Rated 03 Aug 2021
introspective and quietly haunting. did you see what I did there? I should give up the ghost
Rated 17 May 2015
Like the evolution chart in the museum this movie has an idea of teleology which alludes to different philosophies starting from Herakleitos and ending at Hegel I think. Like the evolution of Lang's Metropolis and preceding the "Matrix", "Ghost in the Shell" asks whether an authentic existence per se is possible at all or it may claim that existence as machine is just the continuation of a dialectical process according to which even the organic existence we know functions like a machine.
Rated 06 May 2017
Not every day you get to experience such an excellent worldbuilding as you witness in Ghost In The Shell. Every tiny detail is centered around humanity and existence in the world of tomorrow: a world that is engulfed with technology to the point where we start to adapt our bodies to it.
Rated 29 Jan 2014
One of the most aesthetically fascinating movies I've ever seen with an abundance of rich themes and ideas that - provided you have no prejudice against anime - will have you returning to its fleshed out cyberpunk nightmare to indulge again.
Rated 31 Oct 2021
Nice imagery, atmosphere and music. I appreciate the film for what it's trying to do and injecting philosophy in it the way that it did. I didn't really connect with it on that level though, it didn't feel very profound or insightful. The plot isn't great either and can be hard to follow. So I do think it's a bit overrated, but clearly it has inspired other, in my opinion better, media and that's worth something. I also think the aesthetics and atmosphere are nailed pretty well.
Rated 17 Apr 2020
Considered a classic, the TV series is a much better example of the promise of the premise and what GITS can be. The original movies sometimes odd pacing and random visuals make it a bit more of an experimental film and detract for the overall substance.
Rated 07 Jan 2015
As opposed to its cerebral anime counterpart, Akira, it holds up really well. While its story is not the greatest anime or in general, movie plotline of all time, it does deliver some thought-provoking and interesting stuff. The tone is deeply cerebral and beautiful, but aesthetically, the movie shows off not only fantastic animation but great cinematography, for an animated film. A really well done anime film.
Rated 02 Sep 2008
Action packed and has great animation. Stunning.
Rated 24 Nov 2008
One of the great cyberpunk anime films because of it's high philosophy content. This film is more than a story, it is food for thought.
Rated 12 Aug 2018
Visually stunning. Although the narrative and philosophy brought into it was less appealing to me. My favourite moment by far was the musical interlude with gorgeous slow tracking shots of cityscape and water, which beat the hell out of the long-winded monologues scrambling to contain deep philosophical insights on existence.
Rated 21 Sep 2016
Not sure what to think. Probably my expectations were too high. The backgrounds, design, atmosphere and music are great, but the story isn't exactly very compelling. It is definitely confusing though! The main character gets naked all the time, which is cool if you don't have internet acces or something, but for now I thought it was kind of weird.
Rated 28 Jun 2013
What is so distinctive of Ghost in the Shell, so utterly awe-inspiring is the construction of an intriguing and founded atmosphere. The film succeeds as both an action sci-fi movie and an inquisitive pondering; I am sure Mamoru Oshii loved Blade Runner. I do have a complaint with the essentially immortal protagonists because it steals so much of the danger from the otherwise perfect action scenes. Neverthless, Ghost in the Shell is intellectually and aesthetically appealing, memorably so.
Rated 22 Mar 2009
Boasting the biggest budget ever afforded an anime feature -- a record previously held by the pioneering _Akira_ -- this supplies a sensory feast of dizzying high-tech imagery and exotic music. Ontological explorations aside, most of this is given over to actionful battles between the competing security agencies, along with elaborately animated virtual-reality displays and visual odes to Kusanagi's flawlessly sculpted, frequently naked cyberbody.
Rated 01 May 2009
Original ideas, mainly great visuals, beautiful score and a thrilling plot. It felt like it assumed the novel to be read, or maybe that's just as disjointed, I don't know.
Rated 20 May 2014
Visually arresting, thematically intriguing, narratively unsatisfying.
Rated 06 Jun 2009
I had to look up some info after watching it, for I'd be lying if I said I understood it all. 'Ghost in the Shell' is an enigmatic, thought-provoking sci-fi actioner, maybe overshadowed by a slight wave of self-centeredness, but still wildly imaginative and entertaining. Visually, it seems to have drawn a lot of inspiration from 'Blade Runner' and other dystopian films. Japanese animation will never cease to amaze me. P.S. I watched the dubbed version, which apparently is not recommended...
Rated 24 May 2016
Didn't like it as much as I though I would. The animation is nice, particularly the backgrounds, but the plot felt rather bland. It's really far too short to cover the ideas it tries to cover. And what's with all the unnecessary nudity?
Rated 26 Jan 2010
Great concept, but the movie's a bit on the shitty side.
Rated 21 Sep 2010
Now here's a movie that creates a believable, fascinating, iconic, influential and gorgeous universe in like 1 hour and 20 minutes. Precision!
Rated 25 Sep 2010
I am no fan of anime. I can appreciate the stunning artwork and visualization, but the stories usually seem as if they are secondary and this is no exception.
Rated 25 Jan 2013
Great art, great characters, but too short and not dense enough. I was left wanting for closure. I really liked the soundtrack as well as some of the quiet, meditative shots of the environment. It's a shame we don't get those in Western moviemaking very often.
Rated 11 Dec 2010
I knew right from the start that this movie and I were not going to be friends. It comes across like it was written first on a public anime forum by some fourteen year old with only a hard drive full of hentai and a pack of redbull for inspiration.
Rated 18 Mar 2021
I loved it. I guess it never occurred to me that I was missing out on something so influential all of this time. Probably one of the best thinking-persons sci/fi's I've ever seen. The detail to the storytelling, animation, and world-building is incredible. I'm sure I'll grow to appreciate it even more with repeat viewings. Living proof that the world animation in general is most definitely on par with some of the biggest cinematic classics in my opinion. Most definitely worth seeing.
Rated 12 Sep 2015
I know people who worship at the altar of this film - I've never really been one of them. But I do admire and respect its innovation and imagery and imagination and influence on cyberpunk themes/ideas/storytelling. There are individual scenes that stand out as so memorable I've never forgotten them, although the overall narrative strokes always seem to wash away for me quickly after watching the film.
Rated 27 Apr 2011
Do Ghosts Dream Of Electric Babies. Seminal, influential, exquisite art. An interesting note on a rewatch: neither the English dub nor the English sub really get the characters right at all. Maybe there's a good fan sub out there instead? Another for you: it's less philosophical than it is political. The punchlines are on Japan Inc corruption and the crumbling copy-paste machinery of Bubble-jidai corporate governance and fiscal policy.
Rated 14 Jul 2011
It's like "Blade Runner", but anime. Just as slow feeling, but just as enveloping and beautiful at times. The last about ten minutes or so didn't quite sit well with me, it was too intentionally existential and in a shallow, porous fashion.
Rated 01 Aug 2011
Follows in a nice trend of japanese cyperpunk speculations about the nature of the individual and its relation to others, as also masterfully done by Akira and (after repeat viewings) Neon Genesis Evangelion. While all the sepculations may seem too Philosphy 101 to western audiences (especially those that disliked the Matrix for these excact reasons) I find these are excellent for cinema to explore, especially in animation.
Rated 07 Aug 2021
Meh, some cool visuals, but the plot is garbage.
Rated 29 Aug 2011
The wet dream of a pimple-faced Japanese teenage pseudo-intellectual.
Rated 17 Feb 2022
The animation is still incredible. It's just that asking existential questions without strong (and deep) characters doesn't really make a compelling movie.
Rated 29 Jan 2018
I was pretty bored for most of this movie (everything bar the first 30 minutes), it tries to say a lot of things about the nature of humanity but it doesn't feel fleshed out enough. Unsatisfying ending.
Rated 04 Mar 2012
Some neat ideas, but they don't hit particularly hard in the 21st century, and they're not enough of a payoff for a slow movie that has pretensions of being more than it is.
Rated 13 Dec 2006
Good story, animators got a little lazy and freezed some frames to fit lengthy lines of dialogue.
Rated 28 Dec 2006
totally great if you're a dork.
Rated 03 Jan 2007
O Fantasma do Futuro estreava há 25 anos em Tóquio. Excelente e influente anime, mas eu nunca fui realmente uma devota do gênero (genre) para me sentir suficientemente entusiasmada, embora não há como negar sua pós-modernidade especialmente me questões de gênero (gender). BlurayRip UHD REMUX FGT.
Rated 09 Jul 2007
Great film.
Rated 12 Jul 2007
A classic anime.
Rated 10 Sep 2020
An anime classic that stands as possibly one of the most influential animated films of all time, it still holds up over two decades later & is even more relevant in modern context. The worldbuilding sometimes leaves a bit to be desired, but the universe feels lived in & the characters are engaging. The story has a lot to say & does so in a great, unique way, but admittedly I wasn't huge on the ending. Still, it's so fast-paced & so ambitious that it's hard not to enjoy. A definite must-see.
Rated 24 Dec 2017
Not a very clever plot, but interesting issues are explored. There's enough action to keep it from being tedious.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
If you love the Matrix and have not seen this, then you don't know anything abou the matrix. Stunning animation pulls you in, a f-ed up story about how disposable life really is, is what keeps you.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
really cool, I wanna see the sequel and soon
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Great anime.
Rated 27 Aug 2020
First-rate bit of manga is stunningly well designed and evocative of time and place - thanks to its visuals and terrific use of sound, you feel transported to this place in a powerfully visceral way, so much so that plotting and characterisation can fall by the wayside (overly complicated and confusing elements notwithstanding!) Great fun and certainly more loose and lively than usual sci-fi animation.
Rated 07 Feb 2017
Rated 13 Oct 2007
My favorite anime movie of all time the animation is great so is the story highly recomend it
Rated 15 Oct 2007
blade runer wanna be film
Rated 26 Oct 2007
Epic and interesting.
Rated 03 Feb 2017
Exquisite and philosophical. The scenery is presented exceptionally well.
Rated 26 May 2015
Amazing pictures, great lines. It gives a real interrogation about what life is and what's not.
Rated 18 May 2008
Charmingly bizarre. Wildassed like only anime is, yet depicting a future that doesn't seem all that farfetched as computers get more and more advanced and human biology gets more and more deconstructed. One truly memorable image -- of The Major making that huge crater on the roof as she jumps upon it
Rated 01 Jun 2008
One of my favorite animes. And the sequel is just as awesome!
Rated 03 Jun 2008
nothing really happened in this movie.
Rated 07 Sep 2014
Rated 09 Dec 2008
I love this anime!
Rated 20 Jan 2009
Top quality animation, and a plot line out of a top-draw Dystopian novel.
Rated 21 Nov 2023
An astonishing examination on the nature of sentient life, brought through a hyper stylized sci-fi lens.
Rated 02 Jul 2014
Major sci-fi bombshell that influenced the next generation of sci-fi both directly and indirectly, but screw influence. The original Ghost in the Shell movie is a poor representation of the franchise that chooses action and style over the usual intelligence. The atmosphere is thick and the visuals sleek, but that's the meat of the whole thing. Only focusing on one of the franchise's characters and shoving the philosophy in the last 10 minutes is unfortunate. I love GitS, but 2 is a better movie.
Rated 15 Aug 2012
After Akira, a case can be made for Ghost in the Shell being the most influential anime ever. While Akira was the first anime to crack international markets, GITS rose anime to something "real,", and opened the doors for events like Disney's pursuit of Miyazaki, and eventually, the truly incredibly pace of anime we see today. More important for cyberpunk films, GITS provided a myriad of thoughts and visuals that have been expanded upon in virtually all subsequent cyberpunk animes.
Rated 15 Apr 2009
Pretty decent anime film. It makes a good attempt at a deeper, more philosophical undertone (though I think it ultimately fails). That said, the animation is pretty good in this one. Worth seeing if you're an anime fan.
Rated 12 Aug 2012
One of the greatest films I've seen (not just Anime). It's like The Matrix it's a ripoff of Anime's movies, and GITS is one of them. It's way to deep for an animated film. Love ir :)
Rated 02 Jul 2009
Highly cerebral, but also highly entertaining
Rated 10 Sep 2023
Will need a rewatch. Didn't watch in ideal circumstances. A lot of good things about this film. Pretty groundbreaking for 1995. Some of the ideas too complex to grasp unless you're in an ok place
Rated 04 Jul 2018
Well animated and raises interesting philosophical questions. I found it pretty lacking though, because I don't think there's much here beyond that
Rated 17 May 2013
16 Mayis 2013 & Keske felsefi altyapisini daha fazla on plana cikarabilseymis, keske ucundan dokundurup gectigi varolussal tespitleri, onemli sorgulamalari seksen dakikaya, bol aksiyon ile birlikte sigdirmaya calismasaymis. Film bittikten sonra garip bir tamamlanmamislik hissi, yemegi onune konulup da geri alinan ufak cocuk hissi ile doldum.
Rated 13 Oct 2009
Wooden dialogue and a borderline incomprehensible cyberpunk narrative is a small price to pay, for such a gorgeous, meticulously crafted and thematically rich piece of art, that arguably offers one of the best takes on AI in sci-fi history.
Rated 02 Nov 2009
must see action anime, cool weapons and tech
Rated 12 Jun 2023
And know you know where THE MATRIX came from.
Rated 30 Apr 2016
needs rewatching
Rated 19 May 2015
Extremely interesting story with aspects of both action and metaphysical as elements.
Rated 06 Feb 2013
Even if you don't really understand what's going on -- and, well, sometimes you don't --, Ghost in the Shell informs the plot with an unique visualization of a somber future, in which men and machines share body, conscience and mind. Besides, blending Blade Runner's noir rainy speeches with anime's usual fury, this works fine as an action flick, picturing an amazing, Akira-like, climax.
Rated 26 Jul 2010
If you liked The Matrix, check out the movie that inspired it.
Rated 03 Sep 2010
Never been a fan of anime, but found this enjoyable. Very stylish, you can tell The Matrix borrowed its look, with a bleak Blade Runner-esque atmosphere. Not much plot, mostly philosophizing over the nature of humanity and the soul but surprisingly intelligent. Lots of style, lots of substance, it just lacks something to tie these two elements together.
Rated 07 Mar 2016
Raises interesting philosophical concepts, but doesn't to a very good job presenting them.
Rated 28 Jul 2017
This film left me feeling that I was missing a lot of backstory and as if it was trying to shoehorn a expansive world and cast of characters into a feature film. The animation was as good as everyone says, but the plot and (English) voice acting were so so.
Rated 07 Dec 2010
A thinking mans film, this movie is definitely one of the more important anime films in history. Along with Akira, I think this movie shows that anime can be more than busty women, saiyan, random nudity(though this movie is guilty of that), and violence for no apparent reason. Though I find the TV series better, this movie is one of the most effective I've seen and is still very relevant to this day. A great movie in it's own right.
Rated 07 Dec 2010
Trippy nightmarish sci-fi set in an amazing dystopian city. Well worth a watch if you liked Blade Runner or is a fan of anime. Very complicated (but not more than most animes) so you have to give it your complete attention. No going out in the kitchen with this one.
Rated 03 May 2011
Imaginative and intriguing, but at times impenetrable. The tv series is better.
Rated 05 May 2011
Rated 26 Feb 2023
Rated 10 Nov 2011
I feel like this movie should be more popular in the main stream, but I can see why it doesn't really look like anything special to a casual observer.


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