The African Queen
The African Queen
The African Queen

The African Queen

1h 45m
In Africa during WW1, a gin-swilling riverboat owner/captain is persuaded by a strait-laced missionary to use his boat to attack an enemy warship. (imdb)
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The African Queen

1h 45m
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Avg Percentile 61.61% from 2385 total ratings

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Rated 15 Nov 2011
"By ze authority vested in me by Kaiser Villiam II, I pronounce you man and vife. Proceed vith ze execution."
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Two people as different as differnt can be; ride the African Queen down the river and out of the jungle while battling the boat, the elements, the Germans, and their disperate views of life. A great adventure.
Rated 08 Mar 2009
Pure, simplistic and absolutely tremendous, The African Queen is an uproarious otherwise a bit stale film if not for Bogart and Hepburn's enthusiastic performances. Huston provides a decent catalogue of amazing shots of the river and surroundings, and he manages to hold it all together. Classic and stand-out comedy.
Rated 17 Jun 2010
The on-screen tension and emotion between Hepburn and Bogart is first class, and almost the best I've seen in terms of romantic cinema roles for these two. Generally Bogart's love interests are secondary to the plot, but here it fits into the adventure perfectly and the way that Hepburn and himself really got into their roles made this into a good film. The plot is arguably cheesy, unrealistic and full of holes, but that I found was part of the fun, and indeed its charm.
Rated 30 Oct 2013
The soundtrack feels a bit inappropriate at times and the story bogs down quite a bit after a strong start. Still, a delightfully grubby Bogart and slowly defrosting ice queen Hepburn save the film from becoming a slog.
Rated 22 Oct 2018
It's an amazing testament to Bogart and Hepburn's acting abilities that this film works as well as it does. It's literally the two of them taking a boat cruise down an African river. Sure, there's some hiccups along the way, but it never feels that tense.
Rated 11 Mar 2007
Fun, pure and simple. Bogart is, of course, awfully charming and funny, but Hepburn also holds her own with her prim and restrained demeanor that eventually melts into enthusiasm. Huston does a great job with the pacing and the river shots, which makes this adventure film stand out.
Rated 22 Aug 2008
Really silly then really sweet. : )
Rated 19 Aug 2010
"Ze penalty for not answering to zis court is death by hanging" - "Who Cares ?" Haha. Bogie's charismatic presence as the gin-swilling Allnut, smt I would've gladly paid to see back then, kept my attention throughout and even though it's weighed down by romantic bits which felt completely forced, TAQ is an enjoyable adventurous tale, obviously flawed, yet altogether lovable and better than similar subsequent films it has heavily influenced. It's hard to imagine some people hating this film.
Rated 31 Aug 2010
Bogart and Hepburn are worth more than a million special effects.
Rated 26 Dec 2010
What's up with the fucked up background? Makes you wonder, what Apocalypse now would have looked like, had they chosen to do the same trick as in the African Queen - film three fourths in London with the actors, the rest in Africa without.
Rated 26 Apr 2012
A light-hearted mixture of adventure and romance. The pacing is brisk, the action comes thick and fast, and both Hepburn and Bogart are as good as they always are. Bogey in particular gives an amusingly shambolic performance; you can virtually smell the gin and BO coming out of your TV screen. That said, the romance does feel a little contrived, and it gets a tad silly here and there. It's fun, but not as great as I expected it to be.
Rated 01 Jan 2014
I must say there are a few things in here that are beyond cheesy, mostly related to the terrible special effects (those mosquitos!) A few times I cracked up like I was watching a terrible B-movie, which didn't do anything good for the mood. But where this works is Bogart and Hepburn - their acting is so damn great, and their relationship so sweet, that I can forgive a few problems here and there. And from the river reeds scenes to the end is just outright excellent, ending on a high note.
Rated 11 Apr 2014
A goofy little movie that leaves me perplexed by its reputation. The film feels like an excuse to put its stars together, and despite some solid chemistry and decent humor, the entire escapade feels unjustified. I don't know if the public of 1951 couldn't handle any narrative hook that wasn't a love story, but I don't think it particularly works here, especially as there's nothing really romantic of the two falling in love for no other reason than solidarity. Breezy, but forgettable.
Rated 29 Oct 2018
For a film that's essentially just Bogart and Hepburn alone together on a boat, I'd expected a lot more... I dunno, pizzazz. Despite their best efforts, it veers back and forth between colonialist tourist brochure ("Nobody's ever seen this flower before!"), serial war adventure and cheesy romance as abruptly as the scene shifts from live action to miniature boats bobbing around in a creek behind John Huston's house.
Rated 20 Nov 2018
Nice to see a bit of on-location Africa in technicolor (though some boat scenes are overlays), but otherwise, the flagship of industrial romance adventures gives me very little joy or excitement. It's extremely corny, and I find Bogart and Hepburn vapid and unlikable.
Rated 03 Jan 2007
Bogart and Hepburn do something few others could do, carry a movie almost entirely on their backs with excellent performances. Their constantly shifting dynamic is captivating and the events in the film are really only relevant in how they affect that dynamic.
Rated 25 Feb 2007
Most enjoyable two hours I ever spent stuck in a jungle. Everything was left to the two characters, and they did it all to perfection.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A classic in every sense. Fantastic performances and great dialog.
Rated 27 Oct 2007
Right from the start, Huston insisted this is not going to be just another cardboard decorated studio feature. Ranked by the American Film Institute in 2007 as the 65 greatest movie of all time, The African Queen had to be made on location, where real crocodiles and leaches eat real people. Don't miss this one. More of this review
Rated 13 Jan 2008
Brilliantly powerful mix of romance, World War two, drama and a decent dose of comedy thrown in to the mix. Dynamic and very strong performances. A powerful story and the pace is fast enough to move the plot along and not too fast for character development.
Rated 07 Apr 2008
An entertaining adventure tale, good but not great. The pacing and plotting are spot on, but Huston's direction lacks distinction. Nothing makes this movie shine, and even Cardiff's Technicolor photography is a bit lifeless. Bogart and Hepburn give charismatic performances, but one wishes there was more spark between them. The romance definitely feels forced, and I didn't buy it until the very end. Nonetheless, it's an enjoyable tale.
Rated 14 Jun 2008
I love Hepburn and I love Bogart, but for some reason this movie drives me totally crazy. I don't like anything about it. Bogart looks very dirty and like he smells and Hepburn does her patented dry, clipped speech. It doesn't charm me, but lots of people love it.
Rated 21 Aug 2021
Pretty good stuff. Love the cast.
Rated 05 Mar 2009
Huston's wonderful comedy-adventure is a timeless delight, thanks to the odd-couple casting of Bogart and Hepburn. Huston's direction is remarkably efficient, disguising the story's contrivances and allowing the two stars to shine.
Rated 09 Apr 2009
Despite some unfortunate studio sets mixed in with real African footage achieved through great hardship by all concerned, this is one of those surprising films that really work, a splendidly successful mixture of comedy, character and adventure.
Rated 14 Jul 2009
The first movie where I could actually see why Katherine Hepburn is held in such high regard. even at his age Bogart does a damn fine job and looks just as good as ever. The story is a little bit far-fetched but that doesn't take away from the movie. This is definitely a movie that belongs on as many best movie lists as it resides on.
Rated 01 Feb 2010
Bogart and Hepburn are great together, and the film is exciting too.
Rated 10 Jun 2010
This is one of the corniest movies I've ever seen. Just watch the scene where Bogart imitates a hippo and you will see what I mean, so damn corny. I didn't believe that they were in love for a second either, it felt so forced. The plot was awful and I barely even remember what happened despite seeing it 5 minutes ago. The amount of praise this film has received is ridiculous, it's amazing what kind of acclaim a film can get for simply having famous actors/director despite being corny as shit
Rated 03 Aug 2011
Hasn't aged well, but Bogart and Hepburn's onscreen chemistry has stood the test of time.
Rated 31 Mar 2021
I don't get it. It's not a bad movie, but there's not much going on here after an interesting opening. Hepburn's character isn't likeable. Their romance jumped from strangers to lovers and then never really developed. We don't get other characters so the conflict is mostly vs nature, of which there are many more exciting jungle films. Bonus LOL for the poster which depicts a buff Bogart rescuing a Maureen O'Hara-like buxom redhead, Fav scene: Bogart kicking and explaining the cool steam engine.
Rated 26 Apr 2012
I liked the two main characters and I enjoyed seeing their relationship develop. However, I didn't think anything else really stood out. I liked that a lot of it was actually shot in Africa, but the cinematography was nothing special. It's a very good movie, but I was kind of expecting something more memorable.
Rated 22 Aug 2020
Obviously it's corny and the two leads have a divine amount of plot armor, but it hits the sweet spot if you're looking for an easy watch. It's a little racist, but Jack Cardiff cinematography gives you a racism pass. "I now pronounce you man and wife, now proceed with the execution" is an iconic line
Rated 24 Feb 2013
"I've never tried shooting myself in the head, neither." The growth shown by both characters and how they are affected by one another is well handled. Nothing like a near death experience to make sparks fly! While it was probably necessary, the scenes in turbulent water where they were obviously on a soundstage, were distracting. It's a product of its time, sure, but it took away from the sense of danger. The scenes with the leeches, on the other hand, were much more effective.
Rated 11 Mar 2013
Humphrey Bogart is the captain of a small steam boat. He rescues Katharine Hepburn. Their perilous journey down the river is full of rich African scenery. Their goal is to destroy the German gunship patrolling a lake. The details are not always convincing or believable. Bogart's role often seemed stunted and Hepburn's character pretentious. The love story was rather poorly developed, but the movie is well made and is worth watching and entertaining.
Rated 29 Sep 2014
It's a good thing this is Hepburn and Bogart (and Huston), or the cheesiness of the romance and the miasma of colonialism would make this unbearable. But it is them, and they manage to bring us through with aplomb, wit, and intensity.
Rated 03 Dec 2023
The definition of an endearing picture. There is something about watching two quirky people find a common bond and interact the way they do. And it also feels refreshing seeing Hollywood movies finally step outside after being locked inside studios for decades. The jungle landscape adds a authenticity, along with two wonderful performances from less than glamorous Humphrey Bogart & Katharine Hepburn living the life, The African Queen becomes enthralling even if it's only a trip down the river.
Rated 12 May 2022
Regardless of the plausibility, this is delightful. But it may even be somewhat plausible, albeit lucky. If he had brazing wire & sandpaper onboard, the weld possibly would have worked from what I can tell (haven't tried it, but after researching, it seems actually possible on a coal fire!). But nile crocs live in reeds, too, so that woulda been an issue. And how/when/why did they put holes in the side of the boat for their "missiles"? Def just for theatrics, not realistic. Love this, though!
Rated 07 Dec 2017
The only way to destroy the boat was with love.
Rated 24 Feb 2007
Great film.
Rated 09 Apr 2007
Great classic adventure film.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Not too bad for a movie over 50 years old. A little action, a little romance, and a bit of comedic circumstance.
Rated 10 Mar 2022
Only good thing about the movie is to see the beautiful Congo. The story is ridiculous, both romance and the sinking of the ship are not a little bit believable. Characters are not likeable and they too are not believable, there isn't anybody like them in the real world. And, most important of all, its attitude is very racist, no wonder it was filmed in Belgian Congo.
Rated 16 Sep 2007
good movie
Rated 18 Sep 2007
Always has been at the top of my list of great movies. Another one I have seen several times. How could one not love Hepburn and Bogart!
Rated 14 Oct 2007
What a movie
Rated 11 Nov 2007
Delightful! I love this film. I adore Katharine Hepburn even more than before and Humphrey Bogart is, of course, wonderful. An excellent film. "Can you make a torpedo?" Love it.
Rated 19 Nov 2007
A Bogart-Hepburn tour de force. The plot is somewhat secondary to the interplay between these two film greats. Yet, the story was strong enough to sustain it without their great performances. A good yarn, well done!
Rated 16 Feb 2008
Heehee "Can you make a torpedo?"
Rated 01 Mar 2008
# 305
Rated 20 Apr 2008
very outdated in various points, but still lot of fun to watch
Rated 18 May 2008
Humphrey Bogart. Nuf said.
Rated 25 Jun 2008
I have never understood why this movie is so popular, and I'm a fan of the leads and the director.
Rated 22 Nov 2008
Very good acting and direction(as you'd expect from the names involved), but it never quite manages to go beyond what I'd expect. Not a letdown, but not a star either.
Rated 19 Dec 2008
Rated 24 Dec 2008
Such a charming film, starring two of films greatest actors. Just a shame the Australian DVD version is so poor.
Rated 18 Feb 2009
The story of this movie's production is better than the movie itself. Still, it is a very enjoyable film even if the premise is a little too far-fetched.
Rated 19 Jul 2009
Classic! but it's not on dvd...
Rated 01 Aug 2009
Classy piece of melodrama.
Rated 19 Aug 2009
THis is my alllll time favorite movie! A love story, and I dont like love stories, but this one is good, really good. The acting is FANTASTIC in this movie! The effect are even pretty good for it's time. AND they fight nazis, how can you go wrong!
Rated 03 Oct 2009
Good but not great.
Rated 13 Jan 2010
Rated 09 Aug 2021
Good movie. Don't really see why the bothered filming it in Africa though.
Rated 02 May 2010
Bogart and Hepburn have great chemistry but its a forgettable movie.
Rated 04 Jun 2010
Fun and lighthearted with just enough subversive black humor to make it all work. Very easy to think this is how your parents fell in love.
Rated 29 Jun 2010
Gets worse once the predictable romance between Hepburn and Bogart begins. The color also seems odd, muted, a shade away from reality. Why should they fall in love? It seems odd, for the consummation to happen so quickly, without much mystery or flirtation. But that's old movie romance for you.
Rated 23 Apr 2021
Enormous star power carries the weaker parts of the story.
Rated 03 Mar 2011
"Mr. Allnut...?" - "Yes, Miss...?"
Rated 14 Mar 2011
Bogart and Hepburn's chemistry is undeniable while the locations add to the charm of this film.
Rated 07 May 2011
An entertaining adventure movie with two great performances. Seeing a Hollywood production from the early 1950s shot in such a remote location was quite interesting and enjoyable. Sure, some parts were a little corny, especially some of the special effects, and the love angle wasn't entirely up to par, but I never once stopped enjoying the hell out of this movie even for a second. Bogart and Hepburn are just so fun to watch.
Rated 28 Aug 2011
Humphrey Bogart is one ugly man, but one heck of an actor.
Rated 29 Aug 2011
My favorite adventure movie. Bogart and Hepburn were excellent.
Rated 30 Nov 2011
Rated 24 Jan 2012
Great adventure story. I didn't even recognize Humphrey Bogart at first, playing a bit outside his more typical roles. Some of the special effects look pretty dated now, especially some of the green screens, but they still went to a lot of effort to get them working the way they do. My only big problem with it is that the ending relies on a pretty huge coincidence. I feel like it could have been handled in a bit more of a plausible way.
Rated 02 May 2012
I. dünya savasi, tanzanya, afrika, almanya-ingiltere, misyoner, rahip, kaptan, tekne, nehir, nehir yolculugu, caglayan, sinek, sülük, bataklik, romantik, dusman donanmasinca evlenmek, son istek, idam mahkumu (O kadar olay geldi baslarina, cok az zahiyatla kurtuldular) 10 Yıl sonra tekrar izledim maalesef izlediğimi de unutmuşum buraya gelince fark ettim. Puanı değiştirmiyorum ama ikinci kez izlenecek film de değildi. 4 Mayıs 2022 İkinci izleme
Rated 26 Aug 2012
Spiegel and Huston were rascals who never trusted each other, but the picture was delivered - thanks to the photography by Jack Cardiff and the art direction of Wilfred Shingleton, but also to the long-suffering attitude of all those on location. Rose and Charlie are opportunities for eccentric acting; they are an odd couple more than real people. For most of he time, it is a two-man show and so odd that plausibility hardly comes into consideration. Let's just say they got away with it.
Rated 05 Dec 2012
This movie is great on paper (great stars, director, and plot). On film, not so much. I honestly wasn't even sure if it was trying to be a comedy.
Rated 03 Mar 2013
This is a kinda fun adventure/romance movie, but not a whole lot more. The plot of a man and a woman who initially dislike each other, but after going through perilous events, fall in love is a pretty familiar one. But I suppose it wasn't as cliche 60 years ago. The actual story is a little repetitive and unrealistic too. The film is really saved by Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn - they're both very likable and wonderful together.
Rated 08 Jun 2013
Bogart's performance got me through it.
Rated 04 Jul 2013
Extremely goofy and sweet and funny and charming, altho' the colonialist/racist aspects are uncomfortable (probably would otherwise be one of my favorite movies).
Rated 17 Feb 2024
Fun, adventurous movie carried by the two lead actors in a beautiful setting. Shooting in Africa was impressive for the time and may have been a first for a movie like this. Not a total home run by any means. Bogart and Hepburn's relationship works initially but then feels rushed. The way the Africans are portrayed is not shocking, but it's pretty bad. I enjoyed the ending and ultimately the positive points pretty heavily outweigh the flaws, so this is worth a watch for any movie buff.
Rated 29 Dec 2013
Classic adventure with epic jungle shots and a compelling story.
Rated 18 Jan 2014
Great performances, but the ending (SPOILER: they get saved from the Germans in the nick of time) was hokey.
Rated 16 Nov 2014
Two people set out on impossible journey and find strength in each other. The interaction between Hepburn and Bogart make the movie work, worth watching.
Rated 07 Sep 2015
after about 40 minutes I thought: this could be a great movie if they don't make them fall in love. a minute later they started kissing. there's an hilarious bit when they're both pumping some instrument as a sexual innuendo a la Walk Hard carpentry montage
Rated 27 Dec 2015
It's the strength of the actors that make this Huston offering such an endearing romantic adventure - Bogart and Hepburn make a charming odd couple, and their chemistry only gets better as their characters gradually open up to one another. The story is simple and perhaps too fanciful in places, and the pace is slow, but the vibrant photography ensures a pleasant backdrop throughout. The music frequently feels out of place.
Rated 10 Jun 2016
Humphrey Bogart's (Charlie) charisma jumps on the screen in every scene, as does Katherine Hepburn's (Rose's). However, what really invested me in the movie was not the tale of survival but just how each character elevated the other. Neither Charlie or Rose dominated each other. It's a story about two characters who come from vastly different lives, but band together to accomplish the seemingly impossible - which comes together really well due to the writing of John Huston and James Agee.
Rated 15 Jan 2017
Enjoyable. The back and forth between the two archetypal opposites isn't the most nuanced, and the plot wasn't great. But this is one charming flick.
Rated 14 Mar 2017
Well crafted escapism.
Rated 08 May 2017
A befuddling mix of high adventure, war drama, love story, and humor, all equally contrived and improbable, and rendered with sheer cheese. The repartee between Bogart and Hepburn is completely neutered by the feeling that this entire project is Golden Age assembly line, allowing no room for Huston's usually cerebral touch. It's easy to imagine someone in this film's marketing campaign giving the old stock line: "it's got something for everyone, action for the guys and romance for the girls!"
Rated 26 Mar 2023
Surprisingly fresh movie. The theatrical curtains of the era are still apparent, but the acting by Bogart and Hepburn makes them invisable now and then. The story is simple but effective because it prioritizes the interaction over the plot. The biggest tribute goes to the bit of meta in the self-caricaturing ending. Loudest laugh: the inconspicuous shot of the saluting German among the wreckage.
Rated 01 Jan 2018
Robert Morley steals the show, but Hepburn and Bogart at least make a fight of it.
Rated 07 Jan 2018
Classic action/romance. Doesn't bring anything new to the table but it's admirably executed.
Rated 11 Mar 2018
Captain of Louisa: "By the authority vested in me by Kaiser William the Second I pronounce you man and wife - proceed with the execution."
Rated 21 Mar 2018
Perfectly cast, smartly written, and beautifully filmed, The African Queen remains thrilling, funny, and effortlessly absorbing even after more than half a century's worth of adventure movies borrowing liberally from its creative DNA.
Rated 13 Sep 2018
An inspired piece of casting brought Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn together. This is a comedy, a love story, and a tale of adventure, and it is one of the most charming and entertaining movies ever made
Rated 24 Nov 2019
I found this quite a charming film - the two main characters, the upper class Rose Sayer (played by Kathearine Hepburn) and the working class Charlie Allnutt (played by Humphrey Bogart) make quite the unusual pair - their discomfort at being together comes across well but I thought it was sweet how they slowly started to care for each other, even though they so also get on each others nerves. The performances are good mostly, though there were 1-2 moments which I felt were a little over the top.
Rated 26 Dec 2018
Rated 12 Mar 2019
Rated 25 Apr 2019
Two great stars, but doesn't hold up well with age. The charm lies entirely in the characters.


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