Funny People
Funny People
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Funny People

Funny People

Comedy, Drama
2h 26m
When comedian George Simmons learns of his terminal health condition, his desire to form a genuine friendship cause him to take a green performer under his wing as his opening act.

Funny People

Comedy, Drama
2h 26m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 40.28% from 3133 total ratings

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Rated 02 Aug 2009
Easily Apatow's best work, this is his first truly Great film. While it is a long, sprawling movie, it is so rich with character detail I don't think there's much that could be cut without hurting the story. The acting is exceptional from everyone, and while I had my doubts about Mann (wife-casting rarely works), she really delivers. The movie often flirts with cliche, but resolves itself in natural, realistic ways. It's awkward and messy, but so is life. A very personal film for me. I loved it.
Rated 31 Jul 2009
With Funny People, Apatow has proved not only that he is a solid filmmaker, but that he has matured and blossomed from his facetiousness and fitted into a more tender and susceptible outfit. Its incognito is cleverly covered by a comedy cloak, but underneath its rough edges is a very sensitive and deplorably morose issue of one man's everyday difficulties, predicaments and empty loneliness that slowly takes over his sentience. Will certainly be nominated for awards and Oscars, no doubt about it.
Rated 02 Aug 2009
Funny People strikes the right balance between drama and comedy that both Knocked Up and the 40 Year Old Virgin had going for it. Its a better story and it actually seems rather biographical for everyone involved. The jokes never miss and its hard not to empathize with the characters even at their darkest, most pathetic moments. I loved this movie and can't wait to see it again.
Rated 02 Aug 2009
"Funny People" is really two movies wedged into one. The first half deals with George's sickness and the world of stand-up. You would think that this would be the much funnier half, being that it's literally about being funny. In fact, it's the second half that garners most of the chuckles. Every character in this film is flawed. No evil or purely good people here. It feels very real. Characters change organically. Slowly. They remain mostly the same, but try to be better one joke at a time.
Rated 12 Aug 2009
I was extremely excited to see this film, and though it is pretty good, it definitely disappointed me. The comedy was not as good as other films like knocked up and 40 year old virgin, but there were a few scenes that made me laugh aloud, most notably the scene with eminem. Now, the drama was quite captivating, and Sandler's fantastic performance really brought all of those emotions down like you were experiencing them first hand, but it dragged on for far too long.
Rated 25 Oct 2009
Funny People is a film of great maturity. Apatow has shown that he is a competent filmmaker and that he is capable of mature themes, some of which are surprisingly dark and grim. On board this time are, of course, Seth Rogen (as Seth Rogen) and Adam Sandler (as, one can assume, Adam Sandler when faced with his own mortality). I never thought I would say this, but Adam Sandler delivers a formidable performance in this. I usually can't stand the man, but his character is thoroughly convincing.
Rated 23 Jul 2009
Judd Apatow's finest and funniest film. When I went to a screening at the Museum of the Moving Image, Apatow was there, and had a conversation with the curator prior to the movie. He mentioned that FUNNY PEOPLE is really three films in one, and he's right. Normally, that wouldn't work, but with such an amazing cast--Apatow is always great at casting--it works phenomenally. It will be nominated for several Oscars and win several Oscars. A great, great time, even though it's almost 2.5 hours.
Rated 01 Aug 2009
A solid and oddly charming first hour or so transforms into an unpleasant, uneffective, and boring final seven hours. Jesus, man. Why are some of these scenes necessary? Eminem and Ray Romano? Seriously? Best part is definitely Jason Schwartzman. Worst part is the terribly forced humor and second act melodrama that I gave up caring about after the 100th European accent joke.
Rated 01 Aug 2009
I think I got my expectations a bit too high for this film, so I was a little disappointed. Don't get me wrong, this movie is very funny, and has a good message included. The only problem I had was its length-- almost 2.5 hours and the ending seemed to drag on a bit. I was very impressed by Seth Rogen's acting, though. I've always really liked him, but this was the most serious I've seen him and he delivered. :)
Rated 02 Aug 2009
After both Judd Apatow's and Seth Rogan's last few films, I have been disappointed by each of them to the point where I expected to be disappointed with this movie too. But I was actually very impressed by this movie. Why I liked it: It was relatable, insightful and the "love story" was not sappy or corny or unbelieveable (like other Apatow films where a total awkward loser gets the girl.) This film had depth and great character development. Worth seeing.
Rated 10 Aug 2009
I really liked it up to the point where it decided to drop everything it had going for it, and tack on some boring, pointless soap opera that's neither relevant to the film's main premise, or funny. Glad to see Sandler in one of the few respectable roles in his career, though.
Rated 12 Aug 2009
A story was hidden in there, but too much extra stuff making the film drag out for over 2 freakin hours. If you are barely going to use it then don't give Rogen a girlfriend. That could cut 20 minutes out. I thought the 1st half was good , but then when they got to Mann's house it started to crumble. You could call what was going to happen. Parts of the stand-up were funny. I thought Rogen was the best character, and the "Teach" show amusing too. Good but had the potential to be better.
Rated 13 Oct 2009
Not much wrong with this film, Sandler in the role of a lifetime and the supporting cast shone in their respective performances. The third act was disappointing, could've used some polishing. Few directors these days can follow a straight path and not fuck it up along the way (Scorsese, Coen Brothers, Tarantino and PTA come to mind). It's still enjoyable, but not as much as Apatow's previous entries. Do you enjoy anything other than sex related jokes, I mean grow up America !
Rated 11 Nov 2009
Overly long melodrama with dick jokes.
Rated 22 Nov 2009
Apatow's comedies feel like a stuck record and I'm just not laughing anymore. I liked the rest of the script though and Sandler manages to actually be good when he's serious.
Rated 03 Dec 2009
Finally a mature movie from Judd Apatow. The comedy was good as usual but the drama was ok. Everyhting was good until Leslie Mann and Eric Bana ruined it. However, Leslie Mann was less irritating in this movie, but Seth Rogen and Adam Sandler were amazing.
Rated 16 Jan 2010
I always love seeing a bunch of comedians get together and jaw, so I loved that part of the movie. Great performances, and good direction by Apatow. Sadly the entire lost love arch could have been scraped in my opinion, making the movie a perfect length.
Rated 21 Feb 2010
Overlong and ultimately unfunny, this could've done without Mann's character and the plotlines that followed. The mellow tone is set early on and is quite enjoyable at first but there's just not enough of anything good here to hold your interest. Whether the consistent shiteness of the stand-up gags that pepper this is intentionally ironic or not is unclear, and the genuine stock footage of some of the principals adds nothing. Lots of cameos with probably the best coming from Eminem.
Rated 25 Sep 2010
I for one actually liked this one. I liked Sandler as a depressed sell out and I liked Rogen as the young hungry comedian. It definitely wanders sometimes, particularly with a romance storyline that wasn't really needed (although it did get Bana being ridiculous).
Rated 02 Aug 2009
At first I thought I really liked it, but slowly liking it less and less. Some editing down needed, but if you took out all the filler you'd be left with a 3rd rate bromance, and a 7th rate romance. I feel tricked as I genuinely enjoyed seeing it, but I can't rate it too high because it is cliched, and probably cannot hold up over multiple viewings.
Rated 03 Aug 2009
A certified dramedy with strong performances by all the cast. the only major downfall is that it sometimes seems to lack focus. it seemed like a really personal look into the world of standup and celebrity life, courtesy of apatow.
Rated 03 Aug 2009
Less a comedy and more of a drama about comedians, Funny People goes to some dark places and pulls few punches in exploring the personalities of its two leads. There's a lot of dimension to the relationships and the far from perfect characters that drive them, to the degree of discomfort making the interspersed moments of comic wittiness a true relief. Anyone looking for a satirical buddy comedy or a happily ever after romance should heed the warning.
Rated 21 Jun 2010
An uneven but likable film that tries to mash two movies' plots into one. This makes it way too long but it does have some good laughs and real drama (for instance - the visit at the ex's family becomes a surprisingly nuanced character portrait)
Rated 05 Aug 2009
A drama disguised as a comedy, Funny People is Judd Apatow's cancer movie. It's funny, but more in spurts than its predecessors. Where it succeeds is in the relationship between Sandler and Rogen, whose burgeoning and belabored friendship is well-realized, thanks to probably the best work from both actors. It could use a cut of about twenty minutes, especially in the last act, but it's definitely worth watching.
Rated 04 Dec 2012
Despite being more of a drama than a comedy, it's still funnier than Apatow's previous two (which I would consider more comedies than dramas). This is a rare Adam Sandler performance which, although often funny, has well-utilised substance and isn't him just laughing at poo or making rancid pop culture references (in fact, this film very much makes fun of what became of Sandler after this -- ohh, the irony). UPDATE- overlong last act undermines the great first two acts
Rated 21 Sep 2010
Whoever thought Apatow had it in him to make a subtle and mature drama. Funny People may not have totally hit the mark but it comes pretty close and it's never boring. I think he should do more of this stuff. It's good.
Rated 06 Aug 2009
Despite some strong acting and a very interesting premise, 'Funny People' is strangely uneven. The film opens great with some big laughs and seems to be on an interesting path with Sandler's character's impending demise. Once the plot shifts focus and Leslie Mann's character is thrown in the mix, the story detours into a painful slog of a third act. Apatow's latest is well-acted, very funny early on, and I praise Sandler's departure here and the film's honest approach, but the movie lost me.
Rated 10 Aug 2009
Like my review for "Orphan": a lot of well-executed material in the first half, but it's now painfully obvious that Hollywood can no longer negotiate an ending. This movie does, however, make a liar out of my review for "Click", where I state that Sandler is not a dramatic actor. He's not a GREAT one, but he actually had me sucked into his character. The "Dante/Randal" dynamic between Sandler/Rogan pales in comparison to Dante and Randal, but is still there and I appreciate it. Funny in spurts.
Rated 10 Aug 2009
Thanx 2 the trailer, we know something Sandler's character doesn't, so although the film is generally funny its first hour takes on a sort of rambling quality, only gathering momentum in the last 45 minutes. The careful build-up gives this last part a rushed-through feeling, but it seems unavoidable since Apatow has clearly taken his time to craft a script that never sacrifices plausibility for a laugh & characters who aren't perfect &, most important, seem very real.
Rated 16 Sep 2010
There were some length issues, but i enjoyed Sandler and Rogen more in this than i usually do. It was quite good with a decent amount of laughs.
Rated 22 Aug 2009
The first half of this film is great, but the second half just falls apart. Film is too long, and I started to get bored during the second half of the film. Even though I did not like the second half I still enjoyed the ending of the film, and really enjoyed the first half. I should have rented it rather than have seen it in theater.
Rated 20 Sep 2009
Pretty good, but way too long and the pacing sucks. Worth watching to see Adam Sandler acting well in a good movie. Fucking surreal. Also, as unlikable as Sandler's character is, I totally agree with him about the little girl singing the Cats song. It was fucking weird and hilarious.
Rated 17 Oct 2009
The drama works really well, the comedy however is not funny enough.
Rated 06 Nov 2009
Good: Few jokes from Sandler; Bad: Most humor wasn't funny, especially the stand-up (all lame), very depressing, mostly drama (85%) vs. comedy (15%), bad ending w/ no real conclusion, dorky roommates never really worked well in the film and seemed out of place.
Rated 13 Nov 2009
A real disappointment. Seems to me that Laura's wish to return to her acting career might be the result of the portraying actress' own wish, who happens to be the director Judd Apatow's wife. Bad performances, bad script. Not funny people, not funny at all.
Rated 25 Nov 2009
not really the funniest movie out there, besides guests like eminem joking and some other stuff like eric bana and when leslie mann was doing the accent, most jokes were pretty bad, actually i'm a bit disappointed cause i expected a lot from that movie, with a cast like that you could think that you leave the cinema with tears in your eyes from laughing ...
Rated 06 Sep 2010
That is the movie with Adam Sandler I can really appreciate. It was not a real comedy in its usual sense but there were some moments I laughed at. The drama line wasn't exiting but it was colored by Sandler's performance, who, at least, sometimes can be a real actor.
Rated 07 Dec 2009
Not REALLY funny nor REALLY touching. Overlong, overcrowded and in the last hour all over the place.
Rated 21 Jul 2010
Misleading title.
Rated 04 Jan 2010
Starts off rocky then after a potential misfire in these opening twenty odd minutes, the performances, jokes and general flow of the story start rolling. All is well till Leslie Mann's character - Laura has a bigger influence. Writing gets worse. Performances get worse. Everything gets cluttered and completely falls apart. Has a few laughs but overall a chore to watch.
Rated 14 Jan 2010
It starts off really well and has some nice ideas, but in the end you're left wanting. It doesn't amount to as much as it could have. Instead of going all out with the (initially well done) drama, it settles for easy laughs - and barely succeeds at that. Bana was deliciously over-the-top. Sandler should stay away from serious roles.
Rated 19 Jan 2017
Either the title of the movie is ironic, or it's blatant false advertising.
Rated 21 Jan 2010
This film is almost excellent, but has to settle for just being pretty good. Sandler and Rogen work well together, and the solid script allows for the humour to stay relatively fresh throughout. Possibly Apatow's best work so far, it is a shame that in terms of structure, much of the film feels messy and uneven, and when a film is far too long at over 2 hours (like this is), then that is a problem. None the less, this is a still a fun movie.
Rated 06 Jul 2010
Essentially a poorly crafted drama which follows comedians of various levels of success through one's bout with AML. While it is somewhat morbidly interesting, and genuinely funny at times, it's just not a good movie. It reminds me a lot of "Henry Poole is here", similarly unmoving and uninspired.
Rated 02 Feb 2010
A bunch of comedians are employed to improv their way out of a drama about the loneliness and alienation of comedians. Apatow deals best with the older actors (RZA's great here) and family unit; he taps a listless, angry sorrow in Sandler, affects a transformation in Mann from young mom to emboldened over-actor and back, finds a flamboyant muscularity in Eric Bana, and gets true material out of his daughters. The plotting is weak though, and the 20-somethings of the cast do their usual thing.
Rated 01 Aug 2009
After a second viewing I couldn't even make it through the whole movie. Score 66 --> Score 50
Rated 02 Aug 2009
The "comedy" here is really just filler (half-assed dick jokes, and Sandler doing his funny voice thing). The main plot of the film takes an unnecessary detour in the last hour of the film, as it focuses on Sandler trying to mend a relationship, leaving absolutely no room for hammering a point home. Apatow must have included it just so his wife and kids get more screen-time. People whispering about Oscars for this film are delusional. These "funny people" should stick to comedies like "Merman".
Rated 29 Mar 2011
It's always nice to see Adam Sandler not in an Adam Sandler film but I just didn't see the brilliance in this film that some many people seem to have.
Rated 04 Aug 2009
The first half of Funny People is a suitable companion piece to Punch-Drunk Love or this year's Observe and Report -- films in which sociopathic comedic personas were mined for a queasy pathos rather than puerile laughs -- but the latter half is a messy ode to family that lets its antihero off the hook.
Rated 04 Aug 2009
The second half should have been shorter, first half longer...that being said....was good
Rated 05 Aug 2009
Could've been way better. I like the idea, but it stretched on way too long. Could've done without Jason Schwartzman.
Rated 09 Mar 2011
Zelo povprečno.
Rated 06 Aug 2009
Kinda boring, really. Unlike another review, I thought the Eminem part was the funniest. There were a couple other jokes scattered along the way but it's really not a funny movie and the main story has some heart but isn't as good as other Apatow stories. He's been declining in quality, plus I don't like Adam Sandler generally, as a rule, it turns out.
Rated 07 Aug 2009
I have to admit I was disappointed. Not because I was expecting it to be funny, but because I was expecting it to be well written. Less time spent at Leslie Mann's house, more with Rogen and his roommates would have served the story, and allowed for more fun inbetween the drama. Also, it's a little long.
Rated 09 Aug 2009
Very funny and similar to other great comedies, but the plot lacked cohesion and it was extremely long. A movie with this run time should have had a good plot, whilst in the movie theater i was very aware of the time, and i was not at all intrigued by the plot. If you want a funny comedy with horrible plot structure then go watch this comedy.
Rated 03 Dec 2010
Insightful, thoughtful and introspective, but not actually that funny.
Rated 13 Aug 2009
Unmistakably an Apatow product, for good and bad. There's no shortage of ideas in the movie.Sometimes it feels like too much. You admire Apatow's ambition even as you're swamped by it. He remains incredibly undisciplined as a filmmaker. His films may be tested and reshaped repeatedly before release, but they all feel like products of a meandering mind. He's a skilled satirist and an empathetic humanist, but he lacks the audacious creativity to overcome the slapdash construction of his films.
Rated 14 Aug 2009
The most artistically ambitious of Judd Apatow's films and the one that falls furthest from achieving its goals.
Rated 09 Dec 2023
this isn't bad until it leaves you stuck for an hour with Apatow's wife
Rated 28 Apr 2013
Some funny scenes. Part of Apatow's troubling descent from making comedies into making dramas for middle-agers with a token amount of comedy.
Rated 11 Mar 2011
this is what happens when a creative mind is given too much control. apatow has run amuck here. funny people is ocassionally funny; honestly dramatic and in the rarest of times, genuinely sad. but it has everything. the film literally makes you think nothing has been left on the cutting room floor, and the end result is a mess. this is the icarus of apatow's career, it tried to just a tad too much. questioning the necessity of producers anymore, anyone?
Rated 26 Aug 2013
* Casting, Acting : 6.5 * Script : 6 * Directing, Aura : 7 * Ease of Viewing : 7 * Naked Eye : 7
Rated 20 Aug 2009
worse than I could have prayed for
Rated 20 Aug 2009
An angry, bitter movie about the misery of realizing how bad you've screwed up, and trying - and failing - to fix it. Nothing funny about it, but a poignant drama (with dick jokes)
Rated 11 Sep 2019
There aren't many funny people in this movie, so I'm calling bullshit. Eric Bana is great, Seth Rogen does his best, too bad his acting performance is terribly mixed. The many characters do not work too the movies advantage, but Judd Apatow, just like Adam Sandler, has to involve all his friends in his movies. Good chap,
Rated 25 Nov 2012
This is way too long.
Rated 13 Sep 2010
Decent first half, boring second
Rated 09 Jul 2014
Oh Judd why did you have to ruin comedy films with everything being super bloated and long and filled with ... bloat. I'm too drained to come up with shtick.
Rated 09 Oct 2009
Though not at their best, you get to see Adam, Seth and Jonah, which was worth the ticket for me. Some stand-up with mostly dick jokes, a couple of fun scenes. Eric Bana is funny in it too, partly thanks to the Aussie accent. The downside is that the plot gets a little lost after the middle and, especially in the second half, there are too many pauses, which kills the momentum and makes the film a bit too long.
Rated 19 Apr 2012
A lot of talented sidekicks (Bana, Schwartzman, Hill) but in the end, a movie about all the bad sides of America. It is like Wall-Street with Penis-Jokes: over-materialistic protagonists, who are so unreflected about themselves and unappealing that it hurts.
Rated 15 Mar 2010
Enjoyed it quite a bit, although it is so painfully awkward so many times. It's also fairly obvious how personal this story is to the people involved, and you don't see that very often.
Rated 14 Nov 2009
Not as funny as the title would lead you to believe. A decent drama, though.
Rated 15 Nov 2009
Good film, but way too long.
Rated 25 Aug 2019
From this film I get the impression that the US is one hell of a sexually repressed nation.
Rated 11 Mar 2010
This movie was a disappointment for me. It didn't give me any laughs so it just failed. The title suggests a movie about funny people and yes the characters are funny in a sort of unfunny way. But the movie isn't. Maybe it wasn't meant to be but anyway I didn't like this movie.
Rated 27 Nov 2009
Some of the times it tries to be funny it actually is, other times it fails. But all in all a good movie.
Rated 27 Nov 2009
I was thinking this was going to be kind of lame before I watched it, but worth a few laughs...I was wrong, I ended up liking it alot. Sandler knows how to be funny and serious in the same movie (I realized this from 2 or three of his past movies that were a mix of serious and funny, and made me appreciate him more). It was chocked full of hilarious jokes and balanced with a touch of heavy. The supporting guy Seth, I think, was a bit of a wuss, but nice offset from Sandler. A bit long though.
Rated 30 Nov 2009
The movie is cool for the good comedy of the world of the stand-up comedys and your crude jokes, with a good interaction with a drama, a little more complex than the usual Apatow movies. But perhaps because it is too long, ends up getting lost in its main story and other mini plots.
Rated 19 Jul 2019
Even though the story is interesting, it's painfully long.
Rated 18 Apr 2012
Good, but waaaay too long. By far the best thing to come out of this movie is Aziz Ansari's alternative comedic persona, RAAAANDY! Also, why isn't Eric Bana in more comedies (which is how he got his start in Australia)? He's damn funny and has legitimate acting chops to boot. America can handle him in more than just historic action/dramas.
Rated 02 Dec 2010
"The Adam Sandler persona is subjected to careful dissection and revealed at last as a self-obsessed asshole whose childlike whimsy and offhand charm can no longer make up for a lack of regard for anything outside of his limited worldview." - Andrew Schenker
Rated 11 Mar 2010
I want my money back. I was misled by the title to believe I'd find funny people in this film. Instead it has the zero Rogan, and Sandler, who is under the impression that unfunny things said in an annoying voice count as impersonation humor. The funniest thing about his character is his terminal illness. I only wish his death was quicker: the illness drags on for two and a half hours. Fast death upon the abominable Apatow as well, whose script guffaws childishly at mere utterance of profanity.
Rated 07 Dec 2009
im sorry adam sandler and seth rogen
Rated 10 Dec 2009
Finally something quality of Adam ...
Rated 21 Feb 2017
Judd Apatow and Adam Sandler make a surprisingly emotional movie drawing from their own very real life stories and relationships. Down to the title itself the film seems like a comedy from the jump until its a cancer movie all of a sudden, but insert cliche here, "that's how life really is and tragedy just crashes your party." In the end the film is an entertaining drama, but eventually becomes exhausting with its near 2.5 hour running time.
Rated 02 Jun 2013
Maybe my complaint would be that it is just too long? Yes, that is it.
Rated 24 Jun 2014
Loses some points for one incredibly contrived moment that doesn't fit the character but services the plot in a formulaic way.
Rated 21 Jun 2010
Turned out to be pretty good.
Rated 28 Dec 2009
well we understand judd apatow isn't paul thomas anderson
Rated 29 Dec 2009
got too boring for me... (maybe i didnt get the story)
Rated 30 Dec 2009
Great story that went about 30 minutes too long.
Rated 05 Dec 2011
An entire hour of exposition that should have been edited down quite a bit, but the last hour is well worth it. A little bogged down but the onslaught of cameos, although most of the jokes work.
Rated 21 Dec 2010
Seth Rogen's kind-hearted nature are the only highlights of the film. Adam Sandler's character is atrocious and loathsome, a guy that you really hate and want to do away with.
Rated 05 Jul 2014
There's too much movie, one that can't seem to decide on its emotional center: is it the younger man's journey of becoming a comedian, or the older comedian's attempt at becoming a better man? By not focusing on one or the other the movie ultimately serves as a disservice to both. Also, it just isn't very funny.
Rated 14 Jan 2010
Adam Sandler in a semi-serious movie that isn't all that bad. But still: It's just Sandler and his usual antics with some cliche love story tacked on. Very forgettable.
Rated 15 Jan 2010
So good. Unreal. So bittersweet. We are our own problem, and maybe there is some hope. So goddamn truthful to the life of a funny man. Like Richard Pryor's "I Have to Keep Laughing or I'll Die." Humor comes from pain.
Rated 19 Nov 2011
Apatow's most personal film to date feels like a biography of Sandler: a guy that is really funny, but is kind of dumb and self-destructive by using his gags in cheap, lousy projects. It's really too bad that he made dozens of bad films after (and way before) this one, but Funny People is a dramedy that, most of the time, works pretty good: it seems like everyone involved in it is playing a particular version of their own lives -- not necessarily the real one --, both happy and tragic.
Rated 07 Feb 2010
A real funny that has some tragedy to it. One of the best Adam Sandler and Seth Rogen movies I have ever seen. Everything seemed so well done and there didn't seem to be anything wasted with this movie. It is a little long, but it is worth watching.
Rated 07 Feb 2010
Adam Sandler is really, really, really good in this. I would argue that this is hardly a comedy at all, and probably shouldn't be judged by how many laughs it gets. We go maybe 30 minutes near the end of the film where there were no laughs, which was the right move. The movie isn't trying to showcase how funny these people are, but rather how desperate and lonely they are. Even during the stand up portions the setup or punchline is oftentimes skipped. No, this is much more than a comedy.
Rated 12 Nov 2016


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